Opening Moves (The Gam3 Book 1)

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Opening Moves (The Gam3 Book 1) Page 33

by Cosimo Yap

  Alan: Eh, parties aren’t really my thing, I think I’ll go to a training room.

  Phantom: Do you want to embarrass me, squire? Come to the party, and that’s an order! An opportunity for you to earn credits might arise. Oh, one more thing, don’t use the X-Ray or Program1 vision while on guild premises. The amount of trouble you’ll get in otherwise is no joke.

  Alan: Okay, see you at the party, I guess.

  Alan walked over to the Great Hall, testing out his new implant. Unfortunately, walking and moving with a different magnification of vision was practically impossible, as it threw his sense of direction and balance way off. Additionally, he was having trouble understanding what he was seeing when he looked around with a different type of vision, accidentally walking into a couple of different animate and inanimate objects. If he closed his eyes and concentrated, Eve could now show him detailed objects or diagrams in his mind’s eye too. This would definitely be explored further later.

  Eventually, Alan made his way into the Great Hall. Within, he found a raucous crowd of recruits, gleefully consuming all manners of food and drink, relieved at having managed to successfully join the guild. With a quick glance around, Eve easily found Kitana, who was talking with Sidestep and Aurora. Besides them was Aurora’s mother, the guild leader Elissandra. As Alan approached the group, Elissandra gestured for Alan to come over.

  “Ah, and our fourth and final new squire joins us! I was telling our other new squires that you will all leave for the Academy in a week. I trust that you’ll take good care of my daughter. Make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble, as you’ll both be enrolled in the Rogue program, with different sub-classes and programs, of course.”

  Aurora rolled her eyes, glaring at her mother.

  “Um, yes, of course," Alan said. "Also, I hope that you don’t think this is too forward, but can I ask you a question, Guild Leader?”

  “Please, call me Elissandra, and go ahead.”

  “Uh, well, I was wondering, what is the Black Rose’s main objective in the Game, anyway? I know it’s a mercenary guild, but well I guess it should be more than that, and you saying that we should think about not just what we can do for the guild but what the guild can do for us sort of started me thinking… So, uh, yeah…” Alan finally sort of sputtered out. He looked at his feet, blushing, sure that he had embarrassed himself fully.

  Elissandra simply laughed, and replied, “Well, as you noted, the guild’s main objective is profit. I like to think that we can do some good with that profit. I hope to make a better future, for the next generation of players.” She glanced at her daughter, who scowled.

  Scoping out the Competition Updated:

  4/10 Major players met

  Bonus: 1/10 Objectives found

  “Well, I’m glad that someone actually listens to my speeches, but I must go and talk with the other recruits as well. Wouldn’t want anyone to think that I’m too biased,” Elissandra said, as she waved goodbye. Alan watched her depart.

  “What happened to you Alan?" Sidestep asked. "Whose squire are you? I didn’t see you at the final assessment, and I was hoping to get my revenge for the duel yesterday.”

  ”Um, I ended up Phantom’s squire," Alan said. "He had an additional test that took some time. What happened during the final assessment?”

  ”Well, Kitana and I kicked some ass,” Sidestep said, gesturing at Kitana. “We beat all the other groups at a sort of capture the flag and managed to impress Arms Master Mason enough that he took us both on as squires.”

  “Hmph,” Aurora muttered. Then, more loudly, she said, “The only reason you two beat me was because it was two vs one. I was practically all by myself, the partner I was assigned was useless.”

  Kitana murmured her own agreement. “Yes, it was quite dishonorable, though I suppose the examiners knew what they were doing when they formed the teams. I would be glad to have a one on one duel with you, Aurora.”

  “Perhaps later, though I would like to have a duel with you too,” Aurora said, smiling at Kitana. She then turned to face Alan. “Of course, I ended up as my mother’s squire, though I doubt it’ll be much different than before I joined the Game. Probably training, and more training. Though maybe I’ll finally be able to go on a few actual missions. Knowing her though they’ll be boring ones, like guarding some merchant. Who knows. Do you know what you’ll be doing under Phantom? I never could quite figure out what he does in the guild.”

  As if summoned out of thin air, Phantom materialized behind Aurora, emerging from the surrounding crowd, holding a large glass of amber liquid.

  “Why, I’m simply an inventor that chooses to live off of the spoils of my own inventions. Alan here will help me test out some of these new inventions, one of which I just gave him, an unusual set of enhanced power armor.”

  Aurora turned around, startled. “Oh, that’s… interesting.”

  “Yes it is, isn’t it. Now, I noticed, Alan, that you have been here a while, yet haven’t had anything to drink! I must insist you all try some of this fine Haxlardian whiskey. You were the one that acquired it, after all.” Out of his lab coat he pulled out four shot glasses of questionable cleanliness, pouring out a bit of liquid in each, handing them out to the four squires.

  “Um, I don’t drink,” Alan said.

  “Nonsense, this is an order as a Knight, drink up!” Phantom said. Kitana, Sidestep and Aurora turned to look each other, then downed the shot. Alan, still held his uncertainly, especially after Aurora started coughing, her eyes tearing up a bit.

  “Alan, drink!” Phantom commanded.

  Don’t do it, Eve suddenly commanded. Look around you.

  Alan did so, turning his head around. The boisterous and exuberant recruits were all looking tired. A few began to sit or even lie down where they stood, falling asleep. Alan watched as the other squires eyes slowly began to dim.

  Phantom forcefully grabbed Alan, and whispered into his ear, “Drink! Or else I’ll get in trouble. Please?”

  Alan glanced at Phantom, then sighed. He took the shot and swallowed it as quickly as he could. It caused a distinct burning sensation as it ran down his throat. He opened his mouth to say something to Phantom, but then his eyes glazed over, and Alan collapsed onto the floor.

  Phantom eyes gleamed as he looked up at Elissandra, who was calmly watching him.

  “Some people really can’t handle their liquor, eh?” Phantom smilingly took a large swig out of the bottle he had poured the shots from, staring intently at Elissandra’s figure, as if there was something only he could see. Phantom winked at Alan, a hint of a gear whirling momentarily, and then Alan finally blacked out.

  Chapter 18

  Alan awoke in a dark cavern, surrounded by the hundred or so recruits that had been admitted to the Black Rose Guild. They had all regained consciousness at roughly the same time. Alan checked his new notifications, then examined his surroundings.

  Due to falling unconscious repeatedly, Transcendent Will now helps the user resist such losses of consciousness. +5 Willpower

  You have left the safe zone. Death penalties will once again apply, along with all the risks typically associated with the Game. An unsafe zone does not equate with a lawless zone, and all players are reminded that local rules should still be adhered to. That includes theft, murder and unwanted soliciting.

  Communications with the outside world have been suspended. Your ability to send messages to other players is disabled.

  New Quest: Escape!

  With the aid of your new fellow guildmates, you should try to figure your way out of wherever you are as soon as possible.

  Penalty: Death

  Reward: ???

  At first glance, Alan had assumed they were in some wilderness area. As his eyes managed to quickly adjust to the darkness, Alan now saw that everything was too cleanly cut, too symmetrical to have been a product of nature. Upon closer inspection the grey rocks that made up the walls covered a dark metal. Looking up, Alan could see no c
eiling, only darkness, even with his enhanced vision.

  The cavern was about the size of a large church, with all of the recruits spread out on the floor evenly. Alan could make out two exits at opposite ends of the wall: Rectangular doorways about five feet wide and ten feet tall.

  The other recruits began to make startling cries, as they found themselves in the middle of nowhere in darkness. A few shouts comforted people, letting them know they weren’t alone, that all of the new recruits were here together. Various lights began to flicker on, from flashlights to laser swords to psionic balls of light. Alan looked around as his vision once more adjusted, and realized for the first time that there had never been any real light source in the cavern, other than the odd LEDs on a couple different devices. He had been seeing in the dark.

  As everyone’s heads began to clear, the noise level in the room gradually elevated until it became a dull roar, different conversations happening everywhere, the same worried questions asked repeatedly. Alan ignored the people around him, instead making his way over to one of the two exits.

  “Enough!” Someone finally yelled out at the center of the crowd. Alan looked back to see Aurora, firmly taking control of the group, raising a bright ball of light in her hands, illuminating the cavern.

  As Aurora began calming people down, taking stock of supplies and people’s abilities, forming a raid group, Alan made it to one of the exits, and looked out.

  At first, he simply saw darkness, but as his vision once more adjusted, a somewhat familiar sight returned. Alan found himself looking at an endless gloom, with only a single 20-foot wide unlit stone walkway between him and nothingness. They were in the Abyss Labyrinth.

  Alan was about to step onto the walkway when he reconsidered. He should probably talk it over with the others, and share the information with the group before he started exploring. Still, he needed to find some treasure worth enough to pay back Icewolf. He made his way back to the recruits, who had gathered around Aurora’s light, discussing what they should do next.

  “I think we should stay here, we have enough supplies for at least a day or two, and surely the guild will rescue us,” a broad-shouldered warrior carrying a laser-shield and short sword said.

  “Nonsense!” A female voice popped up. Alan couldn’t get a look at their face. “They were the ones that sent us to this place. Or do you not notice that there are only recruits here? None of the full guild members at the party fell unconscious. Let’s try to be constructive, and figure out where we are. We should—”

  “I know where we are!” Alan shouted. Everyone turned to look at him, parting the crowd so everyone could see him. “At least, um, I’m fairly confident about where we are,” he said more quietly.

  “And where is that?” Aurora asked.

  “The Abyss Labyrinth,” Alan replied. His words were followed by a sudden hush, a few worried looks. Everyone broke into their own conversations.

  Alan walked over to Sidestep, who was standing by Aurora’s side, constantly scanning their surroundings.

  “Um, what’s the big deal? Why’d everyone start getting so nervous?” Alan asked.

  Sidestep looked at Alan incredulously. “What’s the big deal? This is one of the prime slaving grounds on Khersath, one of the most dangerous dungeons, We’re a group of recruits, new to the Game and region, all with levels around 100-200! Prime targets for any slavers here.”

  Alan shrugged. “It wasn’t that bad when I was down here before. If you want to avoid the slavers, you just jump off the edge and die, that’s it.”

  “Just jump off the ledge and die!? Do you know how far dying sets you back—”

  “Enough!” Aurora shouted once more, looking annoyed. Everyone quieted down. “We now know where we are, if Alan’s information is correct, and I have no reason to doubt him. It seems like he’s been here before. Is there anything you can tell us about this place, Alan?”

  “Um, well there are probably a few secret pathways around here but I think that’d be a bad idea for a group as large as this. Oh, and we may run into enemies. I’d suggest we pick one of the two exits, and start exploring. We should find a way out eventually, right?” Alan hesitatingly said.

  His comment sparked another debate about the group’s next steps, and talk once again resumed. Alan silently conversed with Eve, half paying attention to the argument.

  We are in the Abyss Labyrinth, aren’t we?

  I would say we are, with 90% certainty. I would recommend that you not mention that this place is a prison, as that information would result in additional unwanted questions.

  Does that mean we’re back under the Undercity? Do you have any point of reference down here?

  The Abyss Labyrinth stretches beneath the entirety of Khersath, thus it is uncertain where we are. I would guess we are closer to the Black Rose Headquarters, as only an hour has passed since you were knocked unconscious.

  Wait, this place is under ALL of Khersath? Even underneath the ocean?

  Yes, that is likely where we are.

  Wait, so is there even an accessible exit nearby?

  Most likely. As I mentioned earlier, new entrances and exits of the dungeon are often found. Most likely you were taken through one when you were deposited here.

  Alan glanced around the room again, testing out his new spectrum of vision. Unfortunately, none of it made much sense to Alan, and though Eve described much of the different types of waves he was able to see, the information was relatively unhelpful. Most of the time he was unable to see anything. There were no hidden switches or otherwise, much to Alan’s disappointment.

  Alan did test out the X-ray and Program1 settings, but both didn’t show anything more. X-ray vision, much to Alan’s chagrin, simply showed people’s bone structures, at least if it could penetrate whatever armor or clothing they were wearing, or if they had bones. It also showed that a number of the other recruits were very, very well armed. Program1 showed nothing at all other than a blank space.

  Alan made his way over to the other exit, looking out the doorway. All he saw was a replica of the same stone walkway outside. Nothing new.

  Alan looked back over at Aurora, who seemed to have come to a decision. The whole group would form into one large company, also known as a raid group in most MMOs. They would carefully explore the dungeon, hopefully finding an exit nearby.

  Alan volunteered to scout out ahead, but Aurora replied that she would prefer him in the back with the rest of the ranged damage dealers, available to provide cover fire at a moment’s notice. They would travel together, without risking anyone. Alan shrugged, and accepted his role, taking out Orion’s Cores, putting on the rifle attachment.

  Once everyone was prepared, the group set out, slowly walking along the stone pathway. Leading the way were five tanks, damage absorbers, followed by several melee damage dealers and, bizarrely, at least to Alan, melee healers. Aurora’s ball of light guided the way. The tanks' gear ranged from heavy power armor to more energy or psionic-based defenses.

  It was not long before they encountered a group of mobs, around 20 black, spiderlike mechs the size of small dogs walking about on four scythe legs. To Alan, they appeared to be sort of mechanized head crabs. Eve labeled them as level 25 Spiderbots.

  Immediately, Aurora ordered everyone to fire at the robots. A barrage of laser fire and plasma erupted, decimating the Spiderbots before they even got close to the tanks. Immediately, the surviving few began to emit loud warning sounds, running backwards. With a few well placed shots Alan and the others were able to finish them off. Alan noted that shots often overlapped, concentrating more fire than necessary on enemies.

  “Huh, that wasn’t too bad,” Sidestep said, turning back to look at Alan.

  Right after Sidestep said that, Alan noticed a large shape in the distance. He immediately zoomed in on it using his enhanced, bionic eye, and alarmingly yelled, “Incoming!”

  The other recruits, who had gathered around the remains of the Spiderbots, arguing
over how to divide the loot, looked up. In the distance, there was a horde of incoming Spiderbots, hundreds of them with varying sizes and colors. The largest one, about the size of a tank or large Humvee was labeled as a level 250 Spiderbot Brood Mother. The Brood Mother had eight legs rather than four, each with jagged barbs, along with a large, mechanical jaw, a mouth of sorts.

  Aurora called out for a steady retreat as all the ranged DPS fired at the oncoming horde. Every shot hit an enemy, but their numbers seemed endless. Alan watched as the Brood Mother shoved the remnants of the first group of Spiderbots into its mouth. A few seconds later, it spat out 10 brand new ones, slightly larger than the originals.

  Before long, the wave of enemies was upon them, and the melee fighters tried to hold the line with the tanks. The melee fighters, which included Kitana and Sidestep, fought viciously to stem the tide of Spiderbots, ensuring that none passed them, stepping back for others to take their place when they got tired. Alan watched as Kitana’s glowing blade struck down tens of Spiderbots with each swing, slicing through them like they were made of air, gracefully avoiding the creature’s leaping attacks.

  The tanks, meanwhile, focused on drawing the attention of four larger Hive Guard Spiderbots, level 150, and the Brood Mother. One tank summoned a giant phalanx of blue energy, and pushed the tide of Spiderbots back with it. Alan continued to rapidly fire at the Spiderbots, trying to hit the weak points of the larger ones, but his shots began missing, or striking already killed enemies. Eve was simply unable to keep track of the chaotic battle.

  The Brood Mother continued to swallow its fallen brethren, spitting out additional Spiderbots a few moments later. The wave of Spiderbots was about to overwhelm the tired melee fighters when Aurora thrust her hands forward, and a wave of energy emerged. The entirety of the Spiderbots front line was suddenly encased in ice, giving everyone a much needed breather.


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