Princes of Hell MC Set

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Princes of Hell MC Set Page 38

by KJ Dahlen

  No Asia.

  “FUUUUCK!” he shouted then grabbed his head. It fucking hurt like a sonofabitch. He looked around for his jeans. They were in the kitchen. Standing, he almost fell on his fucking face. He had to get to his cell. He stumbled out to the living room then to the kitchen. Bending over to grab his jeans, he did finally fall on his face. He laid there panting and weak. What the fuck had they shot him with an elephant dart? He felt around for the jeans again. Grabbing his phone, he grunted as he flipped himself onto his back. Raising the phone up with trembling hands, he swiped the screen. Tapping 2, it dialed Talon.



  “Yeah, Falcon what’s up?”

  “Just g-gggot...” His voice didn’t seem to work.

  “What is it?” Talon now sounded concerned.

  “T-they toooook h-her,” he slurred.

  “Are you ok, man? You don’t sound so good.”

  “Dart... drugggged.”

  “Fuck!” Talon yelled.

  “County....on....road, fo-follow them.”

  “OK, buddy. I got men on it now.”

  “Geeett Asssiaa baccck.”

  “Ok, sit tight. I’m coming.” He hung up.

  Sit tight? Like he had a fucking choice. It felt like an hour or a day or a week had gone by when bootsteps sounded across the wooden floor.

  “Damn, Falcon.” Talon knelt down next to him.

  “Coffee... kit—chen,” Falcon muttered.

  Talon stood and moved away. Then he was back and helping to sit Falcon upright. He put the cup to his lips and Falcon gulped, then coughed, as his throat didn’t work right.

  “Fuck man. How did this happen?” Talon asked.

  Falcon gulped the rest of the foul cold liquid down then tried to speak, “We... sleep... Grabbed mmmmy gun... pain from t-th...”

  “Okay, okay. Take it easy. It had to be Devon. Damn that fucker. He needs to die already!”

  Falcon nodded his sore head. “Need.... find him.”

  Talon looked concerned as he replied, “We all need to. I need to end him and his shitty little games.” His cell rang. He swiped the screen. “Yeah.” He listened then he grinned. “Good Tollman... you and Condor stay out of sight.” He looked down at Falcon as he swiped his phone. “Since the county road is so far out here and they couldn’t get into any town soon enough, our men did catch a trail. Men in a dark pickup truck and they saw a black haired girl in the cab with them.”

  “Fuuuccccking— kill—them.”

  Talon paused. “You really care about this girl.” It wasn’t a question.

  Nodding, Falcon tried to get up then slipped to the floor.

  Talon sighed and swooped his shoulder under his arm. “Man, you can’t ride yet.”

  “I will...

  Talon chuckled. “Not bare ass naked, you won’t...”

  Falcon looked down at himself. “Oh, shit.”

  “Yeah, oh shit. Talk about being conspicuous.”

  “ shower.”



  Talon nodded “K, man, just take it easy.”

  “Get awake, get her. Kill them.”

  “Yes, I get it.” Talon helped him to the bathroom.

  “C-cold water.”

  Talon reached out and turned the water on.

  Falcon managed to get in himself then he leaned against the tiled wall.

  Talon reached up and pointed the showerhead straight at him.

  Falcon shuddered as the water was freezing, but he still felt numb in some areas and couldn’t feel it at all. Finally, after some time went by, he could feel his limbs. He then steadied himself. Mind over fucking matter.

  Talon had went out then came back with Falcon’s go bag. He set it down, took out a pair of jeans and a t shirt. “You ready?”

  Falcon nodded as he raised a shaky hand and turned the water off himself.

  Talon handed him a towel.

  Drying off, his teeth were chattering.

  “I think you ought to right bitch on my bike,” Talon suggested.

  Falcon looked up at him with a glare. “I ain’t ridin’ bitch. Ride my own along...” He swallowed heavily, “side.”

  Talon smirked. “Yeah. Yeah. I remember you saying one night when you were drunk. ‘I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul.’ ”

  Falcon attempted to get dressed and the sight wasn’t pretty, he had trouble with the zipper, and he couldn’t seem to tug his boots up very far.

  Talon finally helped and Falcon didn’t even bitch about it. He couldn’t care. He wanted to get Asia back and that was all that filled his mind. If she were even alive by now. What he couldn’t figure the fuck out was why did they dart him? Why not just kill him? Not that he wasn’t glad. It just didn’t make any sense.

  Finally, they made it out to the porch. The sun was just coming up. “Fuck, I wonder how long I was out?” Falcon muttered.

  Talon’s cell rang. He picked it up as Falcon made his unsteady way down the stairs.

  “Yeah.” Talon listened. “Okay, text me the address. And call in all the brothers. Lock and load!” He shoved his phone in his pocket and got his keys out. “We are finally going to end his miserable existence.”

  Falcon swung his leg over his bike.

  “Man, are you sure?” Talon reached into his saddlebag and took out a bottle of coke, handing it to Falcon.

  Falcon nodded as he took a huge swig then started his cycle up with that familiar roar. He downed the rest and tossed the bottle up onto the porch.

  Talon took out his phone then swiped the screen and stuck the phone out so Falcon could see the address where Asia had been taken to. Then he too, got onto his ride as he shook his head while looking troubled but he knew there was nothing he could do about Falcon riding his own bike.

  When they got out to the main road, Falcon let the sun and wind wake him up. He wouldn’t die here on his bike, he would remain upright and get stronger. Devon Brooks was more than a dead man now. He knew Talon got first dibs, but now he would personally take the man’s head off of his shoulders.

  By the time they traversed the 2 hours it took to get to town, Falcon was fully awake. His vison had gone a little blurry ten miles back, but it was fine now and if he could hold up on a cycle, he could hold a gun. A gun aimed between those beady fucking eyes.

  Anger, and partly fear drove him. If something happened to her... he refused to consider it. Hopefully, the man wouldn’t kill her right away.

  Finally, Talon took the lead and Falcon knew it was because the exit was coming up. They were close.

  Falcon’s gut clinched as if in pain. He didn’t want to think of what was happening to his girl. It tore him up inside to even imagine this. He had vowed to allow no more harm to come to her and not hours after, harm did.

  Ahead of him, Talon turned on a side street.

  Now, he got focused. He pushed out all his fear and rage. He was now the enforcer he was born to be. No emotions just grit and focus on the target.

  Talon pulled up and slowed down then stopped.

  Falcon did the same.

  Talon waved his hand down the block.

  It was a warehouse. Falcon blinked then looked up at the street sign. He frowned. This whole area seemed familiar, but his brain wasn’t working too well at the moment, so he couldn’t seem to remember why.

  Suddenly, as he looked around he could spot the Prince now. They were everywhere, but not in plain view.

  Talon was in charge, so they all waited for his signal.

  Out of nowhere, up at the end of the street a huge bike came into view. Its roar was familiar to Falcon. He shook his head thinking it was the drug. He was imagining this sound.

  Talon rose up on his bike to look. Then as the cycle got closer, he seemed to still.

  Falcon looked over as he too, saw it coming closer now.

  The rider drove into the lot and parked next to the dark pickup truck that had
been reported to have held Asia.

  Talon turned his head to stare at Falcon.

  Falcon heaved out a breath. Now, he knew why this whole block seemed familiar.

  Talon looked enraged as he shook his head. “WHAT. THE. FUCK?”

  Falcon felt the same way as they watched the huge man kick his stand then get off his bike. The back of his cut almost sparkled in the sun as the light glinted off the silver crown on top of the skull with wings. Beneath that, you could make out the words.

  Talon started his bike up the waved his hand over his head.

  The signal to attack.

  Falcon ignited his engine and followed Talon.

  Bikes from all over roared up and many converged down the street, following them.

  They all ‒ as an army of thirty -six bikes ‒ roared into the lot.

  Eagle turned around and stared at them all as they drove right up to him...Talon in front.

  Talon powered his bike down. “Get in and take the men in there down. Don’t let the girl get hurt,” he ordered the brothers.

  They all hopped off and surrounded the building.

  Falcon kicked his stand down and rushed ahead of them. Before he could reach the doors, they opened with a metal scraping sound.

  The clicking sounds of guns being cocked assaulted the area as all the Princes aimed their weapons at the doors.

  Three guns, a few knives and a dart gun slid out along the cement lot. “We are coming out. Unarmed!” a voice shouted.

  Falcon and all the brothers aimed their guns at the three men who came out.

  Falcon lowered his gun as he recognized the men and turned to glare at Talon. “Fucking Prospects from the club?” He then rushed past them and into the warehouse to see Asia in the corner tied to a chair.

  She was out cold as he untied her, he checked her over and her pulse was strong, there was a little scrape on her jaw, but otherwise, she looked fine. He carried her out to the front.

  Talon stared at him and at Asia. “She okay?”

  Falcon nodded. “She’s drugged up, I think?”

  Chapter Nine


  Talon, the VC of the Princes now turned his glare to his President. “What the fuck, Eagle?”

  The man looked a bit pale as he took a deep breath and stood up straighter.

  “What do you have to say, old man?” Falcon asked.

  “I wasn’t going to hurt her.”

  “You fucking set this whole thing up?” Talon asked.

  “Yeah, man. I did.”

  “But why?” Falcon asked as he sat with his girl on his bike. He was feeling a little weak again. He might collapse and she would get hurt.

  “The money man.” Eagle sighed.

  “What money?” Talon stared at him.

  “Money to build the club! Money that belonged to the club in the first fucking place!” Eagle yelled.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Talon asked.

  “She has an inheritance, man.”

  “And how do you know this?” Falcon asked.

  “Because...” The prez huffed out air. “She’s Hammer’s kid.”

  Falcon blinked hard. “What?”

  “It’s true!” Eagle exclaimed. “She’s the damn reason he didn’t pay his debts. He’d confided to me that he knew he was going to die soon. He said his ticker had been off. Man, he swore me by brother blood not to tell anyone about her. he was afraid his enemies would go after her if anyone knew.”

  Talon looked over at Asia. “She’s his daughter? But he didn’t have any kids.”

  “He paid every month to her Nan to take care of her. Then in the papers you both brought me from his place after he died, I found that he had the trust fund all set up. Then she disappeared more than a year ago. The lawyer I spoke to said if it was claimed that she was dead—“

  “The fuck!” Falcon shouted. “You were going to kill her?”

  “NO! Fuck no! She just had to remain missing for another damn week! Then it would go to the club. That is what the attorney said after he read the papers, it defaulted to the club. I wasn’t going to kill her!”

  Falcon looked down at Asia.

  Her eyes were open as she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “You knew?” he asked her.

  Shaking her head, she whispered, “Not about the trust.”

  “But you knew Hammer was your dad?”

  Nodding, she sniffled. “I freaked out when you drove me into the compound. My dad said I was never to set foot there.”

  Falcon didn’t know what to think. “So you lied to me?”

  “When?” she asked as she got even paler. “When did I lie?”

  He was shaking his head now. “You forgot to tell me about a very important piece of information.”

  “How could I forget? How was I to know it even mattered to you?” She cried. “He never claimed me openly. He hid me away. He didn’t take me in after my mom died either. I don’t even carry his name. I don’t want the money either.” She fought to get down from his hold.

  Falcon set her down.

  She swayed a bit on her feet.

  Reaching out, he steadied her.

  Shoving his hands away, she glared at Eagle. “Get your lawyer and get a dammed pen, I will sign it over to the club!” She seemed to deflate as her shoulders dropped and her voice softened with defeat, “I only wanted parents. Parents that were there. I never wanted his money. The Princes are welcomed to it.” She stared at Eagle. “All you had to do was ask.”

  “Well, it’s three million dollars. Does that change your mind?” Eagle countered with a sneer.

  She stared back at him without blinking.

  “It was life insurance and money he’d saved when he didn’t pay any of his debts,” he explained.

  Shrugging, she didn’t look like she cared. “I will make my own way.” She turned to look at Falcon. “And if you feel you can’t trust me anymore, I understand. Just take me to my Nan’s and drop me off. I won’t be your problem anymore.”

  Falcon sighed as he shook his head.

  “You cannot go anywhere,” Talon stated. “Until Devon is gone. I sent my woman and kid three states over to protect them.”

  “ And I will protect you,” Falcon told her softly.

  Asia looked so upset as she gazed at him with her beautiful tear filled blue eyes. “That’s not your job.”

  “The hell it isn’t!” he yelled and grabbed her up, setting her on his bike.

  The men in the lot all stared at him with wide eyes.

  “You’re mine. No negotiations on that and the fuck I will let that slime get at you again.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Falcon turned to Eagle. “What you did to me and to her needs to be addressed.” He looked around at the brothers in the lot as he held his hands as fist at his sides. He wanted to lay into Eagle, but that wouldn’t help anything except make him feel satisfied for several minutes. “I call for a tribunal.”

  Gasps could be heard all around as the men mumbled and shifted on their booted feet where they stood.

  Falcon turned to look at Talon.

  Talon let out a sigh. “Falcon...”

  He stepped to his cycle. “It is a bylaw. I am a top lieutenant and the enforcer for the club. He put me and her into danger. Not to mention I could have killed those prospects he used.” He looked over at Eagle. “Then there is a lot of other shit that needs to be addressed.”

  Eagle looked furious. “Like fucking what?”

  Falcon narrowed his eyes at him “The list is so fucking long that I don’t have the damn time now.”

  Eagle stared at him. “All of it was to protect the club!”

  “All of what?” Talon stared at the prez.

  “Yes, tell him,” Falcon said as he got onto his bike.

  “I’m the damn President of the Princes!” Eagle shouted. “Everything I do is for the brothers!”

  “We will see at the tribunal.” Falcon st
arted his bike up.

  Eagle shouted over the bike engine, “You cannot be fucking serious!”

  Falcon said nothing as he met every stare aimed at him while he pulled out of the lot. Yeah, all the brothers knew he was fucking serious. Reaching back, he grabbed Asia’s hand and put it at his waist.

  She then wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder.

  He didn’t know how to feel about the fact that she hadn’t told him. Although, he never asked who her dad was. But fucking Hammer? Then he remembered telling her how pathetic of an asshole Hammer was in the end. But now, he saw what Hammer had done in truth. One decent thing, he wanted his daughter taken care of. It was just about the only decent thing he had done.

  Falcon turned out onto the freeway and headed back to the cabin. Damn straight, he was keeping her with him at all costs. He sure as hell wasn’t dropping her off anywhere. Fuck that.

  When he thought she was hurt or maybe dead, he died a thousand times inside. He wanted to beat the shit out of Eagle. Though, he knew they would just shove him into a cell and he sure as hell could not protect her from there. So, yeah. He called for a tribunal. And it had been a long time in coming. The man had been into some shady shit for at least the last year. Sending him out to kill women? Innocents.

  Falcon paused. Had he known? His stomach rolled as it all dawned on him. The man Hammer owed money to, a year ago. Another player came into that alley and killed the man then he was going to kill Asia. Did Eagle set that up? Nah, man. Then why did he send me there? To clean it up?

  No, something else was happening back then. Eagle had a lot to answer for. Like with the Russians, if Rogue hadn’t stepped up when he did for Sevie. The club would have been blown to fucking smithereens.

  Heading along the freeway, he realized his head still fucking hurt and maybe his heart too. He’d thought Asia was without guile. But was that devious really? What was she supposed to have said, ‘Oh, by the way, the man you hate was my dad?’

  He made it up the dirt road and saw his tank was almost on the E. He knew that he wouldn’t be going anywhere until someone brought him some gas.

  Parking, he just sat for a moment. The ride there and back had worn him out as the drug had affected him more than he cared to admit.


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