The Brethren Of Tavish [Vampire Coven Book 1]
Page 16
“Well my son, I see you are indeed a resister,” Tavish said then chuckled. “Perhaps it would be best if your mother didn’t see your eyes glow for a while yet. Mine still make her nervous. It would be amusing for her to know she has the same ability, but I haven’t had the heart to tell her.”
Mercy’s transition from human to vampire had taken the full nine months it took to carry Galf. The moment Galf was born, Caine had been wise enough to be waiting with a bag of his synthetic blood for her to feed on. Mercy didn’t want to feed straight from humans. Tavish didn’t mind as long as she didn’t deny who she was. She was his wife and a vampire, mistress of their coven. Eventually, she would need the occasional human blood to keep her emotions under control. She might not like it, but once told human blood laced with cell memory would in fact curb her lust to kill, she would have no choice. Mercy did love oxymorons.
Mercy’s eyes had glowed a brilliant white as she fed from the blood. Her fangs had sunk into the bag thirstily. Now she slept. She had asked how the baby was but had fallen asleep before Tavish could even tell her they had a son.
Galf’s eyes were now the clear blue of Tavish’s. He didn’t have the power to maintain any degree of hypnotism—yet. Since he had grown in the womb, Caine was certain he would continue to grow normally outside of it. As he grew, Tavish would have to keep a close eye on his littlest hybrid. Hopefully his human half would grant him some compassion. Time would tell what, if any, precautions needed to be in place to keep his son satisfied and the humans safe.
“I wonder what we’ll be feeding you,” Tavish mused.
Perhaps it was gas or perhaps it was coincidence, but Galf curled his lips into a smile. Two tiny, teeny fangs were exposed.
“Hmm,” Tavish said, taking a closer look. Tavish had never really had much use for the word adorable, but it came to mind now. “Maybe you better not show your mother those just yet, either. Especially around her boobs.”
The little teeth slipped back into Galf’s gums. Tavish wondered if they were baby fangs and if he would lose them. All the human children were given something when they lost a tooth. Normally a rare piece of fudge reserved for special occasions and rewards. Tavish wondered what price these would bring. Mercy sat up and yawned when Galf made a small sound. Her white eyes locked onto Tavish. She looked beautiful. Her white hair hung over her bared breasts. The cover had slipped to her hips and there was no indication she had ever had a baby just a short while ago.
“My son?” she asked.
“You know he’s a boy?”
“I guessed.”
“I think he’s hungry.”
“I know he is.” One creamy breast drizzled fluid. “Here, give him to me.”
Mercy took the baby and put him to her breast. Immediately her eyes cleared to her normal gray. She jumped a bit when Galf latched on. Her look screwed into one of interest, concern and motherly affection.
“What is it?” Tavish asked.
“He’s drinking my milk. I guess Mother Nature does provide each individual mother with what her child needs and I’m no exception. He also has two little wicked fangs buried into my tit and he’s sucking blood at the same time. Something tells me I’m still going to be eating for two. I have an odd need to drink from a lactating cow. How weird is that?”
“Well you happen to be in luck. There are two at the stable.”
“Are you going to make Caine bleed the cows?”
“No,” she said and looked thoughtful. “I eat meat…well at least I used to. Although a mouthful of fur doesn’t sound appetizing. Maybe he could just shave a spot on their throats. I won’t take too much.”
“Consider it done.”
“Have you named him?”
“But he’s blond.”
“I think my father would approve.”
Tavish went to sit beside them. With his thumb, he stroked the tiny head. Immediately, two white eyes settled onto him. Little lips pulled back and the tiny fangs were exposed in the tiniest, smallest of hisses. Mercy chuckled.
“Sorry, Daddy, but I think these boobs belong to another now.”
“I was hoping he would wait to show you that trick.”
“It’s all right, Tavish. I want to know all about him,” she said.
“Relax, my son. I will share those with no other than you.”
The babe’s eyes turned blue and, with a contented rooting sound, he once more began to nurse.
A sound lifted both adult heads to the door. Ursus waved a huge paw in greeting. “Come and meet our newest cub, my friend,” Tavish said.
Ursus lumbered forward. She sniffed at Galf who watched her with his snowy eyes. Tavish wondered if the child had any control over them and doubted it. Human babies had at times no control over the way their eyes moved.
Welcome, little cub. Ursus grunted.
“Well, my friend, what do you think?” Tavish said and smiled.
A true little hybrid, Master. Like my own.
For the second time since Tavish met Ursus, he watched as a single tear trickled down the corner of the great bear’s eye. Tavish was delighted. His son had the protection of two fierce mama bears. Something told him this little hybrid would be a force to be reckoned with some day. But until that time, he was Tavish’s to watch over. He was responsible for both his son and his child’s mother. Tavish had a family. It appeared family had been as important to him as it was to Mercy. Perhaps in the next seventeen thousand years or so there might even be another Reign of Galf to watch over a new coven. Brothers and sons and family to the Brethren of Tavish. The idea made Tavish smile.
C.L. Scholey lives in her Ontario home with her husband and children. She is working on the next book in her series. She loves to connect with readers and can be reached at or check out her web page
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