Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 22

by Elaine Bassett

  Todd peered in the sack and immediately closed it. “Dad, we have to go back. I can’t accept this.”

  Mr. Schluter looked confused. He reached for the cloth bag and looked inside. He too closed the sack.

  Mrs. Schluter was curious. “What in the world is going on?” She walked over to the two men. She took the bag from her husband and looked inside. She gasped, “It’s a golden Marble Track!”

  Todd said, “This must be a mistake. We need to leave now and return this.” He reached for the sack.

  The family went into the room where their Passageway was located. A letter was on the floor near the Passageway beside a package. Mr. Schluter picked up the mail. “We forgot to take my letter from Johan’s mailbox.” He handed it to his wife.

  He opened the package. Inside was a letter addressed to Mr. Schluter.

  Dear Mr. Schluter,

  I regret to inform you that Mr. Johan Geiatou has passed away. This is what we found in his home addressed to you and your son, Todd. Please accept my condolences.


  The Hub Caretaker

  Mr. Schluter opened the large manila envelope. The envelope contained a crystal, a key and a deed to Johan’s property signed over to Todd. He handed it to Todd. The three of them discussed the significance of such a generous gift…

  Chapter 43

  Once they were in the office, Carson set the case and bag down on his desk. Bev opened the case and shared the family journals she brought back. Charles looked them over.

  Bev said, “If you want, you may read them to get a better understanding of my side of the family.”

  Since he was wearing his Sojourner glasses, Charles selected one. He went to his desk, sat down and began reading. The style of writing in the journal was completely different than any of the other journals he had previously read. Instead of specific incidents the book read more like a family diary. The journal recounted the daily life of everyone in the family as each member traveled back and forth across the Hub boundaries, once the new Sojourner government took control.

  The author discussed the perils of resisting being documented by the Sojourner government, and what it was like once the sector’s border began going up. In an attempt to force the undocumented people to conform, the Sojourner government cut them off from the rest of civilization, as they knew it. The government had hoped it would scare the undocumented residents into going back and staying on Earth. Those who resisted the government’s attempt at documentation rioted for the freedom to be able to travel back and forth across the border. They fought to use the Time Warp Tunnel and to trade their goods, free from the government’s intervention.

  It became lawless across the border. A group of criminals seized the opportunity to bully the Seekers stranded on the other side of the border. The thugs banded together in order to begin taking over territories and property. They seized control by threatening violence on the once peaceful communities. The criminals tried to recruit lawful Seekers into sneaking across the border in order to steal crystals that were being mined. In return they offered protection from the other thugs who roamed the area. The border officials looked the other way, often taking bribes. The government patrols were afraid to cross over and would often quit if asked to enforce any kind of civility.

  One day the inevitable happened; a group emerged from the violence that was more powerful than the others. They were ruthless and deceitful. Everyone was afraid of them. The thugs took whatever they wanted by force. Those who didn’t promise to join them were either punished or killed. They set up camps for those who promised a set time of service. It was rumored that the recruits, who had served their time, would be free to leave the compound under the protection of the powerful group. However no one ever came back from the camp to reclaim his or her property.

  It was also rumored that a shady market had opened, and because of the kind of business that was conducted through it, the locals named it the Stygian Market. Its whereabouts was hidden. Only the wealthy were allowed to attend its auctions.

  Charles was disappointed when the journal ended. He took the book back and put it in the case. He mentioned to Bev, “That journal wasn’t very long…”

  Bev came out from helping Carson in the vault. She offered for him to take another book to read. Charles picked up the journal under the one he had previously read and began reading it, hoping for the conclusion of the story. He was disappointed. He picked up the two remaining journals and perused through them. They were all from different time periods.

  Charles sighed. “Nana, did you bring the conclusion to this journal?” He held it up. “It was really informative. It was discussing the beginning of the Stygian Market.”

  Bev walked over and looked at it. She opened it. “That’s not what it is supposed to be about…”

  She handed it back to Charles. He began reading. Now it was a completely different journal.

  He frowned. “How did you do that?”

  She shrugged. “What?”

  “Change it.”

  Bev looked puzzled as she shook her head.

  Charles was bewildered as he sat down and reread the book.

  Bev shrugged innocently when he glanced at her. She went back to join Carson.

  When she walked into the vault, Carson whispered, “Did you flip the journal over when you handed it back to him?”

  She nodded. “I had to. He must have been reading it backwards. He was reading the parts that were supposed to be hidden.”

  Carson sighed. “Obviously they weren’t.”

  She repeated sarcastically, “Obviously.” Carson ignored that remark and they kept working.

  Charles continued perusing Bev's family journals. After an hour, Charles called out for them to see what he had discovered. They came out of the vault and walked over to his desk.

  Bev asked, “What did you find?”

  Charles held up a bookmark similar to those he and Carson used to mark their reading place. He pointed to a small bump.

  Bev took it from Charles to take a closer look. “You’re right. Something is sealed inside.” She rubbed her pointer finger and thumb together over the raised area. Eventually the material came apart. Bev then carefully pried the two sides apart and held up what appeared to be a bronze button. She inquisitively glanced at Carson.

  He took the button from her hand and inspected it. Carson handed it back to Charles as he went to get his loupe to take a closer look. When he returned, Charles handed the bronze button back to Carson for his inspection.

  Laughing Carson said, “I don’t think it is off an article of clothing. There are no holes to sew it onto fabric.”

  Bev nodded because that was apparent by looking at it.

  Carson handed it back to her. “Any ideas?”

  “I’ll have to think about it. Maybe I do have an idea or two as to what this might be.”

  Charles asked to see it again so she handed it back to him. She asked Charles, “Do you have any ideas?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve got nothing. It looks like an ordinary button to me. I don’t have a clue as to why it was in here.” He set it aside and went back to reading.

  Carson and Bev returned to the vault to finish up. When they were inside, Carson asked Bev, “What are your ideas? You think it might be important don’t you?” She slowly nodded. He motioned for her to continue with her thoughts.

  “It looks to me as if it came from a statue in the Hub.”

  Carson considered that statement. “Maybe. It’s shiny but it would be considering it has been sealed up for a long time in the bookmark… You might be on to something there. Any ideas as to which one?”

  Her face lit up. “Uh huh. One in particular comes to mind.”

  “Do you want to go now?”

  “No, I believe it would be better to wait.”

  Carson and Charles decided to stay in the office a while longer to work and read. Bev picked up her bag from the Hub and went to the house.

r 44

  That night when Joseph returned home, the transformation had begun and would be completed soon. He was becoming a different man than the one Dolores had married. No trace of the earlier man would exist for weeks following his daily visits to the training facility. Dolores hardly recognized him. His physical appearance was beginning to scare her. She was glad Joseph only came home late at night after Sterling was already in bed. She tried to avoid eye contact with him. His bloodshot eyes and angry demeanor was darkly menacing. Dolores dared not think of what her husband might be getting himself into when he left the house. She only hoped for the next couple of days to end swiftly so she could retreat to her sanctuary with Sterling and not look back.

  In the meantime Joseph had a daily routine. He would go to the law office early in the morning, then travel over to the other side to work on understanding the entire military operation until well after midnight. Weary and exhausted, Joseph would cross through the Passageway to the law firm’s office, drive home to crash, sleep for a couple hours and then continue the sequence all over again the next day.

  Donovan recognized exactly what Joseph was going through. He had done the exact same thing. The only difference was that he had Maureen to help him. She completely understood what was going on. Joseph had Nxy, but that girl didn’t keep him centered. She drove him ruthlessly. Even Donovan was somewhat alarmed at how driven Joseph was becoming. Maureen had coldly warned Donovan to keep an eye on what was happening or else she would have to take control. The last thing Donovan wanted was for her to get involved. He wanted to keep his wife as happy and distracted as possible so she would stay far away from the business aspect. He feared what would happen if she did return while the transition was taking place.

  Maureen’s ultimate desire was to let the empire transition into the hands of her son. She had been the one to plead with Donovan to begin the changeover. There was only one outcome she was nervous about.

  Even though Maureen had not been on the main compound in a while, she had her ways of finding out what was going on. Mrs. Grey was a calculating woman. She knew exactly what she was doing and how to get what she wanted. Maureen had spies who were loyal to her and reported secretly only to her. No one, not even Non knew for sure who they were.

  Within a two-week period, Maureen became suspicious of Nxy. Her distrust began after the death of the bartender. Then, a couple of days later another incident occurred that was brought to her attention. Maureen asked Non questions about Nxy’s personal life and about her assignments. She requested that Non investigate what she’d been told by her spies.

  After Non informed her about his findings--what his perception was about Nxy and the incidents, Maureen asked Non to smuggle Nxy’s file out of the compound so she could personally read it. After she reviewed the information, Maureen started asking numerous questions about Nxy. She became apprehensive after further questioning other operatives. The answers she gathered confirmed her suspicions against the woman. Maureen became aware that when perplexing events or mysterious deaths occurred, Nxy was either the last person seen with these people, or circumstantial evidence pointed to her being involved.

  Maureen went against her promise to Donovan and met Non at a secret location within the Hub to discuss what she had discovered; to witness in person Non’s reaction. Non gave Maureen his complete attention and listened to what she had to say. They ran through several scenarios and went back through the evidence in the files to make sure they didn’t miss anything. By the time they finished their investigation, the findings were air tight and undeniably conclusive. Both Maureen and Non stared at each other hoping that the other would offer a suggestion as to what to do next. Neither one knew the answer considering Nxy’s recent circumstances with Joseph. They finally decided to think about the situation and meet again later to discuss their options.

  For the next couple of hours they enjoyed each other’s company until they both knew it was past time for Non to return to the compound. They said goodbye and went their separate ways, only to find that their paths crossed again unexpectedly. Since they were in a public place, their eyes met and locked on each other. As Maureen and Non passed one another they smiled and briefly touched hands; both wishing they could escape their present circumstances.

  When Non entered the compound, he returned the Nxy files and went right to work. Policies were changing rapidly. In fact, in just the short time he was away, several things had already changed. Non realized it was time to figure out exactly what was occurring. So he gave commands to the managers on the floor of the market and headed to the war zone room.

  When he walked in the room, there was a short pause as the worker bees wondered whom they were to take orders from, but Non put them at ease as he circulated around the room. He worked his way to the rear of the war zone room and stood in the doorway watching Joseph, as the younger man navigated the information screen at the back of the room. He continued into the information capitol room and slowly closed the door. Non was confident that neither Donovan nor Joseph would fully understand the technology like he did. He’d developed it and knew it inside out. This space had belonged to him alone for years. Non had to admit it was in some ways exciting for him to watch Joseph operate. The younger man was doing a fine job. Non could see for himself everything checked out. He walked beside Donovan to further observe Joseph’s manipulation of the screen.

  Non listened silently as Donovan gave him a run down on all the changes Joseph had made. Then Donovan barked out to Joseph, “Non’s here; time to give his system back to him. We’ve got to get back to the game. It’s time you get involved.”

  Joseph finished what he was doing then he greeted Non. “This is quite a remarkable thing you’ve accomplished here. This system is astounding.” Non acknowledged his comment with a half-smile.

  Donovan and Joseph left the room together. Non watched as they walked across the area. Once they exited through the doorway, the manager on the floor of the war zone room walked back to the office door and knocked.

  Non said, “Enter.”

  The man walked over and gave Non a run down on all the changes Joseph had made to the information screen while Non was absent. Non thanked the man and reassured him with: “Everything’s going to be just fine. Business as usual.”

  The man commented, “Good to have you back.”

  “Things are changing around here.” The man understood and walked back to his post.

  Non took charge of the room. He personally looked over the changes Joseph had put into place. He left most of the changes intact but tweaked some of the modifications in ways no one else could detect.

  Chapter 45

  As Donovan walked with Joseph through the compound to the auction house, he explained in greater detail the situation that was currently taking place in the game. Once they crossed the doorway, Donovan further explained to Joseph how the operation worked in the game’s war room. The two men walked to the conference room.

  When Donovan and Joseph entered the room, they walked directly to the hidden keypad. Donovan entered a code. As soon as he saw the lights come on around the square in the middle of floor, he entered another code on the pad. They watched as the lighted section of the floor dropped and slid over to reveal a stairway. The two men walked down the stairs and entered the war room.

  Donovan looked at a folder on the table. “Non left this for me earlier today.” He opened it and looked through the information. He glanced at Joseph as he dropped the folder. He walked over to the information screen that connected to the information capitol and manipulated the icons. Non’s image appeared.

  Donovan barked, “Non, where is the latest file on the game situation? The one you left me…”

  He turned as he heard Joseph talking to someone who had just entered the upstairs room. Donovan walked upstairs to see why Joseph was now snarling at the man. He hurried to Joseph’s side and dismissed the server.

  Joseph thrust a sealed envelope into Donovan’s hands saying, �
��That idiot wasn’t going to hand over the envelope. He stated it was meant for your hands only.”

  Donovan scowled and opened the envelope. Inside was the file he had just requested from Non. He walked down to the war room and over to the screen. “Why is this late Non?”

  Non answered, “It isn’t late, Sir. It has up to the minute information, just as you requested. I had to update the file you were given earlier.”

  Donovan looked at the report. “Good work, Non. Carry on.”

  Non was relieved that Donovan accepted the information in the file without any further questions. Inside he was slightly shaken, worried that Donovan may have suspected something. Non brushed his thoughts of Donovan away and continued working.

  Joseph asked how Non had acquired the information in the file. Donovan looked at his son suspiciously. He wasn’t ready to divulge that information because he planned to keep control of the game after Joseph took over the market and the compound. Donovan was certain his son wasn’t ready to take over the game yet, with all the other responsibilities Joseph would need to administer. Donovan pondered how much information should be divulged to Joseph. After careful consideration, he decided it would be wise to begin slowly training his son to the ways of the Universal Game. He could then start opening up to Joseph about various methods for controlling the game. Donovan decided to give his son only enough information to satisfy his curiosity. As Donovan began reading through the reports in the file, he explained the highlights of the facts in the paperwork.

  After an hour of work, Donovan walked toward the changing rooms intending to get dressed in his body armor. He looked at Joseph, noticing that his son’s demeanor was haggard. Donovan ordered his son to leave and get some rest. He knew Joseph should not risk becoming involved in the game in his current state of exhaustion.


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