Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 40

by Elaine Bassett

  Chapter 81

  Dimitrios walked into the office and stood at Cassia’s desk. She looked up at him.

  He asked, “Are you available to go to dinner with me tonight?”

  “Yes. I’d like that very much. Would you like for me to make the reservations?”

  “No thank you, not this time. I want to make the reservations. What time would you like to meet?”

  “Will 6:00 work for you?”

  “I’ll be at your house at 6:00.”

  Dimitrios went into his office and closed the door. He made many of the arrangements for the evening. When his work was finished, he left the office. As Dimitrios walked past Cassia, he reminded her that he would arrive at 6:00.

  He left the building and headed for the market. While Dimitrios was strolling among the vendors, he arranged for a carriage pod to take them to their evening destination in the park and for musicians to play at a specific location. He placed an order for dessert to be served at the special setting, along with a romantic fire to create the appropriate atmosphere. He went in the florist shop to arrange for a bouquet of roses to be placed on the table and for petals to be strewn nearby. He walked to Nicky’s kiosk and picked up his extraordinary surprise.

  Dimitrios walked home after the details were settled. He was pleased with the choices he made for the night ahead. After Dimitrios completed the details for the evening, he went over his list one last time. He began anticipating the fulfillment of his plans.

  He walked into his house and began setting up his special purchase from Nicky’s kiosk. Dimitrios planned to use his newly acquired Marble Track to take Cassia to the edge of the sea for a romantic walk along the beach. He could hardly believe the time had come to complete his plans. As thoughts darted through his head, he feared she might say no. Then what? He didn’t have a Plan B. Next he thought: If Cassia says yes to my proposal, then what? Dimitrios sat on the couch and daydreamed of how things might work in their future together. It all seemed good to him. He decided if he could escape death then he surely could survive this night, and whatever might come of it. He stood, went to his bedroom to dress and prepare for the evening ahead.

  Dimitrios was punctual as always when he arrived at Cassia’s door. She looked stunning as she stood in the entryway. They walked to the restaurant side by side. He was careful to avoid any work related discussion. Dimitrios realized he truly enjoyed her sense of humor and the interesting topics she chose to discuss. Cassia was a woman who liked to keep busy. Something else he realized about this remarkable lady was that he didn’t have to entertain her; she was easy to be around. The attraction they shared was comfortable yet exciting.

  Once the couple arrived at the restaurant they were escorted to the best booth in a quiet section. They dined by candlelight as a violinist softly played in the background. Everything was going along romantically, according to plan.

  That was until she stalked into the room…

  Chapter 82

  Cynthia and Peter had their last day of high school two days before. They did all the usual things seniors do. They had senior skip day, they decorated their cars, and they pulled pranks on one another. For days Cynthia had been driving everyone crazy. She constantly wanted to make lists, go shopping, hang out with Peter and talk on the phone.

  Today was graduation day. Cynthia and Peter had been talking on the phone most of the day, tying up the family phone line. Molly had been rushing around the house trying to coordinate events, making sure everyone was ready to go when they needed to leave and that they had everything they needed to take with them. She had already loaded and checked the car for items they were taking to the auditorium.

  She interrupted Cynthia’s phone conversation. “I think it’s time you get off the phone and get ready for your graduation or you’ll be late. You might even miss the entire ceremony. I can assure you that you’ll see Peter at graduation, and at the graduation party.”

  Cynthia rolled her eyes. “Mom!” She stamped her foot as Molly walked away.

  “Cynthia, we will leave here in twenty minutes, ready or not.”

  Cynthia ended the conversation and stormed off to her room to get ready. When the door finally opened twenty minutes later, Cynthia came out of her room looking lovely. It brought tears to her parent’s eyes to see her all grown up.

  The family drove over to the farmhouse to take pictures of the entire family. From there they headed to the auditorium for the graduation ceremony. Cynthia and Peter were not far from each other in the lineup. The young couple made eyes at each other throughout the ceremony. Charles rolled his eyes at their displays of affection toward one another. It was a huge camera opportunity as Cynthia walked across the stage. The family cheered for her achievement.

  The entire family and all their friends met back at the farmhouse to celebrate after the ceremony. They had a cookout and a local band played music. Charles enjoyed dancing with Caroline. Holding her close was the highlight of his evening. While the guests were busy at the dance, Charles and Caroline found a few brief times to sneak away for some private moments.

  After several hours of dancing, everyone ate dinner and had dessert. Cynthia opened her gifts after the meal. When the guests left the party, she and Peter said goodbye to the family. They left the farm to catch up with their friends and attend other parties.

  Soon Cynthia and Peter would both be attending the local college about twenty minutes away. Cynthia decided she was going to stay on campus in the dorm. Peter made the decision to stay at home with his parents and save his money. Molly told everyone that Cynthia would continue to work at the store to earn extra money.

  Charles later overheard his mother say that the family was going to take Cynthia’s things to the dorm where she would be living full time. They planned on taking the tour and getting her acquainted with the campus. Charles had the feeling it would be a relief for his parents once Cynthia moved out of the house and was on her own. Lately Cynthia and Sophie had been arguing about everything under the sun. Charles suspected even Sophie would be glad to see her big sister leave for college.

  Chapter 83

  Dolores had accomplished much of what needed to be done for Justin to come over and spend the night. She and Sterling had collaborated, making special plans. Dolores looked at her watch. It was almost time for Sterling’s friend to come over. As she was going over the list one last time the phone rang, at the same time there was a knock at the door. She called to Sterling to greet his friend, while she went to answer the phone. Dolores was glad to hear her friend Ruthie’s voice on the other end of the line. Sterling didn’t come out of his room, so Dolores asked Ruthie to wait as she went to answer the door. As she walked toward the door, Sterling ran by to greet his guest first.

  Justin stood on the step with his sleeping bag and suitcase. Dolores took his things and directed the boys to play in Sterling’s room. Dolores then went back to the phone.

  Ruthie said, “Let me guess. It’s Justin.”

  Dolores laughed. “How did you know?”

  “I could hear two excited young men.”

  Ruthie sighed. “I’m jealous I didn’t get to come with you this time.”

  “I know. Come with me next time.”

  There was an awkward pause. Ruthie said, “I heard a rumor today.”

  “Oh, about whom?”

  Ruthie giggled. “You.”

  Dolores shrieked, “Me? You’ve got to be kidding?”

  Ruthie whispered, “About a certain man in town…”

  “Why are you whispering?”

  Ruthie cleared her throat. “A certain man named...”

  Dolores gasped, “Oh no.”

  “Spill it.”

  Dolores bit her bottom lip. “You go first.”

  “I don’t know how much Rochelle actually witnessed. Supposedly she saw you, with another man, at a restaurant. Now tell me, were you really out with another man?”

  Dolores chose her words carefully. “Before I left town, I
went out to dinner with a friend.”

  After a pause, Dolores asked, “So, what did you tell Rochelle?”

  “Oh, I told her you were going through a midlife crisis, and was probably just flirting.”

  “You did not!”

  Ruthie laughed. “You’re right. I told her I didn’t know anything about it. I asked her if she spoke to you when she supposedly saw you. She admitted that she didn’t. I put doubt in her mind by saying: ‘Well then, it probably wasn’t Dolores you saw; especially if you didn’t get a good look at the couple.’ I threw in that you are at the lake house, and as far as I knew had been there for days. That pretty much ended the gossip.

  “Now tell me. Is it true, Hudson Locke? I hear he’s a catch! Handsome and debonair, smart and successful, all the makings for trouble.”

  Dolores scrunched her eyes. “Hudson Locke?”

  Ruthie kept talking, “I’ve seen him before. He’s dreamy, for sure. I heard he’s very single.”

  Dolores teased, “Dreamy, successful and single sounds like a book title.”

  Ruthie played along saying, “A best seller romance novel. The stuff dreams are made of.” Ruthie sighed.

  Dolores thanked her for ending the gossip then she said, “It was me, Rochelle saw at the restaurant.”

  Ruthie squealed. “Oh my goodness! I had my doubts, mainly because you didn’t tell me earlier.”

  “Well, he is just a friend. We’ve worked on political campaigns together. There’s nothing else to tell.”

  Ruthie didn’t believe her. “Uh huh, you expect me to believe you are just going to just be friends with Mr. Right.”

  Dolores acted offended. “I’m married.”

  Ruthie shot back, “To a jerk!”

  “Nonetheless, I’m still married.”

  Ruthie retorted, “For now…”

  Chapter 84

  The couple finished eating dinner. Dimitrios stood up from the table. He walked around to her chair and knelt down on one knee. He had just begun to tell Cassia that he loved her, when he heard a loud voice.

  Anjoleah’s orders could be heard throughout the restaurant as she told the accompanying authorities to wait in the lobby. They attempted to warn her not to intrude but she refused to listen.

  “Dimitrios, I’ve been looking all over the Hub for you. Your technology tablet must not be turned on.”

  She paused. “What are you doing down there? Did you lose something?” She stooped down and began looking under the table. “What am I looking for?”

  When they came face to face, Dimitrios gave her the look with one eyebrow raised. He clearly was not amused. Anjoleah’s glance suddenly came to the tiny box that rested on his knee. Her eyes widened as she turned to her sister and back to him. She stood up.

  “Oh, so that’s why you weren’t available.”

  For the first time Dimitrios saw Anjoleah embarrassed. She gracefully stood, backed up and walked away. Dimitrios looked at Cassia.

  She grinned. “It’s okay. Go see what she wants.”

  He stood, kissed her on the cheek and walked toward the lobby to find Anjoleah. She told the men to wait across the street then turned to Dimitrios and apologized profusely. He held up a hand to stop her.

  He looked nervous. “No harm done, unless she says no.”

  Anjoleah quipped, “You mean to tell me, you’re going to be part of the family? It’s a good thing I interrupted you when I did. If she says no, you’ll have me to thank.”

  He coughed and looked around. “That’s one way to look at it.”

  They reengaged in a business discussion. Anjoleah said, “All kidding aside, Anthony and I were looking for you. I’ll tell him that you had a prior engagement.” They laughed nervously at her pun.

  She continued, “We’ll meet in your office tomorrow morning to go over business.”

  “Do you need me tonight? I could…” He pointed in the direction of the booth.

  She stopped him. “And what? Get out of this? Not on your life! Cassia would kill me. I wish I could be there to see this one.” She laughed and slapped him playfully on the back. “Good luck, Boss.” She strolled across the street. Her cohorts all had a good laugh as they walked away.

  He fixed his tie and went back to resume his speech to Cassia. The rest of the evening went according to Dimitrios’ romantic plans. She enthusiastically and tearfully said, “Yes” to his proposal.

  Chapter 85

  Abby drove to the farm to visit Bev. She brought cookies and muffins for sharing over talk. The two ladies sat at the kitchen table and enjoyed each other’s company. Bev brought up the subject that had been in their thoughts, as she poured a glass of tea.

  She handed the glass to her cousin and said, “Abby, I’ve thought a lot about what you said concerning Sophie. I think we’ve always suspected there is something special about her.” Bev briefly closed her eyes. When she opened them, she sighed. “I was hoping that she’d be normal.”

  Abby laughed. “You and I are anything but that word. Of course, there was always the possibility that what we share would be passed on.”

  Bev whispered, “I know that and you know that, but the others in the family don’t know the truth.”

  Abby whispered back, “Carson knows.”

  “Yes, Carson is well aware.”

  Abby smiled at her. “You can’t change her nature. Many things were revealed in the broken plate.”

  Bev bit her lip and said, “Do I dare ask what you saw. I couldn’t bring myself to look. I was in shock.”

  Abby touched her shoulder. “If you want to know, I will tell you what I saw. I’m just not sure you are ready to hear it.”

  Bev thought about that comment. “No, I think I am ready. I believe I need to know what will become of her.”

  Abby asked, “When did you find out about your life’s journey?”

  Bev looked at her and said, “I always knew I was different from everybody, even you.”

  “I thought so. Why have you chosen not to take your rightful place?”

  Bev sighed. “I think because I love my family more than my rightful position.”

  “Yes, you always believed family has to come first.”

  “Abby, I have Dianna’s journal. She left me a message in a book I picked up to read. The note stated that if I was reading that book, then I must have questions in need of answers. She believed that the answers could be found in her journal.

  “I located the journal and read it. Now I believe the journal should be yours.” Bev stood and went to her bedroom. She returned and handed the journal to her cousin.

  Abby smiled and accepted the book. She took a sip of tea and said, “Thank you Bev. Hopefully this journal will also answer my questions.”

  “Abby, it’s still hard for me to believe that all of this is happening to Sophie. I should be the one to train her for what is ahead. I’m just not sure I can, or should.”

  “With your blessing, I can mentor her.” Bev thoughtfully nodded in agreement.

  Abby said, “Well then, I guess the rest is up to me. I have my work cut out for me. I intend to train Sophie to take her rightful place in this realm.”

  Bev looked wistfully over Abby’s shoulder. “I still can’t believe it.”

  “You told me you are ready to hear about what I saw in the pieces of the plate. Sophia will be…”

  Chapter 86

  As the two men walked back to Virgil’s cottage, they stopped at the stream to wash and eat most of the berries picked earlier. Gabriel couldn’t get enough. The berries had an unusually sweet taste that burst in his mouth. Virgil had eaten his fill of the berries but remembered the first time he had tried them, when he was a child. He had behaved the same way. When his mother baked pastries, she often used buried berries because they were so good. As they walked over the bridge, Virgil brought up the icebox and took out two pouches of juice. He resealed the box and submerged it back into the cold water.

  They strolled to the covered porch and sat
on the chairs. Virgil asked Gabriel how his first night was in his new home. Gabriel told him that he had unpacked then went directly to bed.

  “I slept better than I have ever slept my entire life. When I woke this morning, I had to check to make sure it wasn’t a dream.” Virgil was glad to hear his guest had a good experience, apart from the morning incident.

  Virgil asked Gabriel if he would like to learn to whittle. Gabriel reached for the basket of tools that Virgil had under the side table. Virgil reached for a wooden stick found in the Whispering Forest. He handed it to Gabriel. “Lesson number one…”

  The two men sat solving the problems of the world on the porch. Gabriel was an excellent student. He thought out exactly how he wanted his creation to look. The end result was a very good likeness of Virgil’s work. Gabriel was surprised at how much he enjoyed carving.

  Chapter 88

  Nxy set her necklace on the couch and went to get the lunch that was delivered earlier to her door. When she returned, the necklace was gone. She sat down with her lunch, opened the container and began eating. Nxy didn’t like being separated from the clans but it would be that way for a while, at least until the baby arrived. She figured she might as well find other activities to occupy her mind or she’d go stir crazy. She looked around the floor for her pet and saw its tail sticking out from behind the couch. Nxy moved around until she was comfortable and finished eating. After she finished her meal, she stood and put the container in the trash.

  She looked around and began trying to figure out how to constructively occupy her time. Nxy thought: This is going to take some getting used to. Nothing was coming to mind. She was already becoming restless. From beyond the compound border, adventure called out tempting her. Nxy thought about all the excitement she could no longer be a part of. She paced back and forth wringing her hands, as she tried to figure out what she could do to be productive. She didn’t like to sit still, doing nothing. Nxy decided to go for a walk. She grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. She wasn’t sure exactly where she was even heading, but she knew she couldn’t stay indoors for fear of her racing mind getting the better of her.


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