What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8) Page 63

by Sabrina York

  Caris blinked. “What?”

  Dom licked his lips. “I’ll tell you all about it later. Right now, I don’t think you’re ready to hear everything.”

  She frowned, but didn’t push him. He didn’t look ready to tell her. “Thank you for going after her.”

  “I couldn’t stand by helplessly.” He squeezed her hand feebly. “She’s my daughter in all the ways that count.”

  “I love you, Dom.” His eyes had closed again, and she thought he was asleep.

  “I love you too,” he said in a strained voice, without lifting his lids. “Caris?”

  She leaned forward a little more, until the belt holding her to the seat bit into her stomach. “Yes, love?”

  “Next time we go on a honeymoon, let’s take Mom and Jessie.”

  A small, shaky laugh escaped Caris. “Absolutely.”

  “And somewhere with better weather,” he added.

  “Tropical island all the way.” She patted his hand and watched as he slipped into sleep. She had no desire to go anywhere, she realized. Caris was content to spend the rest of her life at home on the ranch, with her family.


  “Tell me the story again,” Jessica said, bouncing her small body in the large bed she had gotten as one of her presents.

  Dom shot a look at Caris, not missing the disapproving look on her face. “Well, maybe I should tell you something else.”

  “Maybe you should just go to sleep. You’ve had a busy day,” Caris said. “It isn’t every day you turn four.”

  Jessica’s nose wrinkled. “You know I need a story first, Mommy. If I don’t get one, I can’t sleep.”

  “Blackmail,” Caris whispered out the side of her mouth.

  Dom bit back a laugh. “How about Cinderella?”

  She shook her head and looked irritated.

  It was the exact same expression her mother wore, he realized with a grin. Jessica had remained practically a clone of her mother. The only distinguishable difference was Caris’s hair was a shade darker, and Jessica’s ends curled. “Jack and the Beanstalk?” he suggested.

  Jessica shook her head. “I want to hear about the princess.”

  He heard Caris sigh with annoyance, but couldn’t deny Jessica. “Okay, but the quick version, okay?”

  She hugged her teddy tightly and scrunched down under the blanket. She arranged Teddy just so before nodding. “I’m ready to listen now.”

  Dom did laugh then. She was so precocious at times. Just like with her mother, life with Jessica was never dull. “Once upon a time, there was an evil sorcerer, who stole a baby from her mother.”

  “The queen,” Jessica said brightly.

  “That’s right. This sorcerer took the princess and left her in a faraway land.”

  “Why did he take the baby?” Jessica asked, although she knew the answer.

  Dom shook his head at the question she asked on cue. She could probably tell the story word-for-word by now. “The sorcerer was very angry with the queen because she didn’t like him anymore.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “The sorcerer left the princess with a lonely king, who wished for a family. He loved the princess very much.”

  “What about the queen?”

  Caris groaned, and Dom ignored her. “She was resourceful and intelligent. She found the princess and moved into the castle to take care of her daughter.”

  “But no one knew who she really was,” Jessica crowed in delight.

  “That’s right. Not even the king, who fell madly in love with the queen.”

  Jessica’s brows furrowed. “Mushy stuff.”

  Dom ignored that too. “The king and queen decided to get married. The queen told the king who she was, but he had already figured it out.”

  “With a lot of help,” Caris muttered.

  Dom shot her a look, before he continued. “The king wasn’t angry, because he loved the queen and the princess and knew they would be a loving family. The king thought everything would be perfect from then on, but the sorcerer found out about their plans and got very angry. He took the princess again and hid her in the mountains.”

  “With lots of snow,” Jessica reminded him.

  “Yes, in the middle of a blizzard. The king had to fight his way through to rescue the princess.”

  Jessica shook her head. “He didn’t rescue the princess, remember, Daddy?”

  Dom sighed. “I remember.” A shadow moved across his eyes for a second, before he blinked. “The king was hurt, but the princess was in danger.”

  “A dragon.”

  Caris rolled her eyes at that.

  He deliberately turned his face away so he couldn’t see his wife’s reactions. She hated this fairytale. “That’s right. A baby dragon.”

  Jessica clutched her teddy bear. “What happened to the princess?”

  “You know that,” Caris said.

  Jessica nodded. “Uh huh. The wicked sorcerer had a change of heart and rescued the princess.”

  “But he was still a not-nice man,” Caris said bitterly. “He tried to keep the queen from getting the princess back when they went to the royal court.”

  “But the royal court didn’t listen to him,” Dom interjected, not liking the way her expression darkened as she remembered Brendan contesting their bid for custody. “They knew he would go to jail soon for his crimes and couldn’t be responsible for such a special princess.”

  “So the king and queen got to keep the princess.” Jessica nodded her head, looking satisfied. “And the bad sorcerer was put in a tower across the sea and couldn’t leave for a hundred years.”

  “A hundred years; seventeen years—what’s the difference?” Caris asked, tweaking her daughter’s nose. “Do you know what happened next?”

  Jessica nodded. “They lived happily ever after.”

  “That’s right,” Dom said.

  Caris shook her head. “Their story wasn’t over yet.”

  Jessica’s eyes got round. “It wasn’t?”

  “No. The princess and her new baby brother or sister are sure to have more adventures in the future.”

  “The princess is an only child,” Jessica said tartly.

  Caris leaned forward to press a kiss to her cheek and tucked the covers around her. “Not for long.”

  Jessica seemed confused. “You can’t just change the story, Mommy.” She yawned. “Good night, Daddy. Good night, Mommy.”

  “Good night,” they said in unison.

  “Love you,” Jessica said as they got to the bedroom door.

  “We love you too,” Dom said as he closed the door behind them. Then he froze in the hallway. “She has a point. You can’t just change the story.”

  Caris patted her still-flat stomach. “Yes, I can. I’m the resourceful queen, married to the virile king.”

  His mouth fell open in surprise, and she stood on her toes to kiss him before he could speak. “Come along, your highness. I’m in the mood to explore the kingdom.”

  He followed her down the hall to the bedroom, in a state of shock. “A baby?”

  Caris nodded. “Yes. That’s generally what happens when you throw away the birth control like we did last month.”

  Dom lifted her into his arms and hugged her. “I know, but I wasn’t sure it would be so soon.”

  She patted his arm. “It’s all your fault. I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  He put her down and pushed up her shirt. “The feeling is mutual.”

  She grinned at him. “I suppose it would be too much to ask for you to stop telling that morbid story before this child arrives?”

  Dom pretended to be outraged. “How can I deprive Jessica of the story? Our daughter loves it.”

  Caris sighed. “That’s because she’s strange. Like you.” She hugged him tightly.

  “You like me this way.”

  She shook her head.

  Dom frowned. “You don’t like me this way?”

  “Nope. I don’t like you.�
� She pushed her hand into the side of his waistband. “I love you.”

  A satisfied grin curved across his face. “I knew it.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I’m the virile king.” He grinned. “And I must have some powerful magic.”

  She groaned. “You have magic?”

  “I must, because I got you.” He kissed her passionately, not lifting his head until they were both out of breath. “It turns out you are everything I’ll ever need.”

  “Yes,” she whispered against his lips as she snuggled closer. “And I need you now. I never imagined I could be so happy, or trust so much in love. I can’t believe I ever doubted a future with you.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I can’t believe it either, when it’s so clear we’ll live happily ever after.” He chuckled before taking possession of her mouth, intent on showing her a little preview.

  About the Author

  Kit Tunstall lives in Idaho with her husband, two sons, and an elderly dog.

  Connect with Kit here:







  Power of Three

  ménage erotic romance

  Portia Da Costa

  Copyright © 2012 by Portia Da Costa

  This story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. With exception of quotes used in reviews, this story may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  Chapter One

  The binoculars were supposed to be for observing birds and boats, and dolphins off the coast of the island. That was the plan, do something worthwhile and improving with the honeymoon that never was, and broaden her horizons with a bit of nature study and general educational wholesomeness.

  Yeah, right. So what do I end up doing?

  Laurie Jones lifted the binoculars to her eyes and scanned the courtyard. Observing, yes, she was certainly doing that; but it wasn’t really nature study unless you counted scrutinizing the mating habits of mammals of the higher, more civilized variety.

  Well, semi civilized.

  In the villa across the courtyard from hers, a woman was getting it on. She was getting it on big time, and not just with one man… but with two. Right there in the middle of a fully lit living room.

  Of course, people were expected to have sex here, and lots of it. It was a lovers’ resort after all. But exhibition threesomes? Well, why not? At least the trio over there seemed to have some genuine affection for each other in and amongst the rampant shagging. They were open and honest and they smiled a lot.

  Honest. Yes. Not like some I could mention. Laurie frowned, and the beauty of the night was suddenly shadowed. A claw of anguish clutched at her heart.

  Stop it! Not now! Focus on the show. It’s far too raunchy to waste good viewing time on brooding.

  Adjusting the bevel on the field glasses, she refocused to allow for moisture in her eyes. The three friends had left the shutters to their cabana open, and all their lamps were lit. It was like viewing a film set and the cavorting trio clearly wanted to be watched and admired in action.

  What would it be like to be made love to by two men at once? The guys in Cabana Number Two weren’t really her type, but they did look incredibly lusty. Not that she knew what her type was now. She’d had a type and it’d turned out to be a disaster, and even here she was still plainly fancying the wrong people. Flicking a quick glance to Cabana Number Three, she sighed and shook her head.

  You’re an idiot, Laurie. A complete idiot. Those two are gay, you fool!

  In the true spirit of a Caribbean holiday, and as if to compound her poor decision making, she was currently attempting to drink a large, rum based cocktail at the same time as she watched her neighbors shagging. No easy task whilst juggling the binoculars. A bit of the potent over-proof and fruit mix dribbled down her chin. She swiped at it with the inside of her wrist whilst still clutching her glass and nearly deposited the whole lot down her cleavage.

  The three in Cabana Two were still going at it hammer and tongs, and though the ferocious island spirit warmed Laurie’s belly as it slid down into her innards, it didn’t heat her up half as much as what she was seeing with her grandstand view. Cabana One—her cabana—was set slightly higher than the one she was looking into, and both were part of a group of three hugging a little hollow containing a courtyard with a sun patio and a shared swimming pool. Laurie could look straight down at the frolicsome threesome, perfectly safe lurking behind her rolled back shutters. Their main room, glowingly lit, was like a stage.

  The two men’s hands travelled greedily over their inamorata’s body, and also, now and again, over each other’s.

  Oh God, that’s even hotter!

  Shutting her mind to the reason she was here without any man at all, much less two of them, Laurie suppressed a gasp, a shiver of desire surging through her. Lucky Girl down there had a man caressing her breasts and another caressing her between her legs, and Laurie had to somehow manage to take care of herself whilst juggling the binoculars and her glass.

  The drink would have to go. She set it on a ledge to one side of her, and then wiggled to settle herself more securely on her stool. Without taking her eyes from the cavorting trio, she nudged her wrap skirt aside and went for her sex, working blindly. She couldn’t bear to tear her eyes away from the action for a microsecond.

  As she touched herself, a cringingly unwanted thought occurred to her.

  What would Jim think of her now? Her nearly husband, the last man who’d touched her intimately and the one who might have been here with her now, enjoying sex in the sun, if life had played out differently?

  The break-up had been amicable, just, but at such short notice that Laurie had ended up coming on the honeymoon on her own. Early October in the Caribbean certainly beat hanging around at home, feeling sorry for herself and being talked about at work for being dumped.

  Jim certainly wouldn’t have been into this, and that was a fact. Jim liked simple straightforward meat and potatoes intercourse; which was obviously the sort he’d been having with someone called Melanie in accounts, a younger woman whom he’d inadvertently got pregnant.

  Amicable break up? Who the hell am I kidding? I want to kill the bastard!

  If she hadn’t been glued to the binoculars, she would have shook her head to free her mind of Jim and Melanie angst. They were history and this was now. And feeling horny and being a voyeur was therapeutic.

  God, she was sticky… hot… wet… as voluptuous and syrupy as her luscious rum cocktail. Wiggling a little on her stool, Laurie swirled her own intoxicating cocktail over and around her sex, all the time watching the trio in the other villa, where apparently the same activity was also on the menu. The grateful recipient was moaning and carrying on alarming, her cries echoing out from the open window, whereas Laurie confined herself to little gasps and stifled squeaks so as not to disturb them and end the show prematurely.

  Not that the participants in the floorshow would have noticed if she fell off her stool and shouted profanities at the top of her lungs. They’d just carry on regardless, she was sure of it. The occupants of the other villa in their little enclave might spare Laurie a glance though, and she didn’t want to be the supporting act, with the boy/girl/boy over there as the headliner.

  There were two guys staying in the presently unlit Cabana Three; two very hot men who were both her type, even though each very different. It was just infuriatingly unfortunate that they were completely into each other rather than the women at the resort.
r />   Trust me to fancy the two gay guys! I can’t seem to catch a break with men just now.

  The commotion below continued, getting noisier. Lucky Girl let out a sharp, high giggle that cut the air, followed by a low, jerky, broken groan that signified something unmistakable.

  Oh God, I want that!

  The trio was a syncopated machine now, a temporary construct of limbs and torsos working together, rubbing, and writhing. And they were all climaxing.

  Dancing in clumsy circles, Laurie rubbed herself furiously. Pinpoint accuracy wasn’t necessary, didn’t matter. The horny show before her more than compensated for any slapdash fumbling. She wanted to come… but somehow, all of a sudden, she also didn’t want to come.

  It didn’t make sense. What was she saving herself for? She owed herself this pleasure, and she felt horny enough to take it, Jim or no Jim.

  Then, even as the gilded bodies flexed hard, going rigid as if they were a single unified being, fingers clutching at one another, they seemed to lose it as one and tumble in a heap, laughing and grabbing at each other as they dropped out of view below the window sill.

  Laurie giggled too; she couldn’t help it. The binoculars swung on their strap as she came at the same time, despite her hesitation. It was just a little climax, almost stolen, a sharp, delicious hiccup of sensation, a swift erotic sneeze between her thighs. It was as funny as it was pleasurable and she kept on laughing as her sex fluttered, hot and wet.


  Even as she leant against the window frame, shaking, a movement to the left caught her eye. Snapping around to face the other, closer cabana, she gasped as a low, yellow lamp came on inside it.

  The glow illuminated another scene.

  Oh, good God, the two men were at it now, just as if they’d been waiting for the first show to finish before they put on theirs. Laurie’s heart thudded. This time, the view was close enough without binoculars. She set them aside as bubbling excitement raced through her anew.


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