Princes of Hell MC Set

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Princes of Hell MC Set Page 16

by KJ Dahlen

  “Johnny plays poker with the runners every morning right before lunch,” Will said. “They get in depth with it. Nasty stuff, man.”

  “I don’t give a shit. I need to figure this out. He knows where Jethro is in this place.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Ask away.”

  “He’s doing life,” Will said. “Why bother?”

  Talon put a hand out to stop their walk. “Did you really just ask me that? You’ve killed people. You have the power in your hands. Death. Now imagine killing someone who killed someone you loved...”

  “Been there.”

  “Was it worth it?”

  “It was,” Will said. “Just trying to make you avoid the hell you’re stepping into.”

  “If it’s so bad, why are you here then?”

  “I’m loyal the club, man. The patch. The cut. Everything it stands for. It’s all I’ve got in here. I’ll die for you, Talon, but not because I respect you. Because I respect the club.”

  Talon nodded. “Well, let’s walk deeper into hell then.”

  Fiona cracked an egg and the shell exploded into a bowl. “Fuck.”

  Her hands were shaking. She eyed the cup of coffee next to her. Too much to drink so far, and she wanted a cigarette. It wasn’t getting any easier. Then again, nobody said this would get easier.

  Talon was in prison. She couldn’t just pick up the phone and call him. She couldn’t just see him either.

  It was a mess.

  A giant fucking mess.

  Fiona dumped the egg and shell down the drain.

  She grabbed another egg, cracked it, making the same explosion and mess.

  “Goddammit!” Fiona yelled. She slapped the bowl into the sink.

  “Hey, mind if I help out?” a voice asked.

  Fiona turned and saw Rogue standing there.

  “Shit,” she said. “When did you get in here?”

  “A minute ago. I knocked...”

  “I didn’t even hear you.”

  “Rough morning?”

  “They’ll all rough, Rogue.”

  “I know,” he said. “We have prospects guarding the apartment. I wanted to stop in and say hey. Check on you and the kid. Hang around for a minute if you don’t mind.”

  “Why?” Fiona asked, coldly.

  “First up, why not let me make the eggs?” Rogue offered. “Before you waste all the food.”

  Fiona rubbed her forehead. “Do you mind if I smoke?”

  “Only if you give me one,” Rogue said.

  She fumbled for a cigarette and gave one to Rogue. Leaning against the counter, she watched as Rogue busted up a few eggs without getting any shell into the bowl.

  “I had to take care of my brother and sister,” Rogue said. “So I learned by survival.”

  “I guess I suck at surviving,” Fiona said.

  “No you don’t. You’re fucking scared.”

  “And I shouldn’t be? There’s people after me. My son. Your club. Talon’s in prison...”

  “I didn’t say you shouldn’t be,” Rogue added. He took a fork out of the drawer and mashed up the eggs. He turned to the stove, poured the yellow goo into a pan, then turned the burner on.

  “Did you hear from him?” Fiona asked.

  “No. That’s okay though.”

  “It’s not okay. At all.” She sighed.

  Rogue turned. “Look, this is what it is. He’s not coming back today or tomorrow. You don’t want to think about what goes on when he’s inside. You should come by the clubhouse more. That’s where family is, Fiona.”


  “Take it or leave it,” Rogue said. “Tell you what, why don’t you grab a shower? I’ll make the kid some eggs and watch cartoons. You go relax for a bit. Then we’ll all head over to the clubhouse. Deal?”

  Fiona hadn’t showered in two days. And being able to do so without worrying about Bret sounded like heaven. “Deal. Thanks, Rogue.”

  “Hey. No worries. Talon is my brother and my best friend. I promised I would take care of you. You can trust me.”

  Fiona nodded and walked to the bathroom.

  If being away from Talon wasn’t hard enough with all the club stuff, the threats and the violence... she was also lonely. Having Talon touching her, taking her, reminding her what it felt like to have a man pleasuring her... and now that was ripped away too. There was only so much self enjoyment a person could have without the real thing.

  As she waited for the shower to heat up, Fiona looked at her nude body in the mirror. She wanted nothing more than for Talon to kick down the bathroom door and throw her into the shower. Pin her against the tiled wall, his hands strong and commanding, almost threatening. One hand cutting between her legs, demanding her legs open. Giving herself to him by his order. Feeling him...

  Fiona groaned and stepped into the shower. She wasn’t going to touch herself right now. Not with her son watching cartoons and a member of the Princes of Hell MC in the kitchen making freaking eggs.

  The shower was just what she needed. The hot water relaxing her body for once. Actually having the chance to take her time then get dressed and brush her hair. It was almost sad how this became a sense of luxury.

  Bret sat at the coffee table eating his eggs while Rogue stood with a bottle of beer, an eyebrow raised, watching cartoons.

  “Everything good?” Fiona asked.

  “Perfect,” Rogue replied.

  “Can we go to Uncle Rogue’s house?” Bret asked.

  “Excuse me?” Fiona asked.

  “Uncle Rogue’s house? Where they have the spinning seats?”

  Fiona looked over at Rogue. “Did you do this?”

  “Maybe,” he said.

  She sighed. “Yeah, we’ll go to the clubhouse. Sure.”

  “Good,” Rogue said. He killed off his beer. “You follow me and the prospects will follow you.”

  “What are prospects?” Bret asked.

  Rogue chuckled. “Something you’ll never be, kid. If you’re smart and follow your Daddy’s footsteps.”

  Fiona gasped.

  “My Daddy?” Bret asked.

  “Oh, shit,” Rogue said. He looked over at Fiona. “He doesn’t...”

  Fiona shook her head.

  That was another conversation she had to have still. Preferably with Talon there though.

  “I’m sorry,” Rogue said. “I’ll be outside.”

  “Come on, sweet bear,” Fiona said to Bret. “Let’s pack a bag of toys.”

  “They’re already packed.”


  “In case we have to run again,” Bret said.

  These words broke Fiona’s heart.

  She swallowed down the emotion and kept herself together as she packed up then got Bret’s already packed bag to head to the clubhouse. She figured they would just crash there for a little while. Sleep in Talon’s room. At least there, she could smell him. The sheets, the pillows...

  The ride over was interesting. Being surrounded by bikers as though she were someone famous.

  Even when she got to the clubhouse, all the guys were outside waiting for her. Everyone from Condor to Cobra to Toll Man made sure to talk to Bret. They messed with his hair, gave fist bumps, and made him comfortable.

  Then there was Eagle.

  The President, holding the door open. He was quick to put Bret up on barstool and told a prospect to get Bret anything he wanted. Food. Drink. Toys. Anything.

  It was almost overwhelming.

  Then there were the women. The club whores all lingering around, looking drunk and red eyed, with messy makeup and low cut tops, short shorts, doing anything to get the hint of a Prince to nestle between their legs.

  Cat gave Fiona evil eyes as Eagle guided her toward a pool table.

  Fiona paused. “You.” She pointed at Cat. “Get me a drink.”

  “Fuck yourself,” Cat said.

  Eagle stepped forward and Fiona did too. “Did you hear what I said? Get me a dri

  “Maybe you’re deaf,” Cat said. “I earned my way here, more than you have. You should get me a drink.”

  “Last time I checked, my man is the VP around here,” Fiona said. “And the father of my son.”

  “Oh, goody for you. You fucked the VP of the Princes of Hell. Yawn. Been there before. Many times. So. Many. Times...”

  Fiona wound up as she skipped the slap and went for a punch. Smashing Cat right in the nose.

  Eagle pulled Fiona back as Cat screamed.

  All attention in the room went to them.

  “Good swing,” Eagle noted. “But your kid is watching now.”

  Fiona shook away Eagle. Her heart pounding in her chest. “I said get me a damn drink.”

  Cat wiped blood from her nose. “What would you like?”

  “A cold beer,” Fiona said quietly.

  Cat walked away and Fiona turned to face Eagle.

  “Jesus, woman,” Eagle said. “You’re going to rule this clubhouse, aren’t you?”

  “If I’m staying here, then they’re going to listen to me.”

  “Good for you.”

  “That includes you, Eagle,” Fiona said. “He’s in prison right now. My heart can’t take this shit. My son is nervous. I don’t know what the hell is going on.”

  “That’s why I wanted you to come here, Fiona. To talk to you.”

  “About what?”

  Eagle grinned. “I have a way for you to see Talon...”


  Talon opened what was a glorified chain link fence. He was in a back corner of the prison, a place that was dark and quiet. He didn’t even want to know what the history was in this part. It was old and in need of renovation. It was left this way on purpose for exactly what Talon was doing here.

  Finally able to meet Johnny one on one.

  After sitting in on a few of Johnny’s card games, watching his old hands move cards faster than anyone he’d ever seen, watching the way he commanded his crew, right down to taking flesh off another man. Some guy tried to work Johnny over on a game and when the guy lost, he said he had nothing. So Johnny pointed to a tattoo on the guy’s arm. Johnny liked roses and this guy had a rose on his rm. The guy told Johnny he’d hook him up with a tattoo. All Johnny did was stand and snap his fingers, proclaiming he wanted that tattoo. Four guys took this guy down and held him, cutting the tattoo off his arm. Then they tossed the floppy piece of a skin to the table where Johnny left it there with the rest of his earnings for that day.

  In other words, this guy was fucking crazy. But he was the guy to talk to. He was the guy who interacted with every person in the prison. From the straight guards to the crooked guards... to every prisoner. He knew everything about everyone.

  And for Talon, that meant one thing... Johnny was his ticket to getting to Jethro. And Talon wasn’t in the mood to fuck around either.

  He had Will hang back, so it would be a fair meeting between him and Johnny.

  Talon walked alone without an ounce of fear.

  From the recess of the shadows stepped Johnny. He wore super black shiny shoes. Shoes that weren’t allowed in prison, but when you were this guy, you got what you wanted.

  Johnny was a little shorter than Talon, his greasy silver hair slicked back tight. His face was old with craters, his eyes light but deep with cruel evil. He stood with his arms at his sides.

  “You know why I’m here,” Talon said.

  “No... hello for me?”

  “I think this place strips you of time and pleasantries.”

  Johnny chuckled. “I’ve heard about you. And your organization.”

  “Right,” Talon said. “I’ve heard of you. That’s not why we’re here.”

  “Of course not.” Johnny flicked his wrist, showing off a huge gold watch. “I have a game to host in a few.”

  “Last thing I want to do is take you away from that.”

  “But what’s your purpose here, Talon? Petty crimes?”

  “I did what I did to get here,” Talon said.

  “For what reason.”

  “You don’t have a reason to be here?”

  “A big heart,” Johnny said with a shrug.

  Talon raised an eyebrow. “A heart?”

  “A woman did this to me. Mushed up my brain. I lost my cool a few times and got a little sloppy thinking about her.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Be careful of the women, Talon.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “You want to get down to business,” Johnny said. “Smart man. You’re not letting me smooth you over.”

  “I don’t need any smoothing. I need information. So I can take care of a family matter and get out of here.”

  Johnny nodded. “Right. So, tell me...”

  “Jethro. Need a last name?”

  “Jethro,” Johnny said. “My old friend.”

  “Friend? I’m sorry to hear that. Your friend is going to see his last day soon.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Johnny said. “And you’re going to kill him?”

  “He killed my father. And it’s time I settle that. I just need you to tell me where he is and who he’s protected by.”

  “Oh, that’s all? That’s nothing. Let me give that to you right now...” Johnny stepped forward. The evil look in his eyes grew more intense.

  Talon felt watched. And he knew he was being watched. Johnny would never truly travel alone. That meant he had guys hiding probably everywhere. With weapons.

  All Talon had was his fists and his word.

  “Do you think it works that easily?” Johnny asked in a low voice.

  “No,” Talon said. “I’m not a fucking moron. I’m telling you what I need.”

  “What you want,” Johnny said. “You don’t need to kill Jethro.”

  “Trust me, brother, I do,” Talon said.

  Johnny grinned. “So we’re beginning to talk a deal here.”

  “Not sure what I can do for you here, Johnny. You seem to have this place under control.”

  “Not inside, Talon.”

  “Outside,” Talon said.

  “You have contacts still,” Johnny said. “Plenty of them.”

  “Your point?”

  Johnny stepped back and rubbed his clean shaved, wrinkly jaw. “There are a few things out there that bother me. But there’s one I can use help with. Seems a few guys have gotten wise. Thinking that since I’m in here, they can do what they want.”

  “Name it,” Talon said. “We can rough someone up. Scare them. Get whatever cash you’re owed. Pass it along to anyone you need.”

  “No,” Johnny said. “This is playing fair. Card for a card. And ace for an ace, Talon.”

  “Meaning what?”

  Johnny made his fingers into a gun and pointed it at Talon. “Get it?”

  “You want us to kill someone for you,” Talon stated.

  “Only seems fair since I’m killing someone for you.”

  “You’re going to kill Jethro?”

  “You want to do it, Talon. But me giving you the pathway...” Johnny shrugged his shoulders.

  “So tell me how we work this out. All we’ve got here is time. And I don’t feel like wasting any more than needed inside this place.”

  “Lucky man right there to speak those words,” Johnny said. “I’m going to die here. This is my home. This is my grave.”

  “At least you know the destination,” Talon said with a grin.

  “You’re a smart mouth.” Johnny grinned. “I can appreciate that. And then I can cut off your fucking leg for fun.”

  “I’m not here for fun.”

  Johnny turned and walked away. He began to pace left to right, deep in thought. “Jack Wellinson,” he said.


  “You heard the name. He had been pulling off the top of the cash reserves for a long time. He was a good man though. When I caught him, he confessed he was battling a coke habit. We got him clean. I never p
ut a bullet in his head. Only he didn’t stop. He kept going. Then I got tied up with a woman and things got messy. I let things get messy, Talon. So I started cleaning up the messes.” Johnny made his fingers into a gun again. “I started with the woman... and then I moved right down the line... but I never got to Jack.”

  “You want us to take him out,” Talon said.

  “This is where the story takes a little turn,” Johnny said with a smile. “How cold and black is your heart, Talon?”

  “I don’t even think I have a heart.”

  “Every man has a heart. Those who say they don’t are the ones that have the biggest.” Johnny moved toward him again. “Jack is alive and well. He’s out the business though. He’s clean. Straight. Earns a fair wage as an accountant. Living in a small suburban neighborhood in a modest house with a wife and two kids. Driving a leased car while his wife drives a leased minivan. They take a yearly family vacation to some fucking cliche place. They struggle sometimes. They hate the cost of healthcare. His doctor thinks he needs to lose twenty pounds or else. His wife goes to yoga three times a week, drinks too much coffee, and sometimes flirts with the barista at the coffee place next to the yoga studio.”

  “Jesus, man,” Talon said. “You’ve scouted this one, huh?”

  “That I have,” Johnny nodded. “And you’re asking yourself... why haven’t you done it yet, Johnny? And I can’t answer that. Maybe I’ve been waiting for you, Talon.”

  Talon swallowed hard. This guy wanted him to track down a family man and kill him. That would make his wife a widow. His kids fatherless. Which was a sick twist of irony because Talon wanted to kill the man who’d made him fatherless.

  “You seem surprised,” Johnny said.

  “Did he pay back what he owed you?” Talon asked.

  “Ah,” Johnny said, waving a finger. “You do have a woman in your life. You feel guilt. Don’t you?”

  Talon curled his lip. “Listen, you old motherfucker. I do what I want and what I need to do. I’m going to get to Jethro and fucking kill him. With your help or not.”

  “And if you so much as breathe the wrong way, I’ll have you killed,” Johnny vowed.

  “I don’t take orders from anyone.”

  “I bet you do now...” Johnny snapped his fingers and a few men appeared. Big guys. Holding pieces of wood. Ready to attack.


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