What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 8) Page 66

by Sabrina York

  A momentary dark cloud drifted into view. Melanie had huge boobs, and she imagined Jim, who was a breast man, fiddling and playing with them. Laurie’s own breasts were smallish, nicely shaped, but not an enormous handful. But as if he’d sensed her qualms, Denny uttered a hungry masculine rumble of appreciation.

  “Mm… so nice, so very nice…” Cupping her, he ran both thumbs over her nipples, teasing her through the lightly forming Lycra of her bra. “Look, Ed, aren’t these just the most beautiful breasts you’ve ever seen? Oh God, I love women with pretty little breasts… and wicked hard nipples.”

  Laurie closed her eyes and rolled her shoulders, loving the way he teased and played with her, and silently begging for him to bare her breasts completely.

  “Let’s have this off, shall we? And get a better view.”

  Despite the fact he had a male lover it was obvious that Denny knew his way around a brassiere. In less than a second, hers was unhitched, whipped off and flung cheerfully across the room, out of the way.

  “Yes, that is better. Much better… Much, much better…” His fingertips drifted over her flesh, teasing each nipple, flicking at them, and then suddenly, he was reaching behind her, gripping her upper arms, drawing her shoulder blades together so that her breasts were lifted and presented.

  Laurie’s eyes shot open. The move wasn’t what she’d expected, but it was stunning, thrilling. The sense of exhibition reminded her of what she’d done last night, showing herself to them. Only this time she was being shown, exposed and offered to Ed’s hungry lips. She saw the quickest of glances pass between the men, and he came up on his knees and leant forward, drawing her left nipple into his mouth and sucking hard.

  As he did so, Denny nipped at her neck again, teasing delicately with the edges of his teeth. “Isn’t this nice?” he murmured, between nips.

  Nice? It was incredible. Like nothing before. With Denny worrying her neck, and Ed’s mouth tormenting her nipple, Laurie just couldn’t keep still. It was like the men were creating an ever growing circuit of desire inside her body, energy bouncing from her throat, to her breasts, to her sex. Between her legs she felt swollen and tense, ravenous for pleasure.

  “Do you like it, Laurie?” taunted Denny, his voice and breath warm against her skin, “Do you like commanding the services of two men? Feeling two mouths paying homage to your beauty?”

  Laurie didn’t know what to say. She barely could say anything. She just wanted to groan and gasp and wriggle about.

  Sliding his hands down her arms, Denny caught both her wrists in a single-handed grip, then reached out with his freed hand to caress her other breast. He pinched, lightly, and then rolled her nipple to and fro, to and fro between his fingertips, somehow managing to match the rhythm of Ed’s sucking, teasing lips.

  “Oh, God!”

  Laurie couldn’t keep quiet any more. It was harder and harder to keep still. Getting desperate, she bore down on the seat beneath her, parting her thighs further. Ed laughed softly, his breath wafting her breast, and Denny said, “Good girl… good girl… that’s it… show us that you want it.”

  Laurie bore down harder, gasping for breath, willing one of her enterprising swains to take off her panties. No, more than that. She wanted one of them to rip her knickers off, tear them off, wrench them from her body and jam a hand between her legs. She didn’t care which of them did it as long as one of them did.

  “What shall we do now?” Denny, as ever, was the spokesman, and he punctuated his words with rougher, wickeder tweaks, “Tell us what you want and we’ll do it. We’re your slaves, beautiful, beautiful Laurie.”

  No, you’re wrong. I’m your slave. I’ll do anything, anything you want of me.

  It was a new state of mind. She was a new Laurie. She’d morphed into a woman whose daring and hunger thrilled her; a woman who wasn’t afraid to have the pleasure of two men.

  She was even a woman who could say outrageous things.

  “I want you to touch me and bring me off!”

  “Oh, you’re a wicked, dirty, gorgeous woman,” growled Denny in her ear, “and I can’t think of anything… or anyone… I’d rather do right now.”

  “Not even him?” she gasped, nodding at Ed, kneeling before.

  “Don’t worry. He’ll get his turn. And he’ll enjoy it all the more if you’re there too.” Denny was so in charge, so dominant. His voice and his fingers thrilled her. “Now, come on, buddy,” he said, turning his attention to his partner in lust, “Let’s get this delicious hussy’s knickers off and show her what we can do.”

  Ed chuckled, gave Laurie’s teat a last little nibble, and then sat back on his haunches, reaching for her panties. He slid his thumbs beneath the elastic, then paused and gave her an odd little look. With a slight nod, he withdrew for a moment, and in a swift, efficient movement, whipped his dark cotton top off over his head, baring his chest.

  “There you are,” observed Denny cheerfully, “Something pretty to look at while you come.”

  Pretty? Well, that wasn’t the first word she’d have chosen. Gorgeous was more accurate. Hunky… Desirable, absolutely and completely…

  Ed’s skin was rather pale, but it had a creamy, healthy sheen, and his muscles were lean but crisply defined. He had very dark, pert little nipples and Laurie suddenly longed to repay the compliment and kiss them. But it seemed she wasn’t going to get the chance just yet, because the men were clearly all about her for the time being.

  With all the ruthlessness she craved, Ed peeled off her panties, efficient, but impatient. He flung them away with a flourish and took hold of her thighs, prizing them wide apart and exposing her in a way that made her gasp. She’d never been this open, this… this presented before. It occurred to her how staid her sex life had always been, but it didn’t bother her. She was certainly making up for it now, especially with Denny’s lips against her throat in a renewed, nibbling kiss, and his fingertips twirling around her nipple as Ed surveyed her sex.

  “Exquisite,” murmured Denny.

  “You bet,” echoed Ed.

  As if she needed any further proof that these two unusual men liked women as well as enjoying their own gender, Denny suddenly clutched at her hand and conducted it to his groin. He was hard as rock and huge inside his pale trousers.

  “See, what did I tell you?” His teeth grazed her neck, and he caught his breath as she squeezed him, a reflex action. “And look at Ed too. He’s dying to taste you.”

  It was true. Ed’s erection was pushing hard at the zip of his jeans, deforming their smooth snug line.

  “It’s all right. I believe you,” gasped Laurie, her entire body filled with energy and desire. She edged forward where she sat, opening herself wider. Her flesh felt as if was screaming for touch, for attention. “Please get on with it!”

  Both men laughed. “With the greatest of pleasure,” growled Ed, plunging forward, ready with hands and lips and tongue to obey her.

  A sensation of her own power made Laurie’s heart sing. She was at their mercy, and yet at the same time she controlled them. They were hers, to give her pleasure, and to worship her. She felt herself smash through yet another barrier of her grief and disappointment, and burst through to another realm of joy and confidence.

  Sliding his hands beneath her bottom, Ed angled her hips so he could get at her better, and then dove right in, nuzzling at her sex. At the same time, Denny too applied himself to the heart of the matter, reaching down to deftly part her curls for his friend.

  “Oh God, oh God,” Laurie groaned as Ed’s hot mouth found her flesh.

  She started to wriggle. She couldn’t help herself; the sensations of Ed’s lapping tongue were so exquisite. But Denny held her firm, one arm slung around her middle, the other on her thigh, holding her apart so his lover could gain better access. For a moment his hand drifted to Ed’s short brown hair and he ruffled it, seeming to complete a circle of intimacy, joining them all.

  Laurie still squirmed, but they held her firm and c
lose, strong arms steadying her, protecting her. The three of them were one being, devoted to her pleasure, their focus Ed’s nimble tongue, flicking, flickering.

  She closed her eyes, arching, lost in a world of sweet sensations, touch, sound, and scent. Every sense was acute. Her own gasps and moans echoed around the room, blending with Denny’s murmurings of encouragement, and Ed’s hungry little grunts of appreciation. She could smell, quite distinctly, the different colognes of the men: Denny, rich and spicy, Ed, crisper, blue, Alpine somehow. And she could smell herself, hot and foxy, drenched in desire.

  And still Ed worked her with his tongue, merciless yet bountiful, attacking her with exactly the pressure and variation that she needed. One moment it was dabbing hard, the next like a hummingbird’s wing fluttering, sometimes mixing things up by furling to point and dipping into the entrance to her vagina.

  “Oh please, oh please,” she burbled, not quite sure what she was begging for, but getting it anyway when Ed brought his fingers into play as well as his mouth. He thrust two into her firmly, coasting in on her copious silkiness, while at the same time sucking hard, right where it mattered.

  Climaxing hard, Laurie let out a shriek, part of her mind dimly wondering what the playmates in the other cabana would think, as surely they could hear it.

  But the other part of her mind, the greater part, was lost, lost, lost, soaring high on a great gust of glowing white bliss as she jerked and bucked in the men’s hold, all the time hearing Denny’s chant of pride and encouragement in her ear.

  It seemed to go on for an indeterminate period, rising and rising, filling her with pleasure and power and a joy unalloyed. Even when it began to ebb, she wasn’t sad. No post orgasmic melancholy. She just subsided back onto the sofa, a huge grin on her face and an exquisite satisfied glow between her legs.

  To bracket the experience, she received two kisses. One came from Denny, a touch of his lips to the corner of her mouth; one from Ed, a reverential little buss against her sticky pubic curls.

  “There, do you still think we only like men?” His brown eyes glittered as he looked up at her, his mouth still only inches from her flesh.

  Laurie laughed. She was still catching her breath and blown away by intense, sweet, aftershocks. “Well, you either do like women or you’re a pair of geniuses at hiding your aversion, and that’s a fact.”

  “No aversion, sweet Laurie. None at all,” said Denny, giving her a strangely sexless, almost brotherly hug, “You’re gorgeous and delicious.” He flashed his friend a broad, wicked wink, “As my compadre here can no doubt now attest.”

  “Yum!” Ed licked his lips in a slow, lascivious swipe, then unfolded himself from his knees, gave Laurie’s thigh a gentle squeeze, and resumed his place in the planter’s chair.

  Still hazed, she glanced from one to the other. They looked smug, and very pleased with themselves, but she couldn’t find it in her to be in the least bit annoyed by that. Yes, they were a pair of sexual pirates, if not usually, well at least on this holiday. They’d selected her as a likely playmate for their threesome games, possibly even targeted her as a lone and needy woman. But still her gut feeling was that there was nothing fundamental venal about either man. They were pleasure lovers, and pleasure givers, out for fun, but still basically caring and decent.

  They were what they were. They weren’t hiding anything. Their honesty was refreshing, and a relief after what had happened recently.

  The shade of Jim drifted into her mind, but seemed insubstantial. It was as if she’d only imagined him, while Ed and Denny were real, oh so real.

  Yes, real men, both with erections.

  “So what now?” She sat up, her momentary exhaustion fading, only to be replaced a new energy, and astonishingly, fresh desire.

  Here she was with the two most gorgeous hunks on the island, and the night was beautiful and young.

  “Let’s go for a walk on the beach,” said Denny, “I fancy making love beneath the stars.”

  Chapter Three

  It wasn’t what Laurie had expected, but somehow, ten minutes later, as they strolled along the strand together, it was right. It was better than right. It was perfect… and also scary and daring.

  “What if someone sees up?”

  The question had to be asked, and Laurie, as the newcomer in this trio, knew she was the one who had to ask it.

  “Oh tish pooh,” said Denny airily, “everybody’s holed up in their cabanas at night shagging, and even if they aren’t, nobody’s going to complain, are they?” He waggled his sandy eyebrows at them both, and Laurie and Ed exchanged despairing looks. It was already strangely easy to do that. She’d never before felt that she fitted in, so quickly and so easily.

  “This is a lovers’ resort,” he went on, “and we’re just fulfilling the remit. Sex on the beach is almost compulsory, I’d say.”

  They’d already covered quite a bit of ground along the pale, moonlit beach, even though they were just ambling along in their loose group of three. Barefoot, and with their feet dusted with the fine white sand, they trudged in a line abreast. Ed wore just in his jeans and his chest gleamed in dramatic light. Under his arm he carried a rolled up beach blanket. Denny was still fully dressed apart from his shoes and socks, and was toting a plastic drinking bottle filled with rum, lime cordial and ice cubes, in case they should need a little “refreshment”. With nothing to carry herself, Laurie had restored order to her dress, but abandoned her bra and knickers back at the cabana. They didn’t really seem necessary any more.

  “If you say so,” she answered, meeting Denny’s eye.

  “I do say so.” His grin was broad and puckish, irresistible. “And even if we do get slung off the island, all we have to do is hop on a plane, hole up at our London place, and shag each others’ brains out there instead.”

  “Do you have other places too?” She hadn’t pegged being a professor of volcanology as a lucrative employment, but clearly it was.

  “Oh, Denny has places all over the place,” Ed chipped in, reaching around to give his lover a playful thump on the shoulder, “His family is rolling in it. Titles up the wazoo.” As Laurie turned around, walking backward for a step or two, to watch their by-play, Denny gave Ed a mock threatening glare. “His real name is the Honorable Edmund St. John Denbeigh James, don’t you know.”

  “So you’re a toff?” Laurie challenged.

  “Pah!” said Denny, kicking a plume of sand in Ed’s direction, before scanning the beach ahead of them. “Look, there’s a spot… a nice hollow, if you’re worried about being watched all of a sudden.” He gave Laurie a wink. “We just need those bloody seagulls to vamoose.”

  With that, he took off along the beach with a soft whoop, clearly intent on getting the seabirds to vacate his chosen trysting place by means of waving his bottle at them.

  Laurie couldn’t help but grin. Aristocrat or otherwise, there was something free and happy and young about the beautiful blond man that touched the heart. No wonder Ed adored him. Who wouldn’t? She turned to her companion and wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Ed looking in his lover’s direction with such a fond expression in his eyes that Laurie felt almost teary.

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do… He’s all the world to me,” said Ed simply, still smiling in Denny’s direction.

  “It’s obvious he feels the same. I can tell, and I barely know either of you.” She followed his gaze, watching Denny, who’d strolled into the sea now he’d vanquished the gulls, and was kicking around in the shallows. “I still wonder what… well, what you need me for though. You’re such a perfect pair. I’d have thought you wouldn’t need anybody but each other.”

  Ed paused for thought, and then turned to her, with a little shrug. “Mostly we don’t need anyone else. We have all we need in each other.” He looked skyward for a moment, as if looking for a way to express what he meant. “But every now and again, one or the other of us will just have a yearning for the shape of a wo
man, for the voice of a woman. I don’t know… for that special way of looking at the world that a woman has.” His eyes met hers, very level and serious now. “There used to be a girl, Anya… we all lived together for a while, and we got on really well. It seemed as if it was going to last, but then she met a guy at the college where she worked, and fell for him, and she wanted a conventional life with him.” He shrugged again. “We were happy for her. Still are. And she’s doing great with her new husband.”

  “I see,” said Laurie, sort of seeing. She looked up at the beautiful night sky, and then across the white beach, to the equally beautiful man who’d abandoned his splashing and who was walking back toward them, his face alight with joy and mischief. Then, she flipped her gaze to the man at her side.

  I’m so lucky tonight. I couldn’t ask for anything better. Even if I never see these two again, I’ll remember this for the rest of my life, and be glad of it.

  “See. Birds all sorted. Beverage shaken not stirred,” said Denny, setting down the bottle and then whisking the rug out of Ed’s hands. He surveyed the newly cleared area then spread out the thick, capacious square of tartan cloth. The perfect size for three. Grasping both their hands, he pulled the two of them down beside him.

  But no sooner had he settled them, and given each a peck on the cheek, than he was up again, grinning and shrugging out of his waistcoat. With an animal grace, he peeled off his shirt, and stepped out of his trousers, and then in the wink of an eye, he’d whipped off his snug white underwear too. Giving them just a second or two first to admire him, he flopped down onto the rug, and struck a pose that would have made an odalisque envious.

  Bloody hell… you’re gorgeous.

  She’d seen both men naked last night, of course, but there was a big difference between spying on them from a distance, and being up close, up close enough to touch. Denny’s body was wonderful, smooth and toned, not a muscle-man, but developed in all the right places. His shaft was thick and eager, rising hard.

  “Well then?” He nodded at the surfeit of clothing that Laurie and Ed still wore.


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