Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4

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Rebels Advocate - COMPLETE BOX SET 1-4 Page 60

by Sheridan Anne

  Charli appears, looking as radiant as ever in her wedding dress and veil. Mickey stands by her side and I get the feels seeing him walking her down the aisle.

  Mickey has inserted himself into Charli’s life as her father figure and has been her rock over the last few years.

  I can’t help but look across to Xander and smile at the way he watches his bride. I swear, he looks as though he’s about to run up the aisle, scoop her into his arms and rush her down to the altar in his need to marry her.

  After what feels like forever, Charli finally makes it to the altar and Mickey hands her over. Xander takes her hands in his and they look at each other with nothing but pure love in their eyes. I feel like I’m intruding on their moment as I watch them and should probably look away, so instead, I cast my eyes across to Cami and watch her watch them.

  Cami wants this so bad and I know she wants it with me, it’s clear with how she watches Charli and Xander. I feel like a bastard for not being able to give that to her and I realize that it’s about time I let her in on the secret. It’s not fair to her to always be wondering why. She needs to know why I’m not falling at her feet, begging for her to forgive me.

  The ceremony commences and we all do our parts as it progresses. Aaron passes over the rings and the girls make that ‘aw, how romantic’ look when they finally kiss.

  They’re announced as man and wife before making their way back up the aisle, though instead of the traditional hand in hand walk up the aisle, Xander scoops her up and practically skips until he’s pushing through the doors at the opposite end.

  One by one, we partner up with the girls and follow them up the aisle. I walk towards Cami and offer her my arm. She gives me a beaming smile that has my stomach clenching and my heart skipping as she slips her hand around my arm and allows me to lead her up the aisle.

  “You look fucking radiant,” I murmur for only her ears.

  She keeps her eyes fixed on the door at the opposite end of the church and refuses to meet mine, but the bounce in her step tells me she’s more than delighted by my comment. “Keep it in your pants, Mr. King.”

  Fuck me, the way she says my name has all sorts of things happening to me, mainly in my lower region.

  We make it to the end of the aisle after a walk that’s way too short for my liking and slip out the front doors where the rest of the bridal party is waiting. The second she can, she pulls her hand away and I want nothing more than to reach out and put it straight back where it belongs.

  The guests start piling out of the doors and make their way over to congratulate Charli and Xander while their photographer goes nuts.

  We all hover around the bride and groom, smiling for the photographer and I find myself gravitating towards Cami as much as humanly possible. I can’t help but place my hand on her lower back as she stands beside me which is where I should have stopped. Instead, my fingers slip under the fabric of her backless dress in my desperation to claim as much of her skin as possible.

  My fingers spread and I don’t miss the way she turns into me or how her skin prickles with goosebumps at my touch. In this moment, it’s almost as though we can pretend that we’re something more than what we are, and honestly, it’s kind of thrilling.

  Soon enough, the guests get ushered off and we pile into the limousine before pulling up at the location Charli had chosen to have all her photos taken. The girls seem to absolutely love the whole posing for photo’s thing while us boys are barely getting by, though, we’re saved when drinks finally get pulled out.

  Cami smiles a beautiful smile as she sips on her champagne and I constantly find my eyes on her. I mean, she’s so fucking beautiful. The way her hair is up with a few loose strands falling down in perfect ringlets, showing off her neckline every time she tilts her head to the side. She’s just… I’m speechless.

  She’s my whole heart and I want nothing more than to give it to her.

  The photographer asks for couple photos and I grin to myself, knowing that I’ll have another chance to wrap my arms around her. As we wait for the others to have their turn, Cami walks over to join me.

  She rests her head on my shoulder as she watches Xander and Charli in awe. She lets out a sigh and I can’t help but look down at her. This whole moment feels so damn right with her. It reminds me of how things used to be, before I ruined it by sleeping with her. “Those two have it all,” she tells me.

  I couldn’t agree more. “So will you,” I tell her as my hand finds it’s spot on her lower back.

  “No,” she says with a sadness in her tone. “I won’t, but it’s ok. I’m starting to get used to the idea of it just being me.”

  “Babe,” I say with a heavy heart, knowing she’s referring to the fact that I refuse to be with her. “You’re not going to be alone. There’s someone out there who’s going to make you the happiest woman in the world, and when you find him, I’m going to kick his ass.”

  She shakes her head ever so gently, probably finding it hard to imagine herself being with anyone else. I mean, you can’t just love somebody like the way she loves me and then simply move on. “You’re an idiot,” she says, choosing not to linger on the heaviness of the topic, after all, she’s on her second champagne and today is supposed to be carefree and fun. And I must say, the thought of her being with another man is kind of killing my buzz.

  “Where would you do all this shit?” I ask her as my thumb rubs back and forth over the skin of her hip.

  “You mean get married?” she questions.


  “Honestly, I don’t really care,” she tells me. “I’d be happy to get married at McDonald's if it were with the right guy.”

  By the way she says ‘the right guy’, I know she means me, but I skip right past it. “You’re telling me you’re happy to get McMarried?” I grin down at her.

  Her eyes fill with laughter as she looks up at me. “Yeah,” she chuckles. “I’d love to get McMarried. It’d be the cheapest wedding known to man, but it would have to be one of those McDonald’s that have the play equipment, otherwise, I’m out.”

  Fuck me, I’d love to McMarry her. In a perfect world, I’d McDate her, have McKids with her, hell, I’d make a whole McFuckingLife with her.

  “Geez,” I laugh. “And you’re the one calling me an idiot.”

  “Why?” she grins. “Where the hell are you getting married?”

  Anywhere you are, baby.

  “I don’t know,” I tell her. “I can’t really say that I’ve put any thought into it.”

  “That’d be right,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Though, I’d bet it would be at Rebels.”

  I can’t help but grin. This woman knows me better than I know myself. “I’d dare say you were right.”

  She gives me a smug as fuck grin before letting out a laugh that wraps right around me. “I’m always right, Jace.”

  I can’t help but pull her in tighter and press a kiss to her cheek while every single one of the boys give me a knowing look. Naturally, I ignore every single one of the fuckers and give all my attention to my girl.

  I’m about to remind her just how beautiful she is when the photographer calls us over to have our turn. Excitement practically overwhelms me as she takes my hand and laces her fingers through mine before dragging me over to have our photo taken.

  I groan, but we all know deep down that I really love it. I mean, any excuse to get my hands on her, right?

  The second we’re done with the photographer, I take her over and get her a new glass of champagne before celebrating with the rest of the group.

  Before we know it, the photographer is calling a wrap on the session, leaving us to do nothing but enjoy the rest of the night.

  Chapter 10


  This whole day has been amazing. It’s exactly what I’ve been needing after the last few weeks I’ve been having. I mean, I’ve seriously been having a really shitty time since I got back, but I must admit, having Rylee back in my life
has been a godsend. She has managed to pull me out of this dull haze and bring me back to life, even with my store and the twisted way things are between me and Jace.

  Her pregnancy has kept me distracted from the state of my store and she refuses to let my mind wander to the hell of a man who's stood next to me the whole day, not once letting me out of his sight.

  I have to admit, I’ve really loved his attention today. It’s intoxicating. Every chance he gets he touches me, he leans in, he wraps his arms around me, he splays his fingers along my lower back sending shivers all over my skin. Like I said, intoxicating.

  If Rylee had her way, she’d be keeping me caged up, far away from where Jace can get to me, but with how far along she is in her pregnancy and the whole me being partnered with him today thing, she doesn’t have a chance in hell of keeping him away from me, but she gets points for trying.

  If I’m honest, I’m in a great mood and I have a bit of a buzz going on which has me wanting to be around him. He’s being sweet and caring, and it’s giving me all sorts of feels. I absolutely love it.

  Especially today of all days. We’re at a wedding and weddings are supposed to be about love. The whole theme of today is expressing love, so why can’t that be the same for me and Jace… just for today?

  I’ll deal with the fallout tomorrow, but right now, it’s too damn good.

  We arrived at the outdoor reception not long ago and I swear, I must have been standing here for at least ten minutes gawking at how amazing the area has been set up.

  We’re on this beautiful piece of land that’s scattered with trees which together create a leafy canopy that has been completely decked out with hanging fairy lights and lanterns. There’s a dance floor and tables set up, and even a few heaters scattered around to keep the guests warm. It’s seriously looks as though it’s been plucked right out of a scene from a fairy tale.

  Music plays softly in the background, but I know, later on, the music will be the only thing heard for miles, especially with these guys. I mean, they know how to party. Even with the three pregnant girls, it’s still going to be a wild night.

  A familiar body comes to a stop beside mine and as usual, shivers take over my skin as his hand slips into the back of my dress and claims my skin as his own. “It’s amazing,” he comments as he looks out at the leafy, fairy light canopy with me.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “I change my mind. I don’t want a McWedding anymore. I want this.”

  Jace leans down and gently presses his lips to my forehead. “You know I’d give it to you if I could,” he murmurs so quietly that not a soul around us would be able to hear.

  I turn in his arms and look up at him. “Don’t do that,” I beg as I search his eyes. “It’s one thing for you to be treating me like a queen tonight, but don’t say things that are only going to tear me down.”

  “I don’t mean to tear you down,” he tells me.

  A breath escapes me and I do my best to give him an encouraging smile. “I know,” I tell him. “But when you remind me of what I can’t have, that’s exactly what happens.”

  He pulls me in tight against his body and rubs his thumb over my shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

  I know he means it. Jace has always looked out for my feelings and treated my heart like the most delicate piece of glass. He goes out of his way to make sure I don’t get hurt, only we’re both humans who have this undeniable attraction and love for one another that we physically just can’t stay away.

  I’m sure if he could keep at a distance, he would, but it’s not possible and that fact alone puts both our hearts in turmoil.

  Cheering goes on behind me and I pull out of Jace’s arms to find out what’s going on.

  Xander has Charli dipped and is giving her one hell of a crowd pleasing kiss. The whole bridal party cheers for them and urges them on. I can’t help but grin as I watch the show. If only I could have that with this impossible man at my back.

  The music playing under the canopy is turned down and the Emcee gets behind his microphone and starts introducing the bridal party to enter and take their seats.

  A few minutes later, I walk in with Jace’s hand firmly on my back. He leads me to my seat and helps me in before taking his own. I sit between Rylee and Lex and before we know it, Charli and Xander are making their way in and the whole place is on their feet, cheering for the couple who have just made this the most magical night possible.

  The music is turned up and drinks are served. It’s quickly becoming one of the best nights of my life. I’m finding it difficult to wipe the smile off my face, and to be honest, my cheeks are starting to ache just a little.

  Food is served and soon enough, Cole is standing behind the microphone giving an incredible speech that has every last person in stitches.

  The atmosphere around us is amazing and makes me want this for myself. Surrounded by all my favorite people coming together to celebrate the love you have for that one man. I mean, who wouldn’t want that?

  After speeches are done and dusted, the party finally gets started. Xander and his bride are welcomed onto the dance floor and I watch with tears of joy and a champagne flute in my hand as they dance for the first time as man and wife.

  And then the moment we’ve all been waiting for comes right along. Everybody is welcomed to the dance floor and all us girls go absolutely nuts. I’ve been waiting all night to be able to dance in this dress. I mean, I look fucking good, I’m not going to deny it, but now I finally have a chance to shake my ass in it and I couldn’t be happier.

  Drinks are handed around and exhausted pregnant mommies-to-be sit their asses down while Zara, Izzy, Chari, and I dance the night away.

  My buzz is still going strong when the music changes to a slow song and all the mommies-to-be make their way back to the dance floor. They instantly couple up with their partners and I’m about to walk away to refill my champagne flute when he pulls me into him.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Jace tells me as his arms slide around my waist and pulls me in even tighter. “I’ve been waiting for this moment all night.”

  My hands come to a stop on his chest and move up around his neck, bringing me home. “Really now?” I question as I look up at that handsome face.

  “Don’t be a smartass,” he scolds. “You know I have.”

  I can’t help but grin as I rest my head against his chest and just be in the moment. I don’t want to ruin this by talking. I just want to enjoy being in his arms.

  As always, his thumb runs back and forth across my skin as he gently sways us to the music. Two or three songs must pass and neither one of have moved an inch. Hell, I don’t even know what song is playing, all I can focus on is the soothing sound of his heartbeat within his chest. “I missed you, Cami,” he murmurs.

  With just those few words, my heart grows heavy and I’m reminded of the reason I left. I don’t respond, just stand here swaying to the music, wishing things could be different.

  “I wish I could take it all back,” he tells me. “I hate that I hurt you like that.”

  My eyebrows furrow as I try to figure out what the hell he means by that. I pull back ever so slightly so I can look up at him. “You mean you wish you never got in bed with me, or you wish you never walked away?”

  That familiar wall slams down behind his eyes and I can tell he doesn’t want to answer the question, though I should have known, as soon as things start getting too serious for him, he backs out like chicken shit. “Answer the question, Jace,” I say, already feeling my heart starting to tear at the edges.

  “It’s not that easy,” he tells me while trying to be discreet as to not draw attention to our little lovers' fight in the middle of the crowded dance floor. “I’d repeat that night over and over again if I could, it was fucking incredible, but it doesn’t change anything. What we did… it hurt you. I hurt you.”

  “How can you say that it doesn’t change anything?” I say. “All night
you’ve been right there beside me. You watch me and touch me like you can’t breathe without me and then you go and say shit like that. What is it, Jace? You either want to be with me or you don’t. It’s as simple as that. You can’t just have pieces of me.”

  “Babe,” he says with his heart in his eyes. “Don’t make me do this again.”

  “Do what?” I demand.

  “Make me hurt you again. You know we can’t be together.”

  I shake my head. “Why, Jace?” I demand a little too loudly. I quickly glance around and notice that we’ve caught Rylee’s eyes, but I ignore the questioning look she’s giving me and focus on Jace. “It doesn’t make sense. If we can’t be together, then leave me alone. Stop pretending.”

  “I’ve never once pretended.”

  I search his eyes. “It’s all or nothing, Jace.”

  That wall is right there, harder than ever. I see the regret in his eyes before he’s even said the words. “Then it’s nothing. It has to be nothing.”

  You’d think I’d be used to the way my heart breaks by now, but every time is always worse than the one before. I drop my hands from around his neck and step back out of his arms. Silently, I turn and walk away.

  Rylee catches my eye and I shake my head, begging her not to come after me. I just want to be alone.

  I walk away from the dance floor and as far from the wedding guests as possible. Being far away from the heaters has the chill seeping into my bones, but with Jace on my mind, I barely notice.

  It’s dark out here, but the light from the party shines bright enough that I’m not tripping over myself. I cross my arms over my chest while I beg myself not to cry. I need to hold it together for the rest of the night and then I can let it out as soon as I get home.

  I just need a few moments to myself, then I’ll go back up there, put on a smile and act as though my heart isn’t in pieces inside my chest.

  “Hey,” I hear Jace yelling after me, no longer giving a shit about being discreet for the party guests. “Wait a fucking minute.”

  “Go away, Jace,” I beg, refusing to turn around or stop walking away.


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