Raising a Cowgirl

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Raising a Cowgirl Page 10

by Jana Leigh

  Alex waited for a second and then flipped the board when Sammi was safely out of the room. Jolie stared and frowned at it. No wonder Sable and Desire had no idea what it said, she couldn’t make heads nor tails of the things written.

  “So we have a list of the missions that we were all involved. This has to have something to do with all of us, it doesn’t make sense with the rest of the info we have found out. Which I will explain in a minute,” Alex said and Gage stood and walked to the board.

  “These are missions where we captured someone, these are missions where someone was hurt, and these are missions where we took down an organization,” Gage said as he pointed, they were all color-coded with separate colors and the arrows that were connecting some of them were either both colors, one color, or a different color.

  Jolie nodded and then pointed to one in the corner. “What is that one?”

  Gage closed his eyes. “The bomb,” he said quietly and she focused on the names under it. It listed everyone they lost on that mission and Jolie felt her heartstrings tug as she thought about what this was doing to the men. They were out trying to start a new phase in their life, and because of some asshole, they are brought right back into it.

  “Now, we have a list of people, which is unfortunately very long that we could have pissed off. Some of them could have the resources to find us while others don’t, but if they are crazy enough, money won't stop them. Since it has been more than half a year since we came back, I have to assume that whoever this is, they are patient. Finding us is next to impossible unless you have a mole. I can guarantee if there is a mole in the SEALs they will be found,” Gage continued, she felt the shiver of fear for whoever crossed these men. But given the opportunity, she was pretty sure she would kick their ass as well for helping this bastard.

  “Marie was contacted through a series of text messages and emails. It took us a while to find them. She erased the messages and computers with a military program. However, we managed to recreate most of them. We have people working on the others. The first message was fairly harmless, asking if Ted was her late husband and offering support through a bogus agency,” Gage said and pointed.

  David spoke as he walked into the room so Jolie turned away from the board and focused on him. “The Agency was titled ‘Support for Spouse's and Families of Fallen Soldiers.' From what I have been able to dig up, the agency itself is a shell company, designed to find Team TENs friends, family, or anyone with information about them. It popped up about nine months ago just before the bombing. We can’t find the people who are in charge, although I have had a phone conference call with someone who used to work there.”

  Jolie looked stunned. “Someone is using the fact that a military member has died—to find and torture family members—in order to find and kill you? That is seriously fucked up.”

  The men nodded in agreement. “We don’t know who they have contacted yet. When Jessie and Drake arrive today, they will fill us in with what they have found out. They have been searching the whole way back and making phone calls. A lot of us don’t have families per se. It is hard to figure out exactly who they have contacted without a court order. So far, we have been staying under the radar. The Commander is helping us since what is happening to us could put the others in danger,” Alex continued, which made her swivel back around and look at the board again.

  “So many people,” she whispered.

  “So many bad people,” Dallas muttered.

  “How is it we have our heads in the sand, thinking that no one can touch us until something terrible happens,” Sable whispered and grabbed her friend’s hand.

  “We think Marie was their first target because she was listed in the newspaper as a survivor,” Alex said uncomfortably and shifted from one foot to the other. “Uh, and now you by default. They found out you have Sammi, and they want her to use as an advantage we think. You can’t go back to San Diego.”

  Jolie’s eyes shot up in surprise. “Ever?”

  “Until this is all over with, and then we would try to discourage you. We can’t protect you if we don’t know where you are,” David said quietly.

  “Are you kidding me? What about my job, my family. I mean there is only my mom but still, what about her!” Jolie protested.

  “Well, that's one of the things we wanted to talk to you about. Uh, we kinda sent Voodoo and Thane to go and get her before they came back. Right now, she is under protection of the local police who the Commander notified himself,” Gage said nervously.

  “Shit, she must be terrified,” Jolie whispered.

  “Not so much,” David said slowly. “She was more worried about you and Sammi, and kinda threatened us a little bit if something else happened.”

  “She and Lou are fast becoming friends, talking on the phone several times a day, we didn’t want to worry you. Your mom said until she gets here she doesn’t want to endanger you, so when Lou calls from her phone, you can talk to her,” Gage explained. “And your job, the Commander asked for an indefinite leave of absence until we can figure this out.”

  “Great, well I am glad you have my life sorted out for me, I was a little worried there for a minute,” Jolie said dryly and crossed her arms.

  David and Gage knelt next to her and Gage said, “Sweetheart, we are sorry if it seems like we are bulldozing you over but seriously, we only have your best interests at heart. It would kill me if something happened to you, now that we found you.”

  Jolie looked up and saw the others smiling at their friend's declaration. “Shit,” she murmured and closed her eyes. They were touching her and being nice, so not fair.

  “Sweetheart, look at us. I swear we would lay down our lives for you and Sammi. It seems like we are officially declaring ourselves in front of everyone. You have become so important to us already, please, don’t be mad,” David said.

  “Fine,” Jolie grumbled and rolled her eyes, she felt a warm feeling floating over her, wrapping her in its safety, but she would be damned if she would tell them that.

  “Thank you.” David’s eyes sparkled and he stood. “I have to go. Take care of her and I will be back in a couple of hours.”

  Gage nodded and they moved to the door. Jolie felt like she had to do something, letting him know she wasn’t completely pissed would be nice. “David,” she said and he paused. “I will see you tonight right?”

  “Of course, sweetheart.” David smiled and left. Gage turned and nodded at her in approval. She shook her head and looked at the board again.

  “So, what about the other things listed there.” She pointed.

  “Those are our contacts we know we can trust. We are reaching out to see if they have heard anything,” Alex said.

  They talked for a few minutes about what they were planning. Noah explained how the security was going to work. Dallas had spared no expense with his son and his friends' safety. They had guards twenty-four/seven, state of the art fiber optic cameras, as well as motion sensors. David’s home was being outfitted the same way. She was shocked at the amount of money this had to be costing. They were building a fortress in the middle of the country.

  “What about the town?” Jolie asked.

  “Desire and her men are helping David with that. Don’t you worry though, all of the people around here are more than able to protect themselves. The gun laws don’t really apply here,” Sable said seriously.

  Jolie shrugged and said, “Hey as long as no one shoots me again, we aren’t going to have a problem. Live and let live.”

  There was noise at the door and Jolly and Steve walked in looking solemn. They held up a disk and said, “We have it. Where do you want us to set up?”

  Jolie looked curiously when Gage directed them to the living room. He was looking just as disturbed when he turned back and looked at the rest of the room.

  “Jolly did me a favor. We all need closure of some kind, it sucks but it's true. The others are going to patch in on a computer for this. I have it set up, sorry, I didn’t wa
rn you all. Marie's funeral is on the disk,” Gage said and stared at Jolie who already had tears in her eyes.

  “You’re right, we need closure, then we need to find the SOBs who killed her and make them pay,” Jolie said firmly and stood. “I will get Sammi.”

  Gage nodded, then allowed her a moment to go and gather herself while the others began to move into the living room. This was going to suck.

  They gathered in the room, the large couches all turned and centered with the huge flat-screen TV. Jolie, Sable, Sammi, and Lou sat on a couch together. While Gage sat in a chair behind her, kneading her shoulders to help her relax. It was hard.

  Jolly stood in the front of the room, looked at Jolie and Sammi with kindness, and said, “Gage called me and asked if I could do him a favor. He said you and Sammi deserved to have closure with this, and asked me to videotape the services so you could all watch. Obviously for security reasons none of you could attend. I am so sorry, Jolie and Sammi, I hope this helps if only a little. Everyone is here right?”

  There were two computers, which were facing the screen already, she heard voices confirming they were there and Jolly nodded. There was a flash on the screen indicating the start. Ted had been buried in a plot they bought when they got married so they wouldn’t be separated if he died in combat. It was a privately owned military cemetery. One of the most beautiful places she had ever seen. The trees and lush grass made a natural oasis, but the small marble benches and gorgeous flowers is what set it apart. Each gravesite that held a family was sectioned off with flowers, and had its own small space. It was perfect.

  Jolie could see the military headstone Marie had shown her before. It was white marble and in the center was the Team TEN coin with a picture of Ted and the guys. The same picture as her screensaver she had on her personal computer. Marie loved that picture. She always said she had ten husbands not one.

  She felt something brush across her cheek then rest on her shoulder. She thought it was Gage's hand so she tilted her head to allow him to comfort her. It barely registered that his hand felt soft. Not at all what she remembered as she watched the people begin to arrive.

  Gage froze when he felt the ghosts surrounding him. When he glanced up, he saw all of the guys standing at attention facing the screen on the TV, all but Ted and Marie, who were standing next to him. He saw Marie put her hand on her friend's shoulder and smile when Jolie tilted her head.

  Ted looked down at him, smiled sadly, and nodded. He looked at Sammi and smiled at her when she looked up and waved her fist at him and Marie.

  “We have been to see her—you know—at night. She is a good baby, looks just like me but she has Marie's smile. We may be gone but you will always have a part us—all you have to do is look at her,” Ted said proudly.

  “I know, man, and I figured you visited her, too,” Gage muttered softly.

  “I saw the board by the way. I wish I could help, but it is shadowed. Marie doesn’t remember anything either. I have a few feelings though, we all do. There is something we are all missing. Something important. I don’t know what though,” Ted said.

  Gage nodded. He was feeling the same way, like whatever it was would change the course of their investigation, but until they saw it, it was worthless to try to force it. It would drive them all crazy.

  Gage looked back at the screen and he felt the tears choking him when he saw the Commander and a lot of the people from the base there. They were staring at the headstone intently. All but the Commander who was looking around a little, he could tell he was trying to pick out someone who was not supposed to be there.

  “Welcome,” the military Chaplin began and everyone was silent.

  Jolie’s shoulder began to shake and she buried her face into Sammi’s neck, apologizing softly to the baby. Gage felt his heart clench when Sammi smiled at Marie but laid her head on Jolie’s shoulder like she was comforting her.

  “You are her guardian, but before I left that day, I also made Jolie joint guardian. You need to tell her,” Marie whispered and Gage nodded. “You will be good for her, both of you will. I know you will also take care of her as if she was your own. Promise me something though.”

  Gage looked up at his friend's wife with tears in his eyes and nodded. He couldn’t say a word because he was so choked up.

  “Make sure she laughs. Jolie is all business. She needs to have fun and loosen up. She deserves it,” Marie whispered and winked at him.

  Gage felt the first tear drip over his eyelid and he nodded. He would do that, no matter how she came into their lives, he was not going to let her go. He couldn’t.

  The room was silent but for the sniffs from Jolie, Lou, and Sable and the people on the screen. But he could feel the sorrow in the room, it was almost suffocating him. He felt the first tingle of panic come when Jolie sobbed louder. He couldn’t do this. Not say goodbye again. It was not acceptable.

  He pictured the times he and Ted were out on assignment making sure each other were safe. The times they sat in briefing and drew pictures of the terrorists in very compromising situations. They had a book of cartoons, their own Most Wanted book. Then he remembered the night Marie and Ted met at the freaking laundry mat, no less. They had been there trying to get smoke out of their BDUs after a mission.

  All of those memories flooded his mind. Then he could hear the last day, the day Ted and the others died. The conversations, the last time he spoke to each of them was burned in his memory.

  The Chaplin ended the service and Gage’s eyes snapped to the screen as the people flowed by and laid a rose on her casket. NO! his mind screamed and Gage stood quickly. He couldn’t deal with this.

  Shoving his hands in his hair, he turned and looked at Ted and Marie who stood silently looking at him. They were holding each other, Marie quietly crying on Ted's shoulder. What was he going to do when they left. Right now, he was able to maintain because they had a mission, something to focus on, but what about when he was alone. Would the despair get so bad he would want to join his friends. Would it be easier—maybe.

  Ted shook his head as if he was reading his mind but Gage couldn’t stay there anymore. He slammed out of the room and the back door until he reached the wide-opened backyard. He turned in circles looking for something, anything to focus on, but there was nothing.

  Gage let out a long and grief-ridden scream when the memories flooded him still. NOT FAIR! None of this was. His scream seemed to go on forever, releasing his grief. He felt the guys surrounding him, trying to get him to calm down, but Gage pushed his way through them. Running to the barn, grabbing the horse one of the wranglers had just gotten off and he was gone. Riding down the road—not thinking—not feeling—his only purpose was to run.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The idiots were going to be killed if they didn’t do something quickly for him. Three weeks and nothing. No sign of the men or the woman and child. It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth. Diego was not going to stop just because of this little hiccup. They had risen to the surface when someone they cared about had gotten hurt.

  They would certainly do it again. He just had to figure out where the rest of the people were, and who he was going to send after them. There were plenty of mercenaries ready and willing to do his bidding. Of course there were, he was a powerful man now. Everyone listened when he spoke, and the way these men were ignoring him, it was like they didn’t appreciate his power.

  Diego needed to do something in order to get his point across. The SEAL's wife had been a good choice, but she had also had no information or would not talk. She had been too close to the men, probably learning their skills while she was married to one of them. It had to be the only excuse. A weak woman would never have been able to withstand the torture he knew his men handed out.

  Throwing his glass against the wall in frustration, Diego ran a hand through his hair. There had to be a better choice, someone who he could help torture, someone he could scare and get the information he needed. He h
ad to look at the files again, focus on the people who were listed now as family, and contact info. He had to kill them first before he took his revenge out on the government. They were so stupid they were not even looking in the right place.

  This was going to be a brilliantly played chess game, one they would lose because they had no idea who they were playing against. He pulled out the list of names he compiled. Everyone on this list was someone he could use, including his weak brother who didn’t seem to care what he did as long as he was not involved. ‘Plausible deniability’ the courts called it. Pussy—is what he called it.

  No matter though, his brother would do what he wanted—when he wanted or he would suffer the consequences.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jolie waited. Sammi had been put down for a nap, and David was on his was back to the ranch. She was worried. Jolie and the others heard the screaming from the back, but before she could make it, Gage was gone. The others were worried so Alex and Slone had taken off after him.

  He did not need to be alone right now. The emotions were too fresh and raw, the pain could be unbearable, bring up so many memories. David was going to pick her up and take her with him as they searched. Alex and Slone had not found him yet, they had been a few minutes behind.

  Sable stood next to her, “You gonna be okay?”

  Jolie nodded and stared at the road willing David’s truck to appear. “Yeah, I know what he is going through, both professionally and personally. This is a fucking mess.”

  Sable agreed and told her the story about when Alex had an episode in town when Sable's stalker had found her. Jolie listened and nodded, PTSD manifested itself in many different ways. She felt sorry for all these guys, they needed to have someone that truly understood their moods and behaviors. It could take days, months, hell even years, for some of the symptoms to start. They needed someone around who could deal with it and not freak out. There were many methods to treat episodes like these.


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