Margaret smiled at Daniel with her hand to her mouth, just like he remembered her in his recollections, which was actually Vanessa. ‘Of course you were. Vanessa took my suggestions about those two places. You visited the Restaurant on second and fourth Saturday of every month, and the theatre on first and third Sundays, right?’
Daniel remembered that schedule perfectly. He nodded innocently. ‘She borrowed that schedule from me. It was my timetable with Dylan too. We saw you there many times. Even you saw me a number of times.’
The cloud of confusion seemed to clear off from his mind. With some effort, Daniel recollected one incident when he had run into the bathrooms when the senior-and-choreographer-in-question and Dylan had come face to face with them in the theatre. Margaret Aniston was the senior-in-question and Vanessa was his sweetheart. He smiled at the incident and tears streaked down his cheeks. He wiped them off. The feeling seemed to subside as his faulty memory made sense to him. He ran the important events through his mind repeatedly, fitting Vanessa in the picture, and the euphoria it arose was limitless. He had finally found his way. ‘Yeah, I remember that now.’
‘That must be the bathroom incident in the theatre?’ she asked.
He shyly nodded his head and she burst down into a blast of laughter. Watching her laugh reminded him of Vanessa again.
After the incident during our Fresher’s party, I recollected collapsing on the ground on the Fresher’s Day, when the seniors forced me to consume alcohol. Despite not remembering what happened in that instant, the incidents of the blackout haunted me whenever I slept stressfully.
When I collapsed, the seniors panicked and stormed the scene within the next few moments. The next few seconds, I half-saw many faces that moved around, but ignored me. Then I saw two women, whom I thought as angels. One of them was Vanessa and the other was Margaret.
‘Ma’am, it’s Daniel, my pair in the performance,’ Vanessa said.
‘Yeah, our boys troubled him and sent me here. But, he’s sleeping in the middle of this like a baby,’ Margaret said, laughing.
Vanessa joined her in her laughter and they both calmed down as Margaret sprinkled water on his face.
The last part of the incident my sub-conscious remembered was their identical laughter, which made me doubt if they were one or two.
‘The misattribution must have been because of your similar laughter,’ he said. But deep down he knew from Manyap’s words that he had similar feelings for Margaret too in his lost past, which must have triggered his misattribution.
She nodded approvingly. ‘Have you got back together since your breakup last year? So, where’s your evil princess?’
Daniel recollected abandoning her in the motel and regretted his act. ‘I abandoned her in the motel. God damn it. She must have understood my condition. She told me that I would not understand it. She should have at least tried in these two days to explain this to me.’
‘Why did you ask me why I shot you?’
‘Well, it must have been her, whom I misattributed as you. I do not know the reason. But, I will find out.’
He opened the contacts in his phone and found a number by name- EVIL PRINCESS. Smiling at the name, he dialed the number. She ended the call in the middle. Assuming that she was angry with him, he dialed the number again and met the same response. So, he texted her-
He waited for a few seconds before his phone began ringing. But he ended the call, since it was from an unknown number. He received the call from the same number again and he ended the call. When his phone pinged, he opened the message with newfound excitement.
A photo showing Vanessa lying on a vehicle’s floor with her hands and legs bound and a taped mouth followed it. The clock in Daniel’s phone announced 10.15.
I do not have much time!
Gabriel Romero gazed impatiently at his Rolex, which said 6.30 in the morning. He had received the phone call from Daniel the previous night requesting to meet him in the resorts early in the morning. So here he was, seated in his private bar in the resorts waiting for his daughter’s boyfriend.
He would have preferred wearing shorts and a T-shirt, which he usually donned in the resorts. Since he was meeting Daniel Shelby, he was dressed in his Armani suit. That day was Lord Gulvin’s birthday, which everyone in Fremia celebrated. Therefore, he expected a little hardship and loneliness in his cottage in the absence of all the servants, whom he had sent to compensate for others, who were on leave.
At exactly 6.38, the door opened and in stepped Daniel in a jeans and a flannel shirt with an overcoat hanging over his forearm.
‘Good morning, Mr. Romero. How do you do?’ Daniel said, extending his hand.
‘Good morning, Daniel,’ Gabriel said, shaking his hand. ‘You have grown some muscle and beard since I last saw you.’
Daniel grinned and said, ‘The military does wonders to us.’
Once they settled down, Gabriel poured himself a pint of vodka and removed another glass from the counter. ‘Would you like something to drink?’
‘No, Mr. Romero, I don’t drink.’
‘Yeah, Vanessa told me,’ he said, drowning his vodka in a single go. ‘She said that you take a class about cirrhosis to your friends if you find them drinking.’
Daniel smiled at the comment and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
‘So,’ Gabriel said, ‘what is it you want to speak with me?’
Daniel exhaled and leaned forward towards Gabriel. ‘I believe you remember the Rochen Fort blasts, right?’
‘Yeah, a very unfortunate event in Fremia’s history.’
‘Yeah, besides being unfortunate, it was a murderous act of few greedy people.’
Gabriel eyed him suspiciously before nodding approvingly.
‘A few greedy people, who stood in highest ranks of the government and society,’ Daniel added. ‘And, look where they stand now. One of them is an RCAF General, other is the Prime Minister of this country, and yet another is sipping vodka in his own resorts.’
Gabriel took the glass away from his mouth and threw it at the far wall. It shattered into pieces. Daniel did not flinch. ‘Daniel, what’s wrong with you? What do you intend to imply?’
Daniel examined his thumbnail for a second and pulled a tiny bit of it from the edge. He threw it at Gabriel’s face and said, ‘This was the impact of your bellow on me. I fucking don’t care. Your anger is not going to bring back the departed.’
Gabriel shook his head and stood up from his stool. ‘You don’t get it, do you? It was part of fate’s plot. They met with their fate, death, and I met with mine, this resort and riches. Even after all these years, I do not regret it. You are not being reasonable, you’re just foolish,’ he said, poking his index finger into Daniel’s face.
Daniel shoved the finger away from his face and stood up to face the man. ‘When Vanessa bragged about your charity works, I thought, “This man is good”. But, what I feel now is “He is a fucking retard, who justifies his crimes”.’
Gabriel burst into laughter. ‘Good and Evil? This isn’t a straight world. It is crooked beyond anyone’s imagination. Let me tell you something, Daniel. There is no good or bad man in this fucking world. It is the circumstances, which determine his course for that particular moment. And, that defines a man,’ he said, pointing his thumb at himself. ‘You are just a kid. Maybe, being raised by a lone mother must have left you a boy, instead of a man.’
Daniel took a few steps towards Gabriel before he pulled out a gun from behind his coat and thrust it in D
aniel’s chest. ‘I was just being cautious. Do not underestimate my skills. I can make your heart roll in pieces on the ground if I like.’
His training had taught him many things. One of them was not to display fear even as you looked into a gun’s barrel. Daniel broke into a wide grin and raised his hands into the air. He intensified his grin, which made Gabriel withdraw slightly backward. Grabbing the opportunity, Daniel pushed his left leg away from himself, which distracted Gabriel. While he shifted his aim towards his left leg, Daniel brought down his right fist into Gabriel’s arm and he lost the grip of the gun. Daniel caught it with his left hand and landed his left knee in Gabriel’s crotch. Gabriel jolted backwards and ended up against the counter.
Daniel raised his gun at Gabriel and aimed it at his chest. ‘This is your fate, Romero. Enjoy being dead.’
Gabriel raised his hands into the air and said, ‘Think about Vanessa. I am her father. She will hate you if you kill me.’
Daniel scratched his forehead and said, ‘Hey puppy, you have got to stay updated. We broke up last year. I do not even know where she is right now. OK? Remember that your affiliation with Operation Rochen Fort has brought about this fate.’
Gabriel sensed that he was helpless and pleaded for Daniel to let him go. Daniel pulled the trigger and the bullet ended up piercing his sternum and then his heart. Daniel turned around and walked away.
Ronald Clifton was studying the “Politics” column of the next day’s edition when he caught sight of a RCAF uniform from the corner of his eye. He dropped the paper on the table with annoyance and removed his spectacles.
Why the hell do they have to come in now?
As the man entered his office without asking for permission, which they did nowadays, he maintained an exasperated look on his face. The man was not the usual one who came everyday to review the news to check for any anti-ESAF propaganda.
‘Are you Mr. Ronald Clifton?’ he asked.
The usage of “mister” before his name left him amazed for a moment. He wondered what must have triggered the newfound respect.
‘Yes, it’s me. The hardcopies will be ready within the next hour,’ he said.
‘I haven’t come for any hard-copies. I have come to deliver you someone very important,’ he said and turned back to the door. ‘Daniel!’
Daniel Xavier walked into the room. His arrival brought him a new excitement. ‘Daniel, I lost hopes of getting the report,’ he said, not bothering to ask about his bandaged nose or his clumsy apparel.
‘I am a survivor, just like you,’ Daniel said and turned to the military man. ‘This is Manyap, my friend.’
Manyap nodded at him and turned to the door. ‘Daniel, call me if you need something,’ he said, handing him his card.
‘Will do,’ Daniel said, pocketing it.
Once Manyap was gone, Daniel settled in one of the chairs and produced the file. ‘Here you go.’
Ronald took it and ran his palm over its exterior before turning the pages eagerly.
‘Do you intend to publish it in the newspapers?’ Daniel asked.
Ronald shook his head. ‘I have a better idea. Let’s get ready to break the legs of those bastards.’
Ever since Lt. Graham called his office to inform him about the video of Donald’s murder, Gen. Levisohn grew anxious to know who it was. Exactly twenty-five minutes after he received the call, Lt. Graham appeared in his office with the video. He plugged the pen-drive to the TV and played the video.
‘We obtained this from that hacker guy who was helping Jeremy Miller to kill the SAF guys,’ Lt. Graham said.
‘I don’t need your intros or sources. Play the video!’ Levisohn said.
He was at a loss of words for more than five minutes after it ended. Pulling himself together, he said, ‘I want this sent to every news channel immediately.’
Godwin will be happy to hear this.
JEREMY STOOD PERPLEXED. He looked around him for something to use against Ethan, since his gun was lying on the table behind Ethan.
‘Jeremy, you want to assault me? Why are you being so stupid?’ Ethan asked. ‘You don’t get it. Do you, Jeremy?’
Jeremy tried to flame some courage. However, courage stood as far as Mars stood from Earth.
‘Jeremy,’ Ethan said, standing few yards away from him. ‘How many times will you assault me, or kill me?’
‘Hey, stay the fuck away from me. You must be dead, either the way your dad says you died, or the way I remember killing you,’ Jeremy said.
Ethan grinned and said, ‘You still don’t get it, Jeremy. Maybe, that was why Evelyn left you for me. Remember that?’
‘Hey, don’t you give me bullshit!’ Jeremy yelled. ‘I agree that I was irresponsible in our marriage. In fact, she was very reasonable and patient. But, she wasn’t that kind!’
‘So, now even Evelyn has turned out to be good, honest and patient. So, am I the only bad guy in your life?’
‘You are a bloody bastard who tried to kill his friend and friend’s family!’
‘So, it’s that way then. Fine,’ Ethan said, tapping his fingers on his thighs. ‘OK, let’s deal it according to your story. So, how did they die, your son and wife?’
‘They died in a car wreck. While we were on a trip in Mercupo, one of your trucks drove our car off the cliff. I survived, but they died.’
Ethan clasped his hands together. ‘So, that’s what you believe?’
Jeremy nodded his head. ‘That’s the goddamned truth!’
‘OK, let me tell you something you know, yet remain oblivious to. Yes, your wife and son died in a car wreck. They were in a car when a truck -my company’s truck- coming in perpendicular direction crashed into the car. Yes, they died. You survived, but you were not in that car, Jeremy. You were not.’
‘Stop trying to prove me wrong!’
‘There’s no point in yelling at me. Yelling at me does not change that you were the one who ordered the attack. You hired one of my drivers, Lehane, to ram Evelyn’s car off the road. The difference is that the accident happened in Kraminko, not Mercupo.’
‘Stop your fucking lies! I remember it perfectly.’
‘If you remember it so well, you must remember if anyone offered you their condolences after you were released by the Mercupo Liberation Society. Did anyone?’
Jeremy hesitated to answer. Sensing that, Ethan continued, ‘You yourself are not confident about it. Agree it, Jeremy. You planned her accident and killed her, and even your son.’
Jeremy forced back the memories that streamed involuntarily into his mind. He held his head and tried to shake off those memories, which he had spent days forgetting and manipulating. The inevitability led to disability. Jeremy’s knees buckled, as if he bore a heavy weight on his shoulders. Tears welled up in his eyes and he pressed his palms against his eyes.
14 JANUARY 2015
Jeremy tapped impatiently on the steering wheel as the traffic clock showed one-eighty seconds until the red turned to green in the signal. He bent to his right and gazed through the cars in front of him at Evelyn’s Beetle, stopped three cars in front of his car. He then bent left and gazed at the Holland and Co. truck waiting in the front of the line in the perpendicular road. Jeremy nervously looked at his phone’s screen and went through the photos he had captured during the time he had spent tailing Evelyn as she met with Ethan Holland at his house.
Seeing them together boiled his blood and he clutched the phone tightly until he feared he might break it. He loosened his grip and dropped it in the passenger seat. He sat massaging his temples as he thought over the plan again. He believed that the plan would go according to detail. Over the past few days, he had repeatedly questioned himself if he was being right. But the idea of his wife cheating him with his friend left him with no bet
ter option. After making up his mind, he contacted Lehane, whom he had helped financially several times, and discussed the plan. First, he had hesitated. However, when Jeremy offered him two hundred thousand and assured him that Ethan, who had handled accident cases frequently using his influences, would get him out within a year, he agreed. The only thing, which had pained him the most, was seeing Ricky hugging Ethan affectionately a number of times during Evelyn’s visits.
That little bastard would not even come near me now!
In his anger, he clutched the wheel tightly before releasing it again. He gazed at the timer that said twenty seconds more. His excitement escalated as the seconds discounted towards zero. He bent to his right and again gazed at the small vehicle. As he sat gazing at the car, the silhouette of little Ricky in the backseat came into view. For a second, he felt that the boy deserved it right. However, the next, regret dawned upon him. He felt a sudden instinct to call-off the attack. His instincts told him that the kid did not deserve to die for something his mother might have told him to do. He hurriedly grabbed his phone with shaking hands to call Lehane. But he realized that he was late when he heard the loud noise as the truck rammed into the tiny vehicle and the Beetle rolled off to the right before halting several yards in the perpendicular road.
Jeremy dropped his phone in the car and hurried after the wrecked car. As he hustled through the traffic, he caught sight of Lehane, whom some socially responsible citizens had dragged out of the truck. He hung his head and did not meet the crowd’s glares. Jeremy shoved past the assembled crowd and collapsed few feet away from the car. The car lay upside-down, as blood streamed from it and formed a pool around it. One of the men pulled out the lifeless form of the little boy and checked his pulse. Jeremy mustered the strength to get on his feet and lurched towards the kid.
‘Rick!’ he yelled in agony, as he saw that the boy had lost his forearm in the wreck. Blood still gushed out of his abdomen, as the broken glass remained lodged in his abdomen.
The Memoir Page 20