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Unbroken Page 2

by Donna K. Ford

  Kayla was amazed. She had never seen this side of Jen and she didn’t quite know what to think of it. She smiled as the realization set in. If the welcome at the door was any indication of how the evening would go, this was going to be one hell of a night. “Come on then, let’s get a drink.”

  They made their way through the throng of men and women to a tall bar-length table that doubled as a railing encircling the dance floor. The whole setup reminded Kayla of a rodeo arena. A rowdy group of young men made their way onto the dance floor, pairing off and gliding into each other’s arms as seamlessly as a flock of starlings. The two-step had never looked so good. Their broad shoulders and muscles bulged as hands grasped possessively to the tight jeans stretched across firm buttocks.

  Kayla smiled at Jen who was gaping at the men, her mouth half open and eyes wide. She knew Jen was comfortable with people who were gay, she just wasn’t so sure she had much opportunity to see the real thing in action.

  “Your mouth is hanging open.”

  Jen looked at Kayla, wide-eyed. “Those are the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen.”

  Kayla laughed.

  “Seriously, look at them. I can’t believe we haven’t come here before. As of tonight, this is my new favorite bar.”

  Kayla worked to suppress her grin. “They’re all gay, Jen.”

  “I know,” Jen said cheerfully. “That’s what’s so great. I can look all I want and not have to worry about pickup lines, rude groping, or unwanted flirting. I love it.”

  “Is that how you usually feel when you go out?”

  “Please,” Jen scoffed. “Do you think I like putting up with all those guys pawing at me when we go out?”

  Kayla furrowed her brow, confused. “Well, yeah,” she said.

  Jen shrugged and waved her hand in the air as if swiping the thought away. “Well, sometimes I do, but right now I just want to be around men without having to worry about what they’ll do next. At least you don’t have to worry about things like that, K.”

  At that moment an arm slid around Kayla’s waist from behind. Without warning, a woman leaned over between Jen and Kayla and set a beer down on the bar in front of Kayla. As the woman withdrew she leaned in and kissed Kayla on the mouth. Her left hand pushed into Kayla’s hair and held her gently as their lips met.

  Kayla pressed her hand to the woman’s chest and pushed her away.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Kayla said with irritation.

  The woman took a step back and grinned. “I’m apologizing.”

  “What?” Kayla looked at the woman, staring into hazel eyes that looked like starbursts, the colors of brown and green stretching across her irises with subtle streaks of gold. Despite the sudden rise of anger, Kayla couldn’t help but feel like she was falling into a sea of scattered light.

  The woman flashed a crooked smile and took another step back, her arm still resting along the back of Kayla’s stool. “I came over to apologize for my behavior earlier. I’m Jackie Phillips.” She extended her hand to Jen.

  Jen shook the offered hand. By the look on her face she was almost as confused as Kayla felt.

  When Jackie then offered her hand to Kayla, Kayla stubbornly refused. “You mean you’re apologizing for kissing me earlier by kissing me again?”

  Jackie looked down at Kayla and shook her head. “No. I’m not apologizing for kissing you. I’m apologizing for leaving without introducing myself. The second kiss was because I enjoyed the first one so much I wanted to make sure I got to do it again.”

  Kayla scowled. Her pulse raced as shock and annoyance threatened to ignite her anger. “Are you always so sure of yourself?”

  “Pretty much,” Jackie said, smiling.

  Kayla felt the heat rise in her face as her temper flared. She was embarrassed at having been treated so carelessly in front of everyone. Jackie had no right to put her hands or her lips on anyone without their permission. “Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself, because that’s the last time it’s going to happen.”

  Jackie studied her for a moment. She cocked her head to the side and trailed her eyes across Kayla’s face. When Jackie looked into her eyes, the intensity of her gaze took Kayla’s breath.

  “Okay. You’re right,” Jackie said, putting both hands up in a sign of surrender. Her eyes softened and her brow furrowed slightly, forming a small crease between her eyes. “I was out of line. I’m sorry if I offended you.”

  Kayla wasn’t ready to let the issue go, but all her bravado seemed to evaporate when she saw the softness enter Jackie’s eyes. She tried to be angry, but the truth was that Jackie was hot, very hot. Kayla hadn’t been out with a woman in six months, and if she was being completely honest with herself, the kiss had been nice…shocking and rude, yes, but nice.

  “So, what are your names?” Jackie asked.

  When Kayla didn’t respond, Jen answered. “I’m Jennifer Harris but you can call me Jen, and this is my friend, Kayla McCormick.”

  “Well, Jen and Kayla, let me buy you a drink to make up for my forwardness.”

  Kayla was about to say no, when Jen spoke for them both. “That would be wonderful, thanks.”

  As Jackie walked toward the bar to get the drinks, Kayla glared at Jen. “Why did you do that? She’s rude and presumptuous—”

  “And cute,” Jen added. “Besides, it’s nice to see the gay world isn’t all that different after all. This way I get to watch you figure out what to do with the pickup lines, rude groping, and unwanted flirting.” Jen smiled. “This is fun.”

  “Great,” Kayla grumbled. “I’m glad you’re amused.”

  Jackie returned with the drinks and pulled up a stool.

  Jen immediately jumped into conversation. “So, what was the bull like? Do you do that a lot?” Jen laughed into her drink and winked at Kayla.

  “No. This is the first time I’ve been here. I’m here with some guys from work and we had a couple of bets running. They bet I couldn’t stay on the bull for five seconds.”

  “How long did you last?” Jen asked.

  “Eight. I could have made it longer, but when you two walked in, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet you.” With the last statement, she met Kayla’s eyes.

  Kayla wasn’t buying it. “So you threw yourself at my feet deliberately?” she said in disbelief.

  “Well, I wasn’t supposed to land on my face, but yes.”

  “Right. And what was the other bet exactly?”

  Jackie grimaced and shook her head. “I better not say.”

  “Come on,” Jen pleaded. “Out with it.”

  Jackie looked away this time and shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “The guys bet me I wouldn’t be able to get a girl to kiss me tonight.”

  Kayla’s face burned. “So not only were you rude, you used me as the butt of a joke. Nice.” Kayla scowled at Jackie.

  “Well, I just acted on impulse. As soon as I realized what I’d done, I wanted to make it up to you.”

  “By humiliating me? Twice!” Kayla had had just about enough of this charade and rose from her chair to leave. A firm but gentle hand caught hers before she could step away.

  “No. I swear the second kiss was real. The more I watched you, the more I realized you were someone I wanted to know. I’m not even really sure why I kissed you again. It just felt nice. I’m really sorry. I know I’m not explaining myself very well, but I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Can we start over? Please.”

  Jen laughed. “Come on, Kayla, it wasn’t that bad.” Then with mock surprise she covered her mouth with her fingers. “Or was it?”

  Kayla couldn’t help but laugh a little. She rolled her eyes. She might have been able to hold on to her anger if she was just dealing with Jackie, but the two of them together were impossible.

  “I’ll live.”


  Three drinks later, Kayla found herself on the dance floor trying to learn the latest line dance. Jen and Jackie seemed to pick up the moves easily, but s
he continued to struggle. After she almost tumbled into the man in front of her, she felt a hand brush along her back and grasp her hip. Jackie moved so close to Kayla the sides of their thighs brushed. Jackie guided her through a complicated series of stomps and kicks, their bodies swaying seamlessly to the music. Kayla had to admit, Jackie felt good. It was nice to have someone pay attention to her, a very sexy someone.

  Jackie took Kayla’s left hand and stood slightly behind her, then wrapped her right arm around Kayla’s waist and pressed her right hip just to the back of Kayla’s left. Kayla could feel Jackie’s breast brush her back as they moved, and the press of Jackie’s hand against her side was gentle but firm. The slightest movement of her hand and shift of her body made her feel as if they were joined and their movements had become one. A wave of heat ignited in her belly and spread through her body. A light sheen of sweat broke out on her skin and her stomach fluttered with arousal.

  Kayla laughed out loud when Jackie spun her around. With one quick twist they were face to face, and Jackie’s strong hands were holding her, guiding her, driving her. Jackie moved her hands to Kayla’s waist, pulled her close, and began to sway in a slow dance as the music changed. In an instant the playful energy between them shifted to something much more alluring. The hypnotic rhythm of the music coupled with the press of Jackie’s body against hers was intoxicating. Kayla felt a twitch between her legs. She was aroused, and as they moved, she imagined Jackie’s naked skin pressed against hers. Every step, every turn on the dance floor was like free-falling, and Kayla had the urge to press her lips against the sweat dampened skin of Jackie’s neck.

  Jackie was silent as she held Kayla in her arms. Kayla’s breath against her cheek was like a caress, and every cell in her body pulsed in time with the rhythm of Kayla’s breathing. Normally she would use the closeness to suggest a more intimate joining, but just holding Kayla was more satisfying than anything she had experienced in the last few weeks, and she wanted to hold on to that feeling as long as she could.

  The music ended and Kayla pulled away. “I need to go to the bathroom. Dance with Jen for a while—I’ll be right back.”

  Kayla’s withdrawal was like having the air swept out of the room, and Jackie wanted to grasp on to her, anything to push away the emptiness she knew was waiting for her outside Kayla’s embrace. Jackie held her breath as Kayla’s hand slipped from hers. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew she wanted more.

  Jen claimed her arm. “Hey, tiger, my turn.”

  Jackie nodded, thankful for the distraction. She let out her breath and took Jen’s hand, hoping to chase away the emptiness of Kayla’s absence. “Good idea, come on.”

  Jackie worked to clear her head as they danced and quickly slid back into her usual playful flirtations. She teased Jen about her missed steps and who had the better hip thrust. Jen laughed and countered every jab with a jest of her own. Jackie enjoyed the banter and wondered at the easy flow of conversation and the pleasure she felt not pursuing sex with a woman.


  Kayla watched Jen and Jackie dance. She laughed when Jackie picked Jen up and spun her around until Jen’s laughter rang out over the crowd. Kayla was amused by Jackie’s antics, and despite her inner warnings, was intrigued by the attractive, confident woman. Kayla felt a stirring in her middle and shifted uncomfortably. The last thing she needed was to be attracted to someone so impulsive. Kayla knew she was just reacting to the physical lure of Jackie’s flirtations, but since when did she even entertain flirting back? She’d had enough warnings about the carefree lifestyle, growing up with constant reminders about her parents, that she knew that kind of life wasn’t for her. She preferred predictable and stable.

  Kayla saw Jackie watching her and looked away. She recognized the look of interest that had settled into Jackie’s eyes, and she didn’t want to admit how much she wanted that attention. Jackie gestured to Jen to take a break, and a minute later they plopped down into their chairs beside her. A light sheen of sweat coated Jen’s skin and her eyes were bright with playful energy.

  “You two looked pretty good out there,” Kayla said smiling at Jen. She was pleased to see her friend having a good time. It had been a hard day for Jen and she needed this diversion.

  Jen laughed. “Casanova here kept stepping on my heels, but otherwise I guess she was all right.”

  “Hey”—Jackie was quick to jump to the defense—“that was only because your steps were too small.”

  The sound of cheers got their attention, and they looked over to see a new crowd had gathered around the mechanical bull.

  “Oh, let’s go see,” Jen said grabbing Kayla’s hand and pulling her out of her chair. Jackie followed so close she could have been Kayla’s shadow, allowing only a step or two between them. A small thrill tingled across Kayla’s skin at the slightest touch of Jackie’s hand on her back. Damn it, why did she have to like her?

  A throng of men and women stood watching as people took turns trying to ride the bull. Each time a rider was thrown or simply fell off the machine, the crowd roared with laughter and cheers. Jen laughed too and cheered and jumped up and down when one man managed to stay upright through a series of wicked twists and turns and bucks. Jen’s laughter was contagious, and soon Kayla was laughing too.

  “Do you want to try it?” Jackie asked, leaning across Kayla to get Jen’s attention.

  Kayla caught her breath as Jackie’s breast brushed lightly against her shoulder, and she shuddered at the jolt of electricity that surged through her. She glanced at Jackie, quickly sneaking a peek at the line of muscle at the base of her neck. The pulsing beat of Jackie’s heart was instantly echoed between Kayla’s legs. Kayla shut her eyes and looked away. God, what’s happening to me? She had to get her mind off the feel of Jackie’s body and back on the reason she was here.

  Excitement blazed in Jen’s eyes. “Oh yes!”

  “Come on,” Jackie said, taking Jen by the hand and leading her to the man at the controls.

  Kayla watched with anxious amusement. This ought to be good.

  A few minutes later the crowd roared with laughter as Jen attempted to get astride the contraption. She managed to get her body up onto the bull by bouncing on the mat before jumping onto the slick leather back, but the momentum carried her over the other side, and she hit the mat with a sharp smack. Jen lay on the mat for a moment laughing before gathering herself for another try.

  Kayla laughed as she watched her friend try helplessly to hang on to the unpredictable machine, her left arm and both legs flapping like a rag doll as she was tossed willy-nilly from side to side.

  Jackie came back to stand next to Kayla and pressed her hand lightly against Kayla’s back. Kayla was acutely aware of the suggestion in Jackie’s touch and the heat of Jackie’s palm warming her through the thin fabric of her shirt. When Jackie leaned over the railing and cheered for Jen to hang on, her hand slid to Kayla’s waist and rested against her hip. Kayla knew she should move away but was mesmerized by the rightness of Jackie’s touch. The pressure of Jackie’s hand on her sent chills up her spine. Despite her better judgment, she allowed this one indulgence. Despite how the evening had started, Kayla had enjoyed Jackie’s company and found her mind wandering to places she knew could only mean trouble.

  Jen fell from the bull again in what seemed like slow motion. Her laughter rang through the crowd with a high-pitched squeal punctuated with a snort just as she came to rest on the mat. Kayla and Jackie ran to Jen and helped guide her back to her seat.

  Jen raked her fingers through her hair to smooth the unruly strands. She was still laughing. “That was great!”

  Kayla laughed. “You were pretty good. I’ve never seen that technique before. You definitely fall like a pro.”

  “Ha-ha.” Jen tried to swat Kayla’s shoulder as she slid her chair closer with a grimace. “Ouch, I think I’m going to have a bruise.”

  “Oh yeah, more than one, I’d say,” Jackie said as she slid her arm casu
ally around the back of Kayla’s chair.

  A voice over the loudspeaker announced last call. “Seriously,” Kayla said pulling out her cell phone to check the time, “I can’t believe we’ve been here all night.” She was a bit disappointed that the night was coming to an end. Although she didn’t exactly know what to make of her interest in Jackie, she wasn’t ready to break the connection. She knew that once she walked out the door, she would come to her senses and playtime would be over.

  “Hey, I’m going to the little girls’ room before we go. I’ll be right back,” Jen said, pushing back her chair. She swayed a little and grimaced before heading to the back of the bar to the restrooms.

  Jackie reached for Kayla’s hand, wrapped her long fingers around Kayla’s more delicate hand, and extricated Kayla’s cell phone. She quickly manipulated the buttons on the screen.

  “What are you doing?” Kayla asked incredulously.

  “I’m putting in my contact information so you can call me.”

  Kayla leaned back in her chair and raised her eyebrows. “What makes you think I’m going to call you?”

  Jackie looked up and met Kayla’s gaze with such intensity Kayla felt like she had been touched. Jackie’s voice was smooth as silk and she answered seriously. “It isn’t that I expect you to call me, Kayla, but I hope that you will. I’d like to see you. You know, like a real date, not just a meeting in a bar. I haven’t been able to think of anything except you all night.”

  Kayla was surprised by the sincerity and tenderness in Jackie’s voice. In that moment all Jackie’s bravado was gone. Kayla felt Jackie’s gaze, as intimate as a touch that sent a shiver up her spine.

  Jackie slid a hand along Kayla’s jaw and caressed her face. Kayla looked up into Jackie’s eyes as Jackie leaned in and kissed her. The kiss wasn’t like the others. This kiss was soft and tender, like the gentlest glide of satin against her lips, and the faintest brush of tongue teased her flesh with the promise of a deeper, more sensual passion.


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