Return of the Clonsayee

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Return of the Clonsayee Page 46

by Elaine Bassett

  Dimitrios unexpectedly met the gaze of a man dressed all in brown. He noted that the man looked similar to another man that he had observed earlier that day. Both men were dressed completely in brown clothes. Dimitrios quickly assessed the appearance of the stranger. This man was bald, of medium height and wore large mirrored brown-framed Sojourner glasses that shielded his face. The glasses that the man wore looked more like cheap mirrored sunglasses that could be bought on Earth, which were illegal in the Hub. Since that law was under the jurisdiction of the authorities, he dismissed the concern. Dimitrios made a mental note: Both men were wearing mirrored glasses, yet I still felt their gazes.

  The man turned away and entered a shop. Since Dimitrios didn’t feel threatened, he shrugged off the bad vibes and kept walking on his tour. He merged into the crowd and disappeared into the chaos of the Hub market.

  Before Dimitrios left the office that afternoon, he had memorized the assignments of the authority agents. Now as he walked through the market, Dimitrios began checking the assigned posts, noting if the agents were in their designated areas. As he passed the market sector, Dimitrios spotted a senior authority agent patrolling his assigned location. He crossed the street to talk to the agent. When the man saw Dimitrios crossing the street, he checked in with headquarters. He informed headquarters that Dimitrios had passed through the market and was crossing the street to meet. When Dimitrios stood face to face with the authority agent, he conversed with the man and asked how the market sector’s activity was going for the day.

  The senior agent responded, “It’s been relatively quiet so far today.”

  Headquarters relayed the agent’s message to the authority in charge of that sector. Craig listened to the information in his earpiece. He then rotated sections with the authority agent nearest to the area where Dimitrios was walking. He left his post to join Dimitrios across the sector. When Craig left his post to fill the other authority agent's position, a man dressed in a brown suit wearing mirrored sunglasses went inside one of the merchant’s buildings. The man browsed the shop while he waited for the transferred authority agent to take the place of the commanding officer.

  Dimitrios and the senior authority agent were still discussing the Hub news when Craig walked up to them. He addressed Dimitrios and joined in the conversation about the recent crime spree within the maze of alleyways. Craig admitted that no one in his or her right mind wanted that sector. It was becoming almost as dangerous as the “Unknown” sector, since the sightings of the Xidorean followers. He admitted that the agents had been flipping a coin to see who would patrol both areas.

  Craig pointed in the general direction of the other authority agents in the area standing vigilant at their posts. He offered to join Dimitrios on his inspections since the market was calm. Dimitrios welcomed the company. It gave him a chance to discover more inside information about the crimes that were occurring in the alleyways from an authority’s perspective, and what they knew of the recent Xidorean follower sightings.

  After the inspection was completed, Dimitrios thanked Craig for having an outstanding unit. The two men shook hands. Craig turned to walk back to the post he had reassigned to himself. Dimitrios walked by the last authority agent in the sector, who happened to be the one that had traded places with Craig earlier. He acknowledged the agent as he passed. At the same time Dimitrios noticed another man wearing mirrored glasses watching the sidewalk from between two buildings.

  Dimitrios continued walking down the street. He was stopped several times by Sojourners asking questions. He politely stepped aside, welcoming the conversations. The discussions gave Dimitrios an opportunity to observe the pedestrians on the street. Within minutes he caught a glimpse of a man’s baldhead coming his way. Dimitrios watched until he saw that the bald guy was wearing mirrored sunglasses. While Dimitrios was engaged in conversation with a Sojourner, he quickly looked around the crowded sidewalks. On the second sweep of the crowd, he noticed two men dressed in brown speaking together. Dimitrios had observed the same men conversing at an earlier time in the doorway of a shop. This was looking too suspicious to Dimitrios. He was starting to get a bad feeling about this coincidence. He thought: If I’d brought my flying disk, I could have gotten myself out of this mess. Since I didn’t, I hope my instincts are wrong and my mind is playing tricks on me.

  Dimitrios ended the conversation and decided to keep walking toward his office building. As he walked, he noticed more men dressed in brown inside several of the buildings that lined the street. My instincts were right. This is going to get ugly.

  Then as he went further down the street, Dimitrios recognized the man he had seen earlier in the day. All at the same time, men clothed in brown stepped out of the buildings and onto the street. The crowd of Sojourners immediately noticed and began fleeing the area, leaving Dimitrios surrounded by approximately twenty men. Sojourners ran down the street and sidewalks shouting for someone to find the authorities. Quickly pandemonium spread up and down the street.

  Because of the shouting Sojourners, Dimitrios could not hear the man, who seemed to be in charge, talking. He thought the man was inquiring about Charles. He refused to give the guy any answers. Instead he started to walk through the corridor the gang of men created, but they quickly closed the gap and stopped his progress. In order to intimidate Dimitrios, several of the brown men flicked out switchblades and ordered him to get on his knees. Dimitrios, striking quicker than a rattlesnake, began defending himself. As he did, several of the brown men surrounded him and began throwing punches. Dimitrios used every fighting skill in his repertoire, as he fought a gallant fight against the men. In the end the men beat him until he was unconscious. They dragged Dimitrios into a nearby building.


  In the meantime, Cassia was becoming worried as she looked at the clock. It was rare that Dimitrios would be this late coming back from lunch. She broke protocol and called Anjoleah at headquarters. Anjoleah’s assistant took the message and debated whether he should interrupt the meeting to tell his boss that Cassia had called. He decided that he would face Anjoleah’s wrath; it was better to face her anger than Dimitrios’. After all, Dimitrios was her superior. He strode to the meeting room and signaled to Anjoleah. When she was within whispering distance, he told her that Cassia had called. She had requested that Anjoleah immediately call her back. Anjoleah gave him a look as if she didn’t believe it could be Cassia. If her sister was calling, Anjoleah knew it had to be something of grave importance. She barked for Xander to take charge of the meeting. Anjoleah stepped out of the room and went to her office where she connected with Cassia.

  Cassia explained that Dimitrios wasn’t back from lunch yet. He had planned on dictating reports for the prime minister that afternoon.

  Anjoleah immediately cut her off. “Okay, let’s get something straight. I am not Dimitrios’ sitter. If it makes you feel better, I know for a fact that he was in the market and I know what he was doing. He was conducting an evaluation on my men! He should be back before you know it, and then you can write up his report on us to present to the Sojourners’ Council. Now I have work to do.” Something made Anjoleah pause before she disconnected. She instantly wished she had hung up when Cassia started to get emotional. Anjoleah sighed.

  Cassia said, “Something is wrong. I know it is. I know it. Please, I’ll take responsibility. Just go find him.”

  Anjoleah resisted. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon. Make some coffee for him…”

  Cassia snapped in a tone Anjoleah had never heard before, “I never ask you for anything. I’m not asking you now, I’m telling you as Dimitrios’ assistant to find your boss!”

  This made Anjoleah annoyed. “Are you saying you are acting as his proxy? You know that when he’s found…”

  Cassia calmly said, “Under article 6n-428g I am able to claim proxy when an emergency situation arises. I take full responsibility for my actions. What is your next move commissioner?”

  Anjoleah shook her
head. She did not disconnect the call; instead she switched over to intercom mode allowing her sister to hear the orders that she barked to agents as she walked through headquarters. Anjoleah immediately went to her locker and retrieved her ops headgear. With the special equipment she could communicate with Cassia live. Anjoleah called and requested that all authority agents on duty were to report in when they had a sighting of Dimitrios. She made her way back to the meeting room.

  Her assistant stayed behind to gather the details as authority agents began calling back. When they reported, through chatter, that there was a disturbance in the area just past the market where Dimitrios was last seen, he switched to private mode in Anjoleah’s earpiece and told her what was reported. Anjoleah walked up to Xander and explained that Dimitrios was missing. He was last seen walking in the direction where a riot was reported. She commanded Xander to stay at headquarters while she went on this mission. He refused, stating he wanted to accompany her. She declined his offer, ordering her second in command to remain at his post and to apprise Anthony of the situation. She believed his help was crucial at headquarters. He was just as efficient as she was at working with the technology and could grant her access to the things she needed for this operation. Anjoleah turned to leave.

  While she was heading to the rapid speed bike port, broadcasts kept coming in from Sojourners who had been on the street prior to the riot. They confirmed Dimitrios had been sighted on that street at the exact time of the event. Anjoleah ran to the holding room for the bikes. She was well aware of the fact that riding one of the bikes in the Hub was not only dangerous, but was also illegal even for her to ride within the Hub borders. They were designed for beyond the eternal border patrols. At select times the bikes had been used for infiltration operations and missions beyond the “Unknown’s” borders. She placed her ops headgear in the cradle between the handlebars and logged in her code to activate the bike. She took off to the sector where Dimitrios was last seen, to investigate what happened.

  Meanwhile Anthony joined in the live mode chat. Anjoleah explained that Cassia was now acting as Dimitrios’ proxy. Anthony was taken back but after a short pause in which to take in all the information, he concurred and cleared her as Dimitrios’ proxy. Anjoleah continued to the scene and filled him in on what she knew about the circumstances; that she believed it was looking like a hostage situation.

  The prime minister gave orders for Anjoleah to proceed, utilizing her license to terminate any criminals that didn’t surrender at her discretion. He thought: I learned my lesson from the jailbreak.

  Anjoleah’s heart raced as she sped to the scene. As the bike picked up speed, it caused a delayed boom that echoed throughout the Hub. Once she reached the scene all of the Sojourners had been evacuated from the area. It now looked eerily deserted. She had just received an update sent by headquarters, from a drone’s information feed that showed the whole bloody scene and the fight Dimitrios had put up. She watched it on her helmet’s shield.

  Anjoleah stepped off her bike and took command of the situation in the sector. She checked in with Xander at headquarters and they discussed options. Xander sensed what her next move would be; she was ready to step in a hornet’s nest. He had a split second to consider his options. Was he going to stay at headquarters, watch the bloody events unfold and send the love of his life into a dangerous situation; or was he going to step down, go into the dangerous situation with her and have her back like he had ever since he met her? The answer was crystal clear. Xander turned to Bobby and gave orders that he was to stay at headquarters and be in command. Xander requested access to the rapid speed bikes.

  Bobby shrugged. “Why not?” He turned to the technology screen and entered his code to allow Xander access.

  Xander was already on his way to back up the commissioner. Bobby wasn’t surprised that was just the type of guy Xander was. Bobby immediately took control as Xander raced down the hall to the rapid speed bike port.

  Anjoleah heard reports in her helmet of a sonic boom disturbance. She growled. She had a feeling Xander had defied her command and left his post. She turned around; sure enough Xander was getting off the rapid speed bike and was disabling it for safety precautions. He looked in her direction knowing she would be furious. They made eye contact. Instead of the glaring look he expected, Anjoleah briefly half smiled before turning her attention back to the situation at hand. She briefed him that agents were already scanning the buildings to see if anyone was inside.

  Xander talked to Bobby and asked him to send more drones to the area. He wanted the devices to search for an opening into the vacant buildings. If they could locate and silently infiltrate the building being used, whoever was inside would not be alerted to the intrusion. Meanwhile Anjoleah was communicating with the head of the Hub maintenance crew to determine if any of the buildings had basements.

  Within a matter of seconds the drones arrived in a swarm. Anjoleah rolled her eyes. “Could we be more obvious?” Xander dared not show he was amused.

  The drones were able to give them valuable information as they traveled around the buildings in the area. Some drones relayed pictures that a back door to a nearby building was partially ajar. That was all Anjoleah needed, she didn’t wait to get confirmation on the building’s basement. She gave orders for Xander to stay at his position and take charge of the area as she ran for the door.

  Xander turned to Craig and growled, “You heard the commissioner. Your orders are to stay here and take charge.”

  Craig tried to protest but Xander was already racing to catch up to Anjoleah. When he reached the back door, she gave him an irritated look.

  Xander said, “Why should you get all the fun?” He winked at her.

  She refocused and gave him orders as they entered the building. They searched the building and were just about to leave without finding anything, when a drone picked up on sounds coming from below the building. The drone maneuvered through the air vents and came out in a dark basement. The device flew through the surrounding area using its night vision until it found the room where Dimitrios was being interrogated. Silently the information was forwarded to the commissioner and she called for backup.

  Anjoleah went to hand signals, as she and Xander walked around the building looking for what the head of maintenance described as a latch on the door to the basement. Anjoleah discovered a latch that seemed to go to nothing. She lifted it and was able to pull away the wall paneling.

  Xander whispered, “Someone must have shut them in and either left, or they could still be in the building somewhere.”

  Anjoleah nodded as she was inspecting the rickety steps that had deteriorated with age. She whispered for him to lower her down to the ground using a line on her uniform. Xander hated to send her down first but he did as she ordered.

  Once her feet touched the ground, the men nearby heard the sound. They turned and rushed her. Anjoleah unclipped herself from the line and strangled one of the attackers with it. She proceeded to kick another man backwards. He lost his balance and fell against the man next to him. By that time, Xander had already had a burst of adrenaline. He jumped down to fight beside her. Once he regained his balance from the landing, the two authority agents took control of the situation with several of their tactical moves. They proceeded to restrain the men on the ground.


  Earlier Dimitrios used his ring to begin slowly cutting through the ropes that bound him. He kept moving his legs so he would be ready to attack if a chance for freedom presented itself. Once he realized agents were in the next room as reinforcements, he broke free. Using surprise as a weapon, Dimitrios used his legs to sweep the man in front of him off his feet. It took the four remaining men just enough time to register that their captive was now free, to allow Dimitrios the opportunity to stand and begin using his special ops training against them. He defended himself successfully against the five men in the room.

  Anjoleah and Xander entered the room and helped Dimitrios finish his
fight. They restrained the criminals and placed all of the miscreants in one room. Anjoleah realized they had apprehended fifteen men all dressed in brown. Dimitrios said he was sure at least twenty men had appeared on the street. Anjoleah and Xander discussed where the other men might have escaped. As soon as the emergency team arrived, they hoisted Dimitrios up from the basement. The medical responders rushed him to the hospital. The emergency crew took care of Anjoleah and Xander on the scene. Other authority agents entered the basement and took the criminals from the scene.

  Anthony breathed a sigh of relief as he congratulated Anjoleah and Xander on a job well done. He walked to Dimitrios’ office and was outside the door as soon as they knew his assistant was going to be fine. The prime minister informed Cassia of the events that had taken place. Anthony told Cassia that he appreciated her quick thinking. She had definitely followed the correct procedure in order to save Dimitrios. They closed up the office and headed to the medical building.

  When Anjoleah and Xander arrived at the medical building, the commissioner questioned Dimitrios. He told Anjoleah what occurred when he regained consciousness in the basement. Dimitrios stated that while he pretended to be unconscious, he’d overheard quite a bit from the brown men. It turned out that Max had orchestrated the whole scenario. Apparently before he’d been taken into custody, he had somehow held out valuable items from his scores. Max managed to sell the stolen items, and then save up enough assets to pay off this group of “Unknowns”. Their assignment was to try to find the whereabouts of Charles. Fortunately the “Unknown” thugs weren’t as smart as the game they talked to get hired. Dimitrios learned from their conversation that Max had been evaluated at a medical facility in the “Unknown” sector. It was no surprise to anyone in the room that the perpetrators revealed Max had been diagnosed as insane. The criminals revealed they had no idea where Max was or what he was planning to attempt next.


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