Friends Lovers and Family

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Friends Lovers and Family Page 7

by M. A. Innes

  He whined as I started to stroke him again. Taking a deep breath, he turned his needy, frustrated expression to me. “You say that really sweetly, but you’re kind of evil.”

  Chuckling quietly, I kissed him gently. “You say the sweetest things to your Master.”

  He huffed, arching into my hand again. “You really are like Finn. One of these days you two are going to give me a heart attack.”

  Smiling, I shrugged. “But you’ll be very well loved until that happens.”

  Chapter 4


  I wasn’t sure if Daddy letting me think was a good idea or not.

  It made eating dessert easier, but it also made me want to squirm every time Jonathan walked by. Which was a lot because Daddy still had his hand wrapped around my cock like it was a handle to steer my frazzled brain and Jonathan clearly liked watching me fight the urge to react.

  Jonathan seemed to think we were hot but cute because he kept smiling. Not that he could actually see anything. Daddy had the tablecloth covering his hand and was casually making conversation with Jonathan about his future.

  I knew I was missing key sections of the conversation because Daddy had fried my brain. I was pretty sure, though, I heard Jonathan mention that he’d graduated last year but wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, so he was working at the restaurant full-time.

  Daddy’s voice came into focus in the background, but it took all my concentration to bring the spoon up to my mouth without spilling the last bite. Daddy had picked out crème brûlée for me because it was almost like ordering me pudding. Of course, he explained that to Jonathan, not me.

  I probably would have had a heart attack, but he’d kept me occupied by teasing the restraint around my cock. That had nearly taken my breath away so everything else was hard to focus on. I’d die tomorrow once I started processing it all. That was a given.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” It took me several long seconds to realize that Jonathan had asked me a question.

  “I’m…sorry?” What had he said? I set my spoon down carefully so it wouldn’t rattle against the cup and tried to remember the question. I knew I was thinking more clearly than when I’d eaten my pasta, but evidently my brain wasn’t as functional as I’d thought it was.

  He smiled, a bit too knowingly, but for some reason he never made me unreasonably uncomfortable…just the regular level that I always had when it came to anything BDSM related. “I asked if you were enjoying your dessert?”

  I had to swallow several times before the words would form. “Yes, it’s very good.”

  Everything was perfect.

  From the teasing to playing in the fun zone, the whole day had been amazing. I glanced over at Daddy as his fingers started slowly stroking down my erection. It was just distracting enough that I had to take a deep breath. “This is a wonderful end to a great day.”

  Daddy beamed. “Not the end yet, but I’m glad you’ve had fun.”

  Jonathan seemed just as pleased. “Well, hopefully, we’ve helped in making the evening wonderful.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was trying to be polite about the restaurant or if he was teasing, but I decided to answer him as honestly as I could. I knew Daddy and I weren’t his typical customers, and I wasn’t sure if I’d have been as cool if the situation had been reversed.

  Of course no one had ever looked at me and thought, Hey, he must be kinky enough to be open-minded. I was probably more like a naïve forty-year-old soccer mom than a college guy. But Holden didn’t mind, so I wasn’t going to worry about it.

  “You always make the evening…lively.” Yeah, soccer mom. “So thank you.”

  At least it was a full sentence and somewhat reasonable. I hadn’t just sat there stammering with my dick in Daddy’s hand.

  Jonathan beamed and looked at Daddy. “He’s so cute. You guys are my favorite customers.”

  Then he stepped back from the table, and the mask of professionalism slipped back over again. “Have a good evening, and hopefully we’ll see you back here again.”

  Daddy chuckled. “Oh, you will. There aren’t many places we can go and…relax over dinner.”

  He didn’t say anything dirty, but I felt my cheeks heating up as Jonathan smiled and nodded. “I can understand that. I’m glad to be able to help you…relax.”

  My face probably looked like it was ready to explode, but I couldn’t help it. Jonathan liked watching Daddy play with me. I knew he did. That wasn’t really a surprise, but his acknowledging it was. Until recently, not counting Holden, Finn was the only person I knew who’d embraced their kinky side.

  Now there was Cody and possibly Kevin, because he’d always struck me as someone who was nearly as curious as Finn. People were so weird.

  And yeah, I knew I was people too.

  Burying my face against Daddy’s shoulder while they both chuckled, I decided that a response wasn’t required. When Jonathan was gone, Daddy released my cock and started fastening my pants. Were we done?

  I sat up and looked at our plates. Oh, we were done. And somehow he’d handled the check too because the receipt was lying beside his plate. We really were ready to go.

  His fingers worked well enough that he had my clothes fastened quickly and I looked reasonably normal. I probably had a bit of a well-fucked expression, but I was hoping no one would look me in the face as we headed to the car.

  But my face was better to notice than my hard cock that was starting to drive me insane.

  As we left the restaurant, Daddy kept me tucked against him so his body hid mine. The walk out let me clear my head, even with his fingers stroking against mine, but that didn’t last long. Opening the door, he carefully helped me in, smiling as I wiggled and tried to get comfortable.

  “You’ve been a very good boy tonight.” He kissed me gently as he cupped my face.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I leaned in quickly as he started to straighten and kissed him. “I had fun.”

  “The evening isn’t over yet.” The look on his face had me squirming even more as he shut the door and walked around to the driver’s seat.

  I thought he’d buckle me in and drive us immediately home, but he kept the car off and turned to face me. “Let me see your cock. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  Could you die because of a blush? Asking for a friend.

  Luckily, I didn’t have to respond to that because Daddy reached over and unbuttoned my pants. When the zipper came down, he pulled at the briefs that weren’t doing much to hold my cock in place anyway and stroked over my erection. It was more like an inspection than a seduction, but that was even hotter than when he’d been teasing me in the restaurant.

  Maybe there was a reason so many people played doctor.

  “How are you feeling?”


  But I knew that wasn’t the best answer I could give him…or the safest.

  “It doesn’t hurt.” And that was the truth—it was just making me insane.

  Daddy stroked over my erection, his touch turning more erotic. I pushed back the moan that wanted to escape, taking in a deep breath to fight the mounting urge to beg. He made a low, pleased sound as he stroked my cock from the trapped base to the tip that was leaking precum.

  “You were a very good boy in the restaurant.” Daddy’s quiet, sensual words only made my desire worse, and I couldn’t tell where things were going. Maybe that was because all the blood in my body was trapped in my dick, but I wasn’t sure.

  I had no idea how to respond to that. So my brain just filled in something slightly reasonable. “Thank you for dinner, Daddy.”

  So maybe not that reasonable.

  Daddy chuckled. “Did you like getting to talk to Jonathan? He seemed to have fun with you.”

  Having fun with me and having fun talking to me were two different things. But I wanted to come in the near future, so I didn’t point that out. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Because either way, that wasn’t a lie.

  His finger sta
rted stroking over my slit, rubbing the precum around the head of my cock. It was beyond distracting and was killing off all my remaining brain cells. Daddy knew that because he chuckled again and seemed to find it entertaining to ask me more questions. “What did you think of dessert?”

  Did I have dessert?


  I was pretty sure I had.

  “It was…I mean…it was delicious.” Yes, it had to be. Everything was always good there.

  “Do you know what else was delicious?” Daddy’s sexy, teasing voice said he wasn’t talking about the food, but I had no idea what to say.

  My mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water. When he pressed against my slit, the only thing that would come out was a moan. It was almost painful but in the best possible way. If anything was delicious, it was the incredible sensations Daddy was sending through me.

  He must have decided to take pity on my fried brain because he chuckled and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Watching you squirm and try not to beg as I played with my sexy boy…that was delicious. Wickedly delicious.”

  If brain cells got killed during sex, would they regenerate?

  Daddy’s fingers started stroking along my erection again as he bit down on my ear. It was just perfect enough that I had to grab the seat to keep from bucking up into his hand. I’d been so good, but I wasn’t going to make it any longer if he kept teasing me.

  But Daddy always knew what I needed.

  As he nibbled on my ear, he caressed the head of my cock again, sending shockwaves through me. All I could do was whine and squirm as I squeezed down on the seat, shaking. “Daddy…”

  “You were such a good boy.” As he trailed kisses down my neck, he took my dick in his fist and slowly jerked me off. “I was going to make you wait until later to come, but I think that being watched and teased has made you desperate.”

  Was that a question?

  “Yes, Daddy. Please.” As he squeezed my erection the shaking got worse, and I had to close my eyes to concentrate on being good. I wanted to be his good boy.

  “You blushed and squirmed so prettily in the restaurant.” The rough touch of his hand moved faster as he continued to whisper dirty, loving things in my ear. “I was the envy of every man there. Jonathan couldn’t keep his eyes off you.”

  I made a low, needy sound and Daddy chuckled. “I bet he would think you were so pretty right now. But do you know what he’d like even better?”

  Daddy was evil and insane.

  He expected words?

  My brain had already shut down, and he was pushing even dirtier images into it. How could I be expected to answer questions? “Daaady.”

  “Don’t you want to know?” I could hear the smile in his voice as he kept pushing me higher, but admitting I was curious seemed like a bad idea. Daddy liked giving me what I wanted too much to confess something like that.

  However, at this point my body was only thinking of my little head, and he liked the idea.


  “Yes, Daddy…please…”

  Daddy made a pleased hum and bit down on my neck, sending a rush of pleasure through me before he kissed the tender spot gently. “He’d like to see you come.”

  At that, Daddy released the restraint. It was like a dam burst inside of me. My orgasm crashed through me, and I screamed out my pleasure as Daddy continued to jerk me off, forcing my frantic need even higher.

  When he finally let it fade, I was slumped over in the seat with little aftershocks firing through me. As he stroked my softening dick, Daddy leaned over and kissed me gently. “I love you, sweet boy.”

  “I love you, Daddy.” My brain was utterly empty except for that one fact.

  I yawned and smiled as Daddy gave me one more kiss before digging through the glove compartment for wipes. He was so cute as he cursed and pushed aside the papers. When he was finally able to clean me up, he wiped me down with the soft cloths and carefully tucked me back in before buckling my seat belt.

  The drive home was quiet as Daddy let my brain come back into focus. He slowly ran his fingers through my hair and stroked down my neck as we headed back, seemingly content with the silence.

  When we finally got home, he turned off the car and kissed my cheek, getting out without lingering. I waited, knowing Daddy wanted to open the car door for me. The only time he didn’t do it was when my mother happened to be outside at the same time we were. He’d done it once and she’d looked at us like we were nuts.

  I wasn’t ready for that conversation, so we’d agreed to let me handle the door when she was around.

  Daddy was feeling especially in charge because he even reached in and released the buckle before I could process what had to happen next. I was still a bit distracted. Chuckling, Daddy buttoned my pants and took my hand, helping me out of the car and into the house.

  “Come sit with me.” Daddy gave me his sweet I want to take care of you look and started walking toward our favorite cuddly chair.


  I couldn’t think of anything I’d done or that he could be worried about, but it was easy to see I was going to have to talk before we continued making love. “Yes, Daddy?”

  Maybe it would be a short talk.

  As he pulled me down to his lap and settled me in his arms, I snuggled close. He kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. “I love you.”

  I knew that without a doubt. Sometimes it took me a while to admit things, but everything Daddy did said how much he loved me. “I love you too, Daddy.”

  I’d never realized how perfect a relationship could be. With him, I didn’t have to be anyone else but me. If I wanted a kids’ meal, I could have one. If I needed him to take control so I didn’t get overwhelmed, he would do it. If I worked hard at an internship, he supported me.

  Sitting up, I kissed him gently. “Love you.”

  He smiled and reached up to stroke my cheek. “Love you too.”

  I wasn’t sure what he wanted to talk about, but as he reached over to the end table and picked up a small box, I got confused. Finn’s teasing voice about rings popped into my head, but it wasn’t the right kind of box. This was long and thin.

  Daddy set the box in my lap and started stroking my leg. “I’ve been trying to think of something to get you to show you how important you are to me. I’d propose to you right now, but I’m pretty sure you’d think it was too soon.”

  I blushed, not sure how to answer. Tucking my face against his neck, I nodded. Even though the idea sent butterflies whirling in my stomach, I was still in college and didn’t even have a job. I knew that shouldn’t matter…Finn’s voice in my head again…but it felt like it should.

  Daddy chuckled. “So I thought of something else that would show you how important you were and how seriously I take our relationship.”

  As he started to open the box, I turned just enough to peek at what he was doing. Tension built as he lifted the top away.

  A necklace?

  As he pulled it out, I saw some kind of small charm at the end. I’d helped Finn pick out something similar for his mother last year for Christmas, so it was familiar, but I knew it wouldn’t mean the same thing it did to his mother.

  I reached for the charm and turned it over in my hand.

  A binkie.

  I looked up at Daddy and grinned. “Because I’m your boy.”

  He nodded, kissing my cheek sweetly. “I want you to remember every time you look at it that I’m right there beside you. No matter if you’re at work or class or if you’re little and in your playroom. I will always be with you.”

  Nodding, I swallowed past a lump in my throat. I could feel tears welling up, but I didn’t want to cry. I wanted him to see how happy I was. “Thank you, Daddy. Is it like a collar?”

  I thought I understood what he was saying, but I wanted to make sure.

  “Yes, baby boy. Just something that felt better for us.” He moved it closer and waited. I turned to him and nodded, giving him a shy smile. W
hen he had permission, he slipped the chain over my neck. “Sometimes collars lock, but I want for both of us to remember that you’ve given me your submission. It’s a gift I will always cherish.”

  His words wrapped around me like a warm blanket, but my mind couldn’t let go of the idea that one day it would be a different conversation, one about rings and promises. I’d never thought about getting married. Not because I was gay or anything like that, I’d just never been able to picture a man who would understand me when I was so confused about who I was.

  But Daddy changed all that.

  With a push from Finn.

  With Daddy, I knew our future would never look like anyone else’s, but it would be perfect for us. When we were ready. When I was ready. But there was no rush—Daddy loved me enough to wait and I loved him enough to know it would happen one day.

  As he tucked the chain under my shirt, I threw my arms around him. “I love you.”

  There was so much more I wanted to say, but that was what mattered most.



  Chapter 1


  “They liked my shoes.” Hailey held out his pink tennis shoes as he sorted through his clothes at the bottom of his closet. Normally when he was little he played or watched cartoons with me, but today he was dead set on finding the perfect outfit to show his friends. It wasn’t easy.

  That was my fault, though.

  Spending money on myself was still hard, but spending it on Hailey was ridiculously easy. Which made the process of figuring out what to wear for the playdate even harder.

  A playdate.

  Every time I thought our life couldn’t take another interesting turn, something else popped up around the corner. A handful of years had changed so much—but some things never would. Hayden would always be more outgoing than me, no matter if he was little feminine Hailey or just Hayden, and evidently that outgoing nature extended to playing with the other littles in the neighborhood.

  At least this time I wouldn’t have to threaten anyone to keep them from picking on us. We’d come a long way from the trailer park we were raised in. Some of our new friends were quiet and shy, but overall, they were funny and just into doing their own thing.


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