The information in this manual is derived from years of experience gained from service with special operations forces (SOF) followed by years of employment as a security contractor in hostile environments including Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a distillation of military and security training, principles, and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) adapted to the threat and environment anticipated in this type of scenario in order to provide knowledge needed to train to survive in a world turned upside down. It is no longer just survival of the fittest but survival of those prepared.
The manual will take you from self-defense as an individual, team and family, both pre and post collapse, and move on to tactics, techniques, procedures and training that can be used by tactical teams that you may need to form in order to survive. In a serious post-event scenario, one of total collapse with several months or years before recovery, families, groups and communities may be forced to create such tactical defense forces to protect personnel, loved ones and resources against marauders.
By Max Velocity - Available on Amazon
Rapid Fire! Tactics for High Threat, Protection and Combat Operations
The purpose of this manual is to provide information to enhance tactics and protection skills for those operating in high threat, protection and combat environments.
This includes the operations of the following, by no means exclusive list: special operations forces (SOF), specialized military teams, security escort teams, high threat protection agents, tactical law enforcement and SWAT teams, paramilitary law enforcement teams, and also civilians intent on improving their tactical skills and knowledge.
The information in this manual is derived from years of experience gained from training and operational service with SOF followed by years of employment as a security contractor in hostile environments including Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is a distillation of military and security training, principles, and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) adapted to the threat and environment anticipated in this type of scenario in order to provide knowledge needed to train tactical teams to operate effectively in high threat and combat environments.
By Max Velocity - Available on Amazon
Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises Page 29