Summer Vows (Arabesque)

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Summer Vows (Arabesque) Page 27

by Alers, Rochelle

  Turning around, Ana met his eyes. “I have too many clothes and shoes.”

  Jacob’s eyebrows lifted. “You think?”

  She smiled. “I know. I still have clothes at my parents’ house. What I’m going to do is go through the closet and pack up everything I no longer wear and donate them to several charitable organizations.”

  Angling his head, Jacob placed a light kiss at the corners of her mouth. “That’s a wonderful idea.” It was what he’d hoped she would do.

  “I’ll call the concierge tomorrow and order cartons so I can box...” The chime of the doorbell preempted her statement. “That’s Daddy.”

  Jacob dropped his arms. “I’ll get it.”

  Ana stood in the middle of the living room, her heart pounding a runaway rhythm as she waited to see her father and brother. Jacob’s pronouncement that he was willing to relocate from Miami had shocked her as much as his revelation that her net worth would no longer become a topic of discussion. It was apparent he wanted to save their marriage and he was willing to compromise and make the necessary sacrifices to achieve that goal. And he wasn’t just mouthing the words, but that he truly loved her.

  Jones men make good husbands. We support our women, protect them and remain faithful. Ana bit her lip to stop its trembling when she recalled Jacob’s boast. “I love him,” she whispered over and over as tears rolled down her face. She was still crying when her mother, sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins rushed into the living room, hugging and kissing her until she felt faint.

  “Please stop! I can’t breathe.”

  Jacob managed to wind his way through the throng of Coles to rescue his wife, his arms going protectively around her body as she wiped away her tears. “I know you’re happy to see Ana, but right now she’s a little overwhelmed because she didn’t expect all of you to show up.”

  David, Jason, Diego and Gabriel walked in, all carrying large covered trays from which wafted the most mouth-watering aromas. “Welcome home, baby girl,” David shouted loudly as he strolled in the direction of the kitchen.

  “I wanted to tell you that the family was coming, but David swore me to secrecy,” Diego said, as he followed his uncle into the kitchen.

  Jason lingered, dipping his head and kissing Ana’s cheek. “You look pretty good for an old married woman.”

  Ana hugged her twin. “You try marriage. It definitely has its perks.” She smiled at her mother who stood motionless with the most angelic smile on her face. “Hello, Mama.” She extended her arms and Ana wasn’t disappointed when Serena walked into her embrace.

  Serena pulled back, staring into a pair of eyes so much like her own, her gaze moving slowly over her daughter’s face. “You’re a little thin, but other than that you look beautiful.”

  A rush of joy and peace enveloped Ana like her mother’s hug. She touched the graying reddish curls. “Jacob has promised to fatten me up.”

  Serena gave her a startled look. “Are you planning on getting pregnant?”

  “Not yet. I’d like to get used to being married first.”

  “You’re staying together?”

  “Of course,” Ana said glibly. “We love each other.”


  Ana glanced down to find her goddaughter Victoria Grayslake tugging on the leg of her white slacks. Bending slightly, she picked up the four-year-old, hugging her tightly and spinning her around and around, Victoria squealing for her to go faster and faster.

  She stopped abruptly, her own head spinning until she regained her balance. Pressing her forehead to the little girl’s, Ana stared into a pair of hazel eyes that changed color depending upon her mood. Heavy red waves fell over the child’s damp forehead. She planted a loud kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for coming to see me.”

  Victoria flashed a smile, and a single dimple appeared in her right cheek. “You’re welcome.”

  The little girl never failed to surprise Ana. Vicky, as her younger cousins called her, was articulate and extremely bright. Alexandra and Merrick had enrolled her in preschool, but at three Vicky was reading on a third-grade level. Her parents subsequently enrolled her in a school for gifted children where the child blossomed like a newly opened flower.

  Ana took turns hugging her older brother, his wife and their three children. Going on tiptoe, she whispered in Diego’s ear that she was going to get him back for not telling her he’d arranged for the family to welcome her home.

  Diego lifted her until her sandaled feet were off the floor. “If I’d told you, then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Gracias, primo. Excuse me, but I want say hello to Vivienne, then I have to figure out where everyone’s going to sit.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Your dining-room table seats twelve, so that’s enough room for the grown folks. You can spread a tablecloth on the floor for the kids so they’ll think they’re having a picnic. Even if they ate at a table you know that most of the food ends up on the floor anyway.”

  Anna nodded in agreement as her gaze swept over the assembly. “Where’re Michael and Jolene? I thought they would’ve come down with Alex.” Her cousin and his wife lived Georgetown, and Alexandra and Merrick lived in Alexandria.

  “Jolene is kinda pregnant, so she decided to sit this out until she’s feeling better.”

  Ana wanted to tell Diego there was no such thing as kinda pregnant. Either she was or she wasn’t. “Where’s Merrick?” It was a Saturday, and she knew he worked Monday through Friday.

  Taking her arm, Diego led her away from the others. “We can’t involve Merrick, Gavin or even your husband in this.”

  With wide eyes, she stared numbly at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “Lower your voice, Ana. They’re federal agents and we don’t want to compromise their careers.”

  “Who are we?” she whispered harshly.

  “Martin, your father, Jason, Joshua, Timothy, Matthew Sterling and myself.”

  Ana held up a hand. “Please don’t tell me anymore.” She’d heard enough. As a child she’d overheard conversations that Matthew Sterling had been a highly paid mercenary before he’d retired to become a New Mexico horse breeder.

  Turning on her heels, she approached Vivienne and Jacob. The sight of her husband cradling his godson while the toddler slept on his shoulder hit her full force. Ana stared at the large hand splayed over the child’s back and at that moment she tried fantasizing about him holding their son or daughter. She’d asked that he wait until after they exchanged vows to begin a family, but seeing him now had her questioning herself.

  Was she being fair to him when he’d confessed to wanting to get her pregnant? Jacob had done all the compromising, while she’d remained inflexible as to what she wanted or wouldn’t do. Marriage was about give and take and so far she’d done all of the taking. A satisfied smile crossed her features. It was her turn to do a little giving.

  “Hi, Viv,” she said, greeting Diego’s gorgeous wife. Her high cheekbones, sensual mouth and tawny-colored eyes that made her appear slightly startled had most men giving her a second look whenever she entered a room.

  Vivienne hugged Ana, then looping their arms steered her over to the window. “I’ll have you know I gave Diego the business when he told me that he’d arranged for you to marry Jake, but when he explained why it was necessary I told him I would think about forgiving him. You know how I feel about Jake. If it hadn’t been for his help in solving my ex-husband’s so-called hit-and-run I wouldn’t be here talking to you.”

  Ana stared at the woman who’d pulled her shoulder-length hair up in a ponytail. “Do you think I’m going to hurt him, Vivienne?”

  “Oh, no,” she said much too quickly.

  “Everyone knows how controlling Diego can be,” Ana said in a softer tone. “But this is one time I ha
ve to say he did the right thing. I’m in love with Jacob.”

  Vivienne’s expression brightened. “You’re kidding?”

  “No, I’m not. We’ve decided to stay together.”

  “Hot damn!” Vivienne said between clenched teeth. “I know it’s a little premature, but will you become godmother for my next baby.”

  “Your next baby? Are you telling me you’re pregnant?”

  Placing the finger of her left hand to her mouth Vivienne nodded. The diamond on her hand reflected off the light coming through the windows, giving off blue-white sparks. Ana was familiar with the ring her grandmother had worn for eighty-five years before she gave it to her great-grandson for his fiancée.

  “It was confirmed a couple of days ago, but Diego and I decided to wait until the end of the month before we make the announcement.”

  “Your secret is safe with me. And I’m honored you’ve asked me to be godmother.” She glanced around her. “I’m not much a hostess if I’m standing around running off at the mouth.” Ana hugged Vivienne again. “We’ll talk later.”

  Chapter 16

  Ana sat at the opposite end of the dining-room table from Jacob, smiling when he winked at her. Her father had ordered enough food to feed a football team. There were trays of fried chicken, perñil—roast pork shoulder, white rice, black beans, Southern-style oxtail, collard greens, pulled pork, bacalaitos—salt cod fritters, chicken and beef empanadas, tostones and maduro: twice-fried bananas and sweet plantains. Conversations in English and Spanish floated around the table, while the children, seated on the floor, chatted comfortably with one another in English.

  Her gaze shifted to her father, who had been staring at her throughout the meal. Lifting her water goblet, she gave him a silent salute, then mouthed I love you. A network of tiny lines appeared around David’s dark eyes when he smiled.

  “You know you’re going to have to take some of this food home, Daddy.”

  “Don’t you and Jacob want leftovers?”

  “We’ll take some, but there’s still too much food for two people.”

  Serena placed a hand on her husband’s arm. “Don’t worry, darling. Gabriel, Summer and the kids are going to hang out with us for a couple of weeks.” She turned her attention to Alexandra. “Alex, how long do you plan to stay?”

  “I told Merrick I’d call him a couple of days before we’re ready to head back. You know how the kids love hanging out with their grandma and grandpa.”

  “What about you, Jacob?” David asked his son-in-law.

  Jacob set his fork down next to his plate, then dabbed his mouth with a napkin. “What about me?”

  “When are you returning to Miami?”

  “Are you asking when I’ll return to work?” He’d answered his wife’s father’s question with a question.

  “No. I want to know once this situation is wrapped up, will you be returning to Miami to live?”

  Jason shook his head in exasperation. “No, Dad. You tried this with Merrick and it didn’t—”

  David waved a hand, cutting off his son. “Stay out of this, Jason.”

  “I can’t, Dad.”

  All eyes were trained on David, Jason or Jacob. “Will somebody please tell me what’s going on?” Serena asked, hoping to avoid a confrontation between her husband and son.

  “Jason’s right,” Gabriel said in defense of his brother. With liberally gray-streaked hair and pierced ears he was a younger version of his father. “I don’t think Jacob’s going to be as benign as Merrick when you question him about his intentions toward Ana.”

  Slumping back in his chair, Jacob forced himself not to glare at David. Diego had warned him about Ana’s father, but he’d hoped he would confront him in private. “Before, during and after this situation is resolved Ana and I will continue to be husband and wife.”

  “What does my daughter say about this?” David asked, refusing to back down.

  “Why don’t you ask your daughter, Daddy?” Ana snapped angrily.

  Serena swung her napkin at her husband. “You are impossible! When are you going to learn to butt out of your grown children’s business?”

  Ducking to avoid the cloth coming close to his head, David held up both hands. “I just want to make certain my princesses are happy.”

  “We are happy,” Alexandra and Ana chorused.

  A sheepish expression floated over David’s features. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize to us,” Alexandra said. “Apologize to Jacob.”

  David stared at his plate. “I’m sorry, Jacob.”

  Serena placed her hand over her husband’s. “Say it like you mean it, David.”

  His head popped up. “I apologize for questioning your love for my daughter.”

  A hint of a smile touched Jacob’s mouth. “Apology accepted, Dad.”

  Laughs and guffaws exploded around the table. As if on cue, all of the adults raised glasses of water, wine and sweet tea, toasting Ana, then Jacob.

  Ana touched shoulders with her sister. “What are we going to do with Daddy?”

  “Love and humor him. It’s no different with Merrick. He babies Vicky but roughhouses it with Cordero. I have to keep reminding him that the boy is only two, but he claims he wants to toughen him up. I told him if he doesn’t stop, then his son is going to become a bully.”

  “Let’s hope not.”

  “When you and Jacob get some time to yourselves I want you to come to Virginia and stay with us.”

  “I’ll talk to him about it.” Ana knew Jacob still had a lot of accrued vacation, so it wasn’t a question of him not being able to take off.

  Vivienne entered the dining room cradling a bowl and carrying a tray with the deviled eggs. “Shame on you, Ana. I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on us. And there’s a tray of shrimp in the fridge, too.”

  “I forgot to put them out because there’s so much food.”

  Diego stood up and took the bowl from his wife. “You know I’m addicted to potato salad and deviled eggs.”

  Pushing back his chair, Gabriel stood. “I’ll get the shrimp.”

  The copious consumption of food continued well into the night. The children had crawled up onto the sofas and chairs to watch a G-rated movie, while the adults cleared the table, boxing up leftovers, then returned to the dining room to talk.

  It was after ten when everyone prepared to take their leave. Arrangements had been made beforehand for Alex and her children to stay with her parents in Boca Raton, while the other out-of-towners would stay at the Cole family compound in West Palm Beach.

  Jacob kissed S.J.’s forehead as the sleeping child clung to Diego’s neck. “Thank you for making her homecoming a memorable event.”

  Diego nodded. “I don’t think it has anything to do with me, Jake. I’ve seen you with Ana and it’s as if she’s a changed woman.”

  “I hope for the good.”

  “It is. I think David has forgiven me for meddling in his baby’s life.”

  Jacob shook his head. “Don’t worry about him, buddy. He’ll get over it once Ana makes him a grandfather.”

  “On that note, I think I’ll leave before Vivienne starts texting me to come down.”

  “Can you give me a heads-up when you think it’s going to go down?”

  “I’ll text you,” Diego promised. “Good night, friend.”


  Jacob stood in the doorway, watching Diego walk to the elevator and waiting until he disappeared into the car, and then closed and locked the door. The gathering had gone well. It gave Ana the opportunity to reunite with her family and for him to become better acquainted with his new family.

  He turned the lamps on the table in the foyer to the lowest setting. He repeated the action with the lamps
in the living room and switched off the chandelier in the dining room. Walking into the bedroom he saw the nightgown Ana had left at the foot of the bed. Striding across the room, he entered the en suite bath to find her in the bathtub, eyes closed, chest rising and falling in a slow, even breathing. Candles in various sizes lining the vanity, low tables and the ledge along the garden tub flickered like stars in the darkened space.

  “What took you so long?” she murmured, smiling.

  Jacob remembered her asking him the same question before on two other occasions. “I was saying goodbye to my godson.”

  Ana opened her eyes. “He’s gorgeous. In fact, all our nieces, nephews and cousins are gorgeous.”

  Leaning against the open door, Jacob angled his head, staring at the crest of her nipples peeking through the bubbles. “And don’t forget bright.”

  “That they are.”

  “What about our children, m’ija?”

  “What about them, m’ijo?” Her voice had dropped to a lower register, sending a chill over his body.

  “Will they be gorgeous and bright?” he asked.

  Ana eyelids fluttered wildly. “Why don’t we make one now and find out.”

  Jacob pushed off the door. “Do you know what you’re saying?”

  “Yes, and I never say anything I don’t mean. Are you going to stand there with your mouth gaping or are you going to take off your clothes and make love to me.”

  Needing no further prompting, he kicked off his shoes, pulled the hem of his shirt from the waistband of his slacks and unbuttoned it. His belt, slacks and briefs followed. Resting his hands at his waist, Jacob flashed a lecherous grin. “How do you like me now?”

  “I must admit I like the view. Now, get your sexy butt in here.”

  He got off a snappy salute before stepping into the tub filled with lavender-scented bubble bath. Pulsating jets massaged his lower body as Jacob sank lower in the large tub. “You’re the one with sexy butt,” he crooned, cupping her bottom. “It’s not as curvy as it was a few weeks ago, but that’s going to change.” His hands moved up, spanning Ana’s waist, he lifted her to straddle his thighs. “I’ve never seen you look more beautiful,” he whispered reverently.


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