The Iron Room

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The Iron Room Page 12

by Sarah Himebauch

  Amy stormed past me up to her room.

  “What’s her problem?” My dad walked up to me, eating a pastry.

  “Women.” I shrugged my shoulders, and ran up my room, slamming the door.

  I would see Katie tonight… her brown hair that was always so sleek and shiny, and her bright blue eyes. That brightened my mood. I wondered if she thought it was weird that her, Anna, and Tara looked alike. I had a type, shoot me.

  But Katie was different.

  I had faith that her and I could work things out. She just needed to see that I wasn’t like them.

  My mom called up to me, letting me know that we were going out to dinner tonight. Well, that would explain the pearls. She would expect all of us to dress out best and put on the best mask for the town of Prairie to see.

  I hated this.

  I showered the worries of the day away and dressed in a nice silver colored button up. Mom said it always complimented my eyes, and I felt the need to appease to her today given my recent transgressions. I didn’t care or feel sorry for them, but her and the rest of my family needed to believe I did.

  I put on a nice pair of blue jeans, and my new sneakers. I threw a little gel in my hair and tousled it to achieve that “effortless” look.

  I bounded down the stairs, where my immaculately dressed family was already waiting. We cleaned up so well. You wouldn’t even know we were a family of rage-fueled, kidnapping, and remorseless sociopaths.

  “You look great baby.” My mom planted a kiss on my forehead, and my dad patted my back.

  Amy just glared at me.

  We all loaded into my father’s car and headed out the gate. George waved to my parents on the way out, and my dad made a right. We must be going to Giuseppe’s. It was the only Italian restaurant in town, and also the nicest.

  When we arrived, they came out to valet our car. Valeting a car in a town like Prairie seemed fruitless, but that was the way my family rolled.

  We were seated swiftly and ordered right away. We were regulars here, and creatures of habit so we knew what we liked. The waitress came over to me.

  “Chicken Parmesan please.”

  She put our orders in and brought out an appetizer tray piled high with various types of breads, dips, and a nice bruschetta. The restaurant was nearly empty, so our food came out within fifteen minutes. The conversation was light, minimal, and we all tucked into our food immediately as a way to avoid conversation with one another, I’m sure.

  “I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your group efforts lately, and I feel that all of our adversities we have overcome, we have done so together, and that it has made us stronger. I am glad that we are all on the same page.” My dad raised his glass for a cheer, and we all did the same, one by one.

  When it came time for mine and Amy’s glasses to clink, she looked me in the eyes, and whispered.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.” I forced a smile, and it felt fake.

  Anything to get through this dinner and home to my girl.

  Thankfully the remainder of the dinner was free of any more speeches, and we got home by 8. I went straight up to my room to peel these clothes off myself. I liked being comfy more than anything. It wasn’t long before there was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it.

  Amy. Who else?

  My sister was relentless in her efforts to patch whatever issues we had. I didn’t want to patch them, and I thought I already did a good job at convincing her at dinner that we were okay.

  “I wanted to say sorry again Mark. I didn’t know that I made you feel that way. My only intention has always been to protect our family, and you are part of that family.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know. It was just a trying day for me. Sorry to take it out on you.”

  I turned around and headed back in my room, desperate to avoid this conversation.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes Amy, just really tired. Don’t forget I kind of beat someone up today.”

  My sister laughed, and I knew that she had fallen for it. I could always distract her with humor.

  “Okay, I’m going to lay in bed, I love you.”

  “Love you.” I heard my door shut and let out a sigh of relief.

  Just a few more hours, and I could see her.

  I laid in bed and turned on Netflix. I picked a romantic comedy, as I was feeling particularly sentimental right now. The Ugly Truth.

  Seemed fitting. Girl pushes away guy, only to realize they were right for one another all along.

  The movie was over, and it was 10:15. I slipped on a pair of shoes and stepped into the hallway. I carefully closed my door, being cautious about making noise.

  I walked over to Amy’s room. I pressed my ear against the door and heard loud snoring.

  Thank god.

  I walked downstairs, did a look around, and went out the back door like last time. But this time, I had to be extra careful when it came to George. He may be out on the lookout, but also wouldn’t leave his box so I would just need to avoid being in his line of sight.

  I tiptoed across the freshly wet grass and reached the back door.

  I could hear my pulse crashing in my ears, and my heart beat a million miles a minute. I unlocked it extra slow, trying to avoid a ruckus.

  I cascaded down the staircase to the next door. My girl was right on the other side.

  I opened it, and all three girls were asleep. I couldn’t believe my luck. The other girls slept like logs. It did play to my benefit though.

  I walked over to Katie, sat on the cool ground next to her, and then carefully started shaking her shoulder in an attempt to wake her.

  God, she looked so beautiful.

  Her eyes peeled open, and rather than freaking out upon seeing me, she smiled. My heart soared and I knew my suspicions were correct.

  “Hey…” Katie sounded sleepy, and it was the sexiest thing ever.

  “Hi beautiful.”

  “Mark… I’m sorry.”

  “I know. I am too.”

  “I just panicked. This whole situation is kind of insane.” She looked at me and squeezed my hand.

  “Trust me Katie, I know. I probably could have gone about the situation better than I did.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and continued to gaze at me. I continued.

  “I want to try again. But, once I break you out, I need a plan. That will take time.”

  “I figured as much. But, thank you. It means so much.” She spoke softly while squeezing my hand. I felt on top of the world.

  Her pretty blue eyes sparkled even in this dark room. The moonlight had cascaded in and paired with the sensor light that was dimming down, she looked like a dream.

  Suddenly, she leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on my lips.

  This is more than I could’ve imagined.

  “I want to try too, Mark.”



  I’m fine Amy.

  Just tired.

  Something was going on with Mark, and something had changed within him. My brother who was always so dead set on protecting our family was slipping away in front of my eyes, and I had not a single clue on how to stop it.

  Yesterday he seemed uninterested in speaking to me at all. I felt bad that I had hurt his feelings. I never tried to make Mark feel like an idiot.

  Technically speaking, he was. That doesn’t mean I wanted him to feel that way. It’s no secret that Mark had been messing up a lot lately. He was careless, and continuously chose to act on emotion rather than using reason and logic. People who are sloppy always leave trails. Trails get us caught, and we will all be implicated if this goes horribly wrong.

  I loved my brother, and I always would. I just wish he took more initiative when it came to maintain all that we have built together as a family.

  Maybe he’s changed his mind.

  No, Mark would never do that. He’s the one that takes the girls in the first place! While th
is is definitely a family effort, Mark chose the first girl, Anna. He was the one to acquire the tranquilizers through the black market.

  This may have been a family thought out plan, but Mark, and his feelings towards specific girls was the ultimate catalyst.

  Yesterday and the close call with Sheriff Johnson was getting to be too much. I mulled over what to do all night long. Part of me wanted to tell my parents everything… the text message receipts, Johnny, the Sheriff- but I didn’t want to get Mark in any more trouble.

  Deep down, I worried that my brother might be playing both sides. It made me furious to think that some girl would have a strong enough effect on him that he would turn against his family. I didn’t know for sure and didn’t want to make accusations. I figured I would use this car ride to school this morning as a way to sus out where his head was at.

  Like every other school morning, I dressed myself, and headed downstairs for our morning breakfast.

  Today it was yogurt, fruit, and granola which made sense. Every time we went to Giuseppe’s, my mom swore up and down that it made her gain weight which was only rectified by a light breakfast. If my suspicions were correct, we would also be having soup for dinner.

  Oh joy.

  Breakfast this morning carried a very light and easy conversation. Mark’s mood seemed to have shifted a complete 180 since last night. He seemed happier, and more easygoing with all of us. Most sisters would be happy that their brother was in a good place, but not me. Mark’s ups were really good, and his downs were really bad. If… when his ups turned into a down, he would fly off the handle.

  I finished, excused myself, and sat in the foyer waiting for Mark per our routine. He usually finished right after me but took his sweet ass time today. I was anxious to get him alone in the car and drill him about where this newfound source of happiness was coming from.

  Finally, he appeared out of nowhere, and we headed outside. He unlocked the car and we both climbed in. He could barely get his side door closed and the car started before I spoke.


  “Spill… what?”

  “Why the hell you’re so chipper this morning… spill.”

  “Why can’t you be normal, and just say you’re happy for me? That you are happy that I am happy. Oh wait, you can’t do that can you?” Mark looked pissed off, and I realized I may have overstepped.

  “If you are really truly happy Mark, then I am glad. I’m just curious what or should I say who… is the source. That’s all.” I shrugged my shoulders, hoping he would be willing to open up.

  “Nobody, Amy. I am just happy.”


  I knew he didn’t plan on letting me know who or what he was doing. I would simply have to figure it out on my own. I sat in silence the rest of the ride. I needed time to think and utilized the silence to my benefit.

  “I’m tired of fighting with you. I don’t feel like you’re on my side anymore, and I don’t trust you.” Mark finally spoke as we pulled into the parking lot.

  He can’t trust me? I can’t trust him!

  I wanted to reply but struggled to find the words. Before I had the chance, Mark parked, turned off the ignition, and stepped out of the car.

  He stalked off towards the school, and I was left standing outside the car looking like an absolute idiot. He stopped, turned around, and I felt my heart soar thinking he changed his mind. My heart immediately sank when I saw him lock the car.

  He hates me.

  This was working out to be a crap day. My brother was angry at me, and honestly, I couldn’t decipher what the exact cause of that way. I didn’t know how to fix it, mostly because he won’t allow me to. He sees our relationship as being finished, and I feel like I’m in a rut.

  My brother has always been my closest friend, and biggest confidant. But lately, we have not been connecting at all. Something has been causing a huge rift in between us, and earlier I had simply written it off to be the effect of Katie’s arrival.

  But now I found myself forced to question if it was maybe something more.

  The bell rang, and I was torn away from my debilitating thoughts because I needed to get to class. This crazy situation the past few days had completely thrown me off my axis, and I felt like I was struggling to find my focus and recenter again.

  I rushed off to my first class, and so began the rest of the agonizing school day. Surprisingly enough, Calculus was actually pleasant because Johnny decided to cool his jets for once. He didn’t speak to me, or even look my way once. I had hoped it was because the threat from Mark yesterday was enough to send him running with his tail between his legs.

  Or he could be gathering more evidence.

  I decided that I would push those worries to the back of mind, better to be dealt with at a different time. I had enough stress on my plate with my withering relationship with Mark.

  When the school day was finally over, I waited by his car. I would make things right between us, whatever it took.

  He came out smiling, locked eyes with me, and his smile turned into a frown.

  “Hey brother. I wanted to talk to you.”

  “About?” Mark reached the driver’s door and unlocked both doors.

  We both climbed in. I buckled my seatbelt, and I grabbed his hand before he could turn on the car.

  “Us Mark. You’re angry with me, and I don’t know how I am supposed to fix it.”

  “I just… ugh.” He put his heads in his hands, clearly frustrated. He elaborated.

  “Amy, I don’t want a part of this anymore.”

  Are you crazy?

  “Why the hell not?”

  “It doesn’t make me happy Ames.”

  “It used to, so what changed?”

  He sat there quietly, mulling over what to say. The battle between the truth and a lie was clear on his face.


  I couldn’t help but to laugh right in his face. Katie… the same girl that beat me bloody and smashed a rock over his skull.

  “You’re pathetic.”

  I didn’t want to hear anymore nonsense, so I turned my head facing out the window and stopped talking altogether. Mark was so idiotic that it honestly blew my freaking mind. Katie didn’t care about any of us, and especially not the guy who kidnapped her! I knew from the moment that he drugged her… that she would become a huge conflict of interest. He had strong feelings for her before all of this happened, but now he felt responsible, and even guilty.

  This had to stop… and the only way to do that was to kill the source- Katie.



  I hadn’t had a shower since I got taken, and I desperately needed one. After that kiss with Mark, I felt the urge to get in a shower and scrub my skin raw. He made my skin crawl and pretending to so much as care about him was practically killing me.

  Drama was never my best class, but I deserved a damn Oscar for my performance.

  “Well, is he a good kisser?” Kim asked laughing, clearly pleased that it was me and not her who had to take one for the team.

  I shot her a stare that shut her up instantly. I had told the girls that the next time Mark came down, to pretend to be asleep. Mark would never try anything with those girls watching. He was so scared of his family finding out about his little transgressions, that he wouldn’t risk it. I needed him to fall completely in love with me- fast.

  I couldn’t last any longer in this cold Iron Room. It was pretty dark, all the time, even with the small light. There was nothing to stare at, no pictures, nothing. Just each other. I looked around the room and felt my heart sink in my chest. The camera.

  I wasn’t sure how the systems operated but knew that his parents at least had some access to its footage. What if they saw Mark come down here last night? Would they disallow him access? He was my ticket out of this place. I just needed to find a way to get both Kim and Tara on that pass as well.

  I didn’t know if Tara and Anna confided in each other while being held down here toget
her, but Tara never talked to Kim or myself. She kept to herself, as she did before she was here.

  I would never be able to leave them here.

  I found myself constantly worrying about my dad. I was the one being held in a confined space, chained up, and beaten, but I worried about him. Without me, my dad was all alone. I didn’t know if he had been eating or sleeping properly, and it was really wearing on me. I wanted more than anything to get out of this place and see him again.

  My ankle still hurt like a bitch, courtesy of Sharon. Mark had slipped me some aspirin last night when he came down, and while it helped, aspirin was no match for a broken ankle. It especially didn’t do much when the ankle had been stomped on not once, but twice.

  I was comforted with a small sense of satisfaction in knowing that when I eventually did get out of here, my dad would nail her ass to the wall. He could make sure this family never had the chance to see the light of day ever again.

  I had offered them all a good amount of time to see the ways they were wrong, but they all chose to continue torturing and kidnapping, not to mention killing innocent girls. I knew the what, where, how, but struggled with the why.

  Why did they do this?

  I knew it was the afternoon. Paul brought down bread and a banana for each of us earlier. We were allotted two small meals a day. No lunch. I assumed that was primarily because they were all at work or school during the day, but it might also be a ploy to keep us weak.

  While I despised doing it, I was anxious for Mark to return tonight. I needed him to believe I was on his side, and in doing so- I had to kiss and play pretend. It was more painful than my ankle, and that is saying a lot.

  I screwed up the last time Mark let me out by showing my cards too early. This time, I would let Mark accompany me all the way home and then turn on him. I needed to be safely off the property first. What could I do about the other girls though?

  If I left them here, there’s a chance the Puntzer’s could retaliate and hurt them. If I took them, Mark wouldn’t be for it. He probably wouldn’t even be for it in the first place.

  My head hurts.

  The door creaked open, and I instantly knew it wasn’t Mark. I didn’t even have to look. Mark wouldn’t risk coming in here in broad daylight, not with Amy or his parents’ being home.


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