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Unbroken Page 9

by Donna K. Ford

  Kayla hesitated. She didn’t like to bring people to her house until there was a more substantial relationship involved. She didn’t want bad memories following her around her house if things didn’t work out. “Umm…I’d rather pick you up.”

  “What’s the matter, don’t trust me?” Jackie teased.

  “No, I would just feel better if I came there.”

  “Okay, we’ll do it your way for now. You’ll want to wear shorts and a light shirt. Maybe bring a light jacket just in case there’s an unexpected chill. We’ll be outside and it’s supposed to be a warm night.”

  Kayla’s curiosity was piqued. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Come on, Jackie. Where are we going?”

  “Nope, you’ll just have to trust me.”

  Kayla bit her lip to hold back her laugh. “Well, I guess I’ll compromise this once.”

  “Good. Hey, I have to run. I’ll see you tomorrow at six.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  Kayla felt the sudden distance as the call disconnected. It was kind of disorienting, as if the sun had been eclipsed by clouds. She shook her head in stunned amazement that Jackie could so easily get to her. Just hearing Jackie’s voice had been enough to start her heart racing. The absence of that simple connection was like being thrown off a merry-go-round and her head was still spinning. If she was this mixed-up now, what kind of trouble would she be in if she let things continue? She shook her head, trying to shake off the warning.

  She sat in the parking lot outside her office lost in thought, memories of Jackie’s warm arms around her making her smile. She had replayed the heated kiss over in her mind so many times she could almost taste Jackie on her lips. She shivered. God, what was it about this woman that had her daydreaming like a lovesick little girl? She couldn’t remember anyone ever getting to her this way. She smiled. Whatever it was felt really, really good. She could hear her grandmother’s voice in her head warning her away. You better watch yourself. You get mixed up in a woman like that and you’ll end up just like your parents.

  Kayla was startled when her phone rang again, jolting her out of her daydream. She was embarrassed to see it was the office calling.

  “This is Kayla.”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, Kayla, but your next appointment is here. He’s a little early. Do you want me to tell him you’ll be running late?”

  Kayla checked the time. “No, Martha. I’m just outside. I’ll be right in, thanks.” Kayla ended the call quickly and gathered her things. She couldn’t believe she had been so distracted that she’d forgotten to get out of the car. Maybe her grandmother was right. Maybe she was asking for trouble. But for the first time in forever she had plans on a Friday night. A thrill ran through her making her shiver. Friday night couldn’t come fast enough.


  Jackie leaned casually against her apartment building as Kayla drove up. Every cell in Kayla’s body was on high alert when she took in Jackie’s lean athletic legs, bare arms, and slim hips. She wore a pair of tan shorts and a dark blue tank top that hugged her body and showed off the broad muscled curves of her shoulders and arms. She wore a sporty pair of black sunglasses pushed up on her head that pulled her collar-length hair back from her face, revealing her strong jawline, and the perfect symmetry of her cheekbones.

  Kayla was breathless. She reached over and pushed the door open as Jackie approached the car. Jackie poked her head inside, her arm draped casually against the roof of the car.

  “Hello, beautiful,” Jackie said cheerfully as she leaned into the car.


  “I think you should let me drive since I’m the only one who knows where we’re going.”

  Kayla considered for a moment as she gripped the steering wheel of her silver Nissan 370Z. It was her one indulgence. It was her way of spoiling herself on her meager salary. She felt slightly uneasy at the thought of turning it over to someone she hardly knew, and there was no way she would be without her car just in case she needed to leave on her own. She wouldn’t be left stranded somewhere. She decided to trust Jackie with the car rather than ride with Jackie in hers.

  “Okay, but we have to take my car.”

  Jackie smiled and ran around the car to open Kayla’s door. “See now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She teased. “I promise to take good care of you and your shiny little sports car.”

  Kayla’s cheeks burned from the heat of her embarrassment at having her insecurity called out. But Jackie made her want to push the boundaries of her comfort zones. Jackie’s playful, adventurous nature was contagious, and Kayla had an uncharacteristic desire to throw caution to the wind and see where Jackie might lead her.

  She handed Jackie the keys and took advantage of her role as passenger to observe Jackie, and to take in their surroundings during the thirty-minute drive into the mountains. Kayla was vaguely familiar with the area but was surprised when they pulled up outside a marina. Music spilled out over the water and more cars streamed in behind them.

  “Do you have a boat?” Kayla asked, still trying to figure out what they were doing.

  “No, but we won’t need one.”

  Kayla studied Jackie curiously. She could see that Jackie wasn’t going to give her any more information, so she followed.

  They walked the long pier to a two-story building where a steady stream of boats pulled up to the dock. A band was set up at one end of a long floating deck, playing Jimmy Buffett tunes that echoed off the surrounding mountains.

  Jackie chose a table away from the band, making it easier to enjoy the music, but still hear each other talk. Kayla looked around, taking in the breathtaking view. Norris Lake stretched out in front of them surrounded by rolling mountains, lush green forests, and brilliant blue skies.

  “This is beautiful.” Kayla beamed.

  “I thought you might like it. They just have bar food, but the beer is cold. Wait till you see the sunset—it’s the best ever.”

  The crowd steadily grew as boaters came in from a day on the water. Kayla was impressed by the variety of individuals streaming in. There were young, old, male, female, singles, couples, children, and even a few other gay couples all enjoying each other. Kayla was impressed with the interactions and wondered why people couldn’t be more tolerant in other areas of their lives.

  Jackie casually laid her arm on the back of Kayla’s chair as the sun spilled vibrant colors of red, orange, yellow, and pink across the sky, mirrored by the still water. Kayla sank into the feel of Jackie’s arm as she absorbed the view. She was speechless. She had never seen anything so beautiful.

  Kayla turned her attention to Jackie to make a comment on the view and met Jackie’s piercing gaze. Her breath caught as she watched the lights of the fading sun dance like liquid heat in Jackie’s eyes. She thrilled at the pleasure and peacefulness she saw as Jackie’s expression softened.

  “What are you thinking?” Kayla asked, breaking the spell. When Jackie spoke Kayla noticed they had drifted closer together.

  Jackie smiled and her gaze shifted to Kayla’s lips. “I was thinking how sad it is that you carry so much worry and tension in your eyes all the time. It makes me happy to do something to give you a temporary refuge from the stress of your life.”

  That wasn’t what Kayla was expecting to hear. “Am I that transparent?”

  Jackie shrugged. “I wouldn’t say transparent. You’re too guarded for that, but it’s easy to recognize, if you take the time to look.” Jackie drew another Corona from the bucket of ice and set it in front of Kayla. “Have another?”

  “Thank you.” Kayla was vaguely aware of the people around her now. The beauty of the sunset and the lure of the water only intensified her feeling of connection with Jackie. She was intrigued by Jackie’s assessment and more than flattered by her attention. Normally she would withdraw from such attention, but instead she felt drawn to Jackie in a way that pushed everything around her into the background. At that
moment they could have been the only people left in the world.

  The drive home was a blur. Kayla watched Jackie drive and listened as she talked about her life. She learned that Jackie was from Florida and that she was an only child. Her passion for sports was the inspiration for her career choice after a shoulder injury forced her to give up her dream of making the Olympic swim team.

  “What drew you to Tennessee?” Kayla asked to keep Jackie talking. She enjoyed the sound of Jackie’s voice and it was second nature for her to listen. She wanted to know more about Jackie—she wanted to explore and uncover the complex layers that made up such an intriguing woman.

  “I lived near here when I was much younger and I think it got into my blood. So I couldn’t pass it up when I got an opportunity to work with the university athletics department while I worked on my doctorate. I was thrilled to be involved in the action again. After that, I managed to start a local practice that helps me pay the bills and I get to do what I love most.”

  Kayla cocked her head to the side and studied Jackie, trying to reconcile the differences between the woman she was with and the woman she first met.

  Jackie glanced over at Kayla. “What?”

  “You’re a very fascinating woman.”

  Jackie looked doubtful. Kayla could see she had made her feel self-conscious.

  Jackie cleared her throat. “I can’t believe I’ve been talking so much about myself. I’m sorry, I’ve been rambling. I don’t usually talk this much.”

  “It’s okay. I like learning about you.”

  “I guess you get that a lot, people telling you everything.”

  “Sometimes,” Kayla admitted. “But not like this. I’ve really enjoyed listening. It’s nice to hear good things for a change.”

  They pulled into the apartment complex and Jackie sighed. She cut the engine and handed Kayla the keys. “Here you go, safe and sound as promised.”

  Kayla took the keys as Jackie leaned in for a kiss. She brushed her fingers through Kayla’s hair and pulled her face toward her. Their lips brushed lightly at first, and then Jackie deepened the kiss. Kayla was falling and all she could do was hold on to Jackie. She pulled away gasping.


  Jackie froze, her hands now motionless against Kayla’s waist, her forehead pressed against Kayla’s.

  “We need to stop. I’m not having sex with you in my car like a couple of out of control teenagers.”

  It was Jackie’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but it would be fun.” Jackie pulled away and settled back into her seat. “I guess I got a little carried away.”

  “We both did. I seem to forget myself when I’m with you.”

  Jackie smiled. “I’m glad you do.” She slipped her hand into Kayla’s. “Will you come inside?”

  Kayla struggled with her answer. Her body screamed yes, but her head warned no. “I better not. I can’t trust myself right now.”

  Jackie’s eyes closed for a moment and she drew in a deep breath. “Maybe this is one of those times when you should turn off that head of yours and just go with what you feel. Have a good time.”

  Warning bells clamored in Kayla’s mind. “I’m afraid I’m not wired that way.”

  “Hmm, pity. I was looking forward to it, myself.”

  Kayla smiled. “Persistent as usual, I see.”

  “Like I said before, I’m not afraid to go after what I want.”

  Kayla was very still. She wasn’t ready. As much as she wanted Jackie, she couldn’t sleep with her. They wanted different things and she was kidding herself if she thought for a second she could have a sexual relationship with Jackie without getting emotionally involved.


  “Hey, I get it. You’re immune to my charms. I respect that. But you can’t fault me for trying.”

  Kayla smiled.

  Jackie sat back against her seat. She smiled faintly and rubbed her fingers over her lips as if she could still feel Kayla’s touch there. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  Kayla shook her head. “Nothing much. Why?”

  “I’m rowing in a local regatta tomorrow at Melton Lake. You should come. We could hang out and watch some of the races together. It’s supposed to be a beautiful day and I can promise, you won’t be bored. Besides, it’ll give me another chance to convince you to take a walk on the wild side for a change.”

  Kayla was pleased and a bit surprised that Jackie wanted to see her again. She loved the regattas and she would love to see Jackie’s muscular body flexing and straining in fluid motion with the water. Her mind was made up. “I’d love to go. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sleep with you.”

  Jackie smiled. “We’ll see what tomorrow brings.” Jackie stole another quick kiss before getting out of the car. “Besides, you can’t say no forever.” Jackie shut the door.

  Chapter Seven

  A sea of people crowded the shore along the river while teams of rowers glided across the water in needle-thin boats. The sun was bright and warm against Kayla’s skin as she watched a team of eight heft their scull up over their heads and carry it from their trailer to the shore. The scull was bright yellow and blue, and Kayla liked the way the colors stood out in contrast to the blue-green water. She heard someone call her name and looked around just in time to see Jackie jogging toward her.

  “Hey. There you are,” Jackie said. “I’m glad you’re here. Come on, I’ll show you where my crew is and you can hang out with us. I only have one race left and I can watch the others with you.”

  Jackie confidently took her hand, lacing their fingers together as if it was natural for them to connect in this way.

  “What have I missed?” Kayla asked.

  “Nothing much. I sat in on a doubles race. One of the guys couldn’t make it at the last minute.”

  “How did you do?” Kayla asked as Jackie pulled her through the crowd.

  “Not too bad. We placed third.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s good, right?”

  Jackie smiled. “Better than expected since it was a coed race and our teammate that’s out was a guy. We were lucky they let me stand in, even luckier to place.”

  “You must be really good.”

  Jackie laughed. “We’re okay for a recreational team. We all do it for fun and no one has time to be really serious.”

  “How long have you been rowing?”

  Jackie glowed with excitement as she explained everything.

  “Oh, I just got into it a couple of years ago, but nothing team oriented until I joined the community rowing club. The water here at Melton is the best ever.”

  Jackie explained how the water level was controlled by the TVA through a dam system upstream, resulting in some of the smoothest water in the region. Today there was no wind and the water looked like glass as the sun sparkled across the smooth surface. These conditions made the area perfect for rowing, and Oak Ridge hosted regattas for teams from all over the world.

  Kayla watched Jackie’s expressions, registering the excitement in her voice as she talked about the sport. She also enjoyed watching Jackie’s body. The tight spandex shorts and sleeveless tank hugged the contours of her body leaving little to the imagination. And Kayla’s imagination was on overdrive.

  Jackie led Kayla over to a line of boats on the grass and began to explain the different elements of the scull, and demonstrated how the boat worked.

  Kayla laughed when Jackie playfully tried to get her to sit in a display model that some corporate sponsors were trying to promote. They joked and laughed together until a small woman came running up to them eager for Jackie’s attention. She was so excited she almost vibrated.

  “Hey, Jack. We really need you to come down to the lanes. We’re getting ready to line up for the start and we need you. Come on!” The girl stood in front of them panting, her bright green eyes beaming with excitement. Her pixie haircut clung to the side of her face where sweat trickled down her jaw. She gestured wildly with her
hands as if she could pull Jackie along with the energy she produced.

  Jackie laughed. “Okay, okay, I’m coming.”

  The girl took off like a bolt of lightning, weaving her slight birdlike frame effortlessly through the crowd.

  “That was Peanut. Her real name is Jane, but we all just call her Peanut.”

  “I bet I can guess why,” Kayla said with a grin.

  Jackie smiled back. She took Kayla’s hand again. “Come on.”

  Kayla enjoyed Jackie’s playful energy. Jackie’s hand was warm and gentle and the pressure made Kayla feel welcome and wanted. It had been a long time since she had spent any significant amount of time with a woman she was interested in. The change was refreshing. Jackie shook everything up. Maybe she needed to lighten up more in her life. Maybe she didn’t have to control everything all the time. But how long would it be before Jackie got bored with her homebody ways?

  Kayla almost smacked into Jackie as they came to an abrupt halt. Jackie looked around for a moment before leading Kayla to a vacant spot on a small hill overlooking the dock.

  “You should have a good view of the start from here.” Jackie squeezed Kayla’s hand slightly before letting go and sprinting off to the starting lanes. “I’ll be back,” Jackie called as she jogged away.

  Kayla watched, mesmerized as the teams positioned their boats in the lanes. She was amazed how they kept the long thin boats from turning over. The teams deftly maneuvered the long oars through the water, lining the boats up in their designated lanes. Kayla spotted Jackie in lane four, standing on the small platform as she waited to help her team line up. Jackie was playful with the other women on the dock, and she received more than one look of interest. Kayla shifted and looked away, uncomfortable with seeing how other women reacted to Jackie.

  Kayla grew very still when Jackie lay down on her stomach and leaned out over the water to steady the boat. She knew the race was about to start and her blood hummed with anticipation. She could hear someone speaking through a megaphone from a small tower but couldn’t quite understand the commands. Suddenly she heard the shot that signaled the start, and the teams began the long arduous fight to the finish.


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