Red Hot Liar (9781617738654)

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Red Hot Liar (9781617738654) Page 15

by Noire

  “Ughh!” Mink hollered as Bunni threw a red balloon that caught her on the nose and exploded.

  Mink squeezed her eyes closed and laughed as water dripped down her pretty face. She was dressed in a pair of black cut-off shorts and a pink and white polka-dot bikini top and her navel looked like a deep dimple in the pit of her toned stomach.

  Suge leaned back in the whip and laughed right along with them. There were torn bits of colorful balloons strewn all over the driveway and the three of them were soaking wet from head to toe. Mink gasped and cursed, then jumped up and down as Peaches caught her with another shot dead in the face, and Suge couldn’t help appreciating his baby as he bit his bottom lip and checked out her sweet curves.

  “I’ma get y’all!” Mink squealed, shaking her hair and wiping water from her eyes. “I’ma get both of y’all shady asses!”

  Bunni was dressed in a t-shirt and some spandex, but Peaches was dressed in a pair of tight cut-off jeans just like Mink’s. He wore a rainbow striped halter and had his curly wig tied down with a colorful scarf.

  “What are you sitting there laughing at?” Mink yelled as she ran toward him brandishing a fat yellow balloon that jiggled with water.

  “Hold up, now!” Suge warned, holding his hands out to ward her off. “These are some expensive leather seats right here, baby. You can’t be getting these babies wet. They’re real, girl. Real.”

  Mink leaned over the passenger door dripping water and breathing hard. “These babies are real too.” She giggled, glancing down at her bulging breasts and erect nipples. “And if you stick out ya tongue I’ll let you get ’em nice and wet!”

  Suge gazed at her with hot lust in his eyes. Mink was his type of chick. With her sand-colored skin and pretty smile, not to mention those round hips and that bubble ass, she was exactly what a man like him wanted by his side.

  “Oooh!” she said and flung the yellow water balloon toward Peaches. “Check out your new whip, playa! White on white on white!” she said, admiring the off-white exterior, the off-white leather seats, and the matching off-white carpet. Why you didn’t tell me you was getting you a fly-ass ride!”

  Before he could answer she propped her damp booty on the edge of the door and then swung her gorgeous legs over and plopped down into the passenger seat.

  “This is real nice!” she said, pushing buttons and twirling knobs and checking out all the bells and whistles. “When did you get it, today?”

  Suge shook his head. “This lil shit ain’t mine. You know I like my rides like I like my bootys,” he said, reaching across the seat and pinching her lightly on her thigh. “Big and strong. I’m pushing this around for a friend.”

  “A friend?” Mink said, playing with the buttons like a lil kid and sliding her seat back and forth. “Well it must be a real good friend because this ride is sweet as hell—”

  Suddenly she leaned forward and peered closely at something near the stick shift. “What is this . . .”

  Suge braced himself as she pinched an extra long strand of jet-black hair between her fingers and pulled it out like it had coochie crabs clinging to it.

  “Ewwww, yuck!” Mink frowned, balling her lips up in disgust as she flung it in the backseat. “The hell is this? This some old nasty white chick’s hair!”

  “Oh no it’s not,” Suge protested, but then she pulled another strand from the carpet near her foot and held that one up in the air too.

  Her pretty eyes blazed with heat. “Frontin’ ass nigga! Friend my ass! That’s why we had to take our thang underground, huh? So the next bitch you chilling with won’t find out? I see your new ‘friend’ ain’t the type of chick who can use my comb, huh?”

  She flung the door open and jumped out of the ride glaring at him with New York fire in her eyes. “I see how you living! You must be crazy tryna run that weak-ass okey-doke on Mizz Minaj, boy-o!”

  Suge shook his head ’cause he shoulda known better than to even come this way.

  “C’mon with all that, Mink. That ain’t no white girl hair. I swear to God it ain’t. Besides, what did I tell you? There ain’t a woman in this world who can take what I got for you, baby.”


  Her booty jiggled in her shorts as she stomped her way back over to Peaches and Bunni. He saw her crouch down for a second, and then suddenly she whirled around and charged back toward him with her fist cocked high.

  “You muthafucka, you!”

  She hurled a blue water balloon as hard as she could and Suge barely had time to duck when—


  That shit busted right on top of his head and Suge sat there feeling like a sucka as cold water dripped down his face and soaked his shirt.

  “You’s a grimy muthafucka, Suge Dominion!” Mink screamed over her shoulder as she stomped inside the house. “Just a grimy muthafucka!”

  Suge nodded as the door slammed behind her. A piece of shredded blue rubber slid down his nose and landed on his bottom lip and he nodded again. A grimy muthafucka. Yep, that’s exactly what he was.

  While Mink was bitching and whining over her runaway horse, Miyoko was holding the reins firmly in her hands and making her stallion giddy-the-fuck-up. It was obvious that the chick was freaky and looking for a powerful stud to parade around town, and she wasn’t gonna stop until her horse was at a full gallop and she was humping on Suge Dominion’s dick.

  Miyoko wanted to be everywhere Suge was, and she got off on all the attention they sparked when they walked into a room together. “There’s a play I’ve been wanting to see,” she gushed as she made a list of all kinds of public shit for them to do, “and you know the opera is in town too. I’m starting a new bikram yoga class for couples, and I have two tickets to the Met Gala in New York. It’s a red-carpet affair and a hot new designer wants me to introduce his line of evening gowns. I’d really love for you to be my escort. Please, baby?” She got on her tiptoes and nipped sexily at his ear. “Please?”

  Miyoko was a slick manipulator. She had his ass on a tight string and Suge was at her beck and call. Every time he even thought about acting like he wanted to buck, she quickly reminded him that he needed her, and if she wasn’t able to get her father to reveal the location of his precious papers, then his brother and his company would simply be shit out of luck.

  Suge knew the deal. When she said jump, he asked how high. He put on a nice tuxedo and took her to the opera, and two days later he was naked from the waist up in her bikram yoga class where Miyoko got jealous and stormed out claiming too many white chicks were in there eyeballing his ten-pack milky way and rocked-up arms and chest.

  They hit the spa in her neighborhood together and got couples’ massages holding hands, and they drove down highway 67 to South Dallas Café and ate greasy soul food and sock-it-to me cake out the ass. They had swung by the gym late one night to work off some macaroni and cheese and sweet potato casserole, and they were tossing back shots in the Jacuzzi when Miyoko made her move.

  The crazy chick had dove down to his crotch and damn near drowned her drunk self trying to give him some head underwater. Suge had never fought off a blow job in his life, but he fought that night. She had wiggled like a wet snake as she rubbed all up against him and tried to yank down his shorts. She came up on her knees and managed to rip his drawstring out, and they both gasped as they looked down at his crotch and saw what was waiting for her.

  Nothing. A nice soft dick and a pair of knocked-out sleeping balls!

  Suge was done. He did not want to fuck Miyoko Su and she couldn’t suck his dick neither! Shoving her horny ass back into the water, he cupped his hands around his dick and balls and broke the hell up outta there!


  After taking that long-ass bus ride Gutta had just pulled out of the rent-a-car lot in a fly all-white Benz truck with his homey Shy riding shotgun. They were cruising through the streets of Dallas taking in all the unfamiliar sights and sounds.

  The Harlem nigga inside of Gutta couldn’t help bu
t make him think he was the smoothest and toughest gangsta to ever hit Dallas. The thug-hustla in him wanted to take over the town and show these country niggas how it was done.

  First things first, he told himself. He could floss around town later, but first he had to settle up some old debts with one of the slickest, grimiest, sexiest broads he had ever met.

  The thought of Mink LaRue sent his blood boiling hot. If that greedy bitch thought she was gonna come down here and live it up happily ever after without fearing his consequences, then she had another fuckin’ think coming. Shawty had played the fuck outta him. She had dissed him and tricked up his stash like he was one of them weak nigs she ran through out in the streets. Gutta wasn’t the type of beast to let even the slightest transgression slide by. Mink had gotten evicted from his apartment and sold off all his furniture while he was doing his bid in prison, and when he finally got a chance to kill her ass she had slipped out of his grasp.

  And now, somehow her thirsty ass turned out to be the long-lost daughter of some fucking ga-zillionaires, and she was all on Okrah, flossin’ and smiling like shit was all gravy. But he was on her ass now and the time was right to catch her out there. Gutta knew a prime opportunity when he saw one, and this was gonna be the perfect lick to get at her throat and get at some cash, all at the same time.

  “It’s hot as all hell down here, son,” Shy said as he rolled his window down, excited as fuck to be out of New York for the first time in his life. “Yeah, gimme all dis good ol’ country air!”

  Shy stuck his head halfway out the window and screamed, “Harlem in the muhfuckin’ house, ya heard!”

  He threw in his Big L CD and turned the speakers on blast. They mighta been in Texas but they still wasn’t riding around listening to what nigs in the north called “that country shit.”

  Gutta leaned back and pushed the whip, but he couldn’t front like he wasn’t excited to be outta New York too. He trusted that his young cannon Shy would handle his business when it came time to put that work in, so he let him enjoy this moment freely.

  Before violating his parole and breaking up outta Harlem, Gutta had Googled the Dominion family and found out that they lived in a high-end part of town called Mayflower Estates. They were gonna have to do a little foot scouting to get up close on the sick-money crib, but nothing in the world was gonna knock them off their grind or deter the two hungry hood niggas from their mission. They were rolling freely in a new state where nobody knew them, and this alone amped up their determination to get at some big dollars. And to get at Mink’s grimy ass, too.

  When they drove into the extravagant community of mansions that sat tall and majestic behind securely-locked fancy gates, Gutta and Shy were both in awe. This shit right here was for high mothafuckin’ rollers only, and it made Gutta redefine his petty-minded definition of ballin’.

  “These bitches look like muh’fuckin’ castles,” he said under his breath. He could see why Mink had brought her ass down here to try to gank these fools outta some yardage. This here was the goddamn jackpot! Chit-ching!

  “A’ight, it’s time to focus yo,” Gutta told Shy as he cruised slowly down the long, winding roads and rolled past golf courses, marinas, and lakes. “We gotta find out which one of these huge fuckin’ pads Mink is hiding her ass in. I’m sure it ain’t a whole lotta black people living out here so keep ya eyes open.”

  The Benz they were pushing had a nice tint on the windows so it was hard to look in and see who was inside. Gutta liked that shit because the last thing he wanted to do was get scoped out and spotted by Mink before he got the chance to lay his plan into action and get his hands around her neck.

  “Ayo, G. Slow down a little bit and look at that shit,” Shy said. Gutta hit the brakes as they peeped a gate that had a huge letter D engraved on it.

  “Let’s pull up on it, bruh,” Shy suggested. “This could be the spot.”

  Gutta pulled up to the gate and saw that there was a long plush path leading up to the luxurious mansion. Damn, he thought to himself as they sat there staring like tourists. He would love to build one of these mothafuckas right in the middle of the projects. He was street dreaming like a mutha though, because that shit would get robbed and looted from day one, right down to the doorknobs.

  “Yo, I got a feeling this is it, man. Their joint looked just like this in the pictures I seen on Google. But we can’t sit out here like this,” Gutta said as he peeped the situation. “We stick out like escaped convicts out in this bitch, and these niggas ain’t even got sidewalks so we can walk around and case this shit on foot.”

  They were turning shit over in their minds trying to figure something out when they saw a sweet Lexus coming down the driveway. Gutta hit the gas and peeled off from the gate and made a U-turn just out of eyesight of the Lexus’s driver.

  “Dayum,” Shy exclaimed, in awe of the fly whip that had just pulled up in front of the big D on the fancy gate. “I wonder who that is in the nice little G-ride, Gutta.”

  “I’ono man.”

  Gutta waited a few moments as they watched the driver lower the window and push the intercom at the gate and say something they couldn’t hear. Moments later the window went back up. The reverse lights lit up and the car backed up a little bit, then turned around and got back on the road and slowly drove away.

  “What was that about?” Shy asked.

  Gutta shrugged. “Fuck if I know but we ’bout to follow that whip and see where it takes us.”

  Gutta was a master at stalking victims in the streets. He had honed his hunting skills in the concrete jungles of New York City and he was an expert at tracking down big targets. He kept his eyes on the mark as he followed his unidentified prey up and down the streets of D-town, which was known for sippin’ lean and riding mean. About half an hour later they followed their mark to a jam-packed mall called the Galleria.

  “Oh shit, son! Somebody going shopping B,” Shy said as they pulled into a parking lot a couple of spots away from their target. “That’s w’sup ’cause a nigga tryna get fresh. I wanna see what type of style these Texas niggas got.”

  They watched as the driver’s side door on the Lexus swung open and a sexy-ass honey bun emerged carrying two big shopping bags. She was bright-skinned and slim, but with a phat ass and long, shapely legs. She had on a pair of tiny pink shorts and a tight white tee, and Gutta and Shy were both impressed as they watched her balance in her pink high heels and walk sexily toward the entrance of the mall. Jumping outta the whip, they casually followed her inside and proceeded to shadow her every move.

  The mysterious woman went from store to store. Gutta figured she was returning clothes because her big-ass bags kept getting smaller and smaller. After a while she made her way to an expensive jewelry store and that’s when Gutta decided to make his move.

  “Yo Shy, g-mack for a little bit and do some shopping,” Gutta said as he glanced at his reflection in a store window to make sure his shit was sharp. “I’m ’bout to go holla at shawty and see w’sup with her. If something comes up I’ma hit ya jack.”

  Gutta strolled into the jewelry store with a nice hot gwap in his pocket. He walked right past the little light-skinned honey who had her back to him. She lookin’ crazy good, I gotta get at her lil bad ass!

  Gutta acted as if he was paying her no mind as he checked out a few iced-out chains, watches, and bracelets.

  “Ayo, jeweler,” Gutta said to a short Italian man standing behind the counter as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a fat knot of bills. He’d stolen some loot out of a burning car in Harlem and after washing and drying them shits they smelled like soap powder and were nice and crisp. “I’ll take this Hublot Fusion right here with the black diamonds, and whatever this beautiful queen right here wants too. It’s all on me. I got it.”

  The woman turned around, clearly caught off guard as she looked Gutta up and down with her gorgeous face and pretty eyes. She twisted her mug like nigga who the hell are you? Gutta laughed inside because he kn
ew how to ease all that shit up. He stared into her eyes and hit her with the gangsta smile that all the ladies loved.

  “That’s a nice gesture but I have my own money,” the sexy thing said with a slight attitude. “I don’t come cheap and I know nothing in this world is free, so I’m going to respectfully decline. But thank you anyway.”

  Gutta nodded. “I expected that,” he said truthfully. “To keep it all the way real with you I was just trying to get your attention. Besides, I can tell a woman with style and grace such as yourself is holding her own. You’re right though, nothing in this world is free, but the swag you got baby . . . that’s priceless.” He held out his hand. “My name is Gutta by the way.”

  She let her face go blank. Gutta? I know his mama ain’t name him no damn Gutta. She looked him up and down once again. He looked very strong and he came across very confident. Dude had a rough and rugged look about him that was almost kinda criminal, but he was dressed a lot better than any thug she’d ever seen. She stared a little harder. His eyes were intense but his smile was very handsome and it spoke to her. Real loud.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said finally, giving up her hand. “I can tell by your accent that you’re not from around here, Gutta,” she said, sounding more relaxed. She caught a whiff of his expensive cologne and it tantalized her senses. “Where are you from?”

  “I’m from New York City, sugar. Harlem,” Gutta said, maintaining eye contact and stepping closer into her space. “I’m down here with my business partner trying to put a couple of things together. I want to invest in a few companies and see if I can plant my feet down here in D-town. I’m all about handling my business and taking things to another level, you feel me? What about you? What you into pretty lady?”

  “I’m a socialite,” she told him, feeling his New York lingo and wondering just how deep his pockets were. She usually went for the square, clean-cut type of dude, but something about this guy was sparking her interest. He looked like he could take a big bite and devour her ass . . . and she liked it.


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