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Bourne Page 22

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  And lo and behold, it was back!


  I could feel my energy field again!!!

  Ok, so it was about as strong as when you have those little magnets at school and you put two like-poles together.

  But it was start.

  And it gave me something to build on.

  I'm sure there's more for me to work through, and this isn't the end of the story, but I really feel like this is a turning point in everything.

  And I can't wait for what comes next.

  Footnote. (I’m assuming we can do footnotes within author notes… yeah? It feels kinda like a footnote to a footnote!) Shit, suddenly I’m feeling like an academic again.

  Ok, here’s the other side of that little ol’ asterisk which you probably skipped passed earlier on when I was describing the process of charging the wine with an intention. --->>>

  *You can do it with food, pet's, objects, people... anything really.

  Eventually you can do it without your hand, and just project your energy around it.

  I started doing it when I saw the Emoto studies of water crystals that proved that human intentions change the crystalline structure of the water. It all just seemed to make sense.

  I get a kick out of the stunned looks as scientists, medics and people with no belief in the unseen taste the sample glass, and the control glass - and then have to admit that there is a difference.

  I get an even bigger kick when someone does it for themselves.

  And this is the thing: with practice, anyone can do it.


  (Heck I just about managed it when I was broken as all fuck.)

  I've seen folks pick it up over breakfast at my masterminds. I've seen people do it at a dinner party or in a restaurant.

  All you need to an open mind and the ability to focus.

  And that's it.

  I’d love to know if you give it a go and get a result! Hit me up on the fb page and tell me about it, yeah?

  I can’t wait to see what you do!

  Ellie x

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  January 7, 2018

  Thank You’s

  First, thank YOU for not only reading this story about Molly, but also reading through our author notes here at the end!

  Second, I’m going to thank Ellie for being a wonderful person who cares about people, and tries damned hard to be right with the universe, when the universe doesn’t seem to try at all to be right with her.

  And by doing so, she points out how we (or at least I) can take away just a smidgeon of her strength and apply some of her beliefs (or party tricks, or magic – whatever you are comfortable calling it) into my own life.

  Hopefully, I don’t set anything on fire.

  I’ve mentioned before that I suspect Ellie is the next generation of Isaac Asimov, except she has a better accent. But, that could just by my Americanism showing.

  Don’t Fuck Up.

  So, I’m coming into the new year, and I can’t seem to get my head screwed back on properly. I’m talking with Ellie, realizing she is still in California when I thought she was hanging out in Texas, waiting for her furniture to arrive.

  It seems that her furniture won’t arrive for a couple of weeks and she has a ‘plan.’

  Except, this plan includes the store IKEA, and she has shared before how her and IKEA work.

  It goes something like this:

  1)Ellie goes to IKEA (or shops online, I really don’t know which) and orders / purchases one of their products.

  2)Said product arrives and sits on the floor and waits for Ellie to put it together.

  3)Product decides to mope, as it is receiving NO attention from Ellie.

  4)Product finally gets attention and is put together some weeks or months after purchase.

  So, I ask how is this going to work with her purchasing IKEA, and needing a bed? She explains she has purchased a couch she can sleep on, and said couch hopefully only comes in a couple of pieces.

  I sure hope so, or she will be sleeping on an IKEA box, I think. Or, there is a shitake ton of handy guys in Texas that would put her furniture together for a six-pack of Shiner.

  Hell, maybe just so she would talk with them. Maybe that’s a thing on Twitter she can search?


  I don’t do Twitter, but I doubt it would be a good way to find a handy guy.

  Now, after this conversation above she mentions the challenges (or did this happen first?) with her latest book, and what she is doing.

  She has completed four chapters, and has the rest to go, needs to leave her apartment, get a room at the hotel, leave the next day, deal with covers and …

  Holy Crap!

  We start talking dates that she can release, and what’s available on the calendar and what might be best from a publishing perspective. We start with the 19th of January and work our way backwards when I mention I’m happy to help with her punch up, so long as she is ok with me doing things with her prose.

  She assures me she isn’t precious with her words and she sends me the manuscript and I have chapters 5-16 to do.

  (There are a total of 19 chapters.)

  I go ahead and start editing at chapter 1, because I need to refresh my memory with the story (I had read the beginning a few weeks back.)

  It doesn’t take too much time to get Chapters 1-4 done as she had already made a pass and I look in Slack and Joe (the Editor) is mentioning he is working on Chapters 1-4 and I raise my virtual hand and let him know I’ve got edits to said chapters…

  I see I had a comment from Ellie about this.

  Ellie’s response to me editing 1-4?

  Elllie: “Whaaaaa? I had first four PERFECT!!! :-0 !”

  (Note the first instance of being a little precious.)

  So, I end up editing to chapter 13 and send these chapters over to Joe the Editor (not exactly like Joe the plumber) the next day by noon my time. I finish the book later that night by 8:30 PM and Bob’s your uncle.

  Then, I have a conversation with Ellie about a few small tweaks I had made. In this case, a few ‘Britishisms’ that I took out and changed to the American word(s) and I find out I was sandbagged.

  She absolutely is precious with a few words, ESPECIALLY with British words.

  By the end of the conversation, I’m explaining I didn’t take them ALL out, and I’ve no clue whether she is truly precious, or just giving me a hard time.

  (I’m hoping she edits these author notes and clues me in, because I still haven’t a clue.)

  >> Ellie edit: I was just giving you a hard time ;) I’m not precious. As long as you don’t change ALL my words.

  Now, I tell you all of the above to say THIS:

  When Ellie shipped over her story to give to me to punch up a little before Joe the Editor received it, she messaged:

  Ellie: thank you so much for doing this... I hope you don't fuck it up ;-) #AuthorNotes

  Ellie: it sounds funnier if we put a (beat) in between those two statements ^^^

  … She has never told me if the first sentence is dry British humor, or the second sentence is an effort to help my ego and soften the reality that she hopes I don’t fuck up the book.

  (Truly, I’m thinking it is the former.)

  Either way, I sure hope I didn’t fuck up the story!

  It felt GOOD reading Molly and the team again. For those reading The Kurtherian Gambit, I promise I’ve put in an Easter Egg about Sean in book 21 that you didn’t know you were waiting for.

  >> Ellie edit: Oh shit. Shouldn’t we have talked about that… you know, so you don’t fuck it up??

  Ad Aeternitatem,


  >> Ellie edit: wow. Only 1000 words? Someone is slipping… ;P

  Ok, … I’ve been encouraged for more words, don’t ever say I don’t step up to the challenge!

  I’m presently looking out over the Sea o
f Cortez, with the Pacific Ocean off to the far right (I’m about maybe three hundred feet up in the air and a mile from the beach at most and I am watching two whales breach … make that three, in Cabo San Lucas.)

  The temperature is a very comfortable low 70’s, but I am doing everything I can to hide in the shadows. I have no idea what it is, but that damned sun feels like a laser right now with any body part of mine that the sun shines on immediately feeling like it’s 40 degrees hotter.

  And starting to smoke.

  It’s a bit like heaven and hell, all on my balcony.

  I started this extra snippet before my confab with Ellie. I’m finishing it after my latest confab with Ellie.

  She says to tell you something something

  I spoke to her while she was in her new apartment in Austin, Tx.

  It is apparently freezing for her there in Texas right now, while I’m worried about getting out of the sun. I decide not to make a big deal out of her situation because she is sick as a dog, coughing and sneezing with a head cold and in a town that is just balls cold.

  I am thinking, “Wow, this is a HORRIBLE ‘Welcome to Texas’ moment.”

  However, in her indomitable fashion, she speaks to how the original instructions to getting to her apartment (which were waiting for her on the phone when she arrived) are convoluted, annoying and long. She’s rolling her eyes thinking ‘This is how I have to get to my apartment every time?’

  Then, the next day she exits her front door, turns the other way, walks five steps to a door that drops her right off to the street outside.

  You know, the one which is only about a block from her we-work space?

  Good times!

  Unfortunately, it also calls into question the smarts of the person who gave her the directions to her apartment in the first place…


  I explain that everyone has a ‘Cousin .’ You know the one guy in your family (usually a guy) that is the one the News at 6 interviews when the flood waters are 5 feet high, and he is out walking in it the deep waters…

  With an umbrella?

  (Yes, that is a story borrowed from Jeff Foxworthy.)

  However, Jeff is just speaking truth, which is why it is so funny. Apparently, Ellie received the directions to her apartment door from that cousin.

  I hope Austin shows her why Google, Facebook, and so many start-ups and building their offices there.

  Otherwise, she is going to be stuck thinking Austin is a city full of our cousins.

  And while that would probably deliver untold amounts of funny author note comments, I don’t wish that on even my worst enemies.

  So, I’m off to continue writing TKG21 now, and then in the next couple of weeks working with Ellie on Michael’s book 04.

  Keep yourselves comfy in this horrible cold streak!

  Ad Aeternitatem,


  (BOOYAH! 60% more wordage…)

  Books by Ell Leigh Clarke

  The Ascension Myth

  * With Michael Anderle *

  Awakened (01)

  Activated (02)

  Called (03)

  Sanctioned (04)

  Rebirth (05)

  Retribution (06)

  Cloaked (07)

  Rogue Operator (07.5)

  Bourne (08)

  Confessions of a Space Anthropologist

  * With Michael Anderle *

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)

  The Second Dark Ages

  *with Michael Anderle*

  Darkest Before The Dawn (03)

  Ell Leigh Clarke Social Links

  Want more?

  Join the email list here:

  Join the Facebook Group Here:

  The email list is changing to something…New. I don’t have enough details but suffice to say there is so much going on in The Kurtherian Gambit Universe, it needs to go out more often than “when the next book hits.”

  I hope you enjoy this story!

  Books by Michael Anderle

  For a complete list of Kurtherian Gambit Universe

  books please click this link.

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  The Second Dark Ages

  The Dark Messiah (01)

  The Darkest Night (02)

  Darkest Before The Dawn (03)

  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  The Boris Chronicles

  * With Paul C. Middleton *





  Reclaiming Honor


  Justice Is Calling (01)

  Claimed By Honor (02)

  Judgement Has Fallen (03)

  Angel of Reckoning (04)

  Born Into Flames (05)

  Defending The Lost (06)

  Saved By Valor (07)

  Return of Victory (08)

  The Etheric Academy

  * With TS PAUL *


  ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)

  Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles


  Nomad Found (01)

  Nomad Redeemed (02)

  Nomad Unleashed (03)

  Nomad Supreme (04)

  Nomad’s Fury (05)

  Nomad’s Justice (06)

  Nomad Avenged (07)

  Nomad Mortis (08)

  Nomad’s Force (09)

  Nomad’s Galaxy (10)

  Trials and Tribulations

  * With Natalie Grey *

  Risk Be Damned (01)

  Damned to Hell (02)

  The Age of Magic

  The Rise of Magic

  * With CM Raymond / LE Barbant *

  Restriction (01)

  Reawakening (02)

  Rebellion (03)

  Revolution (04)

  Unlawful Passage (05)

  Darkness Rises (06)

  The Gods Beneath (07)

  Reborn (08)

  The Hidden Magic Chronicles

  * With Justin Sloan *

  Shades of Light (01)

  Shades of Dark (02)

  Shades of Glory (03)

  Shades of Justice (04)

  Storms of Magic

  *With PT Hylton*

  Storm Raiders (01)

  Storm Callers (02)

  Storm Breakers (03)

  Storm Warrior (04)

  Tales of the Feisty Druid

  *With Candy Crum*

  The Arcadian Druid (01)

  The Undying Illusionist (02)

  The Frozen Wasteland (03)

  The Deceiver (04)

  The Lost (05)

  The Damned (06)

  Path of Heroes

  *With Brandon Barr*

  Rogue Mage (01)

  A New Dawn

  *With Amy Hopkins*

  Dawn of Destiny (01)

  Dawn of Darkness (02)

of Deliverance (03)

  Dawn of Days (04)

  The Age of Expansion

  The Ascension Myth

  * With Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Awakened (01)

  Activated (02)

  Called (03)

  Sanctioned (04)

  Rebirth (05)

  Retribution (06)

  Cloaked (07)

  Rogue Operator (07.5)

  Bourne (08)

  Confessions of a Space Anthropologist

  * With Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)

  The Uprise Saga

  * With Amy DuBoff *

  Covert Talents (01)

  Endless Advance (02)

  Veiled Designs (03)

  Bad Company

  * With Craig Martelle*

  The Bad Company (01)

  Blockade (02)

  The Ghost Squadron

  * With Sarah Noffke and J.N. Chaney*

  Formation (01)

  Exploration (02)

  Evolution (03)

  Valerie’s Elites

  * With Justin Sloan and PT Hylton *

  Valerie’s Elites (01)

  Death Defied (02)

  Etheric Adventures: Anne and Jinx

  *With S.R. Russell*

  Etheric Recruit

  Etheric Researcher


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