Princes of Hell MC Set

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Princes of Hell MC Set Page 32

by KJ Dahlen

  Rogue gazed at this lovely angel of a woman. Could she really mean that she admired him? Wanted to stay with him?

  “So...” She grinned. “Can the bad man join me in the shower?”

  He smiled as he rose up grabbing her face to kiss her.

  Loud knocking sounded on the door.

  Rogue growled to her lips.

  She sighed. “Okay, see who it is and I will be waiting in the shower.” She then got off the bed. “I got some sweats and a t-shirt from your drawer, K?”

  He stared at her naked body on up to her sweet face. “Huh?”

  She tsked. “You are staring again.”

  He nodded. “Yes... yes, I am.”

  She laughed and headed to the shower.

  The knocking persisted, but Rogue just had to watch that sweet ass of hers as she walked away.

  He finally got up and looked around for his boxer briefs. Spotting them under her pencil skirt, he grabbed them and tugged them on.

  The pounding grew louder.

  “Okay, dammit!” he shouted as he rushed to the door. Yanking it open, he intended to yell at the annoying knocker.

  Eagle stood there, glaring at him. Then at his lack of clothing, he raised a brow.

  “Yes, Prez?”

  Eagle looked displeased as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m here to tell you that I have rescinded my decree.”

  Rogue blinked hard. “What?”

  “You heard me. You and her, are free to go your separate ways! Dmitri is all but dead. So... well, it doesn’t matter anymore.” Eagle turned away and stomped off down the hall.

  Rogue stared at his retreating form. He slowly shut the door and turned around. This meant Sevie could leave anytime she wanted.

  He let out a breath. He also wondered how all this had happened. He rushed over searching for his discarded jeans then fished into the pocket for his cell. He tapped the screen then looked for Talon’s number. Tapping it, he waited.

  “Yeah, Rogue?”

  Rogue launched in, “Eagle was just here.”

  “Alright, good. So he told you?”

  “Not all of it. What happened with Dmitri?”

  “Strange thing about that. Some part of Bratva had been hunting him then they took down his entire empire and are putting him on trial in Russia but from what this Viktor guy said, Dmitri will be executed within a few days.”

  Rogue let out a relieved breath. “So that’s over?”

  “Yep. We no longer have Hammer’s debt hanging over us. So you need to tell Sevannah that she is free to leave.”

  Rogue said nothing.

  “Brother? Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah. Yeah Talon, I heard you.”


  “Unless what?” Rogue asked.

  “Unless you don’t want her to go?”

  “I won’t do that Talon. I will tell her she is free to leave.”

  “Okay, man. Umm... hey.”

  “Yeah?” Rogue stared up at the ceiling.

  “Look...” Talon spoke softly. “Don’t do what I did. If she means something to you, don’t fuck it up. Keep her.”

  “Yeah, man. Thanks.” Rogue swiped his phone.

  “Who was that?” Her soft voice came from the bathroom doorway.

  Rogue looked up. “It was Talon.”

  Wrapping a towel around her body, she paused. “What’s the matter?”

  Rogue battled with himself. He wanted this woman to be in his life. But he knew he had to tell her. “Umm... You...”

  She walked across the room and stood close. “Yes?”

  “You are free to go home.”

  Her eyes rounded. “What?”

  He nodded.

  “But how did that happen? I thought—”

  Rogue covered her mouth. “Dmitri is gone. The threat is gone. Eagle came to the door a couple of minutes ago. He revoked his decree.”

  Blinking her eyes, she looked stunned. Then she grinned. “So, I can go home?”

  His chest tightened to a hard knot and for a moment, he had to catch his breath. “Yes. Whenever you want.” He looked around for his boots.

  “Okay!” she gushed. “Wow! Things change around here fast!”

  “They do. Never a dull moment in an MC. I am going to hop in the shower.” He rushed over to the dresser and took out clean clothes. “I’ll be out quick and then we can go.”


  He acted like he hadn’t heard her as he went into the bathroom and shut the door. He moved mechanically. Setting his clothes on the counter then reaching up to turn the shower on. He tugged his briefs off. “Fuck it. She was just a nice piece of—”

  “Of what?” she asked as she stepped into the shower with him.

  Rogue grabbed the shower gel. All he needed to do was get through the next hour and then he could get blind drunk. Forget about her and...

  “So, you were just going to take me home and dump me off?” She placed her hands onto her shapely hips.

  Rogue stared at her beautiful face. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  She stepped closer. “But you asked me if I would stay, even if I didn’t have to.”

  “And you never answered me.” He turned toward the shower spray.

  “I did so.”

  He whirled back around. “When?”

  “When I told you how... what I said about you. I meant that...”

  “You meant that maybe, but you never said you wanted to stay.”

  Looking upset, she raised her hand to his cheek. “What would a man like you want with me?”

  Pulling his head back, he stared at her. This had been the last thing he believed she would say.

  “I mean. You... have women here all over the place, right?”

  Rogue didn’t understand what she was getting at. “Yeah, so?”

  “Well, this claiming you did...It means we are like a couple right?”

  He nodded, still not getting it.

  “Well, why would you want me?”

  He blinked hard at her. Why? “Yeah, I have had lots of women.”

  “See? You just do not seem like the kind of guy who would...” Her voice trailed away.

  “Would what?”

  “Who would be like satisfied with the same woman all the time. Ok? There... I said it. You would get bored with me and then grab some...”

  “But you are... Not...”

  “Rogue. Please? I am dying here! Either tell me you want me and only me or... take me home and dump me off.”

  He grinned. “What if I just tie you up and keep you here?”

  Sevie gasped and stared into his eyes. “Then I would say, when you untie me, do not let me go.”

  Rogue laughed. Then he stilled. “But you seemed so happy to be leaving?”

  “No... I was happy all that was over and Dmitri...” She looked into his eyes. “I thought maybe we could go to my pace and well... I have the most comfortable bed. Then I could pick up my clothes too.”

  He cupped her face with his hands. “You sure you want to run with an outlaw?”

  Sevie laughed as she pressed her lips to his. “Well, I am your umm...old woman aren’t I?”

  Rogue chuckled. God, he loved seeing her laugh. It was the best thing in the world. It made him feel somehow warm. During this whole ordeal, he hadn’t heard her laugh. “It’s Old Lady and...are you sure about this?”

  Nodding, she smiled. “I know we just met really, but you claimed me and all.”

  “I did. And Sevie...You’d better means this. Cause once you agree to be mine...” His eyes met hers. “I won’t let you go.”

  “Good. You’d better not and no rabbits either.”

  He furrowed his brows. “What?”

  “You know lounge lizards... the women who hang around these clubs.”

  He laughed. “God dammit you are cute. You mean bunnies?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Tramps, easy women, skirts...”

  He paused. “You mean like the
y used to call them in the old movies?”

  “Yeah, like that was a whole different language.” She gazed down at her legs. “See my Gams?”

  “I can’t help but see them.” He grinned. “So you like the Black & Whites?”

  She nodded. “I love them. Like. You dirty—“

  “Rat,” Rogue cut her off. “You killed my—“

  “—Brother!” She exclaimed.

  They both laughed.

  “Oh, man,” he whispered as he leaned his wet forehead to hers. “I think I’m in love,” he whispered.

  Her eyes widened. “Me too!”

  They both laughed as the water poured over them.



  It had been exactly twenty-four hours, then Ivan’s phone pinged.

  Talon stared down at it.

  It was a map. He tapped his screen and it zoomed in. A red dot marked the street.

  Then a text came in.

  He has an electric fence, cameras on all sides. Twelve men at guard.

  I advise watching him till he leaves and getting him in route.

  Good Luck, Prince


  He took a deep breath. Then he wondered if he should call Rogue. No, he’d heard from Falcon that Rogue had left last night. To be with his old lady. Talon smiled. That was a shocker. The man actually took his advice, instead of going off half cocked.

  He gazed over at his woman as she slept. He had already laid there with her and watched her sleep for a long time this morning. He’d wanted to imprint her face onto his memory. He couldn’t take back the years they were apart but he dammed well wanted to make sure they had years ahead together.

  Talon rose up and walked into the other bedroom. Then he leaned against the doorjamb to watch his son sleeping. He felt so at peace when he was with them. He clenched his fists. That was why he needed to do this. As long as that fuck was alive, they would be in danger.

  He went back into his room, sat down, and tugged his boots on. Then he quietly left the room. He stopped in the hall and called Falcon.

  “Yeah?” he answered in a sleep filled voice.

  “Get two men to my door. I gotta take care of something.”

  “Alright. I got two in mind. But I’ll send Crater over till they arrive. He never sleeps.”

  “Thanks Falcon. And...”


  “If anything happens. I mean if...”


  “Nothing. Thanks brother.” He swiped his phone. He didn’t want anyone else to put their life at risk. He could pull this off by himself. It was his responsibility, his family to protect.

  He strode down to the garage and opened the bay doors, then got on his bike. He’d had a Prospect to fuel it up and get ready last night just for this. He checked his under seat and saw the high powered rifle and the three other guns. Just like he’d instructed then he checked for ammo. It was all there. He already had two guns holstered on his person.

  He’d known by instinct that Viktor was the kind of man to keep his word and Talon had anticipated this fact by getting it all ready to go.

  He rolled the bike out, so he wouldn’t alert anyone. Though, the gate guards would know.

  Hell, he didn’t have to sneak around. He was the VP here and no one would tell him what to do anyway. He just didn’t want to have to deal with anyone asking to join him or some shit. He then started his cycle up.

  The engine roared and the sound bounced off the metal walls.

  He sped out and went around to the front.

  The gate guards waved at him.

  He stopped his bike and waited for the gates to swing open. He sat back a little. Anytime now. He looked up to see the guard on the phone. What the fuck? The man thought a phone call was more important than letting him out the gates? He started to get pissed off. Then he heard the roar of another bike. He glanced back over his shoulder.

  Fucking Falcon.

  The man put his cell back into his pocket and waved at the guard as he pulled up beside him. “Where ya going, Talon?”

  He shook his head. “Like it’s your fucking business.”

  Falcon gave him that grin of his. “Look, I’ve known you since we both prospected together. I knew you would go out after him. So let’s get the fuck going. I’m locked and loaded.”

  Talon didn’t know whether to feel glad or angry. He looked ahead. He had no time to argue.

  He had someone to kill.



  I’m the Enforcer for The Princes of Hell. I earned my patch from Prospect on up over the seven years I been a brother and I’ve killed to keep my title. I’ve had to take out some pathetic trash for the club, many times.

  One such time, I never finished the job Eagle our prez sent me out on. I would have had to kill a woman and that wasn’t gonna happen.

  Now, as I stand by Talon’s side to face Devon Brooks, another piece of pathetic trash—that secret came back to bite me in the ass.

  The woman I saved was now in the clutches of the Devon and again, I couldn’t allow even Talon to harm her.

  I’d never forgotten her face since I first laid eyes on her a year ago. Or that sweet body of hers. But she is off limits.

  And... Eagle wants her dead, all over again.


  The last two years has been a fight for survival. I have seen things that I wasn’t supposed to see. I know things that could get me killed.

  Just when I thought I was safe, my old boss shows up. He’s hiding from someone that scares him utterly. Well, this cares me too and before I can get him to leave...I see a man that I’d never thought I would see again.

  He has suddenly came back into my life after months of dreaming about him.

  But is he here to save me again, or to end me?

  Chapter One


  The fucking VP thought I was just gonna let him ride off alone to get this dickhead? Falcon scoffed as he rode next to Talon. The man had a kid and a woman, he needed to return to them. Just because Rogue was off with his new woman didn’t mean Talon would go into this alone.

  Falcon knew instantly when Talon made the call to him that he was going out to end this cretin, Devon Brooks. If he had his way, he would end him before Talon got the chance. Though, it wasn’t kosher to step in and do what another man had to do to protect his own.

  They were nearing and upscale area now and Falcon slowed as Talon decelerated his cycle. They both knew they would look conspicuous in an area like this.

  Talon waved his hand and then turned into an alley.

  Thank fuck. If they got pulled over by these Beverly Hills type cops and were searched, they would know Talon and he were out to do mayhem.

  Fucking right, they were. Mayhem and murder if it came to it. If Talon didn’t get rid of this fucker, his woman and kid would never be safe.

  Talon slowed his bike to a stop.

  Falcon decelerated too.

  Talon turned his head to look at him. “His place is just in front of us.” He motioned to the end of the alley. The dammed place was so nice, no one from the other side of town would believe it was an actual alley. The pavement was so clean you could sleep on it.

  Falcon looked over and saw the electric fence. They weren’t traversing that. No way.

  “We wait until we see him leave,” Talon whispered.

  Falcon raised a brow at this. “What if he takes days?”

  Talon grinned. “I set something up to make him run.”

  Falcon smirked. “Oh, yeah?” He should’ve known, the man always had a plan.

  Talon nodded. “Anytime now, the rat will come out and slither his long shitty tail into a car. Then we follow.” He then leaned back on his ride, lit up a smoke and sat there looking totally relaxed.

  Falcon shook his head. You’d think the guy was out for a good time stroll here. Not loaded up to kill some bastard. But that’s the way Talon was. All nerves of steel and smar
t. He never just went and did something, he planned it. He also would lay down his life for a brother. This was what made him the best VP.

  Falcon tried not to think about the fact that the President of the Princes was the opposite, as in he wasn’t good for the club. He hadn’t been for the last year. Going off half cocked. No planning, not being careful. Then when he wanted to trade the girl Sevie for the debt, Hammer owed? Sending her to her death? It wasn’t like the old Eagle he knew. He couldn’t seem to vibe why this was. But he did know that a few of the jobs Eagle sent him out on over the last months were not good ones.

  Falcon was one of the two enforcers for the club. He took out the trash. Most often, he just beat people up. They usually deserved it and they usually had stolen from the MC.

  But a year ago was when it all took a bad turn. Eagle sent him out to get rid of a guy and this was before Hammer died. Eagle found out Hammer owed someone and had it on the club to pay.

  He sent Falcon out to make the guy back down.

  When Falcon got there, he called the prez and told him he needed to wait as the guy had a woman with him. Eagle told him nevermind just take care of the man and end her. Then as he’d waited along the sidewalk in front of the alley where the man and woman were, he heard a gunshot and a scream. He peeked around the wall and saw another man with a smoking gun in his hand and the guy dead on the pavement, blood pooling around him. The killer then swiveled the gun to the woman who had backed up to the wall. Raising his weapon, he aimed it at her head.

  Falcon had acted on instinct... he pulled his weapon and dropped the man. The woman didn’t scream this time but as he got closer, he could see the fear in her blazing blue eyes. He’d never seen eyes that color before. Like a dark blue sky just before a storm. Long, dark hair to her waist, a jet black color like black silk, and she was tiny. Her eyes had a slight slant like she was of Asian lineage, but she also was caucasian as her skin was creamy looking and at that moment, she was pale as a dammed ghost too.


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