Burn It Down

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Burn It Down Page 8

by Jess Anastasi

  But his heart wasn’t heeding the warnings his mind was sending out. The more Troy kissed him, the more that voice faded into the background until it was drowned out by the desire roaring through him. Shit, he didn’t think one kiss—a kiss where they were barely even touching—had ever gotten him so achingly hard.

  He didn’t care about anything any longer, not his admittedly heavy baggage, not the fact Troy hadn’t ever done any of this with another man before, not the fact they were in the front seat of Troy’s car in a very public street going at it like teenagers.

  The only thing that mattered was getting his hands all over the hot park ranger who’d taken the starring role in every single one of his jerk-off fantasies for the last three days. Seventy-two hours in which he’d had his hand on his dick more times than in the entire past year combined.

  He yanked Troy’s shirt up around his armpits and tore his mouth from Troy’s kiss-swollen lips, but only made it as far as his neck before he needed to taste skin. He stroked his hands over the stacked muscles of Troy’s chest, drawing a long, low groan out of the other man when his fingers skipped lightly over his nipples.

  Oh yeah. That sound did fantastic things for his already hard dick. He ducked his head, catching one of those nipples between his teeth and making Troy’s entire body jerk. Troy’s fingers were digging into his sides, tightening and releasing in a desperate kneading rhythm that sent shivers through him when he imagined Troy doing the same thing to his ass while he slammed deep into Troy’s body.

  Jesus. He needed that. Needed it so bad, he could already feel his cock leaking.

  He raked his hands down Troy’s chest, relishing the full-body shudder chasing the path of his fingers until he reached Troy’s belt buckle. Troy had taken possession of his lips once again, holding him in place with a hand on either side of his neck as they plundered each other’s mouths, breathless groans and desperate moans escaping between them.

  Jared yanked Troy’s belt open in record time, practically ripping the zipper down. Troy lifted his hips in silent invitation, nudging the thick ridge of his erection firmly into Jared’s hand. Instead of simply shoving his fingers into the confines of Troy’s jeans, he pushed the material out of the way, shucking his jeans down around his upper thighs.

  When he drew Troy’s impressively thick cock from his underwear and wrapped an eager fist around it, Troy uttered a string of strangled curses, bucking into his hand as fluid dripped over Jared’s fingers. He’d barely stroked him three times, and the guy was already gorgeously, temptingly riding the edge, so damned responsive to every touch. Jared didn’t think anything had ever turned him on more than Troy’s unhindered enjoyment of every caress.

  He tugged a few more long, measured strokes, watching the pleasure wash over Troy’s face in waves, the way he dropped his head back, exposing the strong, corded line of his throat, the way his entire body strained, muscles flexing and bunching beneath his thin shirt. As more fluid leaked over his fingers, Jared’s mouth watered and he couldn’t resist any longer. This might have been a whole lot more than Troy had bargained for when they’d first kissed a few hours ago, but if he didn’t taste the essence coating his fingers, he was going to burst in desperation.

  He shifted his ass back and ducked his head. The angle was kind of awkward, but it didn’t stop him taking Troy’s length down in one swallow.

  “Holy fuck!” Troy jumped, causing a muffled thump somewhere above his head and then a short blast of the SUV’s horn.

  He pulled off long enough to find Troy’s hands and pointedly brought them to his head and shoulder, catching Troy’s wide eyes in the dim light.

  “If you want me to stop, now is the time to say so.”

  Troy very adamantly shook his head, fingers tightening in Jared’s hair and hips shifting restlessly.

  “Good, glad we’re on the same page.” He didn’t waste another second, lowering his head to lick a long strip up the length like Troy’s cock was a melting ice cream he needed to catch every drop from, then took the head in his mouth, working his tongue against the underside as he set into a rhythm guaranteed to get Troy off in five seconds flat.

  Troy did not disappoint. He could feel the guy desperately trying not to thrust up into his mouth, both hands in his hair, fisting the strands in a way that sent tingles shooting down his spine all the way to his ass.

  “Oh God. Jared. Christ—” Troy descended into senseless rambling, so Jared added a little suction—okay, a lot of suction, trailing a hand down to cup his balls and then press two fingers against the spot between his sac and that little hole he was desperate to get into.

  Troy jammed his hips upward, shouting Jared’s name as he came. Fluid burst over his tongue, and Jared could feel his own hips punching forward, desperate for the same relief as he swallowed down every drop while Troy moaned indecently through every surge of his orgasm.

  When Troy was done, Jared got upright and frantically yanked his own jeans open. Fuck, he was going to come in his pants like a damned—

  He managed to get his cock out and wrapped a fist around it, the sensation immediately bringing him relief but also yanking his body tighter, like he was strung out on some ancient torture table. He heard a muttered curse and glanced up to see Troy staring at him—not his face, but down at where his hand was desperately fisting his aching hardness, unmitigated hunger in the other man’s expression.

  That was it. That was all it took. One look at Troy practically drooling over him jerking off and he was done, pleasure hitting him like a steam train at eighty miles an hour. He reached out a hand, feeling like he was hurtling through nothingness without an anchor. Troy caught his wrist and drew him in, becoming his calm in the storm as pleasure raged through him.

  “Oh damn,” he breathed, sinking against Troy’s chest as he wrapped both arms around him and held him secure.

  “That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Troy sounded like he’d had his mind blown. Score one for gay sex.

  “Didn’t any of your girlfriends ever give you a decent blowjob before?”

  “Not that.” Troy pushed him back gently so he could look at him. He reached up and brushed a strand of his hair back in a tender gesture, making Jared’s heart skip. “You jerking off. If I hadn’t already come, that would have definitely done the trick.”

  A tapping sounded on the window behind him made Jared jump, glancing over his shoulder but seeing nothing beyond the blue-white of a bright flashlight.

  “Shit,” he muttered, taking the tissues Troy shoved in his hands as they both quickly tucked themselves away.

  Troy punched the window button, letting in a waft of cooler night air. The temperature had thankfully lowered in the last little while.

  Jared shifted around in the seat to meet the bemused stare of Deputy Jake Perez in full uniform with a long black metal flashlight like most cops carried in hand.

  “Gentlemen. Having a nice evening?”

  There was absolutely no doubt from the look on Perez’s face; he knew exactly what they’d been up to. He only hoped the officer hadn’t gotten an eyeful before deciding to interrupt them.

  “Jake,” he greeted, trying to play it cool and failing miserably. He could feel his face burning. “What can we do for you?”

  “Got a complaint about a vehicle in a no-parking zone. Came to check it out and move it along.” Perez aimed his flashlight at the nearby sign proclaiming no parking that’d been shrouded in darkness between the streetlamps.

  “Hell, sorry. I didn’t look when I pulled in,” Troy replied, reaching down to start the SUV’s engine.

  “Who the hell is calling up to make complaints about parking at this time of night?” he grumbled, crossing his arms at the officer’s untimely interruption.

  Although he supposed it would have been worse if Jake had knocked on the window before they’d gotten off. And they were probably extremely lucky it hadn’t been one of the other sheriff’s deputies who’d responded to th
e call, otherwise he and Troy might have found themselves in hot water.

  “The concerned citizens of Everness never sleep, believe me,” Perez said, clicking the flashlight off. “Next time you decide to pull in somewhere, I’d suggest checking the signs. And maybe the two of you could consider parking in a less conspicuous vehicle.”

  Jake sent them a knowing wink and then bid them good night.

  Jared slumped in relief and looked over at Troy. As soon as their eyes caught, they both dissolved into laughter. Jesus. Could tonight be any more of a mess? He’d ended up on an impromptu date with a guy who’d never even kissed another man, taken an unscheduled hike in the dark, had to reinflate four tires, and then given his pseudo-date a quick-and-dirty blowjob in the front seat of his work SUV before getting caught by the cops.

  The most ridiculous thing, however, was the fact he couldn’t remember when he’d last felt this happy or light. And it wasn’t only the very nice postorgasmic bliss of getting off good and solid. It was something about simply being with Troy. Like life was suddenly so much easier and none of the shit that’d been weighing him down was quite as heavy any longer.

  When he could catch his breath, he leaned forward and cut off Troy’s laugh with a kiss, drinking in the last of his humor and relishing the stupid bliss he was swimming in.

  After a long moment, they pulled apart, neither of them breathing steadily, both from the laughing and kissing.

  “I better move this very conspicuous SUV before Perez is forced to come back and interrupt us for a second time,” Troy said softly, tracing a thumb along his jaw.

  “I had fun tonight,” Jared whispered in return, as if saying the words out loud would somehow make them less true.

  “I’ll bet you did,” Troy said with a wolfish grin. “I’m sure I’ll be cleaning the evidence of that fun off my upholstery when I get home.”

  He poked Troy in the ribs, making him flinch back with a gasping laugh. “For your information, it all ended up on my clothes, so your precious upholstery remains unmolested. I, however, will have to sneak into my house and hope neither of my brothers sees me covered in come.”

  “Tate will definitely be unimpressed about that,” Troy replied in a fake-serious voice. “Especially when you tell him you never even made it to my bed. He’ll probably want details.”

  “Shut up! They’re already going to grill me about you as it is. I am not giving them any more ammo to use against me.” He crossed his arms and glared, but Troy just grinned and leaned across to kiss the frown off his face.

  “Let me help save your dignity, then.” Troy reached into the back seat and returned with a red-checked flannel shirt.

  “I knew it!” he crowed as he took the offered garment.

  “Knew what?” Troy’s brow creased as Jared shrugged the shirt over his T-shirt and buttoned it up to cover the wet spots.

  “The first day we met, I was trying to imagine what you looked like out of uniform. Mostly I was imagining you in a Henley, but a checked flannel shirt definitely made the short list, cowboy.”

  Troy snorted a laugh and then reached over to adjust the collar for him. The shirt smelled like him, and Jared only just refrained from burying his nose in it to inhale. He was maybe, probably, certainly going to sleep in it tonight, even if it made him a complete loser. No one had to know how pathetic he was.

  “I’ll text you later,” Troy murmured against his mouth, kissing him thoroughly before sitting back again.

  “Not if I text you first.” He sent Troy a wink as he pushed open the door and hopped out of the SUV.

  “Oh, I see. That’s how it is. Trying to beat me to texting you?” Troy sent him a challenging look.

  “Maybe,” he replied, hanging on to the open door. “Will there be some kind of prize involved if I do?”

  “Guess we’ll have to see.” Troy sent him a mysterious little smirk that had his recently satisfied dick taking notice. “Night, Jared.”

  “Bye, Troy.” He stepped back and swung the door closed, shoving his hands in his pockets and watching like a lovesick moron as Troy reversed away from the curb and then drove into the night.

  Once he was gone, Jared gave himself a full-body shake, swearing he could still feel echoes of that mind-melting release resonating in aftershocks through him. He was already wondering when they’d see each other again and whether there’d be some level of nakedness involved and if he’d be treated to another, maybe even better orgasm—if such a thing was possible. The minute Troy put his hands on him, he was likely to immediately combust.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket with a ding, breaking him out of his musing as he pulled it out to check the screen. Troy.

  Seems I beat you to texting. Thought for sure you’d whip it out the minute I pulled away from the curb. As winner of our unofficial bet, I’m claiming my prize—go commando on your shift tomorrow. I’ll be at the diner around 2 in the afternoon. I’m sure the guys at the firehouse would appreciate you ducking out to get them a coffee.

  So, what, Troy just wanted to meet him at the diner and enjoy the knowledge of him going commando under his EFD uniform in public? Unless the guy had some kind of kink for public places. After tonight’s effort, he wasn’t sure that was a bad thing. However, he also got the feeling Troy wouldn’t go from zero experience to exhibitionist in one night. Whatever Troy had in mind, he was certainly intrigued.

  I’ll see what I can do.

  He got way too much satisfaction out of sending that text. Mostly at the idea they’d already made plans to see each other tomorrow. If someone had told him a week ago he’d find a man to get giddy over, he would have told them they were dreaming. Or he was dreaming. He hadn’t been looking for anything. In fact, if he was being truthful, he’d probably been actively avoiding getting into anything. But one look at Troy and he’d been a lost cause.

  And he couldn’t find any part of himself that was sorry for it.

  JARED WAS humming some country song he’d heard on the radio as he locked up his truck and jogged the short distance to the porch steps when the automatic light came on and he saw the figure sitting on the swing.

  He automatically slowed, thinking Del or Tate was hanging out on the porch in the cool night air like they often did after a hot day, but when the figure stood and stepped into the light, an icy wave of shock blasted through him, leaving his body numb.

  “Jared, hi.” Kevin stepped forward, hands stuffed in his pockets, shoulders rounded and expression contrite in an aw-shucks pose he used to find so cute. Now it just made him apprehensive.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” His voice came out hoarse, and he swallowed the sudden dryness in the back of his throat.

  “I didn’t think you’d answer if I called or texted, so I came to see you instead. Grand gesture kind of thing.” Kevin aimed a smile at him—one that was practiced and calculating, not quite genuine.

  “You’re right, I wouldn’t have answered. And I sure as hell don’t want to see you. Just leave, okay?” He finished walking up the steps, hurrying for the front door as memories of the last morning he’d seen Kevin—the day he’d walked out on him for good—bombarded him, making his stomach churn. He held his breath against the nausea pushing up from his gut and pulled his keys out with a shaking hand.

  “Jared, just wait, please.” Kevin grabbed his arm in a tight grip and he automatically jerked back, the touch echoing through his body in a sickening wave, making the nausea worse.

  “Don’t touch me!” He backed up and stumbled over the wicker basket he and Tate kept their shoes in.

  “Okay, I’m sorry.” Kevin held up both hands and shifted back but kept himself planted firmly in the doorway, blocking him from getting into the house. “Just hear me out.”

  “What the hell do you think you could possibly say that I’d want to hear?” He put some more distance between them and wrapped his arms around himself, suddenly hit with the hysterical yearning for Troy to be there and somehow make this all bett

  “I just wanted to explain. You know I was under a lot of pressure back then and I didn’t mean any of it. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, Jared. I want another chance with you. It’ll be different this time. I won’t keep us a secret anymore. I’ll be out. I’m sure you’ve seen my life has gone to shit this year. I got dropped from the starting lineup and now I’m out of contract—”

  “I don’t know about any of that, Kevin.” Some anger finally pushed up from beneath the shock. “You really think I walked out on you and then spent the last two years stalking your Twitter feed? Get a grip.”

  Kevin clearly wasn’t impressed, his expression tensing in a way that sent alarm bells ringing in Jared’s head and made him take another step back.

  “Then you explain it to me, Jared. How could you just leave like that and never talk to me again? Like we meant nothing to each other. Ignoring my calls and texts like I was some cheap fuck you picked up in a bar.”

  “You really need to ask?” He gave an incredulous, disbelieving laugh. “Then you sure as hell won’t understand, even if I do explain it. We’re done, Kevin. We were done two years ago. My life has been better without you.”

  “Clearly,” Kevin scoffed in a familiar mocking tone that brought back all the feelings of inadequacy in a flash. “You took a demotion from a large, active fire department in Houston to bum around some hick station in the middle of nowhere. And you’re wearing flannel, for Christ’s sake. Really living the life, Jay-Jay.”

  “Don’t call me that!” he yelled, anger overcoming his caution and carrying him forward. He’d always hated Kevin’s pet name for him. But like most things in their relationship, Kevin had simply dismissed his feelings on the matter and kept doing it anyway, making a joke out of it whenever he got upset. “You’re so full of crap. Five seconds ago you said things would be different. We both know that’s a lie. You’re always going to be an insensitive, condescending prick. I don’t care what you think anymore, Kevin. So take your opinions and shove them up your ass.”


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