Ruthless Rockstar

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Ruthless Rockstar Page 4

by Ava Grace

  “Nice place you have here.”

  “Oh, thank you. It suits me. Close enough to town so I can get there easily for work, but far enough away so that it’s nice and quiet.”

  “Yeah, my house in L.A is in one of the busier areas and I gotta say, I don’t miss the hustle and bustle. Like you, I like living close enough that I can get to bars and restaurants, but far enough away that I’m not in the thick of it.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was pleased or disappointed to learn that we had something else in common. Probably a little of both.

  After I’d grabbed everything I needed, I locked up the house then followed Colton out to his truck. We made small talk on the way over to his house and yet again I noted how easy it was to be in his company. There was no bravado with him, and no arrogance. He didn’t try to be something he wasn’t and when he reached over and took hold of my hand, I waited for the panic I’d felt earlier, but it didn’t come.

  When he pulled up outside his house, he got out quickly then ran around to my side of the truck to open the door before grabbing my hand again then pulling me toward the house. As I climbed the steps up to the front door, my residual nerves dissipated, and I forgot all about the broken promises I’d made to myself.

  I forgot too about broken hearts and cheating exes, or famous rock stars asking me out on a date. In those few glorious moments, we were just two ordinary people enjoying one another’s company and it felt great.

  “Your home is beautiful, Colton,” I said as we walked from room to room.

  “I’m glad you like it. I basically gutted the whole house and then started again. It’s taken some time, but I finally got it how I wanted it.”

  It was obvious that a lot of time and energy had been put into the design element. The space was masculine, but not overly so. The ranch had a country feel still, but with a contemporary twist. It suited him.

  He pushed open a door off the kitchen that I expected to lead to a garage. It might have been one at some point in time, but it was now a fully functioning recording studio. Expensive looking equipment filled the space and there was a large area set up with microphones, a keyboard and a drum kit. Several guitars hung on the walls.

  “Wow,” I said, taking it all in. “This is impressive. So, this is where the magic happens, huh?”

  He shot me a lazy grin. “If I’d known you wanted to see where the magic happens, I’d have given you a tour of the bedrooms, first.”

  My surprised laugh turned into a spluttering cough.

  “Sorry,” he said after I’d recovered, though he didn’t look sorry at all. “That was pretty bad, even by my standards.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I said, meeting his gaze. “Now you’ve got me wanting to see the bedrooms.”

  When his eyebrows rose, I shot him a wink, but instead of making him laugh as I’d intended, he got an intense gleam in his eyes. He walked toward me with a leonine grace, as if he really were an animal stalking his prey.

  “That can be arranged,” he said, his gaze lowering to my mouth.

  I’m not sure if it was nerves that made me lick my lips, but the second I did, Colton’s eyes flared with interest. He took one more step toward me and I involuntarily took a step back which put my back against the nearest wall. I opened my mouth to say something though I’m not sure what, when his mouth descended on mine and he kissed me soundly, thoroughly.

  My gasp only served to open my mouth wider and Colton took full advantage, deepening the kiss, his tongue sliding inside with ease. A ragged groan ripped from my throat and then the kiss became frenzied. I wasn’t even sure who was the most aggressive, but I suspect we were equally matched. He pressed every inch of his hard body against mine, one hand around my shoulders and the other on my ass, pulling me closer.

  When my cellphone’s annoying ringtone rang out, I didn’t know if I should curse or thank my lucky stars for the interruption. Colton tore his mouth from mine then trailed hot, wet kisses down my throat.

  “Please tell me we’re ignoring that,” he said against my overheated skin.

  My laugh turned into a gasp when he grazed his teeth on a little spot south of my ear.

  “Totally ignoring it,” I said as the call cut off.

  He kissed me again and it was every bit as hot at the first though perhaps not as frenzied. This kiss was slower, an exploration of sorts as his tongue reacquainted itself with my mouth.

  My cellphone started to ring again, and I groaned.

  “I’d better get that. It sounds like it could be important.”

  Colton reluctantly stepped back, his chest rising and falling in time to his rapid breaths.

  I dug the cell out of the pocket of my jeans then looked at the display.

  I frowned.

  Cody never called me.

  “It’s Jen’s husband.” My hands shook as I answered the call then lifted the cell phone to my ear. “Cody?”

  I nodded, listening intently as he spoke. “I’ll be right there,” I said before hanging up.

  “Liv, what’s wrong?” Colton asked after taking in the expression on my face.

  “Jen’s in labor.” My stomach clenched with each word I spoke. “I have to get to the hospital. Now.”

  Chapter Seven


  I’d never been more grateful not to have my car at my disposal because I didn’t think I could have gotten myself to the hospital in one piece. I was a mess. The news that Jen was having her baby imminently had knocked me for six. Jen was nearly nine months pregnant so it shouldn’t have come as a great shock that she was in labor, but I couldn’t help but worry that it had been brought on by the fall she’d taken at the concert.

  I looked around for my purse, only to realize that it was still slung over my shoulder. Colton put his hands on my upper arms then met and held my gaze.

  “Breathe,” he said calmly. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I nodded, but I couldn’t get any words out past the lump in my throat.

  “Let me just grab my keys, and I’ll take you to the hospital, okay?”

  I wondered at first if I should ask him to take me home so that I could drive myself to the hospital, but in all honesty, I was grateful for the offer.

  “That would be great. Thank you.”

  “Of course.”

  I waited in the kitchen while Colton grabbed what he needed then followed him out to his truck. The drive went by in little more than a blur, but by the time we’d pulled up outside, I had mostly gotten myself together. I couldn’t allow myself to fall apart.

  I needed to be strong.

  For Jen.

  “Go on, you head on in and I’ll come and find you as soon as I’ve parked the car.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, I really appreciate you bringing me. I’m not sure I could have made it…”

  Before I got out, Colton grabbed my arm, pulling me back. He took hold of my hand then gave it a little squeeze.

  “She’s going to be alright,” he assured me.

  I wasn’t sure if I was ready to fully believe that, but his words certainly gave me hope that everything could be alright.

  I nodded then headed into the hospital to check on my best friend.

  Once inside, I found out where Jen had been taken then walked along the corridor to her room. As I neared, I caught sight of Jen’s father leaning against the wall, his head back and his eyes closed.

  I quickened my pace to get to him.


  He opened his eyes then turned his head my way. The seconds felt like hours as I waited for him to speak. At last, a wide, joyous grin slit his lips wide.

  “It’s a boy!” he said happily.

  My steps faltered. “What? She’s had the baby already?”

  I glanced at my watch. It had only been fifty minutes since Cody had called me.

  John nodded. “The doctor said that little fella was so eager to be born he practically fell out of her.”

  I threw my head
back and laughed, relief hitting me with the force of a tsunami.

  Then I burst into tears.

  “Well, hey now.” John reached out to pull me into a hug. “What’s all this for?”

  “I was so scared,” I sobbed into his chest.

  John patted my back gently. “That’s just plum crazy. She’s fine. They’re both fine.”

  I cried harder.

  I wasn’t even sure what the heck I was crying for, but the tears came anyway.


  I turned to find Colton standing behind me, his expression pinched, and I realized instantly how this must have looked.

  “Is she…?”

  “She’s okay,” I said quickly. “She had a boy. They’re…they’re both okay.”

  His shoulders seemed to sag with the weight of the news. “Thank God.”

  “I’m John Carter,” John said, holding out his hand.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, sniffing back my tears. “John this is my friend, Colton Young. Colton, this is Jen’s father, John.”

  They shook hands.

  “Pleased to meet you, sir,” Colton said.

  A few moments later, Cody came out of the room with soppy big grin on his face. He shook his head as he set eyes on us, his smile widening.

  “Damn,” he muttered as he approached us. “That was just, yeah…”

  Colton chuckled then clapped him on the arm. “Congratulations.”


  “Are they doing okay?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah. They’re both perfect. Why don’t you go pay them a visit?”

  “Thanks, I’d like that.”

  I left the three men standing in the corridor then walked to Jen’s room, opening the door quietly so as not to disturb them if mama or baby were asleep. I needn’t have worried. Jen held the wrapped-up baby to her chest, peering down at him with an expression that could only have been described as awe.

  “Someone’s looking well.”

  Jen lifted her head to meet my gaze and the smile on her lips widened. “Hey, come and meet the new man in my life.”

  I hurried over and peered down at the little bundle in her arms. My heart melted. “Oh my gosh.” I sighed. “Congratulations, honey. He’s beautiful.”

  She nodded. “I know, right?”

  “So, has he got a name yet?”

  She nodded. “Owen.”

  “Aww, baby Owen. I love it. Well, how was it—the birth?”

  She shuddered. “Horrendous. Finished off with a large dose of totally shit.”

  I laughed in spite of myself.

  “Really? I thought you had it good, I mean, you were in labor for all of five seconds.”

  She nodded. “And each one of them felt like ten hours.”

  “Where you at home when it started?”

  “Yeah. I’d been having pains in my stomach all night, but nothing too serious. I thought it was the curry I ate before bed. But they got worse this morning. Then I got up to get a drink and my water broke.”

  I whistled softly. “Was Cody with you?”

  “No. He was out in the barn. He had his cell phone in case I needed him though.”

  “How did he cope?”

  She grinned. “I thought he was going to throw up. He looked green. But then I shouted at him to snap out it and he got his shit together enough to help me to the car. By the time we got here, it was damn near time to start to push.”


  “Forget about that,” she said dismissively. “I want to know how your date with Colton went last night.”

  I grinned sheepishly. “Actually, he’s here now.”

  She gasped. “You hussy!”

  I managed a choking laugh. “We’re not on the same date, if that’s what you’re thinking. I didn’t sleep with him. This is technically, date number two.”

  “You met him again so soon?”

  I sighed. “I didn’t plan on it. In fact, I was adamant that last night was going to be the only date I went on with him, but we got on really well and then he asked me to come to his house to see his recording studio and before I even had the chance to say no, he told me he’d pick me up.”

  “I like his style.” Her eyes widened. “Wait, you went to his house?”

  I rolled my eyes at her reaction. “He wanted to show me his new recording studio. He seems really proud of it.”

  “Holy crap and then he brought you here?”

  “I was a bit too upset to drive,” I admitted.

  She frowned. “How so?”

  “Because I was worried about you. Idiot.”

  She reached out then put her hand over mine. “I love you, too.”

  “I know.”

  “Okay, so there was no bump and grind, but please tell me there was tongue action.”

  “Jen!” I put my hands over little Owen’s ears. “There are children present.”

  “Stop changing the subject. Did you kiss him or not?”

  I sighed. “Yes. I kissed him.”


  My face flushed at the thought of the kiss we’d shared earlier. If it hadn’t been for Cody’s call, who knows what might have happened.

  “And, it was good,” I told her. “Really good.”

  “I knew it!”

  The baby chose that moment to start crying, making Jen wince. As she tried to quieten him, a nurse came in and I figured it was time to go. I was sure Cody and her dad were itching to get back in here.

  I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Take it easy, okay?”

  “I promise.”

  “Do you have to stay in here long?”

  She shook her head. “The doctor said I should be able to get out of here by tomorrow.”

  “I’ll come by and see you as soon as you get home and get settled.”

  “Great,” she said. “And bring Colton.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Bye Jen.”

  When I went back out into the corridor, Colton, John and Cody were standing around chatting with cups of coffee in their hands.

  “All good?” Colton asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t want to monopolize all of their time.” I turned to Cody. “Congratulations. He’s beautiful.”

  He puffed out his chest proudly, but said, “Yeah, he takes after his mother.”

  After we’d said our goodbyes, Colton and I starting walking back out to the parking lot, but as we passed a nurses’ station, a couple of pretty young nurses blocked our path.

  “Hey, um, would you mind if we took a selfie with you,” the blonde nurse asked, gazing up at him from below lowered lashes.

  Colton shook his head. “Sure, no problem.”

  She beamed at him, plastering herself to his side then held her cell phone up in front of them. I frowned when she slid her arm around his waist and snuggled closer.

  “Thanks, Colton,” she purred, after she’d snapped the photo.

  They swapped places and the brunette nurse went next.

  “Would you mind taking the photo?” she asked him.

  Colton shrugged. “Sure.”

  She handed him her phone then turned her whole body into him so that her breasts were squashed up against his arm and chest then rested a hand on his pec before tilting her head around to grin at the phone.

  “I love your music,” the brunette said when Colton handed her phone back.

  “Yeah? Thanks.”

  She nodded. “I saw you twice in concert this year.”

  “No kidding?”

  “Yeah. You were awesome,” she purred. “I heard you were local, and I always hoped I’d run into you.”

  I bet she did.

  It was embarrassing the way the two women flirted, heck the brunette practically threw herself at Colton—and all while I was present. Even though he didn’t flirt back, Colton didn’t exactly do anything to discourage their behavior either. As I watched the shameless display, all my insecurities came rushing to the forefront of my mind.

  It wasn’t that the women were younger than me, or prettier. It wasn’t even that they seemed more outgoing. It was just the fact that this was his reality. Women must throw themselves at him all the time. My last three boyfriends had cheated on me and I had to wonder if I was somehow attracting that type of man into my life. Was Colton any different to the rest, or was he just like them? After all, how long could any man resist temptation when he had his pick of more or less any woman in a room?

  Chapter Eight


  I was looking forward to grabbing a coffee with my brother. It felt as if I hadn’t spoken to him in ages, even though I’d seen him briefly at the parade. Now that I was back in Texas for a while, at least until our next tour started, I was going to have to put in more effort to see him.

  I hadn’t told Tyler that I was bringing a date to the coffee shop but knowing my brother he would take it in his stride and Daisy would be there so at least it would even up the numbers—plus they’d both get to meet Liv, so I’d be killing two birds with one stone. I couldn’t wait for my brother to meet her.

  I was relieved Liv had agreed to go out with me again although I supposed, if I wanted to be technical about it, she hadn’t exactly agreed, I just hadn’t given her the opportunity to say no. One of these days I was going to have to ask her outright if she wanted to go out with me again to see whether or not she would actually accept. I wasn’t opposed to sneaky, ruthless tactics to ensure she kept going out with me, but it would be a relief to know that the attraction I felt toward her wasn’t entirely one sided.

  I wasn’t sure why, but sometimes it felt as if she was pulling away from me, or going along with me when she really wanted to say no. It was frustrating—I wished I was able to understand what was going in her mind. We got on well and there was definite chemistry between us, but it felt as if something was holding her back. Of course, her reluctance might have been because of her recent experiences with men. If her ex had cheated on her then it would stand to reason that she would be cautious and, on her guard, now.

  I could relate. As much as I liked Liv, I kept watching for similarities between her and my ex. Every time I caught myself doing it, I had to remind myself that Liv was nothing like that crazy woman, but it was difficult to completely lay that experience to rest.


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