A Winter's Promise (A Winter's Tale Series Book 2)

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A Winter's Promise (A Winter's Tale Series Book 2) Page 8

by Kristi Tailor

  “That’s horrible,” Charlotte frowned, saddened for Caleb. “It makes sense why he doesn’t want to come around.”

  “They lost one son because of their stubbornness, their eldest; I don’t think Nicholas will have it that rough. He is the only one they have left.”

  “They have Rebecca,” Charlotte acknowledged.

  “Rebecca is even more estranged than Caleb. Nicholas is the only one who still communicates with them.”


  “Can I offer you a word of advice? Be the family and support that he needs when he feels like he doesn’t have either. Spencer is like a snake in the grass, he’s very well put together− very cunning . . . he never raises his voice, and seems passive even, but that’s what makes him so dangerous- you never see the attack coming. And whatever you do never let them see that they’re getting to you, even if you’re at your breaking point. Don’t ever give them the satisfaction of knowing that their words or their opinions matter.”

  “You make it sound like we’re going to war,” Charlotte grimaced.

  “For your sake I hope I’m being over dramatic. I wouldn’t wish what those people put me and Caleb through on anyone, especially not Nicholas, he’s a good man.”

  Charlotte nodded her head in agreement. “He is definitely that,” she said, unable to keep a goofy grin from forming at her lips.

  Menzie smiled brightly at her. “So, the dress,” she perked, determined to change the subject. “Do you like it?”

  Charlotte held the purple satin form fitting dress above her head, rubbing her fingers along the soft fabric. Flipping the price tag, she closed her eyes to the number printed in bold black Courier. $249.00 for a dress, she groaned inwardly. So much to paying off my credit card bill anytime soon. “It’s perfect,” she answered, returning Menzie’s smile before turning on her heels and heading for the checkout line. I cannot believe you’re about to spend this much money on a dress, Charlotte admonished herself.

  “Will this be all?” inquired the tall blonde woman who stood behind the long cherry blossom table. Batting her long lashes, she picked up the satin dress gently shaking out any unseen wrinkles. “This dress will be stunning on you,” she gushed, a permanent smirk on her Botox make-up painted face.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “That will bring your total to $261.49.”

  Ouch! Opening her wallet for her MasterCard Charlotte gasped when four one hundred dollar bills fell onto the counter. Like a buffoon who had never seen money before she stood there awe struck, her mouth agape, but no words coming out. Nicholas!

  “Ma’am will you be paying with cash, or credit?” the blonde inquired.

  “Cash. I’ll be paying with cash.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  An hour after arriving back at the beach house, Charlotte emptied the contents of her suitcase onto the bed rummaging through her make-up clutch for her brushes, shadows and primers. Removing her dress from the gift paper filled bag she hung it on the back of the bedroom door, smiling brightly at its beauty. Unzipping her tote, she removed her closed toe silver stilettos and a black plastic bag. Perfect, she thought, untying the bag and pulling out a full clip- on hair piece. Long hair will be a better look with a strapless dress, she figured. Backing away from the bed Charlotte scanned her belongings as she tapped her lip in deep thought. “What am I missing? She wondered aloud. “Dress, shoes, make- up, hair . . . .”

  “Perfume?” Nicholas said from behind her.

  Charlotte jumped. Quickly turning around, she narrowed her eyes, glaring at him playfully. “Creep. How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to know that you don’t pay attention to your surroundings,” he shrugged, a boyish smirk on his lips.

  “Or maybe you’re just good at being sneaky,” she accused.

  “That’s definitely a possibility,” Nicholas agreed, taking a step closer to her and closing the distance between them. Lifting her chin with warm fingers he said, “I missed you today.” The declaration was spoken against her lips.

  Charlotte inhaled deeply, taking his scent into her lungs. The smell of peppermint and pine filled her senses causing her mouth to water; he was her very own aphrodisiac.

  “I missed you, too,” she breathed, her lips parting slightly begging to be kissed. After months of falling asleep to the thought of his lips on hers Charlotte couldn’t believe that he was actually hers, that his lips were now hers to kiss, his body now hers to touch, the reality of it all elated her. She was in a permanent state of bliss.

  “Take a shower with me.” It was an order spoken in the mildest of tones. Not waiting for a response, Nicholas tugged at her shirt easily pulling it over her head, his fingers quickly finding the hooks of her bra, releasing the small clasps allowing her full breasts to spring free. “Mm,” he moaned, dropping his head to her soft mounds and feathering kisses over her brown peaks. “You are so beautiful,” he groaned. Moving his hands down her body he stopped at her leggings his fingers spread out over her sex. Gazing at her through hooded eyes, Nicholas pulled the material away from her taking his time as he slid his fingers under the fabric one at a time. Charlotte moaned loudly unable to stop the sound from pouring over her lips. “Shh,” he smiled, his mouth on hers. “We don’t want an audience.” And with those words he claimed her mouth with his, kissing her deeply as his hand grazed over her heat, his fingertips teasing her most sensitive peak. Taking his time Nicholas backed away from her, his mesmerizing greys watching her closely. “Take off your leggings,” he said, his voice barely above an octave.

  Charlotte did as she was told, hurriedly sliding the fabric down her legs as she watched him remove his clothes one piece at a time, her gaze following his every move as the material hit the floor one layer after the other until he was standing in front of her in all his brilliance. Charlotte’s gaze drifted to his shaft, her breath caught in her throat as she stood there captivated by the length and fullness of his sex. The man was like a statue, ripped, hard, and beautiful. How will I even know what to do with all of that? She wondered, suddenly self-conscious about her inexperience.

  “What?” he asked, trying to get a clear read of her expression. “You like what you see?” His tone was soft, a caress on her senses.

  Charlotte nodded her head. “Yes,” she croaked, her big brown eyes looking up at him innocently.

  Nicholas smirked boyishly at her as his silvers openly roamed down her slender frame. “This is what I’m going to wake up to every morning,” he said, trailing his finger down her body in quiet satisfaction. “How am I going to last until our wedding night before making love to you?” he mused aloud, laughter in his voice. Shaking his head, he sighed at his ordeal. “Let’s not have a long engagement,” he said decidedly.

  “Our wedding night?” Charlotte demanded. “Why our wedding night?”

  Nicholas lifted an eyebrow. “You’ve held onto your virginity for twenty- eight years because you wanted to be married first, right?”

  “Yes, but─”

  “Dimple, we can wait. Don’t change your morals for me . . . honestly the idea of making love to you for the first time after we make our vows before God is actually something I’m looking forward to.”

  “Really?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, really.”

  Groaning as if in pain Charlotte shook her head. “Why are you such a tease? This is the third time that you’ve done this to me,” she whined, reaching for her clothes.

  “Take a shower with me,” he repeated, pulling her naked body against his once more. Charlotte licked her lips at the feel of his growing shaft on her abdomen.

  “Nicholas,” she whispered, neediness dripping from her voice. “Stop taunting me.”

  Laughing softly Nicholas bent his head to hers once more, stealing another kiss before releasing her from his strong hold and walking into the bathroom. Charlotte pouted as she stared after him. So, this is what it feels like to feel sexually frustrated, she moaned
. Exhaling, Charlotte combed her small fingers through her thick hair in silent agitation as she leisurely made her way into the bathroom where temptation personified awaited her patiently.


  Charlotte’s gaze wandered around the large living room as she followed Nicholas into the Sullivan’s home. Grand ivory fixtures lined the space giving life to the colorless art that decorated the walls. An array of gold embodied glass tables filled the area each covered with desserts and fine wines. Gold arched High Back Wing chairs were scattered in different corners of the dim lit space each draped in pearled beaded shawls. Charlotte took in the elegance of the Sullivan’s home suddenly grateful for the thought of wanting to buy a new dress for the occasion. Taking Nicholas by the hand she wrapped her fingers through his, hating that she secretly felt out of place. Strangers nodded their heads in her direction offering polite smiles as they’d passed; still, there was something about the atmosphere, the energy in the room that gave Charlotte reason to pause. Glancing down at her Nicholas offered a reassuring smile as he led the way through the crowded room.

  “Nicholas! My boy,” Mitch Sullivan greeted over cigar smoke a few feet away. “You made it!”

  “Mitch,” Nicholas acknowledged, nodding his head in the other man’s direction.

  “Where are your parents? It’s not like them to be late.”

  “They should be here shortly,” Nicholas answered. Offering the man, a brief smile he turned around, quickly heading in the opposite direction when a familiar voice called his name from behind. Turning around Nicholas regarded Blithe with cold grey eyes, his expression distant.

  “Nicholas,” she smiled, ignoring his standoffish demeanor. “I was hoping you would make an appearance,” she gushed, taking no notice of Charlotte’s presence. “Where are your parents?”

  “Where are your manners?” he retorted. “My fiancé is far from invisible.” Letting go of Charlotte’s hand he placed his arm around her small waist pulling her into him as he softly kissed her lips. “I’m an asshole. I haven’t told you how amazing you look this evening. You’re exquisite,” he murmured into her ear, his voice low.

  Charlotte smiled up at him grateful for his words. “Thank you,” she replied, her eyes dancing with amusement at his forthright nature. “It’s all thanks to you,” she whispered into his shoulder.

  Nicholas narrowed his eyes at her, confusion evident in his expression. “What did I do?” he asked, forgetting that Blithe was still there.

  “Four hundred.”

  “Four hundred?” he frowned.

  “Yes, four hundred.”

  “I’m lost,” Nicholas said, shaking his head seemingly bemused.

  “Is four hundred dollars literally that little to you that you don’t remember putting it in my wallet?” she huffed, her eyes alight with childlike wonder.

  “Oh, that,” Nicholas grinned at her. Bringing Charlotte’s hand to his mouth he stroked her fingers against his lips. “A small thing,” he acknowledged.

  “Hardly,” Blithe snorted, drawing their attention back to her. “Someone from her background─”

  “You’re still here?” Nicholas admonished, his sharp silver gaze regarding her coldly.

  “Nicholas,” she sighed indignantly. “She doesn’t belong here.”

  Ouch! Charlotte choked on the other woman’s words hating that she allowed them to sting her pride as much as they had. Glancing around the room she pouted inwardly at the realization that her sister and parents still hadn’t arrived. What’s taking them so long? She sighed silently, suddenly ill at ease and feeling out of sorts in the house full of strangers.

  “Thank God for that because neither do I,” Nicholas said matter- of- factly turning away from Blithe without so much as a backward glance. Intertwining his fingers through Charlotte’s, he smiled at her admiringly, “Let’s have a drink.”


  Charlotte sat beside Adeline holding an empty wine glass in her hands as she watched Nicholas hold conversation with a man who looked to be about their age from across the room.

  “This party sucks,” Adeline groaned aloud gaining her sister’s attention. “Geez, if I knew it’d be in a room full of old people, obnoxious music, and hard cheese I would have opted on staying at the Elliot’s.

  Charlotte laughed. “Tell me about it. I’m just waiting for Nicholas to give me the affirming head nod, and then we’re out of ─” Frowning, Charlotte opened her clutch at the feel of vibrations emanating from her phone. Unread message.

  Todd: Can we talk?

  “Seriously?” she scowled.

  Turning to face her sister, Adeline asked, “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Charlotte replied.

  Charlotte: Of course not. Why are you texting


  Todd: Charli, I need to see you. Please.

  Charlotte: Erase my number.

  Todd: We need to talk.

  Charlotte: We don’t NEED to do anything.

  Please leave me alone.

  Todd: I can’t do that . . . Charli I miss you.

  Charlotte: Where’s my sister?

  Todd: Baltimore.

  Charlotte: ??? Baltimore? Where are you?

  Todd: Outside.

  Charlotte grimaced. “I’ll be back,” she told Adeline, rising from her seat and quickly heading toward the front of the house.


  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Nicholas asked, taking a seat beside Babet.

  “I am,” she answered, patting Nicholas on the leg. “Your parents are something else.”

  “That they are,” he agreed, his eyes searching the room for Charlotte.

  “I’m glad we were able to make the trip. It’s been years since Manuel and I have brought in a New Year with Charli,” she smiled, her tone hopeful.

  “Charlotte is happy that you were able to make the trip, also.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Babet shook her head. “She’s tolerating my being here.”

  “I think you’re wrong. She’s a tough shell to crack, but I think she’s ready to start moving forward . . . I can tell by the way she looks at you that she misses the bond the two of you once shared. Trust me. She’s happy that you’re here.”

  Babet let out a sigh of relief at Nicholas’ words. “I’m grateful that she has you.”

  “Thanks, but I’m the one who’s grateful . . . she’s been my peace these past couple of years . . . before her I was . . . I was . . . let’s just say that I wasn’t the man sitting beside you right now. She’s given me so much more over the years than I could ever repay her for.”

  “You really do love her.”

  “Honestly, I can’t recall not ever loving her . . . her friendship has meant everything to me,” Nicholas explained.

  “Hearing that gives my heart peace. Do right by her, Nicholas; she’s been hurt enough already.”

  “Always,” he promised. “Always.”


  “I had to see you, Charli. I couldn’t go into another year like this . . . I had to tell you how I felt.”

  “This is crazy, go home Todd. Go home to your wife,” Charlotte said, taking a step away from him.

  “I can’t. I can’t be with her knowing that I’m still in love with you. I’ve tried to let it go. I’ve tried to be happy with Marguerite, but it’s impossible. I want you. Charli, seven years . . . are you really willing to throw away seven years? Because I’m not . . . I can move to New York and we can start over.”

  “Are you insane?” Charlotte snapped. “You’re married to my sister who’s pregnant with your child, and you’re standing in front of me asking me to take you back? Does any of that sound logical to─?” Charlotte’s words were caught in her throat, her body temporarily frozen at the feel of Todd’s mouth on hers. Her mind worked overtime trying to process what was happening, stagnant, she stood there unable to move under his unwanted touch. One second. Two. Three, and then finally her nerve endings became alive again, her muscl
es once again knew what it meant to contract. Pushing him away from her Charlotte drew her hand back bringing it down to his face with strength unbeknownst to even her. “Don’t you ever in your life touch me like that again!” she yelled at him. The feeling of disgust and revulsion spread through her causing unwanted tears to pour from her swollen eyes in rapids.


  Nicholas backed away from the front door unable to process what his eyes had just seen, his brain trying to rationalize what his heart refused to let him comprehend. Roughly combing his fingers through his hair, he paused in the foyer attempting to gain a handle on his emotions, refusing to let the tears that were just beneath the surface fall from his eyes. Making his way back into the packed room Nicholas grabbed a bottle of Amsterdam from a glass filled caddy and headed for the back of the house, his mind in shattered pieces, his heart broken.


  “Where did you go?” Adeline asked Charlotte agitation in her tone. “You left me here, alone.”

  “Sorry Adie,” she said, offering no explanation. “Have you seen Nicholas?”

  “Not since he was talking with mom.”

  “How long ago was that?” Charlotte asked.

  “I don’t know . . . a while ago.”

  “Oh,” she glowered feeling sick inside. Nicholas, where are you? I need you . . . .


  Blithe watched Nicholas from behind as he peered over the balcony banister, silently staring into the darkness of the ocean.

  “What are you doing out here, alone?” she asked, walking up behind him. “The countdown is in twenty minutes.”

  “I care,” Nicholas snorted, bringing the now half empty bottle to his lips.

  “Do you want some company?”


  “You sure?” Blithe asked, putting her hand on his. “I’m good company.”

  Nicholas snatched his hand from under hers. “Go back inside Blithe,” he said, raising the bottle to his mouth once more.


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