Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2)

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Mended Hearts: Bad Boy Action-Adventure Romance (Renegade Series Book 2) Page 9

by Arabella Steedly

  A few minutes later, she dropped the clean sheets and spread in the armchair beside the guest bed, the door opened, and the two men walked in. When Sebastian tried to apologize for intruding Vanessa shook her head. "No, I'm the one who was out of control. I don't know what happened. I just snapped. Please forgive me for being such a bitch."

  Jake snickered but didn't speak a word. Picking up the fitted sheet he finished what Vanessa had started while she and Sebastian cleared the air.

  "What's going on with your stepfather?" Vanessa peered at the slender young man; sandy hair, light eyes with a permanent tan standing before her behaving with more grace that she had a few minutes earlier. She listened as Sebastian explained how his mother was afraid of his stepfather. At times he had been abusive to both of them.

  "Please, Vanessa, I'll be glad to sleep in the barn... or the boat. You don't have to put me up in your house."

  "It's not a problem at all. I want you to be comfortable here. Please believe me." Vanessa reached for Sebastian’s hand and squeezed it. Turning her attention back to Jake she asked, "Have you any idea who let the horses out?"

  Jake nodded toward Sebastian. "No, but he does."

  The young man handed Jake the bedspread off the chair then cross his arms over his chest saying, "A couple of the guys you interviewed made threatening remarks to John and I at the bar the other night when they found out we were the ones you hired."

  "So you believe this little stunt was just to get revenge?" Vanessa fluffed the pillows and finished pulling up the spread.

  "Yes, I do. They're just a couple of drunk red necks... and probably parked along the road out front... then snuck in and out before being caught. It's a Friday night, and there's not much going on here unless you want to drive to Gainesville."

  "Well, I'm sure glad we didn't hire them," Jake remarked over his shoulder heading for the door. "Why don't you come with me. Let's check the stable one more time before we call it a night. Or, I should say... early morning."

  After the two men left, Vanessa undressed and turned on the shower. Confused by her emotional outbursts, she listened to the water splashing against the tiles. Then the answer came to her. They had been so busy the last several months, she had lost track of her monthly cycle. Vanessa smiled to herself.

  I wonder if I’m pregnant?

  Chapter 13

  The Florida sunshine filtered in through the sheer curtains and across the kitchen table. After the bizarre night, Vanessa was sleeping, and Sebastian sat at the table peering out the window with a long face.

  "You drink coffee?" Jake asked.

  "Not usually."

  "What about orange juice from our neighbor's grove?"

  "Yes, thanks. That sounds good." Sebastian turned and smiled at Jake as he poured two glasses of juice. After passing one to his ranch hand, he set the other inside the fridge for Vanessa. Rummaging around inside, Jake pulled out a carton of eggs and a package of fresh bacon. He eyed the young man and tried to figure out what was going through his mind. After several minutes of silence, Jake spoke first.

  "Do you have classes on Saturday?"

  "I have one at nine o'clock." Sebastian sipped the juice and looked away.

  "Well, I guess you missed it. How did you plan to get there?"

  "I don't know..."

  "Where's your truck?" Jake asked removing the skillet from the cupboard.

  "My stepfather took the keys."

  "What did you say?" Jake's head snapped around to face him.

  "Yeah, he hid my keys before he threw me out."

  Jake took a deep breath and explained to the young man that after breakfast they would take a ride to town and settle that situation. No way would he allow some dickhead to bully Sebastian. Unfortunately, there was little Jake could do to help the guy's mother, but he was well equipped to challenge the asshole. As he stirred the scrambled eggs, one thought came to mind.

  I wonder how big he is? I guess I'll soon find out…

  A few minutes later, Jake heard the shuffling of Vanessa's slippers. When he turned to greet her, he covered his mouth with his hand and tried not to laugh. His wife wore a gaudy flowery muumuu that flowed almost to the floor, and her hair was combed.

  "What?" She gazed at him with sleepy eyes.

  "Uh... nothing. Love your new... uh." He knew she would not wear the usual yellow t-shirt since they had a guest. While Tucker visited, she wore her robe. And hadn't bothered to brush her hair before her first cup of coffee. He wondered, why the muumuu today and the fresh hair-do, but dared not to ask.

  "Oh shut up." She teased. "Where's my coffee and juice."

  "Sorta grumpy this morning, I see."

  She rolled her eyes and poured herself a cup while Jake removed her glass of juice from the fridge.

  "So, Sebastian... how did you sleep." Vanessa blew on her morning dose of caffeine before taking a sip.

  "I slept pretty well. How about you?"

  In a few minutes, they chatted over Jake's tasty breakfast. He explained to his wife about the car situation and how they planned to bring it back here to the ranch after breakfast.

  "While you are out why don't you pick us up a real Christmas tree. I hate that fake one we had last year."

  Jake nodded. "Good idea. I can't believe the holidays are just around the corner."

  They both realized their guest was not saying much. So, Vanessa tried to cheer him up. "Sebastian, I can't wait for you to help Jake and me decorate the tree. This year the holidays will be so cool. I want you to think about some ways to give Renegade Ridge a festive flare on the outside too. Beth, my receptionist, has already come up with several cute ideas for the clinic."

  Before long, Sebastian perked up and mentioned several ideas. Jake's favorite was stringing an antique wagon with lights and filling the bed with fake presents. "Maybe we'll see if we can find one. I suggest you start by checking online. But first, we'll buy Vanessa a tree on the way back this morning."

  After breakfast, Vanessa hummed while cleaning up the kitchen. Jake could tell she had something on her mind when he kissed her before leaving for town by the way she averted his eyes. The ridiculous muumuu that he had never seen before was another clue. At least she was cheerful.

  Sebastian filled Jake in on a few more stories about his stepfather and mother that made his blood boil. After they pulled up in front of a run-down shack south of town, Jake stood beside his Ford with his arms crossed over his chest, bowed up ready for action. He waited there while Sebastian went inside. Jake could hear raised voices, and from the sound of it, Sebastian's stepfather was not the only one in the house with anger issues.

  Obviously, allowing Sebastian to stay in their guest room forever was not the answer, but Jake hoped Vanessa would put up with it until they found a better solution. It was hard enough dealing with his studies and work without worrying about housing — and poor parenting.

  Sebastian walked outside grinning with a couple of duffle bags full of clothes and the keys to his gray Toyota Tundra. He gave Jake the thumbs up as he climbed inside the cab and started the engine.

  Before driving away Sebastian rolled down his window and yelled at Jake waving him ahead, "I'll follow you to the Christmas tree lot." When Jake stopped at a red light in town he was surprised Vanessa's yellow bug was parked in front of the Walgreens.

  My wife is up to something...

  An hour later, he and Sebastian had already measured and sawed off the end of the Christmas tree trunk and were carrying it inside when Vanessa drove up. Jake walked toward her and asked if she needed help with anything. She shook her head and brushed passed him carrying a small Walgreens bag. Without uttering another word, she made a beeline for their bedroom and closed the door.

  Uh-hum, she thinks she's so slick...

  The two men were working to arrange the tree in front of the picture window just-so when Jake heard the toilet flush. Moments later, Vanessa appeared and pulled Jake off to one side. "Honey, we've been working so hard
lately. And after last night's upset, I think it will do us both good to make reservations at Crockers in town for a relaxing evening out. I've been craving a juicy steak."

  What was Jake supposed to do, tell her 'no?' Of course not, especially if his suspicions were correct. He agreed and smiled to himself while waiting for Vanessa to walk away before he headed to their bathroom to do a bit of investigating. Careful to close the door and lock it, he opened the cabinet and pulled the waste can from under the sink.

  At first glance, all he noticed were used makeup removal tissues and an empty can of shaving cream. When he got down on his knees and dug further inside his finger brushed over a box. He was not shocked to find a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test. Deeper inside, he discovered the test itself. It had a blue cross in the indicator window.

  It's positive... Vanessa's pregnant...

  Climbing to his feet, he covered up what he had uncovered not wanting to leave evidence behind in case Vanessa suspected he had snooped, and her little secret was not a secret anymore. After washing his hands, he pulled out his phone and called the florist. And he ordered a dozen roses to be delivered to Crockers before seven o'clock. There was no way he would allow Vanessa to get away with her surprise dinner announcement.

  I'll have a surprise of my own... That's what she gets for keeping secrets from me...

  For the rest of the day, Jake had trouble not grinning from ear to ear as he and Sebastian busied themselves. Under Vanessa's watchful eye, they carried boxes from the attic full of Christmas decorations. No one mentioned the incident from the night before, and he was determined not to dwell on it — at least not today.

  The afternoon had passed with much fun and laughter. By six o’clock, Vanessa stood in front of him wearing a lovely black dress with a festive sweater draped around her shoulders. After changing his slacks three times, Jake finally settled on the gray ones he had not worn in several years — surprised they still fit. Vanessa picked out a sports jacket, one of three that was too snug around the shoulders for his liking. But she insisted since it was the one he had worn when he proposed to her.

  Chuckling to himself, Jake squeezed in behind the wheel of her bug. Moments before, Vanessa informed him there was no way she would climb into the cab of his truck wearing heels. As he drove down the driveway, they waved to Sebastian headed toward the barn to feed the animals. Jake glanced over at his wife and studied her for a moment wondering how she planned to make her announcement. So far, if he hadn't known better, he would never suspect her of anything.

  Soon after the maître d' had seated them at a cozy corner table, Jake glanced at his watch and excused himself for the restroom. Pleased his flowers were delivered on time, with a proud smile, he explained the situation to their waiter and gave him instructions. "Congratulations," he said to Jake clapping him on the back.

  Vanessa sat as she always did when they were out for the evening, the perfect lady. The only difference, tonight she passed on the wine. Jake patiently listened as Vanessa droned on about the sick dog she had treated two days before, and how the cost of the serum used for rabies vaccinations was going up.

  In a few minutes, Jake thought maybe he had made a mistake. She wasn’t planning to surprise him with the news over dinner after all. What if he read the test wrong, and it was negative? His heart had been beating out of his chest on his knees in the bathroom. Was it possible in the excitement of the moment he misread the instructions? Then he saw that unmistakable twinkle in her eye when she picked up the dessert menu. "Jake, I have something special planned for dessert and it's not offered here."

  What did she mean by that? He couldn't help but recall the night in Key West where they had both turned down dessert before a wild evening of hot sex. Surely, she wasn't going there — or maybe she was? Her moods were unpredictable lately.

  He blinked and tried not to appear confused or disappointed. "What is it, dear? What do you have in mind?"

  "Remember Key West?"

  She is going with the Key West thing. What the hell?

  "How could I forget," he whispered.

  "Something happened that night."

  "Yes, yes... something sure did. That something was wonderful." Jake took a sip of his wine and dreamed naughty thoughts of what he wanted to do when they returned home.

  "Really, I'm not sure it was then. It could have been at the swimming hole, or that night on the floor, or when we were out in the barn, or maybe it was when we were taking a shower together..." She licked her lips, her eyes sparkled.

  She’s set the hook. Now she’s reeling me in.

  Jake nodded to the waiter who was watching intently holding the bouquet. Then he walked up behind Vanessa, out of her sight.

  Jake leaned closer and threw his napkin on the table as if he was angry. "Woman, you've been caught! Go on and confess. You're having our baby."

  Vanessa's eyes opened wide, and her jaw fell slack when the waiter handed Jake the roses. "How did you know?" Not waiting for an answer, she squealed with joy when he stood and walked around the table. Taking her hand, Jake helped her to her feet and into an embrace before presenting her with the bouquet of twelve red roses.

  "I love you, Vanessa."

  "I love you, too. Congratulations! You’ll be the perfect father for our child.”

  Moments later, they were outside and Vanessa swatted his arm while dabbing the tears of joy with the napkin she took from the table. "How did you know? I wanted to surprise you."

  Holding her in an embrace, Jake didn't speak. They stood swaying back and forth in each other's arms while Vanessa sobbed and giggled at the same time. Jake pushed her away from his body so he could see her face, and laid one hand on each of her shoulders. "Vanessa, I've been waiting for at least a week now for you to tell me."

  "No, Jake... I didn't know for sure until today. What made you think so?"

  "Oh, just the way you felt when I was inside you. And well, by the way you've been acting."

  "I should have known I couldn’t fool my husband.” Vanessa shook her head and began sobbing again.

  “To be honest, I found the test in the trash… but maybe this will teach you not to keep secrets from me.” Jake pulled her closer. "I can't wait to see if he is as handsome as his father?”

  "What about me... I am sure SHE will resemble her lovely mother." Vanessa held up her chin as if putting on airs.

  "Oh, no, please, I don't think I could survive two of you." Jake laughed and opened the car door for his wife.

  Chapter 14

  The canopy of white lights strung from the boughs of the oaks in the Morrow’s backyard twinkled. Beneath them, an array of colored bulbs were laced through the wheels of Sebastian's old buckboard. When he joked about renting a Clydesdale to pull the guests along for a hayride, Vanessa laughed so hard she almost cried. Instead, they had opted to fill the wagon with metal tubs full of iced bubbly drinks. The riser and backdrop for the band were set up beside the barn. And Jake's smoker was smoking. It was New Year's Eve. Renegade Ridge Ranch was a happening place.

  After Vanessa discovered she was expecting a baby and Jake unveiled his new plan to build bunkhouses to capture the tourist trade, she decided to celebrate. They had invited a small group of friends and neighbors, and a few of Vanessa's favorite clients to their New Year's Eve party.

  After Christmas, business was slow. So, Vanessa closed the clinic and used that time to prepare for the event. Along with Jake and the two ranch hands, Beth had worked with Vanessa every day. While the men decorated and built the riser, the two women had worked on the menu and shopped for party favors. Without Beth, Vanessa was not sure what she would have done.

  "Hey, Beth, come help me set out the potato salad and baked beans, will you please." Vanessa pulled open the spare refrigerator Jake had moved to the back porch for the occasion.

  "Hold on a sec. We forgot to put the cloth on the picnic table."

  "Oh... let me help. It completely slipped my mind."

  "Get used t
o it. I hate to tell you, that’s what happens when you're pregnant.” Beth giggled.

  “I’ve noticed."

  Vanessa had made a big deal about keeping her pregnancy secret until tonight. She asked Jake to promise — cross his heart and hope to die — he would not tell a soul. As far as she knew he kept his promise. But, well, for her the rules were different.

  That Monday morning after her discovery, Vanessa couldn't wait to tell her receptionist and friend. She insisted Beth vow to keep it a secret. In a few days, though, Beth admitted she let the cat out of the bag and told her mother. And she was pretty sure her mother told her aunt... and on and on...

  In reality, Vanessa had no idea if anyone would be surprised, but she didn't care. Tonight was a night to celebrate. The situation with the horses escaping and Jake's bad dreams were distant memories.

  An hour later, the band played a variety of songs as Vanessa circulated through the guests that numbered about fifty. At least, that was what Jake told her. Noticing Joyce Carter, a neighbor from down the street, standing beside a teenaged girl munching on potato chips, she moseyed over to her. "So glad you could make it this evening. Welcome to Renegade Ridge. Is this your daughter? She resembles you?"

  "Yes, Emma... say hello to Dr. Morrow."

  "Is that a pot belly pig over there in the pen?" Emma asked.

  "It sure is. His name is Pig."

  "Pig? What a name for a pig." Emma laughed along with her mother.

  The women strolled over to let Emma pet him. On the way, Vanessa explained Jake bought her the hog as part of a bargain between them. She could have a pot belly pig only if she supported Jake's plan to build the bunkhouses and open the ranch to tourist.

  "You two are awesome." She rolled her eyes. “I wish my parents were cool like that?”

  Vanessa could tell Joyce was embarrassed and even angered by her daughter's remark, and changed the subject to the weather. While the ladies visited, Vanessa watched as Emma wandered over to the band of four college-age guys. She stood for a moment waiting for one of them to notice her, flipping her hair over her shoulder and shifting her weight from one leg to the other.


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