Apollo's Protection (Gods Reborn Book 2)

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Apollo's Protection (Gods Reborn Book 2) Page 13

by Anna Edwards

  “You’re the God of Healing, Apollo. With your powers, I can save them.”

  “Ok, keep together. We need to shuffle toward them. If we can get them behind the shield, we can all teleport out of here together. We won’t have long, though, as Pluto and Ambrose will be able to track us down immediately.”

  “We’ll take them to Coventina. She can help,” Eva adds.


  I see Cerberus prepare for another attack. We have only a short distance to move to reach the injured children, but we’re under attack from all angles. Guards come at us from the side, and Apollo and Nalos fend them off with sword and club. Eva maintains the shield as best she can, but I can sense she’s weakening with every attack from the dog. Water … I can sense it in the desire of the dog as it bays for blood. It’s in its perspiration and the drool forming in its mouth. It’s too big an animal for me to kill in the manner I drowned the guards from the inside out, but I can use the water in its sweat and saliva to form arrows. I employ my power and start shooting darts of water into the snake heads. One by one, they fall down dead on the dog’s body.

  Cerberus slams into the protective shield once again and throws us off balance. We’re so tight against the wall. If we take another hit, Eva will have to let the shield down, or it’ll squash us against the hard stone of the arena.

  “Eva, when I say, let the shield down and throw as many energy balls at the dog as possible.” I form a strategy in my head.

  “Have you gone insane?” Apollo asks and sends his sword straight through the middle of one of the guards.

  “Probably but we aren’t going to survive another hit from the dog.”

  I muster as much power as I can, and bringing the water out of the dog’s mouth, I form thousands of tiny arrows.

  “Now!” I shout at Eva. She lowers the shield and sends a flurry of energy balls at Cerberus at the same time as I shoot all the arrows into it. It stands there, stunned, trying to figure out what has happened. The snakes on it’s back all slump down dead. The dog stumbles. The part that’s already dead is destroying the rest of it.

  “Get to the children,” I call, and we all run at once toward them. Everyone grabs as many hands as we can, and we form a circle.

  “Go, Eva,” Apollo demands when he completes the hoop.

  Cerberus momentarily recovers and bares down on us with all three of its jaws wide open. Its teeth are a fraction away from sheering me in half when we teleport.

  One moment, we’re in the stadium, and the next, we’re back outside the house in the jungle where we started. Eva lets go of my hand. She’s shaking and her knees buckle.

  “You did good,” I tell her, knowing how much the new power she’s employing must have cost her in energy, especially having to teleport so many. “I’m proud of you.”

  Sinking to the grass, she gives me a weak smile.

  “Am I supposed to be having a head rush right now?”

  “It happens when you overstretch your powers. Your new to moving your atoms around and those of others, but you’ll get stronger in time,” I explain.

  If only I could’ve teleported too, but for some reason, I’m still blocked.

  Nalos sets his son down, watching intently as we check over the other children and wrap up any wounds we can. Pluto and Ambrose will be on our heels. I have no doubt they’ll soon hunt us down.

  Fontus glances toward the house. “Where’s Coventina? I thought she’d come out to investigate by now?”

  Finally turning my focus on the building, I absorb the eerie silence. Nothing stirs. None of the usual moaning and groaning emanates from the windows. It feels abandoned.

  “Nalo, Eva, stay here and guard the little ones,” I order, making my way slowly toward the front door. My lovely demigoddess nods her head, fatigue clear on her beautiful face. The fact she isn’t arguing with me, for once, shows just how tired she is.

  Fontus falls into step beside me. “Where do you think everyone is?”

  “That’s what I intend to find out.”

  Cautiously reaching the entrance, we step over the threshold and listen intently. Again the stillness strikes me as odd. It’s too quiet.

  Fontus moves to the staircase. “I’ll check upstairs.”

  “Be careful.”

  He nods sharply at my words.

  Concern over his safety has me watching him ascend. I know I need to start trusting them both to take care of themselves though. My two lovers may be many centuries younger than me, but they're both capable of looking after themselves. Believing in their abilities is something I need to do.

  The buffet table remains untouched as I enter the dining room. Frowning at the wasted food, my feet take me toward the kitchen. There’s no sign of the old woman. A bowl of shelled peas has been left on the counter with a pile of pods beside it waiting to be done. It’s as if Coventina had been interrupted. Foreboding crawls up my spine.

  Moving toward the back door, I glance out at the rear of the house and freeze. Dark shapes stand stark in the sunlight. It takes me a moment to make them out. Three huge stakes have been hammered into the ground. Hanging from them, hands above their heads nailed into the wood, three crucified bodies dangle lifelessly. A young dark haired woman and two young men. They’ve been stripped of their clothing, and what’s left of their flayed skin, flutters in the breeze like strips of paper. Their abdomens have been sliced open, and their intestines have spilled out beneath them on the grass.

  Swallowing down bile, I shuffle away from the view. Ambrose? Was this a punishment for the others because we escaped? Or a warning to us, demonstrating what will happen if we’re caught? I dread to think about the fate of Coventina. Eva’s heart will break if anything has happened to that old woman. Knowing it’s dangerous to remain here, I hurry back to the house.

  I find Fontus racing down the stairs his face pale and eyes wide.

  “There’s no one here ... Did you see the stakes ...”

  “Yes,” I cut in before he can finish. "We need to move to the beach. Hopefully help will reach us soon ...”

  A scream interrupts my words. High and frightened, it comes from somewhere out front. Dashing toward the exit with Fontus behind me, we’re in time to see Eva’s body jerking, her gaze brimming with pain. Ambrose is standing behind her and catches her as she crumples. White hair rippling as he moves, and a cruel smirk playing across his lips.

  Nalos gives a roar of rage. Swinging his club, it meets nothing but air when the evil principal vanishes with Eva in his arms.

  I struggle desperately against Ambrose, but it’s to no avail. I can’t free myself from his tight grip. I call forth the powers within me, but they’re instantly subdued by his magic. He laughs menacingly.

  “I’m ready for you, this time. Those aren’t your natural powers. They’re ones absorbed into your body, so I can control them with preparation. That’s my skill.” He throws me across the room, and I’m caught by a guard. “Prepare her for examination.”

  “No!” I shout, and as a second guard grabs hold of me, I try desperately to summon an energy ball, but all I get is the fizzle of the power I had previously. “You don’t want to do this. You’ll regret it,” I spit at Ambrose.

  I struggle against the two guards, pulling me toward a hospital examination bed in the corner of the room. I’m shoved onto it, and my legs are unceremoniously pulled apart and strapped into stirrups. Thankfully I’m still wearing the green cotton summer dress I got from Selene and Diana, which keeps me covered.

  “I’m not going to regret anything. I love my job. It’s the best in the world. I create life and see it develop it’s strength and power. I also get my fair share of pussy and ass—I’m not bothered which one.” Ambrose comes over to me and strokes his hand down my leg. “Your friend Fontus—I wouldn’t mind a share of him. He’s got the most perfect dick. It’s large and full when erect. He comes beautifully as well even when struggling against me.”

  My anger erupts. I lean forward and s
lap him hard in the face. It's the only thing I can do with him in control of my powers.

  “You’re sick. I’ll enjoy seeing you die.”

  Ambrose clicks his fingers, and my arms are strapped onto the bed as well. I struggle against the bindings.

  “Bastard!” I shout at him. He isn’t fazed by my outburst though.

  He leans down beside my cheek and whispers in my ear, “Struggle all you want. It’s what gets me off. You’re going to look beautiful decorated in my cum.”

  The air crackles around us, and Ambrose steps back.

  Pluto and Orcus appear in the room.

  “I see you brought me a present,” Pluto smirks. “I do believe she’s a little overdressed for what I have planned for her.”

  Pluto struts over to me confidently. I desperately try to break the bindings holding me. I summon as much strength as I can, but it’s useless. I’m held fast in position, helpless to prevent whatever they’re planning. I’ll not give up hope, though. I know Apollo and Fontus will never stop until they find me, and if Jupiter comes, then I have a chance. He’ll be powerful enough to fight against Pluto’s army. I just need to stay calm. Use the strength I’ve learned from Apollo and Fontus. We’re a triad. We brought Apollo back to life with our love. That same love will save me from this. It has to.

  Pluto runs a hand over my leg, and I watch as the dress covering my nakedness from the men in the room disappears. His filthy hand traces over my breasts. I shut my eyes, remembering Fontus’ and Apollo's touches and blocking out thoughts of the rough hand currently mauling my flesh. Eventually his hand travels between my thighs, and he melts my underwear away, a rough finger pushes inside me. I’m dry to the touch, and it hurts.

  “Please don’t do this.” I wanted to stay brave, but the plea for mercy leaves my lips before I have a chance to control it.

  Pluto comes back up beside me and licks up my face and around to my ear.

  “Make sure you cry like that when I’m in your ass, Ambrose is in your mouth, and Orcus is in your pussy. I’ve heard you like more than one man at a time. We all plan to take advantage of that fact.”

  He walks away from me laughing, and I fight back the tears forming in my eyes.

  Please hurry, Apollo, Fontus, I need you both.

  “Examine her. Let’s get this over with, and then we can fuck her until she’s pregnant. I’m sick of wasting time with this one. I need people with magic, and she has it in abundance right now.”

  “Of course, master.” Ambrose bows to Pluto. The latter takes a seat on a chair in the corner of the room and pulls out his phone to check messages.

  “You need a hand?” Orcus questions, a bright smile on his face.

  “Yes.” Ambrose points to a set of metal instruments on a table. “Pass me the speculum. I need to widen her cervix, so I can get a good look inside. Make sure she’s not got any issues that will prevent her from conceiving.”

  I gulp. As gods we have regular checks to prevent certain diseases, just like humans, so it’s not the first time I’ve seen a speculum, but this one looks twice the size of the normal ones.

  Orcus picks up some lubrication as well.

  “Need this?”

  Ambrose raises an eyebrow at him.

  “What do you think?”

  Orcus laughs and throws the lubrication over his shoulder. It almost hits Pluto. He looks up from his phone and sends a cloud of black smoke through the air, whacking it into Orcus’ face.

  “Careful, Orcus, or you don’t get a hole.”

  “Sorry, sir.” Orcus bows to his master in apology.

  Pluto returns to his phone as Orcus hands the speculum to Ambrose. Without preparing me, he pushes it inside me and opens it. I breathe deeply at the pain surging through me. My head spins, and I’m on the verge of passing out.

  Ambrose bends down in between my legs. He reaches a bony finger out and pushes it inside me through the opening of the speculum.

  “Fuck, that’s pretty.” Orcus licks his lips. I pool saliva in my mouth and spit it at him. He steps forward and hits me in the face. As well as the pain between my legs, I’m now bleeding from a split lip.

  “Just you wait until I get inside you.” Pluto’s right hand man informs me.

  “Quiet.” Ambrose stands up with a puzzled expression on his face. “Interesting.”

  “What is it?” Pluto takes his attention away from his phone.

  Ambrose comes to my stomach and places his hand on it. He shuts his eyes, and the room falls silent as he concentrates. Pluto puts his phone away and joins us at the examination bed.


  Eventually, the principal opens his eyes, and a malevolent grin crosses his face.

  “I’m afraid our dicks will not be getting wet in her today. Not unless we take turns in her mouth.”

  Pluto raises an eyebrow.

  “She’s pregnant.”



  I’m pregnant.


  Please don’t be Pluto’s. Please. Please. Please.

  “I’m afraid not yours, my master. It’s an interesting pregnancy though. There are two babies.

  Shit, I’m expecting twins.

  My breath quickens. I’m hyperventilating. All sorts of visions going through my head. Child soldiers like Nalos’ son being one of them.

  “Two.” Pluto rubs his hands together in glee. “A very fertile lady. I like it. We’ll keep this one.”

  “That’s the strange thing, my master.” Ambrose bows to Pluto. “As far as I can tell, one is Fontus’ child, the other Apollo’s.”

  “A child of two demigods, and one of a full god and demigoddess. This couldn’t get any better. Grow them quicker. I want the children by the time the sun sets.”

  “What? No?” Their conversation infiltrates my brain, which had started to fog over at the mention of me being pregnant with twins. “Don’t touch me.” I’m back struggling against the restraints keeping me bound to the bed despite the fact I know I can’t escape them. “You can’t do this.”

  Pluto pushes his weight down on one side of my body to keep it still. Orcus does the same on the other side.

  Ambrose reaches out his hand and places it on my stomach. I watch in horror as it starts to grow and swell with the babies inside me.

  “Please. No. Don’t do this,” I cry, but nobody is listening to me.

  I focus on Apollo and Fontus, and the powers I have. The only way I can be saved now is to send them every ounce of my strength and magic. I have to save our children. My stomach grows too quickly. They’ll take them from me within the hour if I’m not rescued. I already look seven months at least. Shutting my eyes, I will the powers given to me out of my body. I feel them leave in waves of sorrow at my situation. They know they have to return to where they came. It’s the only hope for me and my babies. I watch them disappear into the ether as the first wave of labor hits me.

  “Eva!” My shout echoes around the clearing, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Ambrose has her. Just the thought of what he could be doing to her makes me feel sick.

  Apollo’s hands are threading in his blond hair—there’s a look of desperation on his handsome face. “We have to find her.”

  “Where the hell would he have taken her?” I question, turning to Nalos.

  The cyclops growls, thudding his club against the grassy ground. “Mountain.”


  Without being able to teleport, it would take us hours to reach them. My stomach clenches in cold dread. Apollo’s expression reveals he isn't happy about it either. As he opens his mouth to say something, an explosion from somewhere thunders through the air.

  Nalos makes a strange sound in his throat. Grabbing his son to his chest as he crouches over the wounded children protectively.

  “Beach!” Apollo hollers, taking off in that direction.

  “Stay here. Guard them,” I tell the cyclops, who gives me a nod. We race through the clearing and into
the trees. I know what he’s thinking. Maybe Eva has escaped. She's the strongest one out of us all at the moment.

  Reaching the perfect stretch of golden sand and azure water, we halt at what we see.

  Chimeras of every shape, size, and description are descending from the tree line. Teeth, claws, wings, scales, scorpion tailed, they’re a mismatch of birds and beasts that have been cobbled together. Roaring, screeching, hissing, they flood toward the water.

  My attention is caught by the gleam of silver. Emerging from the sea are warriors in armor—wielding swords, they charge forward with a battle cry. Neptune’s army. I’d recognize his soldiers anywhere. The god himself rises from the surf on a chariot constructed of thousands of seashells. The great white sharks pulling it, snapping their jaws in anger.

  “The cavalry’s here!” I tell Apollo, slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Don’t let them scratch you with their claws,” he bellows as monsters and men clash.

  Hurrying close, we avoid the fighters as they spear the creatures and hack at them with swords. Grabbing Apollo’s arm, I direct him toward the sea god as he dismounts his ride.

  “My, King.” Dropping to my knee before him, I bow my head. “Thank the stars you’ve arrived.”

  “Where’s my daughter, Fontus?” Neptune’s voice is deep and haughty.

  Raising my head, I find him eyeing the man beside me with suspicion. Apollo stands tall with a hint of the arrogance I’ve seen in him before.

  “One of Pluto’s minions has her,” Apollo responds.

  “You should have informed Jupiter the second you heard of this place,” my King scolds the younger god. “Coming here alone was head strong and foolish. You endangered not only yourself but my daughter and her betrothed.”

  Getting to my feet, I blink up at him in confusion at the last word. “Betrothed?”

  Neptune nods, his steely gaze sweeping the fighting going on around us. “I’ve allowed Eva to roam freely for too long. This is the last straw. She’ll marry you and end her wild ways. They’ll be no more sneaking off for adventures.”


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