The Templars

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The Templars Page 34

by Michael Haag

Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer 118, 119

  Lomas, Robert 271, 339, 352


  Church of All Hallows by the Tower 318

  New Temple 143, 319–20

  Temple Church 169, 319–22, 321 illus

  Louis VII, King of France 114–15, 115 illus, 119, 121–4, 141, 253

  Louis IX, King of France (St Louis) 192, 213

  Louis XVI, King of France 265–6

  ‘Lungren, Dolph’ (The Minion) 342

  Magellan, Ferdinand 248

  ‘Magnusson, Arn’ (The Crusades Trilogy) 335

  Malleus Maleficarum (1487) 256, 256 illus

  Malta, and Hospitallers 242–3

  Malta, Sovereign Order of 243–4


  conquests 140, 193–5, 198–200, 201, 204

  fall of Acre 168, 201–3

  local insurrections against 209

  origins 140, 189 illus, 190–91

  Manichaeans 146, 149–50

  al-Mansur, Abu Yusef 315

  al-Mansur Ibrahim, Prince 190

  Mansurah, battle of 192, 193 illus

  Manuel I Comnenus, Emperor 120

  Marco Polo 140, 151

  Margat castle 181, 200

  Marie of Champagne, Countess 253

  Maronites 209

  Marschner, Heinrich 345

  Marshal 129, 157

  Martin IV, Pope 197

  Martin, Troy Kennedy 344–5

  Marwan, Caliph 291

  Mary Magdalene 117–19, 118 illus

  masons 257–9

  see also Freemasonry

  Masyaf 151 illus

  Matilda, Queen 322

  Maundrell, Henry 204

  Mecca 51, 52, 53, 56

  Medieval Total War video game 346

  Melisende, Queen 99, 114

  Melville, Herman 330

  Memoirs (Augustin Barruel, 1797) 266–7

  Methodius of Patara, Bishop 61

  Michael the Syrian 107, 109

  Michael VII, Emperor 71

  military orders, unification 214–16

  Milites Templi (Papal bull) 104

  Militia Dei (Papal bull) 104

  The Minion film 342

  Mishnah (200 BC) 36

  Mohammed 48, 50, 51–3

  Night Journey 27, 56–7, 291

  Mongols 193–4, 209, 210 illus

  monophysitism 60, 209

  monothelitism 209

  Montgisard, battle of 166

  Montségur 147 illus, 148

  Morgan, William 280

  Mormons 277

  Mossad 279

  Mosse, Kate 336–7

  Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem 243

  movies, Templar themes 340–44

  Muin ad-Din Unur, governor of Damascus 112

  Mumbo Jumbo (1972) 330

  music, Templar themes 345–6

  mythological literature 253–5, 3329

  Nasir-i Khusraw 160

  National Treasure film 342–3

  Navarro, Julia 337

  New Orkney Antiquarian Journal, on Henry Sinclair 272

  New World Order 276, 278–81

  Newport Tower, Rhode Island 271

  Newton, Isaac 260–61

  Nicene Creed 47

  Nicholas IV, Pope 198

  Nicolai, Otto 345

  Night Journey of Mohammed 27, 56–7, 291

  novels, Templar themes 329–40

  Nur al-Din 122, 123, 133, 161–2, 165

  Oddfellows 267

  officials and organisation of the Templars 129, 157–8

  Old Man of the Mountain 151, 152–4, 266

  Old Temple Kirk, Scotland 318

  Omne Datum Optimum (Papal bull) 104

  Order of Christ 246–7, 248, 315, 316

  Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem 244, 244 illus

  Order of Montessa 311

  Orkney, Henry, Earl of 217


  defence by Templars 106, 285

  diminished under Saladin 182

  extent of 92–3, 123, 127–8, 285

  French support 197

  land owned by military orders 136

  and Muslim divisions 111

  shortage of fighting men 94

  and Third Crusade 182–4

  see also Antioch; Edessa; Jerusalem; Tripoli


  at Avignon 213–14, 233

  Chinon Parchment 227–8, 229–33, 231 illus, 252, 356

  Investiture Controversy 72, 74

  Papal bulls 104, 212, 225, 235, 236, 256

  secular conflict 212–14, 215 illus, 225–7, 251

  and the Templars 104, 129, 224–33, 234–6

  and violence 89

  The Paradise of Bachelors (1855) 330

  Paris Temple 142–3, 143 illus, 308–311

  Parsifal (Wagner) 345

  Parzival (c. 1220) 253–4, 255, 329

  Pastoralis Praeeminentiae (Papal bull) 225

  Payen of Montdidier 108

  Pelagius, Papal legate 185

  Pembroke, William, Earl of 320–21

  Perceval, The Story of the Grail (1181) 253–4, 255, 329

  Persia, defeat by Byzantines 48

  Peter the Hermit 78–80, 79 illus

  Peter of Les Vauz-de-Cernay 146

  Phi Beta Kappa 280

  Philip II, King of France 144, 181

  Philip II, King of Spain 246

  Philip IV, King of France

  in fiction 334–5, 339

  financial needs 212–13, 221

  and Hospitallers 244

  and the Papacy 213–14, 215 illus, 224–7, 231, 235

  and the Templars 217, 219–21, 225–7, 231–2, 234

  The Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion (1749) 264


  Compostela 117, 313

  early Christian 42–4, 67–8, 70–71

  historical source 348

  Templar protection 135

  piracy 272

  plots, Templar themes 331–2

  Ponferrada 313–14

  Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ 95–8, 290

  pop music, Templar themes 345–6

  ports 138–40

  Portugal, and the Templars 246–8, 252, 314–17

  Priory of Sion 336

  Qalaun, Sultan 198, 200–202

  al-Quds 49

  see also Jerusalem

  Qutuz 194

  Raiders of the Lost Ark film 36

  Raimbald of Caron, Master of Cyprus 230

  Raleigh, Walter, Sir 276

  Ramon Lull 252–3

  Ramsay, Andrew Michael 262–4, 342

  Rashid al-Din, Sinan 152–4

  Raymond of Aguilers 85–6

  Raymond of Antioch 122, 253

  Raymond (Assassins’ victim) 152, 302

  ‘Raymond de Roquefort’ (The Templar Legacy) 338

  Raymond II, Count of Tripoli 152, 153

  Raymond III, Count of Tripoli

  battle of Hattin 170–75, 176–7

  and Saladin 168, 169

  and the Templars 154

  Raymond of Toulouse, Count 78, 85, 91, 92

  Raynald of Chatillon 165–6, 167, 168, 170, 172, 175–6

  Reed, Ishmael 330

  ‘Reilly, Sean’ (The Last Templar) 338

  Relic Hunter (TV) 345

  relics 43, 44–5, 117

  The Return of Jacques du Molay album 345

  Revelation film 343

  Revenge Of The Sith film 340

  Rhodes, Hospitallers in 215, 216, 242, 243 illus, 244

  Richard I, King of England (Lionheart) 181–4, 330

  Richard of Poitou 106

  Ridley, Jasper 352

  Robert, Duke of Normandy 78, 91

  Robert the Bruce 245, 268–9, 268 illus

  Robert of Craon 104

  Robert III of Artois, in fiction 333

  Robert the Monk 75, 76

  Robert of Sab
lé, Grand Master 184

  rock music, Templar themes 345–6

  Rockefeller, David 279 Roger of Flor 203

  Roger II, King of Sicily 120 Roman Empire 41–2

  Rossal (Roland) (knight) 108–9

  Rosslyn Chapel 270–71, 323–6, 324


  The Rosslyn Hoax (2006) 269, 352

  Rosslyn, William, Lord of 271

  Rostan Berenguier 216

  Royal Antediluvian Order of

  Buffaloes 267

  Ruad (Arwad) island 208, 211–12,212 illus, 306

  Rule of the Templars Order 101–2

  Saewulf of Canterbury 94

  Safita see Chastel Blanc

  St Clair see Sinclair

  St Cyprian 43

  St Denis 117

  St James 117, 313

  St John the Almsgiver 96

  St John’s Ambulance Brigade 244

  St John’s Eye Hospital 244

  St Mark 117

  St Mary the Virgin church, Shipley 318

  St Polycarp 43

  St Thomas, Provincial Grand

  Master 318


  and Assassins 152

  battle of Arsuf 183–4

  battle of Hattin 171–7

  battle of Montgisard 166

  capture of Chastellet 134

  capture of Jerusalem 178–80

  divided opponents 168–70

  magnanimity 167–8

  rise of 165–7

  and Springs of Cresson 170–71

  in Syria 181

  Third Crusade 181–2, 183

  al-Salih Ayyub 190, 192

  Sanders, George 328 illus, 333

  Santa Maria do Olival church 316–17

  Saphet (Safad) castle 131–2, 134, 168, 195, 198–9

  Scotland, and the Templars 245318

  Scott, Walter, Sir 238, 330, 332–3, 345

  Sea of Bronze basin 37, 258

  Seal of Solomon 31

  seal of the Templars 97, 98 illus, 109

  The Second Messiah 339

  Segovia 312–13, 312 illus

  Seljuk Turks 71–2, 74, 80, 82, 93

  Seneschal 129, 157

  Sens, Archbishop of 234, 236

  September 11 2001 attacks 279

  Shagarat al-Durr, Sultan 192–3

  Shawar (vizier) 162

  Sheba, Queen 18 illus, 30

  Shia Islam 66–7, 150, 209

  Shirkuh (Saladin’s uncle) 162

  Shroud 44, 238, 264–5

  in fiction 331, 337, 339

  Sibylla, Queen 169–70

  Sicilian Vespers 197–8

  Sicily 197–8

  Sidon 178

  Sinclair, Dr Andrew 326

  Sinclair, Henry, Earl of Orkney 271

  Sinclair, William, 1

  st Earl of Caithness 323

  Sinclair, William, Lord of Rosslyn 271

  Skull and Bones 279–81

  slaves 140

  Smith, Joseph 277, 278 illus

  Solomon, King of Israel 19, 20, 28–31, 258–9

  and Queen of Sheba 18 illus

  see also Temple of Solomon Solomon’s

  Stables 157, 158–9, 158

  illus, 296–7

  Sophronius 49–50

  Sovereign Order of Malta 243–4

  Spain, and the Templars 245–6, 311–14

  Springs of Cresson, battle 135, 170–71, 176–7

  St-Maximin-la-Ste-Baume 118, 119

  Stables of Solomon 157, 158–9, 158 illus, 296–7

  Star Wars film 340

  Sullivan, Arthur, Sir 345

  Summis Desiderantes Affectibus (Papal bull) 256

  Sunni Islam 66–7, 71, 150, 209

  symbols 275–6, 277, 332

  Syria 299–300

  see also Chastel Blanc (Safita); Damascus; Krak des Chevaliers; Tortosa

  Taft, William Howard, President 280

  Tafurs 82–3, 85, 91

  The Talisman (1825) 330, 332–3, 345

  Talmud 161

  Tancred 78, 85, 91

  ‘Tanner, Alice’ (Labyrinth) 336 ‘Teabing, Leigh, Sir’ (The Da Vinci Code) 331

  television, Templar themes 344–5

  The Templar Legacy (2006) 331, 338–9

  The Templar Renegade (DVD) 346 The Templar Revelation (1998) 270, 352

  Templar of Tyre 138


  appearance 77, 81, 101–2, 104, 105 illus

  daily routine 102

  finances 101, 109, 130–32

  founding members 95–6, 98, 108–9

  initiation ceremony 218, 218 illus, 220, 228–9, 233

  Latin Rule 101–2

  officials 129, 157–8

  origin of the name 17, 97–8

  role 102, 103–4, 164, 207

  structure of the organisation 129, 131–2, 157–8

  survivors 241–8

  The Templars (band) 341, 345–6

  Temple, Paris 143

  Temple Church, London 143, 169

  The Temple and the Lodge (1991) 342, 352

  Temple of the Lord, Dome of the

  Rock 91, 155, 157, 293

  Temple Mount

  capture by Crusaders 85

  capture by Saladin 179–80

  historical background 17–18, 44, 290–97, 292 illus

  Muslim control 50, 53–4, 187–8

  Templar buildings 155–61, 156


  see also Dome of the Rock

  Temple of Solomon

  Biblical sources for 19–22

  construction 31–4, 37, 38 illus, 39, 258

  destruction 39–40

  and Freemasonry 261

  historical background 16 illus, 18–20, 24 illus

  presence of God 39

  source of Templars’ name 17

  threshing floor of Zion site 27, 290, 293


  Cressing, Essex 322–3, 322 illus

  Ezekiel’s 20

  Herod the Great’s 17, 19, 24 illus, 290, 294, 296

  New Temple, London 143, 319–20

  Paris Temple 142–3, 143 illus, 308–311

  Temple of the Lord 91, 155, 157, 293

  see also Temple Mount; Temple of Solomon

  Teutonic Knights 185, 187, 188

  Theobald, Count of Champagne 101

  Theobald Gaudin 203–4

  Theoderich 156–7, 158, 159–60

  Theodoret of Cyrrhus 42

  Thomson, Charles 275–6

  The Thousand and One Nights 31

  threshing floor of Zion 27, 290, 293

  Tiberias, siege of 172–4

  Titus, Emperor 18, 22, 264

  Tomar 314–17

  Tortosa 133–4, 195, 204, 211, 299–302, 301 illus torture, Inquisition 222–3, 222 illus

  Tower of David 86 illus

  trade 138–40

  treasure, Templar 202 illus, 203–4, 264–5

  Tripoli 195, 201

  Tripoli, County of 92, 106, 127

  see also Raymond II, Count of Tripoli; Raymond III, Count of Tripoli

  True Cross

  7th century movements 48, 49

  falls into Muslim hands 175, 289

  Iglesia Vera Cruz 312–13, 312 illus

  remains of 313

  security for loan 141

  used in battle 165, 169, 172

  Turin Shroud see Shroud

  Typee (1846) 330

  Tyre 178

  Umar, Caliph 49–50, 53–4

  Umayyad dynasty 58, 65, 67

  Unam Sanctam (Papal bull) 212

  UNESCO, World Heritage sites 314, 316

  United States

  and Freemasonry 273–6, 279, 280

  Great Seal 275–6

  September 11 2001 attacks 279

  Urban II, Pope 72–7

  Usamah ibn Munqidh 112–13

  Valentinus 148–9

  Venice 117

  Vezelay 115–19, 115 illus

  video games 34

  Virgin Mary 44

  Vox in Excelso (Papal bull) 235

  Wagner, Richard 345

  Wailing Wall 18, 291

  Waldensians 146

  Walter Map 107

  Warmund of Picquigny, Patriarch of Jerusalem 95

  Washington, George, President 240 illus, 273, 274 illus, 276

  Watson, William 330, 334–5

  William of Beaujeu, Grand Master 196–7, 202–3

  William the Marshal, Earl of Pembroke 320–21

  William of Nogaret

  in fiction 335, 339

  and the Papacy 222–3

  and the Templars 213, 216, 219–20, 222, 230

  William of Paris, French Inquisitor 219, 226

  William of Plaisians 230

  William of Puylaurens 146

  William of Tyre 107–9, 112, 133, 154, 162–4

  witchcraft 256–7

  Wolfram von Eschenbach 253–4, 255, 329

  Yale University 279–81

  Young, Brigham 277

  Young, Robyn 339–40

  Zengi, governor of Mosul 111–14, 168

  Zeno, Nicolo and Antonio 271

  Zichmi 271–2

  Zoroastrianism 48

  The Templars: a chronology

  c1209 BC Date of the first non-biblical reference to Israel, contained on a stele of the Egyptian Pharaoh Merneptah. This approximates the traditional date, c1200 BC, for the arrival of the Jews in the Promised Land after their Exodus from Egypt.


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