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Danny’s Secret Desire

Page 10

by Carter, Polly

  “Ah, I see. You did tell me that, but clearly weren’t honest about how big a deal it is.” He turned back to address the couple in the front. “Did Danny tell you we met up at the stables this morning and took King and Bella out together. We had a great time, didn’t we, Danny?”

  He turned to her and winked as she swung around, aghast. She had not thought it was possible for him to be more despicable than he’d already been, but it seemed he would not rest until her humiliation was completely public and absolute. If the car wasn’t travelling so fast, she would open the door and throw herself out, she thought miserably.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Semina said. “I didn’t realise you two had already had chance to get to know each other.”

  “Did you find your way around?” Henry asked. “I know Danny’s been before. Did you go to the lake?”

  “Yes,” Brandon answered. “We did.”

  “Were there many people there?” asked Semina. “It’s usually very popular at this time of year, especially on weekends.”

  “Oh, is it really?” Brandon shook his head at Danny and gave a small, “Tut tut,” then turned back to Semina. “No, fortunately, we were quite alone. It was like our own private playground,” he replied with a teasing look at Danny, who sucked in her breath in terror. Was he going to give away her secret shame? Could he be so cruel? “I see enough of other people to be honest,” he finished, grinning at her relief. “It was nice to have a little peace and quiet.”

  “Well, Semina and I were very glad the horses could get out for a ride, weren’t we, darling?”

  “Yes,” Semina nodded. “We’ve just been so busy, we haven’t had chance to give them the exercise they need. But, Danny,” she said changing the subject, “you must be exhausted, you poor girl. Riding, working, playing cricket. If you don’t get some rest, you won’t enjoy the party. Why don’t you sneak up to your room when we get home and have a nap?”

  “Oh no,” Danny protested. “I was thinking I could give you a hand. I haven’t done anything useful yet. There must be something I can do.”

  “Nonsense,” Semina said with a firm shake of her head. “We just said how glad we are that you took Bella out this morning. I think that’s a more than worthwhile contribution. And you helped our team win the cricket match. Besides it’s all pretty much done. The caterers are dropping the first lot of food off at six thirty tonight. Henry and I are just going to do a last-minute check, and then get ready, but it’s really all done. So, no argument,” she insisted with a smile.

  “Well, okay, if you’re sure.” Danny was happy to give in. “To be honest, I would love a nap before this evening. I don’t want to be tired and miss the fun.” And it would be a way of avoiding Brandon Carlisle. Then she could briefly join the party, and once the speeches and toasts were over, she could quickly and quietly disappear again.

  No doubt he would be with his fiancée tonight which would make it harder for him to bother her. As she pictured him and Vivienne together, her tongue darted out in an attempt to moisten her suddenly dry lips and she raised a hand to rub the throbbing in her temple.

  “You okay?” Brandon asked.

  Danny looked up sharply, but the angry retort died in her throat. He appeared genuinely concerned. For a second her anger abated but returned immediately as she reminded herself – he’s an actor. Faking emotions he doesn’t feel is what he does for a living!

  “I’m perfectly fine, thank you,” she replied coldly and turned away.

  Discreetly, he moved his hand to cover hers lying beside her on the seat. She tried to pull away, but his grasp was firm. Not wanting to draw Henry and Semina’s attention to the drama in the back seat, she turned slightly toward him, her head bowed and whispered, “Let go of me!”

  “Listen, first!” he demanded. Reaching into his pocket with his free hand, he pulled out a small box. “Wear your hair up tonight, and wear these.”

  Shooting a glance at the couple in the front seat, Danny reassured herself that they were deep in their own conversation and paying no attention to her and Brandon.

  “I will not,” she whispered fiercely.

  “You will,” he whispered back, “or face the consequences.”

  “There will be no consequences,” she hissed. “Leave me alone.”

  “I’ve already told you that’s not an option.” His mouth quirked at one edge, like a first attempt at a smile, but his previously twinkling blue eyes were dark and flat. He was challenging her, daring her to argue.

  A lull in the conversation in the front seat prevented Danny from answering. She had no need to anyway, she told herself. She’d said all she was going to say to Mr. Brandon Carlisle, today and forever.

  Certain of her resolve and her immunity to him, she met his eyes steadily with her own, deliberately smiling as smugly as she could manage, and then turned away. Brandon Carlisle, obviously used to women falling at his feet, probably imagined she also found his cave-man tactics irresistible, and admittedly she had given him some cause. When she wasn’t aware of his true identity.

  Far from finding him more attractive because of his celebrity status, she felt nothing but contempt for him now. Not only had he proved her right in her assessment that he would be conceited and arrogant as a result of the adulation of his fans, but his deception and… she blushed remembering how easily she had submitted to him when she thought he was simply Henry’s groundsman and groom. Oh how she despised him for taking advantage of her innocent attraction, when he was in fact an already-engaged celebrity.

  Still seething with anger, Danny reached for the door as soon as the car pulled up at Farthingale Cottage. As she went to jump out, though, Brandon took the opportunity while Henry and Semina were distracted to grab hold of her arm.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he told her sternly. “Wear your hair up, and wear these.” He held the little box out to her again, but she knocked it to the floor.

  “In your dreams!” she spat. “Let go of me, or I will make a scene.”

  His mouth set in a hard line. “Just this once, I will give you a chance to think about it, but I will see you tonight,” he whispered harshly as he retrieved the box. “You shan’t avoid me. And as I have already told you, there will always be consequences for disobedience.”

  He released her and, opening his door, left her stunned by the look of dark determination in his eyes. As she got out of the car and made her way inside, she shivered in the late afternoon, but it wasn’t the gentle breeze fluffing gently around her bare limbs that caused the chill, but rather the dreaded certainty that Brandon Carlisle still planned to pursue his game with her.

  As the other car with Sara in it might not be right behind them, Danny sent her a message saying she was having a rest and would see her at the party.

  K. George’ll keep me company :) Sara messaged straight back. Danny smiled to herself as she undressed and got into the shower for a quick wash. It was no surprise Sara had found herself the nearest attractive man to amuse herself with, and Danny just hoped George wasn’t going to get his heart broken.

  Chapter 7

  Ping! The sound of her phone startled Danny awake. For a moment she struggled to remember what day and time it was. Weak sunlight was peeping through gaps in the curtains, but was it early morning or late evening?

  Where r u? Coming up if u not down in 5.

  As Danny read Sara’s message, the brain fog disappeared. It was evening, she’d been asleep over an hour, it was already after seven thirty, and the party was starting at eight o’clock!

  Just woke! Give me 15. She sent back.

  Jumping up, she slipped into her green dress, darkened her eyelashes with mascara, tinted her full lips with pink gloss, and brushed her curls until they shone like a fiery orange sunset. Finally, she sat on the bed to put on her low-heeled black sling-backs.

  The door flying open heralded the arrival of Sara wearing a purple, lace, corset dress, red feather boa and purple, lace, ankle boots with ridiculously hi
gh heels. She waved a bottle of champagne and two glasses at Danny.

  “Oh my God, Dan. You look fantastic. Like a goddess. Here, let’s drink to beautiful women and gorgeous men, gorgeous George, that is.” She giggled as she put the glasses down, filled them both to the brim from the open bottle and handed one to Danny, chinking hers against it with a “Cheers!”

  “Oh, and this was outside your door.” She held out a white gift bag she’d brought in with her. “I don’t know what’s in it. I’ll see.” She opened the bag and reached in. “Who’s it from?”

  “No idea,” Danny shrugged, then froze as Sara took out a little blue box. “Here,” she cried trying to snatch it from Sara, but it was too late; Sara had opened it to reveal a pair of gold earrings, each with an emerald drop.

  “Gosh,” she breathed. “Where did these exquisite things come from? They’ll go perfectly with your dress. Quick, put them on.”

  “No,” Danny stepped back, her hands up and her head shaking. “I have no idea where they’re from,” she lied. “And I’m not wearing them.”

  “Of course you are.” Sara took them out of their box and held them out. “Here let me help. You have to wear them so your secret admirer will see you got them and make himself known. Who could it be? What a mystery! Come on. Drink your champagne and put them on. I’m not leaving until you do. And I’m missing the party. I could take them down and ask around?” she added seeing Danny was still unconvinced.

  “No!” That was the last thing Danny wanted, but she knew how hard it would be to stop Sara if she set her mind on something. “Here, give them to me then. I’ll put them on.”

  As Danny made her way downstairs, the full glass of champagne Sara had insisted she guzzle was already making her light-headed. And she was no longer so sure about Sara’s choice of dress for her. It was a beautiful creation, she couldn’t deny that, but more revealing than anything she would have ever chosen for herself.

  The shimmering emerald almost perfectly matched her eyes, and it was the ideal colour to complement the rich orange-gold of her tresses and enhance the pale milky softness of her shoulders, naked except for spaghetti straps.

  But the scooped neck and empire line, accentuated by a black velvet band, exposed a considerable amount of voluptuous cleavage. And the flowing skirt was altogether way too short for her very long legs, Danny bemoaned to herself as they made their way downstairs. She shouldn’t have let Sara talk her into accepting it, but how could she have refused such a loving gesture from her friend? Besides, she’d had nothing suitable to wear and she hadn’t expected anyone would pay her any attention, let alone care what she was wearing.

  Now, though… Danny’s thoughts turned to Brandon Carlisle and her fingers went up to touch the gold and green earrings. The last thing she wanted was the arrogant, bossy Mr. Carlisle thinking she’d dressed for him.

  She knew quite well that that was who’d left the earrings outside her door, but she didn’t want to try and explain that to Sara. She pulled her hair further over the earrings to hide them. She’d take them off as soon as she had chance, and just pray she could keep clear of Brandon Carlisle until then.

  Despite her resolve to stay well away from him tonight, an excited trill nonetheless skittered down her spine as she imagined his seductive azure eyes running over her as they had last night in the stables. Was that really only last night, she thought incredulously.

  If he had been able to make her feel naked when dressed in jeans and a jumper just by the look in his eyes, how much more vulnerable was she in this dress.

  “Shall I get you another drink?” Sara asked her above the music.

  “No, thanks,” Danny laughed. “You know I can’t drink like you. The one I’ve already had has gone straight to my head. I think I’ll congratulate Henry and Semina officially before I do anything else.”

  “Okay. Try the kitchen for Semina and come find me when you’re done. I’m going back to the party. George is waiting for me.”

  Danny found Semina checking the big Styrofoam boxes delivered by the caterers. Three of the containers had already been emptied onto trays, and the food taken out by waiters to share among the guests.

  “Hi, Semina, you look gorgeous. Congratulations on your engagement.” Danny held out her arms for a hug. “Can I help with anything?”

  “Thank you, Danny. No, I think I can leave it to the caterers from here.” Semina returned Danny’s hug and then nodded approvingly at her dress. “What a fabulous dress!”

  “Thanks,” Danny responded as her face coloured. “Sara chose it.” Remaining invisible might prove harder than she was hoping. Why, she asked herself pointlessly, couldn’t she have just ignored Sara and brought along one of her own cheap, practical and no-nonsense dresses?

  “Well, well done, Sara. It looks like it was made for you and you look absolutely divine. Doesn’t she, dear?” she added as Henry hurried into the kitchen.

  “What?” he asked, clearly flustered. “Hello, Danny,” he added, noticing her.

  “Hi, Henry.” Danny gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Congratulations on your engagement.”

  “Thanks, Danny. I’m a very lucky man.” He returned her hug and kiss, then turned back to Semina. “Can you come, darling? I’m afraid you’re needed.”

  “Of course,” Semina answered soothingly taking his hand and leading him out of the kitchen. “I was just telling Danny how divine she looks, doesn’t she?”

  “She most certainly does.” But the answer was not from Henry; he and Semina had already left to attend to the minor emergency.

  Recognising that rich voice and sardonic tone without even having to see its owner, Danny quickly turned away as he came through the door and into the kitchen.

  “Divine indeed. And that’s only from behind.” He was closer. The skin on the back of Danny’s neck crawled, and her whole body flooded with adrenalin in preparation for fighting or fleeing. “Do we get to see the front? I only caught a glimpse before.”

  Her entire body was alive to that voice and its charismatic owner. Her mouth was dry, and she felt nauseous.

  Caught in his invisible trap, Danny was unable to move as she felt rather than heard him come right up behind her, and though she knew he was there, her heart stopped and she all but leapt into the air when he took her gently by the waist and turned her around.

  Having convinced herself that she was no longer susceptible to his charms, she was unprepared for the jolt of sheer physical pleasure she got from seeing him again. Freshly showered, he was breathtaking in his evening clothes. His jet-black hair was stylishly gelled into peaks, and his thick black brows and long lashes framed his bewitching blue eyes currently as dark as the deepest lake.

  Although Danny refused to allow her eyes to wander, no matter how much she longed to just feast them on him, she couldn’t miss how his white evening shirt, open at the neck, set off his olive skin and expertly groomed five o’clock shadow, and the tight, slim-fit black suit showcased his perfect physique.

  “Whew,” he whistled admiringly, those heart-stopping eyes travelling slowly down her body as she’d known they would, pausing insolently on the plump mounds of her half-naked breasts which traitorously hardened and rose in response.

  He flicked a knowing glance up to her stricken face, and she could feel the heat of his desire. She stiffened, ready to flee, but he held her firm, his hand still on her waist, while he completed his brazen journey over her slim waist, the curve of her hip under her short skirt, and then down her long, bare legs.

  As his eyes explored her body, she felt it respond against her will. Her belly ached with need; the soft, pinkness between her legs swelled and oozed a hot, welcoming invitation; and her legs softened in anticipation of parting wide enough to let this big man nestle between them.

  Horrified by her response, she wrenched away from him, but if she had any ideas of escaping, he was too quick for her.

  Positioning himself between her and the door, he shook his head
gently as he moved towards her.

  “Leave me alone,” she hissed. “I want to go out.”

  Stumbling backwards, she was brought to an abrupt halt by a worktop. In an instant, he’d pounced, standing close without touching, his hands resting on the bench either side of her. She turned her face away.

  “Go away and leave me alone!”

  “Why?” he murmured, raising one hand to lift her hair back to reveal an earring. “You don’t really want me to, do you? You are wearing my earrings. You don’t strike me as a gold-digger. You understand that accepting jewellery from a man means something. No, my lovely, these,” and he gently swung the emerald drop, “these tell me you want to surrender.”

  “No!” Danny shook her head, slapping his hand away from her. “No. You’re wrong. Sara made me wear the earrings. I didn’t want to.”

  “But this,” he continued, ignoring her and picking up a handful of loose hair. “This, after I specifically told you to wear it up, this tells me that you also have a wilful streak that needs taming, and you want me to tame you.”

  Shaking her head, Danny tried to escape but he blocked her way. Glaring at him, she reached up to pull the earrings off, but he was too quick and grabbed her hands holding them fast.

  “You want to see how far you can push me, and you want to find out exactly what the consequences of such wilfulness will be. Well, my sweet, find out you shall.”

  “No, no,” Danny pulled her hands free and shook her head again. “You are totally wrong. I wore my hair down because I like it down and I don’t want you to tell me what to do. I want you to leave me alone.”

  “Then why are you dressed like this?” he demanded thickly. “Why go to the trouble to put all your allurements on display if you don’t want to allure me?”

  “You?” she retorted hotly, stung by his accusation that she had dressed to please him. “Aren’t you being a tad egocentric? Even if I am deliberately ‘displaying my allurements’ as you put it, which I’m not, why would you assume it’s for your benefit? You’re not the only man in the world, you know.”


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