Danny’s Secret Desire

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Danny’s Secret Desire Page 15

by Carter, Polly

  The love she felt for him spilled from her heart and coursed like molten magic through her veins.

  “My darling,” she raised her hand and tenderly stroked his cheek as she floated in the blueness of his eyes. “I want you more than I have ever wanted anything. I want to make love with you. I want to please you any way I can. Whatever you ask of me, I will give you freely and happily. You will be in charge and I will do whatever you say. There will be no misunderstanding.”

  “And you are absolutely sure?” His muscles were as tight as rope stretched to breaking.


  He exhaled. The corner of his mouth twitched.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Jones.” She smiled.

  Chapter 10

  Brandon jumped up as she emerged from the bedroom.

  “My God, Danny!” he groaned, the deep pleasure of seeing her dressed in a pleated tartan skirt and white blouse, and with her hair in plaits, evident in his trembling smile. “You are so beautiful.”

  In an instant, he’d reached her. “You know what this means?” he demanded urgently, searching her face again for assurance that she understood the enormity of what she was doing.

  “Yes.” Strengthened by her feelings for him, she didn’t flinch as he touched her hair. This was her gift of love. With all her heart, she hoped he wanted to receive it as much as she wanted to give it. She prayed it wasn’t too late.

  Her fears were swept away the instant he scooped her into his arms, pulled her against him and hungrily pressed his lips against hers.

  She could feel the tension in his hard body as he mercilessly teased her with his lips. Oh how she wanted him to wrap his mouth right over hers and suck the sweetness from her soul. But he wouldn’t. His kisses were short, his mouth flitted about leaving her breathless as she tried to follow.

  Then a longer kiss promised to turn into the invasion she longed for, but just as she surrendered, he was gone, his mouth exploring down her neck, stopping to suck gently, and then up to her ear, to lick, suck and tease.

  She was powerless in his arms, quivering, pressing herself against him, trying desperately to find some respite from the torment of his relentless, chaotic teasing.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please, who?” he growled thickly.

  “Please, Jones,” she said firmly despite the tremor of emotion in her voice.

  With a grunt of pure visceral pleasure, his arms tightened, and he opened his mouth wider, devouring hers. She could feel the tip of his tongue running around the inside of her lips, savouring her sweetness, feel the hardness of his teeth against hers as he sought the darkest, most secret parts of her.

  As his mouth ravaged hers, Danny pressed herself against him, running her hands up his back and into his hair. She moaned, deep in her throat, lost in the sensation of his lips melded so perfectly with her own. She wanted more. As her innermost essence rose up to where their mouths were fused, she felt her whole body open to him, her knees weakening, no longer able to support her. He was drawing the very will from her core, rendering her defenceless beneath him.

  Feeling her complete surrender, Brandon slowly ended the kiss, moving his mouth gently to her cheek. She whimpered at the loss.

  “Patience, beautiful girl,” he chuckled. “We have all night, but we have other business to attend to first.”

  “But,” Danny protested with a pout. She didn’t want to be patient. She wanted him to make love to her immediately! She had never ever wanted to feel a man inside her as passionately and all-consumingly as she did at this moment. How could he be so calm? What ‘other business’ could be more important than her need for him. She wasn’t used to begging a man to make love to her and it was humiliating to be rejected. Well, two could play that game.

  “Oh well,” she sneered, “in that case I think I’ll go to bed.”

  With a quiet voice he said, “Tut tut,” and put a finger on her lips.

  “Remember the rule, naughty girl?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. “You don’t argue with Jones. Instant obedience or suffer the consequences.”

  He ran his hands up the back of her legs and under her skirt. Pushing them down inside her sexy, red lace knickers, he took hold of her cheeks, squeezing them gently. “Do you think your bottom needs a reminder? I do.”

  “No.” Shocked by how quickly she’d got herself into this position again without meaning to, Danny tried to twist away from him and raised a hand to push his away from under her skirt. She wanted him to make love to her, not… His free hand stopped her.

  “Don’t,” he said ominously. She dropped her hand.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  She could feel his eyes exerting their pull, forcing her to look up. Conflict raged within her: if she resisted him, she would be going back on her promise. He might leave her. Her inner being constricted as violently as if she had been kicked by a horse at the thought. “No!” she silently cried; she must not lose him.

  Her only other option was surrender, and she knew he would demand she submit her bottom to him for punishment. As aroused as she had already been, she was shocked by the pulse of hot desire that plunged into the hollow between her thighs, setting off a throbbing ache of pure lascivious excitement at the thought.

  Forcing herself to be silent and calm, she refused to listen to the warning voice in her head. This, whatever it was, whatever was going to happen, was what she wanted. She trusted this man, trusted that whatever happened between them she would ultimately be safe.

  She looked up, and her eyes told him what he needed to know.

  He gave a small sigh of relief, of pleasure, of desire. Taking her hand, he led her across the room and stopped next to the couch. A small sob of anticipation and trepidation escaped her as she awaited her fate.

  “Last week,” he began sternly, “I told you to wear your hair up at the party and you deliberately defied me. I warned you that you would be punished for your flagrant disobedience, didn’t I? So, now you are wearing a short skirt like a naughty girl ready to be spanked for your disobedience.” He paused briefly to let his words sink in before continuing, “Since then you behaved abominably when I came to your flat, yelling and stamping your feet like a spoiled little brat…”

  “But,” Danny interrupted. “That’s not fair! You…”

  Brandon stopped her immediately.

  “This is not about me; it’s about your poor behaviour. Yes, I didn’t make it to the stables, but I had good reason. Yes, you didn’t get the message, but I did try to contact you. You didn’t trust me, though, did you? After all I’d said to you at Henry’s, you still didn’t trust me. Had I given you reason to not trust me?”

  “But I thought–” Danny wailed but he cut her off again.

  “I didn’t ask you what you thought or assumed.” He slowly wagged one finger from side to side in front of her. “I asked if I had given you any actual reason to not trust me?”

  And Danny had to admit that he hadn’t. The truth was that if she had trusted him, she would have waited for him to find her to explain his disappearance, but she hadn’t. She’d just jumped to nasty conclusions. Ashamed, she stared at the floor.

  “Had I?” he demanded again, tipping her face up so she could see he meant business.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “No, what?” He sounded a bit annoyed, and Danny didn’t really want him any more annoyed than he already was.

  “No, Jones,” she forced herself to say. “You hadn’t given me any reason to not trust you.”

  “Well.” He put his head up and ran one hand through his hair. “With your lack of trust, your lack of obedience and bratty behaviour, I calculate that is probably at least three or four sound spankings you’ve earned to date, wouldn’t you agree?”

  She flinched, her bottom tightening as though he’d already begun chastising her tender, plump cheeks. Three or four! Gracious, she didn’t even want half of one! But she didn’t want the number to go up
to five or six either.

  He was still waiting for her answer.

  “Yes, Jones,” she squeaked miserably, shaking her head in an attempt to negate her words.

  “Well, I’m prepared to compromise. If you willingly accept the one sound spanking I am about to give you, without complaining or fighting, I will consider the slate clean.” He chuckled. “I have little doubt you will earn yourself another one soon enough anyway.”

  “So, naughty girl,” he continued as she remained silent, “do you agree? You will accept this spanking quietly and without fuss to acknowledge you deserve it, and that in this circumstance you are actually getting off lightly?”

  A tiny tear, the product of so many new, exciting, but unfamiliar emotions, escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek.

  “Yes, Jones.” She was trembling so hard, her teeth chattering so violently, her mouth felt numb, but she managed to say the words clearly.

  “Good girl.” He pulled her to him and stroked her hair. “This won’t be pleasant for you. It will be quite hard, and it will sting, but it wouldn’t be a punishment otherwise, would it? You know you’ve behaved badly, and I’m sure you will feel better after you have been punished for it.”

  He leant back so he could look into her face.

  “And if you behave and keep your bottom nice and still for me until your punishment is over, I will reward you with special delights which I have no doubt you will enjoy all the more for your spanking.”

  While he was speaking, he ran one finger down her body starting at the base of her throat and travelling down to where the ache for him was strongest. Danny felt again the bolt of electricity stabbing achingly through her swollen hungry groin. He smiled as she shuddered.

  “If you don’t, though,” his smile faded and his eyes half-closed in warning, “we will just start the spanking again and keep doing so until you accept it without fuss. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Jones.”

  Another little emotion-filled tear spilled over and rolled down her cheek.

  “Don’t cry yet, little girl,” he murmured, gently wiping it away, and softly kissing the place it had been. “You will need your tears soon enough. Save them until then.” Reaching out, he gently curved his hand behind her head and tilted it up, bending down so his face was almost right in hers. She blinked but didn’t move as he stared directly into her eyes.

  “Okay,” he said. “I’m going to sit on the couch, and you are going to lay yourself across my knees. Then I’m going to lift your skirt out of the way and spank your bottom over your panties.”

  He suppressed a small grin at her sob of dismay, then again assumed his stern expression and continued.

  “This part of your punishment will not be hard or unpleasant. It’ll just be a warm-up. When I feel your bottom is ready, I will slip your panties down, and spank your whole bottom soundly and thoroughly until I am sure you have learned your lesson and will think twice before disobeying or mistrusting me in the future. Throughout your punishment, you will keep still and do nothing to try and interfere with the spanking. You may kick your legs so long as it is not too violently, and you may cry so long as it is not too loudly. Is all that clear?”

  “What if I can’t?” Danny wailed in dismay, so sincerely distressed Brandon pulled her to him again, holding her tight and kissing her forehead.

  “I know you will try, my love,” he reassured her. “And if you can’t, we can practice. We can practice as many times as we need until you can take your punishments like the good girl I know you want to be. Okay?”

  Danny nuzzled her face against his chest, wishing she could stay in his arms like this forever, but he gently put her from him. Bending to kiss her mouth, he stroked her breast, then ran his hand down and under the front of her skirt.

  “You’re so ready for my loving, aren’t you, beautiful girl?” he murmured, feeling the hot dampness in her knickers. “So, let’s get this unpleasant duty out of the way so we can get to the infinitely more delicious part. Although,” he added with a grin as he sat on the couch, still holding her hand in his. “I’m afraid I am also going to thoroughly enjoy this part, and even if you don’t as much, you will find that having a hot, throbbing bottom afterwards will increase your sexual pleasure.” He nodded at her expression of disbelief. “You’ll see.” He placed a cushion from the couch on his thighs and patted it. “Come on, then. Lay yourself here.”

  He tugged gently on her hand.

  Feeling more self-conscious than ever before in her life, Danny lay across the cushion, her feet on the floor, her upper body supported by the couch. She folded her arms and hid her face in them, willing this to be over as quickly as possible. She had fantasised about this on so many occasions, but now, for the first time, it was actually really happening.

  At least the spanking she’d endured at his hand last week had given her an idea of what to expect, and it hadn’t been that bad at all. It had barely even hurt, so she was sure she’d be able to lie still and keep quiet until this one was over. Nonetheless, it was incredibly embarrassing, even if also more than a little thrilling.

  “Move a bit further forward,” he ordered. “And lift your bottom up for me. I want you to feel how naughty you’ve been, and to demonstrate you are willingly presenting your bottom to be punished.”

  Danny managed to wriggle forward, feeling her bottom settle squarely in his lap, then arched her back slightly to raise it up to him.

  He sighed with satisfaction. “Ah, yes. Perfect. Now you are to focus on holding it still just like that. Is that clear?”

  “Yes,” she mumbled into the couch.

  “Yes, what?” he demanded.

  “Yes, Jones.”

  “That’s better.” With both hands, he lifted the hem of her skirt, folding it back and tucking it into the waistband. Then he placed his left arm around her waist, holding her tight.

  “Are you ready for your spanking, Daniella?”

  “Yes, Jones.”

  And so it began. True to his word, his hand was firm but not too hard, and although Danny flinched with each spank, it was more from the initial shock than pain. As his hand rose and fell, slowly and steadily, alternating cheeks, the jolts to her bottom began to cause a delicious quivering through to her front. To her surprise, with each spank came a shaft of pleasure, and she unconsciously started rhythmically lifting her bottom up to meet his hand. She heard him chuckle and felt the hardness of his erection beneath her as she swooned with pleasure.

  It didn’t last long, however; all too soon her brain began registering something beyond the pleasure.

  “Oh,” she whimpered. “Ow.” That one stung.

  Fortunately, he stopped when it was obviously hurting her, and Danny relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief. It was over, and as she’d thought, it wasn’t that bad at all. She wriggled expectantly, waiting for him to let her up, but he kept her where she was, rubbing and squeezing her bottom.

  “You were a very naughty girl, weren’t you?” he said. “You have to learn not to disobey me. If I tell you to wear your hair up, or down, or in a ponytail, or plaits or whatever, you will do it, won’t you? Well, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Jones. I will. I will do anything you say.”

  “Good. Then keep still and reflect on why you find yourself in this position.”

  And the rhythmic rise and fall of his hand started again, and like when the spanking had first begun, now that her bottom had cooled a little, it was initially pleasurable, but more quickly this time the pleasure turned to pain, and she tried to wriggle away.

  He stopped, and she held her breath. Was it over? Oh, please, let it be over this time. Once again, he started stroking and gently rubbing her now slightly tender cheeks.

  “Can I get up?” she pleaded, trying to lift herself.

  “Oh no,” he said firmly, holding her down. “We’re not finished yet. In fact, we haven’t started. This is just to get your bottom warm and ready for the real spanking.”

To emphasise his words, his big hand smacked each cheek three more times.

  Danny gave another wriggle. “No,” she cried.

  “Shh,” he ordered. “Come on. I haven’t really hurt your bottom yet, have I?”

  “Yes, you have,” she mumbled.

  “I think you’ve actually been quite enjoying it, naughty girl,” he chuckled. “Judging from the way you were raising your bottom most of the time rather than trying to pull away. No, my sweet, I think you enjoyed that as much as I did, didn’t you? Be honest.”

  “Maybe, a little bit, at first,” was her reluctant hard-to-hear reply.

  “No maybe about it.” His voice firmed. “But remember what I said? I would warm your bottom over your panties, then take them down and give you a hard, proper spanking on your bare bottom as punishment for your naughty behaviour? So that was the warm-up. I’m going to take your panties down now and give your bottom a thorough spanking.”

  “No. Please. Don’t,” she begged. “Let me up.”

  “And,” he went on as though she hadn’t spoken, “you are to keep still and quiet and not try to interfere or we will start again. Would you like to start again from the beginning? You can hop up if you want, and we can start over.”

  He removed his hands so she was free to get up from over his lap, but what would be the point, she thought miserably. It would only mean having to go through all this again, which meant waiting longer for it all to be over and it would only delay the inevitable unpleasantness about to begin.

  “No,” she whimpered, keeping still. “I don’t want to start again. I just want it to be over.”

  “Okay, my sweet naughty girl. Then let’s get it over with.”

  Taking hold of the top of her knickers, he pulled one side down. “Raise your hip, please,” he ordered her. She obeyed, and he slipped that side down to her thigh. He then pulled down the other side, and this time she raised her hip without having to be asked so he could slide them down to her knees, leaving her pink bottom and white thighs completely exposed.

  Danny buried her face still further in shame and apprehension. She blushed as she pictured him studying her plump mounds tinged with pink and wondered what he could see between her thighs. She felt so hot and swollen, surely, he could the extent of her arousal. Why? She wondered. How could she respond like this? It was a mystery.


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