150, 249
Bardenheuer, Bernhard 221
Bataille, Georges 264, 265
aphrodisiacs 179
i n d e x
castration 100–1
frequency of 77–80
impotence 45, 148, 150
origin of term 12
sterilization 217–18, 218
in other species 19, 74–5
pain during 134
castration 106–8
premature 78–80
Christ’s crucifixion with erect penis 177
process 75–6
eunuchs and early 107
retrograde 156
impotence 38–9, 111–13
volume 19, 76
and marriage 161–2, 163
see also semen; sexual intercourse
masturbation 244
Eliott, Havelock, On Penises 60–61
penis as religious symbol 38–9
Ellis, Havelock 26, 172, 244–5, 266
pope, checking masculinity of 103
Engelstein, Laura, Castration and the
sterilization 215
Heavenly Kingdom 107
see also Old Testament
Epstein, Jacob, Oscar Wilde’s tomb 114–15,
cervical cancer and 211
eunuchs see castration
and foreskin restoration 210–11, 212
and haemophilia 210
Famel, Nicolas 154–5
health 211–13
Farinelli (Carlo Broschi) 110–11
and hiv 212–13
fertility problems
and hygiene 208
and artificial insemination 73, 228–31
and phimosis (foreskin contraction) 203–4,
and azoospermis 227–8, 231
diagnostic methods 224–6
ritual 38, 204–8, 209–10, 211
dna diagnosis 227
and ‘Spanish collar’ 208–9, 209
and echography 226
and venereal disease 211–12
fertility tourism 236
Claus, Hugo, The Year of Cancer 36
freezing sperm cells 232, 240
Claus von Amsberg, Prince 67
and genetic abnormality 226–7
Cobb, Matthew, The Egg and Sperm Race 42
icsi 229–31, 231, 240
computer sex 265–6
ivf (in-vitro fertilization) 229
morality concerns 237–9
ribbed 48
and multiple pregnancies 230
and size of penis 55–6
Sertoli-cell only syndrome 228
sperm donorship 232–7
male hormonal 93–4
and sperm quality deterioration 222–3
voluntary childlessness 34
and testicular transplants 139–40
see also condoms; sperm; sterilization
and testicular variocele (varicose vein)
Coolidge phenomenon 149
126–7, 126
Courtade, D. 74, 85
vibro- and electro-ejaculation and spinal
Cowper, William 27
cord lesion 239–41
Culicchia, Giuseppe, ‘Something Completely Finer, Samuel 101
Different’ 171
Fisher, William A. 60
Fontana, Pia, ‘The Diary’ 147
Darmon, Pierre, Damning the Innocent 113
David, King 89–90
contraction (phimosis) 203–4, 208–9
De Graaf, Reinier 16, 17, 23–4, 40–42, 70
glands 48
De Laere, Frederik Lucien, ‘Creation’ 273
restoration, and circumcision 210–11, 212
De Sade, Marquis 73, 177
and smegma 48, 146
Dekkers, Midas 51, 224
see also circumcision; penis
Dickinson, Robert Latou 46, 229, 266
France, Paris, Oscar Wilde’s tomb 114–15,
Dionysus 37–8
Dorrestein, Hans, Geriatric Sex 124
Freud, Sigmund 8, 83, 99–100, 265, 266
drug use, effect of 92–3, 156–7
Duncan, James 85–6
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 162–3, 180,
Eckhardt, Conrad 42
Griffith, Gary, Penis Enlargement Methods 57
Edwards, Robert 229
Hammond, William Alexander 247–8
and ‘blue balls’ 23
Harvey, William 14–15
constituents 25–6
Heemskerck, Maarten van, Crucifixion 177
female 70–71
Helbing, P. and F. Dufour, The History of
i n d e x
Sexual Mores 131
and Viagra 191–3
hermaphrodites 111, 113–14
wedding-night 160–61
Hertwig, Wilhelm 17
and witchcraft 152–5, 258–9
Hippocrates, De Semine 13
see also sexual intercourse
Hite, Shere 249
Incrocci, Luca 138–9
Hitler, Adolf 92, 132, 214–15
Holloway, Richard 163
castration 102–3
impotence solutions 151
repressed, and erectile dysfunction 147–8
phallus creation myth 38
testicle transplants as ‘cure’ 84
infertility see fertility problems
Hubers, Sylvia, ‘Of Course!’ 11
Irving, John, The World According to Garp
Huish, Geoffrey 128–9
Hunter, John 26, 81, 229
Huxley, Aldous, ‘Fifth Philosopher’s Song’ 73
aphrodisiacs 176
hypospadia 202–3, 204
castration 101, 102
circumcision 38, 204, 205
Iceland, Reykjavik Phallological Museum 40
impotence 142–3
and adultery 147, 161–3
Catholic Church and castration 109–10
and ageing 45–6, 89–91, 193–7, 271
Florence, David (Michelangelo) 211, 212
alcohol and drugs, effects of 156–7
Florence, Piazza Signoria statues 37
in Ancient world 98–9
Isernia pilgrimage 39
and aphrodisiacs see aphrodisiacs
and Christianity 38–9, 111–13
Jacobus x, Doctor 54
and concentration, lack of 167–8
Janssen, Erick 56, 257, 268–9
and congenital abnormalities 157–8
cultural influences 150–5, 160
aphrodisiacs 179–80
diathermia treatment 85, 85
forced sterilization 215
diseases linked to 144, 145, 155–6,
Jethro Tull, ‘Roll Yer Own’ 250
159–60, 197
Johnson, Virginia 154, 267–8
and female physical abnormalities 254–5, Jong, Erica, Fear of Flying 27–8, 259–60
and feminist demands 258–60
castration 104
koro 45–6
circumcision 38, 205
learned 197–9
masturbation 242–3
legal action against 111–13
sexual intercourse 77
and masturbation 245–6, 247
see also Old Testament
medical examination 144–5
and medication, effects of 155–6
Kama Sutra 151
in Middle Ages 152–5
Eurydice, F/32 52, 258
and papaverine 182, 183, 184
Kinsey, Alfred 49, 54, 77–8, 167, 249, 266–7
and partner dissatisfaction 164–5
Klinefelter’s syndrome 89, 226–7
penile constriction ring 185–6, 187
Kroonenberg, Yvonne 260
penile prostheses 187–91, 189
Kruif, Paul de 81
penis injection therapy 183–5, 185
Kundera, Milan, Farewell Waltz 72–3, 165
and penis injuries 168–71
and penis size 60
La Fontaine, Jean de, ‘Epigram’ 263
penis training apparatus 182–3, 183
Lange, Johannes, The Consequences of
of professionals 165–7
Castration in Adults 132
and prostate inflammation 85
Laqueur, Ernst 87, 88
psychological 141, 142–4, 145–9, 152–3,
Larkin, Philip 251
194, 268–70
Lawrence, D. H. 36
scrotum arteries, tying off 85–6
Lady Chatterley’s Lover 159, 160
and sexual abstinence 154, 267–8
Leonardo da Vinci 13, 39, 40, 246
and sexual perversity 173–5
Lespinasse, Victor 86
and soft penetration 150
Leydig, Franz von 24
solutions 175–82
Llosa, Vargas, The Feast of the Goat 132–3
and spinal cord lesion 159–60, 239–41
Loeb, H. 54
testicular transplants 86
Lydston, G. F. 86
and vacuum pump 185–6, 186, 187
and vagina dentata, fear of 51–2
McCarthy, Barry 54
i n d e x
The Male Hormone (Koch and McGee) 86
circumference of erect 56
Masters, William 154, 267–8
constriction ring 185–6, 187
control over 35
in history 242–9
crooked 201–2, 202
and impotence 245–6, 247
devil’s 152
in literature 251
as edible sausage 51
and lopsided penis 49
and ejaculation see ejaculation
modern concerns over 252–3
envy in girls 100
modern views 48–9, 250–3
erectile dysfunction see impotence
and nutrition 249
erection angle 48
and onanism 243, 245–6, 245
erection, cause of 40–41, 42, 49–51
and premature ejaculation 79
erection meter 42, 145
prohibitors 244, 246–7, 246
erection and sacrum 42, 51
slang terms for 250
foreskin see foreskin
in song lyrics 250
fracture 168
unusual forms of 248–9, 248
glans 46, 47–8, 50, 146, 209, 256
Mattelaer, Johan, From Seduction to
hanging left 18, 49
Mutilation 101
and hypospadia 202–3, 204
Maupassant, Guy de 160, 197
and immortality 36, 151
Michelangelo, David 211, 212
and impotence see impotence
Miller, Henry, Tropic of Cancer 188
injection therapy 183–5, 185
Mingus, Charles 26
leather 43
Money, John 205
lengthening 57–61, 58
Montaigne, Michel de 143, 144
lopsided, and masturbation 49
Moravia, Alberto, The Two of Us 35
lymphoedema 126–7, 126
Moreschi, Alessandro 111, 111
nocturnal erection 42–3, 46, 112, 144–5
and nose, link between 53, 55
Napoleon 43–4, 165
of other species 40, 41, 43, 47, 48
Nauman, Bruce, Slo Mo films 23
penetration 49
Nero 173
phallic symbol 36–9
Netherlands, Wieuwerd crypt, Friesland 43
phimosis (foreskin contraction) 203–4,
Newman, Richard, ‘The Silence of Men’ 129
Nicholson, Jack 193
priapism (painful long-lasting erection)
Oderwald, Arko 69
prostheses 187–91, 189
Old Testament
psychogenic erection 268
aphrodisiacs 176–7
reflex erection 51, 268
castration 104–7, 108, 131
scientic study of 40–3
circumcision 38, 207–8
and shoe size 55
onanism 243
size 37, 43–4, 53, 54–6, 60–61, 256
penis amputation 172
and sperm competition theory 44–5, 72
penis euphemisms 38
suspension bands 48, 49, 50
see also Christianity; Judaism
training apparatus 182–3, 183
oral sex
vagina dentata, fear of 51–2
and bite wounds 168–9
and war and torture 131–2, 171–2
swallowing semen 26–7
women’s lack of interest in 257–8
zip, caught in 170
Palermo, Dr Gianpiero 229–30
see also testicles
Paracelsus 80
Perfumed Garden 12–13
Parona, Francesco 83
Peyronie’s disease 201–2, 202
Pavese, Cesare 157–8
pheromones 53
Paz, Octavio 163, 271
Plomp, Hans, The Inner Brothel 173–4
Pluijm, Cees van der 60–61
amputation 47, 170–71, 172
Premsela, Bernhard, Sexology in Practice
Ancient names for 11–13
164–5, 261–2
appearance 36
Presley, Elvis 174–5
artificial (dildo) 183
bite wounds 168–9
anatomy and physiology 32–3, 63, 64
blood supply to 50–51, 51
benign prostate enlargement 64–5
bone 187–8
and bladder stones 64–5
circumcision see circumcision
cancer 67–70, 89, 115–16, 144
i n d e x
female 70–71
glans, protrusions for, and increased
inflammation of 66–7, 70, 85
pleasure 47–8
and rectal toucher (finger in anus) 63–4
lack of interest in 260–2
and testosterone injections in sport 92
Leonardo sketch 39
and urinary problems 62–3, 65, 66–7
oral sex see oral sex
Prozac 80
orgasm and ageing 76
and penis penetration 49
Rasputin 132
see also ejaculation; impotence
Redi, Francesco 14, 17
Shakespeare, William 73–4, 157, 163
Reimer, David (Brenda) 205
Short, Roger 14–15
Rembrandt, Seated Male Nude 242, 243
Sigerist, H. E. 153–4
Reynard the Fox 10, 11
Sims, J. Marion 229
Robbins, Harold, The Betsy 149
Slob, Koos 196–7, 269–70
Rock, John 17
Smit, J. 254–5, 261
Roele, Marcel, The Sissy Society 94–5
Soep, A. 205–6
Rosenberg, Barnett 136
Spath, F. 221
Roth, Philip, Portnoy’s Complaint 251
Roubaud, Félix 117, 155
blood in 65–6
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Confessions 167–8, competition theory 44–5, 72
design miracle 223
Russia, Skoptsy sect, castration in 107–9, 108
donorship 232–7
Ruysch, Frederik 14, 15, 17
and ejaculation see ejaculation
Ružicˇka, Leopold 88
and epididymis 31–2
and fertility problems see fertility problems Schneider, Uta 171
and fertilization 14–15
freezing 232, 240
appearance of 17–18, 19
names for 75
braquette and codpiece 18
production, and sterilization 26
composition 29
quality deterioration 222–3
formation of 18–19, 19
sexed 75
injuries to 128–30
smell and taste 26–7
lymphatic drainage 29
spermatozoa in 16–17
lymphoedema 127–8, 127
stickiness of 74–5
as medical term 11
supernatural properties 26
peno-scrotal web 55, 55
see also contraception
position of 18, 20
Stanley, Leo 86
self-examination 29, 118
Steinach, Eugen 82–3, 84
skin cancer 29
Stekel, Wilhelm 198–9
slang terms 10–11
Steptoe, Patrick 229
smell 27–8
swellings in 29, 118
complications 220–1
and temperature regulation 28
forced 214–17
see also testicles
and multiple testicles 121
Sellheim, H. 229
no-scalpel technique 217, 218
reversible 219, 220, 221–2, 222
artificial insemination 73, 228–31
and seminal duct section removal 218–19,
fertilization, early understanding of 13–17
pre-seminal fluid 27
and sperm production 26
seminal glands 63
and spontaneous recanalization 220–1
swallowing 26–7
Vasclip 220
see also ejaculation; sexual intercourse
and World Health Organization 217–20
Seroxat 80
Sweden, forced sterilization 215
Sertoli, Enrico 24
Servadio, Gaia, The Story of R 189
sexologists 266–70
and masturbation 249
see also individual practitioners
The Tao of Love and Sex (Chang) 57, 150,
sexual intercourse
and ageing 77–8, 79
Taylor, Gary, Castration 97
coitus interruptus 242
10cc 76
double-income-no-sex syndrome 77
frequency of 77–80
and ageing process 81–6, 89–91, 139
i n d e x
and alcohol, adverse effect of 118, 156
and male hormonal contraception 93–4
Ancient names for 10
and padam 91
animal 20–22
research into 81–9
anorchidy (without testicles) 139
scientific knowledge of 80–81
as aphrodisiac 80
supplements 91–2
Manhood Page 36