Bells and Bows on Mistletoe Row

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Bells and Bows on Mistletoe Row Page 13

by Emily Harvale

  'I'll do that. You go with your guests.' Daphne grabbed the coats from him and gave him an odd look, as if she was telling him that's what he should do.

  'Come on,' said Luke, smiling as he took Zoe's hand and tipped his head towards the sitting room door. 'You know the way.'

  They followed him to the sitting room and as he opened the door, a kaleidoscope of coloured light streamed into the hall. A majestic tree stood to one side of the room, covered in white twinkling lights and glistening multi-coloured baubles with piles of presents wrapped in gleaming paper strewn around its base. A splendid fire crackled and roared in the hearth and deep green boughs of holly and mistletoe lay along the length of the ornate marble mantlepiece, the red and white berries of each plant, looking fresh and plump and as if they were still sprinkled with frost.

  It wasn't as festive as it had been when Juliet and her family lived there, but at least Harrison, Luke and Daphne had gone to some effort to make the house look Christmassy. It even looked welcoming. But Rufus didn't. He got to his feet and glared at them.

  'Welcome,' he said, the tiniest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. 'I bet you never thought to be back in this room again, did you?'

  'Grandfather.' Harrison's tone was quiet, but authoritative. 'I'll pour the drinks. Please sit down everyone.'

  'Yeah, sit down,' Luke said, staring appreciatively at Zoe's dress, as they stood arm in arm by the tree.

  'Good evening, Rufus,' Bernard said, nodding at the old man, who merely grunted in reply.

  'Merry Christmas to you, Rufus.' Rosa smiled at him and his features softened a fraction.

  'Hmm. Yes. Merry Christmas. Still a couple of days away though.'

  Rosa increased her smile. 'Yes. But we believe in starting Christmas early. The festive season began in our house the minute Juliet came home.'

  'Hmm. Where is the girl?'

  Juliet, who had been trying to blend into the wall farthest from Rufus, stepped forward. She took a deep breath and held her head high.

  'I'm here. Good evening Mr Bow. I hope you're well.'

  His brows shot up, his eyes scanned her from head to toe and he let out a whistle before he shot a look at Harrison, who seemed to be watching Rufus with an expression on his face like a tiger ready to pounce.

  To Juliet's astonishment, the old man chuckled. 'I bet you hoped I wasn't. But I don't blame you, girl.'

  'Her name is Juliet,' Harrison said, with ice in his voice.

  Rufus shot another look at Harrison, before chuckling again. 'Yes, yes. I know. Well, well, Juliet. You've grown into quite the stunner, haven't you?'

  This time it was Juliet who shot a look at Harrison and he momentarily met her eyes.

  'Have I?' She dragged her gaze back to the old man. 'Thank you, Mr Bow.'

  'I suppose you should call me Rufus. Sit. I'm too old to stand around.' He dropped back into his chair but kept his eyes on Juliet.

  'You're back here to live, I hear.'

  'Yes.' Juliet sat as far from him as possible.

  He glanced at Harrison. 'My grandson's considering the same.'

  'What would you all like to drink?' Harrison hurriedly asked, giving Rufus what looked like a warning glare.

  'Sherry, if you have it, please,' Rosa said.

  'I'll get ours,' said Luke, finally moving away from Zoe and walking over to Harrison.

  'Same for me, please,' said Bernard.

  'Zoe'll have a G&T,' Luke said, smiling at her.

  'Juliet?' Harrison gave her an odd smile.

  'Same for me. G&T that is, please.'

  The sitting room door burst open and Kiki sauntered in. Her red dress was like a second skin, so tight you could see her hip bones. And that wasn't all you could see. She clearly wasn't wearing a bra. Juliet sucked in her breath and glanced at Harrison from beneath her lashes. He turned, gave a half-hearted smile and went back to pouring the drinks.

  Had the man gone blind? Or had he seen Kiki's body so many times that it no longer had any effect on him?

  'Kiki!' Rufus jumped to his feet like a man half his age and reached out a gnarled hand. 'Come and sit by me, my dear. You put the fire to shame. I thought Juliet here might've outshone you tonight, but not by half.'

  Kiki darted a look at Juliet, her eyes narrowing for a split second, her mouth forming a tight line before being hastily replaced by a smile.

  'Hello, Juliet. So lovely to see you again. And in such a pretty dress. I hope that didn't blow your budget. And all your family, too. Hello Zoe. You're looking lovely. And Rosa. We met briefly when you stayed the other day. Nice to see you again. And this handsome devil must be Bernard. I didn't get a chance to say hello when you were here last time. How does it feel to be a dinner guest in what was once your home?'

  'Kiki.' Harrison's voice was cold.

  'Yes, Harrison?'

  Their gaze held and the room fell silent for a milli-second, but it felt like longer as Juliet watched the expression on Harrison's face. It went from angry to calm in a moment.

  'What would you like to drink?'

  'The usual,' she said, with the coolest of smiles, before sashaying over to Rufus and sitting on the chair beside him, her arm draped casually on the arm of his.

  Kiki had clearly got into Rufus' good books. The old man couldn't take his eyes from her. Juliet felt a twinge of envy. She didn't like Rufus but he was Harrison's grandfather. Perhaps they were also putting the past behind them; obviously with a little help from Kiki.

  Conversation was stilted for the first few minutes, but eventually, as Harrison said how pleased he was that Luke had been sensible enough to fall in love with Zoe and how sure he was that they had a bright and extremely happy future together, the tension vanished.

  'Only if he actually proposes,' Zoe joked.

  'Ah yes. About that. Luke placed his glass on the side table, took Zoe's left hand in his and got down on one knee, taking a small, plush velvet box from his trouser pocket. 'Zoe Rosa Bell, I know you could probably do better than a man like me, who often has his head in the clouds, and didn't have a clue where he was going, until he met you. But you're my heaven. My future. You made me stop daydreaming and helped me turn my hopes and desires into reality. I love you with all my heart. Will you make my last outstanding dream come true and say you'll be my wife?' He opened the lid and the ring inside sparkled brighter than all the lights on the tree beside him.

  'Yes,' Zoe said, tears of delight filling her eyes. 'Oh yes, Luke. And I couldn't do better than you. You're the best man in the world.'

  He slid the ring on her finger, got to his feet and pulled her into his arms and kissed her as everyone clapped and cheered. Even Rufus smiled and nodded.

  Juliet glanced at Harrison and had to gasp for breath. He was looking directly at her and the look in his eyes was unmistakable.

  A look she hadn't seen for twenty years.

  No one but Harrison had ever looked at her like that, nor made her feel that way.

  It was as if he was in agony and ecstasy at one and the same time.

  And as if they were floating in the universe with nothing around them except exploding stars and careering planets.

  At least it seemed that way to her.

  A sudden flash before her eyes made her blink, and then she saw that Zoe was holding out her hand, a circle of diamonds around a blood red ruby glinting on her finger.

  'Isn't it the most gorgeous ring you've ever seen?' Zoe asked, her voice as high as the ceiling.

  'It is,' Juliet replied. 'Congratulations.' She hugged Zoe to her and seconds later, when she glanced across to where Harrison had been standing, he had gone to congratulate Luke.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  What a strange evening it had been? Juliet had hardly slept a wink thinking about it. She'd thought about it in the shower too, and during breakfast when they'd all discussed the events of the night – but not about what passed between her and Harrison. Only she seemed aware of that. Was it possible she had imagined it?

  Perhaps it had just been wishful thinking, brought on by Luke proposing to Zoe. Maybe it was because she had longed for Harrison to look at her in the way Luke was looking at her sister, so in her confused brain, he had. After all, it had only been for those few seconds. During dinner, he had hardly glanced in her direction. Even when he talked to her, from way down the table, his eyes seemed to look at everyone and everything but her. And when she and her family had left, several hours later, it had been Daphne who had handed them their coats, and Luke who had driven them home. Harrison had merely said a brief good night and had disappeared into his study.

  Perhaps she had annoyed him by reminiscing; by telling Luke what Christmas had been like when her family lived at The Grange. But Luke had asked, and so had Harrison, now she came to think about it. And all she'd really said was that all their guests could've seen the house from miles away because there had been so many trees and lights and decorations. And she'd only mentioned the drinks party on Christmas Eve for everyone who lived on Mistletoe Row, in passing. It wasn't her fault Luke had said how depressingly miserable the house must seem to her and her family now. Okay, maybe she shouldn't have said it did. But at least she was being honest. Surely that was a good thing?

  She was still thinking about how strange it had been as she and her family walked along Mistletoe Row, ankle deep in snow, to go to church. In fact, everything had been strange since she'd come home. It was even odd that they were all going to church. They never went to church. But Zoe had insisted.

  'You know what the Reverend's like,' Zoe had said over breakfast. 'He may be trendy in the way he acts and dresses, but as far as the church goes, he's living back in the fourteenth century, when the church still reigned over 'peasants' like us. If we don't show our faces for the next few weeks, there's no way he'll agree to marry me and Luke. And all my life I've dreamt of getting married in St Clement's, so we're going and that means all of us.'

  'You've got mighty bossy since last night,' Juliet joked. 'Just because you're marrying someone from the Big House, it doesn't mean you can expect us to bow and curtsy to you.'

  Zoe laughed. 'I can't imagine you bowing and curtsying to anyone and I don't recall anyone doing that to us when we lived there. It is a bit weird though, isn't it? I mean, actually being invited to go up there whenever I feel like it, instead of merely staring at it from our door.'

  Rosa and Bernard had said that it was definitely a little strange to be told that they should consider the place a second home, bearing in mind it had actually been their first home and that of the Bell family, for hundreds of years before.

  As they had left their cottage, they had all glanced up at The Grange, still looking rather forlorn, and possibly more so on such a cloudy morning, when the sky seemed about to burst from the weight of snow waiting to fall.

  'Yep. It's definitely weird knowing I can go there without being turned away at the door,' Zoe said.

  'And not just you, sweetheart.' Rosa stepped over a large mound of snow that must've fallen from their roof. 'Harrison said we can all go up as often as we like.'

  Bernard took Rosa's hand and slipped her arm through his. 'Harrison meant well. But I don't think I'll be popping in and out. Although it was civil of Rufus not to retract the invitation. It's almost as if he's letting Harrison get a feel for what it'll be like once he eventually inherits the place.'

  'Will he inherit it?' Juliet asked.

  'It's almost certain he will. Rufus only had one son and he died years ago, so Harrison is the next in line. Whether he'll want to live there or not is a different matter entirely.'

  'I thought I heard Rufus say that Harrison was considering it,' Rosa said. 'At least that was the impression I got. That Harrison may be returning to The Grange.'

  'He is,' Zoe said. 'Luke told me last night. Harrison had a long talk with him on Saturday morning and one of the things he said was that he was contemplating moving back. He also told Luke that he and I can live there if we like. He said the house is big enough for us all not to bump into one another every second of the day. Which I can confirm. He also said, if we preferred, there may be some way of converting it into separate accommodations for him and for us, without altering the interior too much. Don't look so panicked, the three of you. You know it's listed, so I doubt he'd get permission. And I wouldn't want him to. Like you, I think the house should remain as it is. No reason why we shouldn't live there as a family though. At least until the business is bringing in enough for us to get a place of our own.'

  Juliet couldn't help but feel a little envious. 'Just as well it's so big. I wouldn't fancy bumping into Kiki every five minutes if I were in your shoes.'

  Zoe laughed. 'Firstly, you shouldn't be wearing my shoes. Your feet are a size bigger than mine. And secondly, Kiki won't be there, so that wouldn't be a problem. Look, there's Dan.'

  Dan rushed through the snow towards them before Juliet could ask why Zoe was so sure Kiki wouldn't be living there.

  'Hello all. I hear congratulations are in order. Let me see the ring.' He grabbed Zoe's hand, yanked off her glove and winked at Juliet. 'Hello darling. I've got lots to tell you. Grab me after church and I'll buy you a drink or two. Oh Zoe.' He shielded his eyes with one hand. 'It's so bright I'm blinded. How did he propose?'

  Dan beamed at Rosa and Bernard before linking his arms through Zoe's and Juliet's and marching them towards the church, while Zoe told him all about the proposal and Juliet wondered if Harrison really would come back to live at The Grange. And if he did, why he wouldn't be bringing Kiki with him.

  Perhaps he and Kiki had fallen out, after all. And even though Juliet knew it was a bit bitchy of her, she couldn't help but smile at that thought.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Juliet sat in a cosy corner of The Mistletoe, nursing another glass of mulled wine. She was on her first glass when Dan told her all about Louis, the man he loved. She'd nearly finished her second, when he explained how difficult it had been to get his family together yesterday due to the fact that they all worked; his Dad and step Mum at the pub, his grandparents at the store, and his great-uncle at the church. She was about to start on her third when he finally told her how they had reacted to his news.

  'I started off by telling them that it was never going to happen between you and me, because when I said I had two big announcements to make and needed them to let me finish before they said one word, Gran jumped in and said, “Finally, you and Juliet are dating, aren't you?”' Dan rolled his eyes. 'Well, I said, “Sorry, Gran. That dog won't hunt. Juliet is not my type, although I love her to bits. But I have found my soulmate and that's why we're having this conversation.”'

  'Does that mean she'll never tease me about you and me again?'

  Dan nodded. 'You can count on it, darling. So anyway, I began by telling them all about Louis. I told them how wonderful it'll be because he only lives thirty miles or so from here. I told them he's a pilot. That he's thirty-eight so only two years older than me, and that we have all the same interests in common. Then Noah says, “Shouldn't it be pronounced Louise, with an 'e' on the end?” And Dad says, “I'm confused. I thought we were talking about a man. Are we talking about a woman?” And Paula, who later said she and Dad had known all along that I was gay and that it really isn't an issue, says, “Dan's in love with his new boyfriend. And I'm sure none of us has a problem with that, do we, Noah?”' Dan shook his head and laughed. 'Because let's face it, darling, Noah would be the only one with any reservations, wouldn't he? But he didn't have any. Until I told him Louis is an atheist. Noah looked fit to burst, and said we'd have to do something about that. Can you imagine Gran's face?'

  'Was she upset?'

  Dan shook his head again. 'Only about the atheist bit. And that it had dawned on Paula before the rest of them, that I was gay. And then Paula piped up, “You can't force a person to believe in God if they don't want to. And if Dan's in love with an atheist, we're all going to have to get used to that, aren't we?” Oddly enou
gh, Gran seems to like Paula more now. She asked her opinion on serving low-fat brandy butter with the Christmas pud this year instead of full fat. Thank God Paula said full fat, or she might've slid back down in Gran's estimation. It seems, my being gay and in love, has brought everyone closer together, in spite of Louis' beliefs. And when I said I hadn't told Mum or my step-dad about Louis yet, they were even more overjoyed. That was a little fib, of course. Mum was the first to know, but as she and Dad haven't spoken since I was about ten, no one here will ever find out I lied. Dad and Mum only exchange emails if they want to ask one another something about me, and my love-life is hardly a topic they'd ever discuss. Even now.'

  Juliet smiled. 'All this time you've been worried about how everyone would react, and all it's done is improved Paula's relationship with your gran. You must be so happy.'

  'I'm delirious, darling. In a good way of course.'

  'Oh Dan!' She shrieked much louder than she'd intended. 'I'm so happy I could cry.'

  Dan shrieked too. 'Oh darling, so am I.'

  She threw her arms around him and they hugged for several minutes. It was only when she eased herself away to ask when she was going to be able to meet Louis, that she saw several of the customers looking at them, one of whom, was Harrison. He was standing directly opposite, by the bar, and he definitely wasn't happy.

  'Does that man ever do anything other than scowl?' Dan asked, following the direction of her gaze. 'Would it kill him to smile? I'm sure he'd look gorgeous if he did.'

  Harrison turned away, said something to Paula, and disappeared via the front door of the pub.

  'He's gorgeous even when he's scowling,' Juliet said, sighing deeply.

  'Oh dear, darling.' Dan pulled a face. 'You've really got it bad, haven't you? I know you've had the hots for the hunk since you were sixteen but I thought you were trying to get over it. Has his being here made things worse?'

  'You have no idea, Dan.' Juliet slouched against the seat. 'I've tried really hard to fight it, but it seems there's nothing I can do. I may as well join a convent. Or perhaps I should be locked up. I mean, dear God, is it normal to fall so madly in love with someone you've just met, that you stay in love with them for twenty years? Even though you think you hate them? And the worst part is, I think I'm going to love that bloody man for my entire life.'


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