Chasing Summer

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Chasing Summer Page 4

by Marissa Stefson

  His hands are at my hips, teasing the soft skin beneath my shirt with his fingertips, and goosebumps bloom across my skin. Unable to stand being apart from those lips any longer, I guide his face back to mine. Our tongues tangle as I run my palms over the hard planes of his chest, before tugging his lower lip between my teeth with a soft gasp. I can sense the same urgency flooding through him.

  The hot suction of his lips below my ear drives me wild, my nipples hardening through the plum lace of my bra. His hands are everywhere, leaving a trail of warmth behind that unfurls in my chest. Powerful hands cup my breasts through my top, and I lift my arms so he can pull it over my head. He pauses for a minute, silently running his eyes over the soft swells of my breasts. I hear his soft hiss of appreciation and can’t hide my grin.

  My hands grip his hair as I arch my back, allowing him to kiss and lick a path down my collarbone as he unhooks the clasp. The plum lace lingerie flitters to the floor, leaving me bare before him. His eyes are so dark now, they’re nearly black. He looks like he wants to speak, but instead he wraps his lips around a nipple, flicking it with his tongue until I'm writhing beneath him against the hood of my car.

  His fingers curl around the button of my shorts, unzipping them and moaning against my mouth when I lift up my hips to assist him. He slides them down my legs, along with my lacy panties, until they drop to the floor with a soft thud. My entire body thrums with need, my mind consumed with all the filthy ways we can relieve the ache between my thighs.

  “You’re a fucking goddess, Aria.” He sighs before pushing me back so I’m flat against the hood of the car my father bought me. Using his large hands to spread me open, he runs a finger through my glistening folds to collect my arousal. When he brings his finger to his lips, groaning as he tastes me, I nearly come undone. He drags me to the edge and sinks to his knees.

  My head hits the hood when I feel his breath ghost over my core, my eyes squeezing shut in anticipation of his mouth. He teases me with endless kisses to my hip bones and up my inner thighs, before finally connecting with my throbbing channel. The warmth of his tongue against my entrance sends electricity coursing through me, and a fresh wave of desire washes over me.

  I whine filthily when he glides his tongue through me, swirling and teasing with long, slow licks before switching it up to quick flicks against my clit. He sucks and nibbles while I whimper, aching to be filled up by him.

  “Ah, you’re so good at that,” I breathe, rocking against his mouth. I grip a handful of his dark hair in my hand, tugging gently as he lavishes my folds with his mouth. When I pull harder than I intend to, he grunts against me and the vibrations nearly send me flying over the edge. He pulls me closer to his mouth and grips my thighs, attacking my pussy with a fervor as my thighs clamp around his head. He sucks my clit between his teeth, grazing it carefully, as his finger dips inside my tight core. He twists his wrist and curls it inside of me as he flicks my sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue.

  “Come for me, gorgeous.”

  His thumb kisses my clit along with his tongue, and I feel myself shatter. The room goes white and my toes curl inside my shoes. Even though I’m clearly already there, doesn't stop moving, instead circling the sensitive bud over and over to draw out my high. His moans vibrate against my folds, his face certainly coated in my hot release.

  I’m trembling, walls still clenching wildly when I feel it: the insatiable need for more. I’m still riding the waves of the best orgasm of my entire life, but all I can think about is being filled by him, by the thick, long cock pressing against my thigh when he leans in to drink in the sight of me in my afterglow.

  “So, what’s the verdict?” He grins as he wipes my release from his lush lips with the hem of his gray cotton tank top. “Do I get the go-ahead for the next game, coach?” He hands me my top and I slip it over my head before swatting at him with a snicker.

  “Hell yes, you do. But the season’s almost over,” I remind him. “You only have two days until my car is fixed and I ride off into the sunset.”

  His jaw clenches and the hands that he has resting at my waist tighten around me. “Did I say it’ll be fixed in two days?” He frowns, and lifts something from the tray beside the car. I hear a metallic scrape before he pushes away, crouching down to the floor.

  “Yes, you did...” I lean down to see what he’s up to with a furrowed brow. He throws me a wink before drawing back his hand.

  The metal of the screwdriver glints in the overhead light just before he jams it in my back tire.

  The one he’s just replaced.

  My mouth falls open as the air escapes the puncture site with a slow hiss.

  “Oh, damn. That was the last tire that would work on a luxury model car. Ordering another one will take at least two more weeks.” His grin is mischievous and also contagious, because I’m positive the one on my face is a perfect match.

  “Looks like we just made it to the playoffs.”



  Every time I close my eyes for the rest of the day, visions of Aria pressed against the car flash through my mind. It’s like my own personal porno starring me and my favorite girl, playing over in my head on a loop. My cock is straining against my jeans, so hard and aching I’m afraid it’s going to separate from my body and march down to the bungalow to claim her as my own.

  We have plans to go out tonight, and I have every intention of making things so good for her that she has no choice but to tell her father and her future husband to shove it. But even though the thought infuriates me, I’m trying not to dwell on that. Instead, I’m focusing all my energy on making our time together count.

  I’ve bought myself another two weeks with her, the entirety of the time she would be spending with her snooty aunt in Carson Cove. I’m sure her father will demand she come back home once her aunt tells him she’s not there, but she says she’s not worried about that.

  I shut off the lights and lock the door twenty minutes early, unable to wait another minute to see her. Pushing open the door that connects the shop to my place, I hop in the shower and wash myself as quickly as possible with an injured hand, before jumping out to dress.

  I wrap a towel around my waist and hear the creak of the floor. Someone is in my house. My fingers wrap around the trusty bat I keep for emergencies, but his face comes into view just as my bat is about to connect with his head.

  “Nate, man, you can’t just sneak up on me like that!” I groan and throw the bat back onto the ground. “I almost bashed your face in.”

  “Yikes.” The mayor grimaces at the realization that he almost lost a mouthful of teeth. “Sorry, buddy. I just popped over to see if you finished working on Aria’s car yet.”

  My eyes flick over to him. “Why do you care about Aria’s car?” The possessive edge of my voice is easy to recognize, and Nate beams at me.

  “Damn, Max, I know she’s cute, but that sure was fast.” He slaps a hand against my bare back and I shoot him a warning glare. “Good for you.”

  I roll my eyes and turn towards my dresser. It’s the only piece of furniture in my room besides my bed, so it’s stuffed pretty full. I rummage through my tops before finding one that isn’t too wrinkled, a black fitted t-shirt that accentuates my biceps.

  “Isn’t she leaving town soon, though?” Nate leans down to inspect the bat that nearly cracked open his face. Wincing, he puts it back down gingerly before shoving his hands in the pockets of his khaki pants.

  “She’s staying until her car is fixed,” I grumble, slipping my shirt over my head. “So, I’m taking my sweet ass time to fix it.”

  Nate chuckles and shakes his head. “And I’m guessing, from your selection of a shirt that makes you look like a walking protein shake, that you’re taking her out tonight?”

  I pull my jeans up my hips under my towel so I don’t show Nate what I’m working with under there. He’s got enough to be jealous of already. “Yup. I’ve got big plans to sweep her off her feet. She won�
��t even know what hit her.”

  “That’s great, man. You deserve a nice summer fling.” His gaze drops back down to the bat on the floor. “It’ll be good for you to relax a little.”

  “Oh, she’s more than a summer fling, Nate. I plan to keep her around for a long, long time.” I shrug and run a comb through my hair, adding a little gel to help keep my cowlicks at bay.

  Nate is quiet as he watches me, a pensive expression on his face. He lets out a deep sigh, before stepping closer. “Does she know about your past yet? Have you told her? Because for a girl like her, that’s the kind of thing—”

  I cut him off with a glare. “No, but I will. I don’t want to keep secrets from her.”

  His face softens and he nods. “Good. I don’t want to see you get hurt, man. Tell her the truth and let her make her decision before you’re in too deep.”

  I step into my boots with an exasperated grunt.

  “I think it may already be too late for that.”


  Eden’s bungalow looms before me like a dragon I’ll need to slay before I can rescue the princess. I love Eden to death, but she’s definitely going to grill me like a hamburger before she lets me leave with Aria for our date. With a sigh, I climb the stairs to the front door.

  Before I can even knock, the door swings open and Eden pushes outside with a frown. “You didn’t tell her, Max.” Her arms are folded over her chest and her eyes are narrowed in that way she thinks is intimidating. “You promised.”

  “How do you know I didn’t tell her?” I try, cocking my head to the side.

  “Um, because she didn’t run in here screaming?” When she catches the hurt on my face, she realizes her mistake. “I’m sorry.”

  I exhale in a huff and slouch down to sit on the top step. “Do you think she’s going to run away screaming?”

  Eden slides down beside me and shakes her head. “Your reasons were pure. She’s not stupid—she'll see it. I just don’t want you to wait so long to tell her, that she gets upset about that instead.”

  “I’m gonna tell her tonight, I swear. I just wanted to do a little more wooing first... make it harder for her to walk away.” I offer Eden a shaky smile. “I really hope she doesn’t walk away from me.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, she’s been like, humming to herself as she gets ready for your big date. And she hasn’t stopped smiling since your lunch together.” Eden grins and rests her head against my shoulder. “She’s different, Max. She’s sweet and kind and gentle... did you know she rescues stray dogs and cats? She volunteers in a vet’s office to nurse them back to health, and then helps find them new homes.”

  I shake my head. I didn’t know it, but it doesn’t surprise me.

  Then Eden says the words I’ve been thinking all day. “I can’t help but think she was handpicked by our foster mom just for you.”

  A lump forms in my throat at her words, but I swallow it down before Eden notices that I’m choked up. I stand up and wipe my palms on my jeans, before turning to walk inside.

  It’s time to lay my cards on the table.

  I just hope I don’t lose everything I’ve ever wanted when she sees my crappy hand.



  Max’s hand is wrapped around mine as we walk along the beach. The night is windy for August, but it’s a warm wind that whips through my hair and makes my heart flutter. I know I’ve been smiling like a fool all night, but I can’t help it.

  He makes me happy.

  He took me to dinner earlier at a sweet little place nearby. The conversation flowed between us easily, and we discovered we have a lot of the same interests. He loves animals too, but he can’t have one in his place because it’s too dangerous with all the machinery. I tell him about the fluffy white Pomeranian I plan on getting someday when I leave my father’s house.

  I peek at him from the corner of my eye, and see he’s already watching me. His teeth sink down into his bottom lip, and he looks so damn delicious it’s taking all my willpower not to push him down into the sand and straddle him right here.

  The wind kicks up a bit as we walk, pulling a shiver up my spine. Max’s smirk crinkles his eyes and his arm snakes around my waist. “Sorry I don’t have a coat to take off and drape over your shoulders like in the movies, but it’s August and we’re at the beach, and I had no idea we’d need it.”

  “That’s okay. You can keep me warm with your body heat.”

  “Even better,” he says, pressing his lips to mine softly. At another sudden gust of wind, I turn my head away from Max and look towards the water for the first time in a while. “Those clouds are moving pretty quickly, aren’t they? Is It supposed to storm tonight?”

  My question is answered almost immediately by a loud crack of thunder.

  “Ah shit. We’re in the middle of nowhere,” Max groans, and he’s right. We’ve already been walking for a while. There’s nothing around us but sand and water, for as far as we can see.

  I whine when fat raindrops begin falling from the sky. “Ohh, it’s a cold rain, too!” Max laughs and ducks down towards the sand.

  “Here, baby. Hop on.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, and he lifts me up by the backs of my thighs. Then he takes off full-speed down the beach in the middle of a rainstorm. My excited squeals ring out in the empty space, peppered with Max’s laughter at my discomfort.

  “Hang on tight. I have an idea.”

  My heart flutters in my chest, but all I can do is hold on for the ride. The beach passes by in a blur of gray and beige, so I squeeze my eyes shut until he finally slows down.

  “There’s a little cave right past this inlet. We can take shelter inside until the storm passes.”

  “Oh, thank God,” I mumble. I’m cold and wet and over the rain, so hiding in a cave with Max sounds heavenly. A moment later, we enter the dark, dry cavern. The rain pelting the rocks above us is the perfect background music, soft and soothing to my ears.

  “Are you alright? You must be freezing.” His eyes are filled with concern for me just before he wraps me in a warm hug, and my breath catches in my chest. I nod shrug one shoulder.

  “I’ve never been so alright,” I say quietly. “I love listening to the rain. It reminds me of my mother.”

  “Oh?” He squeezes my shoulder as if to say he’s here if I want to talk about it.

  I don’t speak right away. Instead, we settle down on the ground and watch the lightning crash over the sea. Max wraps both arms around me and draws me into his chest. He tucks his chin against my shoulder and presses a kiss to my earlobe.

  “My mother has been... away... since I was four. Since they found out she couldn’t have more children, and my father told her he already had my entire future mapped out for me with the son of his business partner.” I exhale deeply, and for some reason I’m ready to tell him everything. “He sent her away when she threatened to take me away from him.”

  I hear his sharp intake of breath, but he doesn’t speak at all. He just pulls me even closer to him, so I feel safe and secure while I divulge my dark family secrets.

  “My father told me she left us. He said that she ran off with some younger man, because she didn’t want us anymore. But on my 18th birthday, I got a card with her information on it, along with a letter explaining what he’d done.”

  “What a prick,” he mutters, shaking his head.

  “You have no idea.” I shake my head, running a hand through my rain-soaked locks in a fruitless effort to detangle them. “I threatened him. I told him if he didn’t let me choose my own husband, I would call the media and tell them all his secrets. That’s when he told me he had no problem cutting me off and ‘making me disappear,’ like he did my mother.”

  “That son-of-a-bitch.”

  I feel his arms tense around me, and I run my arm over his forearms. “Yep. Well, now at least you know why I can’t stay here forever with you.” I turn and give him a playful wink to try to lighten the moo
d, but the ticking of his jaw tells me it’s going to take more than that.

  “I wish you could.” He’s quiet a moment, before he presses a kiss to my temple. “But you’ll probably want to run away from here screaming when I tell you about my own history.”

  My sarcastic chuckle echoes throughout the cave. “Not a chance, Max. There’s no way your past is anywhere as twisted as mine.”

  “You’d be surprised, Aria.”

  “Try me,” I challenge. “There’s nothing you can tell me about yourself that would make me want to leave this cave.”

  “Alright. Settle in, gorgeous. You’re in for quite a ride.”



  I slide her damp, dark hair to the side of her shoulder and pepper the side of her face with kisses. She sighs and snuggles in closer. I dread ruining this moment with my dark history, but I want her to know everything about me.

  “I met Eden at my first foster house. My parents were killed in a car crash and I had no family to take me in, so I went into the system. Luckily, I was cute when I was six—I wasn’t always the hairy oaf sitting here right now—so I was picked right away. My foster parents were perfect, and their foster daughter, Eden, was the little sister I’ve always wanted.”

  Her fingers lace with mine as if she knows what’s coming, and I squeeze her tiny hand in mine.

  “My foster mother had diabetes. They were in the process of adopting us when she went into a diabetic coma.” She goes stiff in my arms, “My foster father went into depression when we lost her, and they took us away before it was finalized.”

  “Max. I’m so sorry,” she whispers. I feel her lips on my neck, and want nothing more than to find comfort in her arms right now.


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