Red Hot Liar (9781617738654)

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Red Hot Liar (9781617738654) Page 17

by Noire

  GiGi might have been sick of talking in circles to Mink and Bunni, but trust and believe they were getting sick of talking to her ass too!

  “I don’t think that trick is ever gonna give us no reality show,” Bunni complained to her posse. “She’s frontin’. When she called me this morning all she wanted to do is ask a bunch of questions about Papa Doo and the guys. Especially Barron. What the hell? We the ones who gonna be headlining the damn show, and she don’t wanna know nothing about how we get down?”

  “What kinda questions?” Mink asked.

  Bunni shrugged. “Stupid shit like, ‘What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to the family’ and ‘What would Viceroy’s worst enemy say about him.’ That nut even asked me if the Dominions had one secret that would devastate the family if it ever got out, what would it be? Like I fuckin’ know!”

  “Errm herrm,” Peaches sang. He was sitting on the sofa with one of his stallion legs crossed over the other one at the knee as he lazily wagged his dangling foot. “Sumpthin’ ain’t right with her,” he said in Paul’s deep voice. “You better keep your eyes and ears open on this one, honey.”

  “Well I sure as hell ain’t feeling her fake titty ass with her cement glue-injected booty,” Mink piped in. “That bitch ain’t got shit on me or Serena Williams, but I told you that shit right from the jump.”

  “She just don’t be hearing nothing I have to say,” Bunni bitched, and then leaped to her feet as Albert escorted GiGi into the room.

  “Speak of the devil,” Peaches muttered under his breath.

  “Hey, how you doing, GiGi!” Bunni flashed the white chick a fake, cheesy smile. “I bet your boss is ready for us to make a demo, ain’t he? So are we getting us a show or what?”

  GiGi smiled and tossed her luscious mane of curls. She looked like a red-hot devil as she stood before them in her slinky mini-dress and floor-stabbing high-heels.

  “Sorry, Bunni.” She turned to her and made sad, apologetic eyes. “I haven’t heard anything yet because they’re still deciding. I’m not the only producer they have scouting talent out in the field, you know. There are several other families who are going through this same process and they’re all anxious to find out if they made the cut as well.”

  A few moments later the King Kong of the house strode purposefully into the room and all the chatter ceased.

  “Excuse me,” Viceroy said, his voice booming with authority. His attire was impeccable as usual, and there was no hiding the fact that everything he had on was pure cream. “Has anyone seen Barron? He’s not answering his cell phone.”

  “I saw him earlier this morning but I think he left a while ago,” Mink offered.

  Viceroy nodded. “Thanks. Lunch is about to be served, and if anyone cares to join us, they can.”

  “Naw.” Bunni waved her hand. “That’s okay, Papa Doo. We’ll get us something to snack on later—”

  “Mr. Dominion.” GiGi stood up quickly and flashed him a smile that was bigger than the whole damn state of Texas. She smoothed her dress over her hips and switched her ass toward him with hungry determination in her eyes.

  “Pardon me,” she said, grinning hard enough to crack her powdered cheeks as she extended her manicured hand. Her pores leaked pure sexiness as she held his grip in her soft fingers and fawned at him with her kittenish green eyes.

  “My name is GiGi Molinex. I’m a producer from a major cable network and I must say it is truly an absolute honor to finally meet you.”

  Viceroy looked her up and down like she was crazy at first, but as his eyes settled deep into her plump, milky cleavage he smiled as though he was digging her vibes.

  “I’ve interviewed several of your family members,” GiGi said, beaming up at him, “and I’ve certainly done my research on you. You’re quite the accomplished man, aren’t you? It was amazing to read about your brilliance and perseverance after your tragic accident. Not to mention that you have such a colorful and hilarious family. You must be so proud of them!”

  With Mink and Bunni sitting on one couch, and Peaches all dolled up with his legs crossed on the other one, Viceroy looked like he couldn’t decide whether that shit was a compliment or some fighting words.

  “Uh, yeah,” he said, side-eyeing them. “I must be proud of something. Will you be joining us for lunch, Mrs. Molinex? Grilled rib eyes and steamed crab legs are on the menu for the event today.”

  “Uh-uh, no lunch!” Bunni jumped up and cut in. “We gotta talk about a demo—”

  “Miss Molinex,” GiGi said with a quickness, turning her back and igging the shit outta Bunni. “And yes, I certainly will join you,” she gushed. “Thanks for the invite, Mr. Dominion. Which way is the dining room?” She flashed him a buttery smile. “I’ll follow your lead.”

  Bunni stood there with her lip poked out as GiGi balanced on her forty-inch heels and wiggled her meaty ass behind Viceroy as he held out his arm and escorted her to the dining room.

  “Hold the hell up,” Bunni bitched with her hand on her hip. “Did this chick just ditch us for Daddy Domino?” she squeaked. “I know she ain’t just rise and fly her squiggly ass up outta here!”

  “Errrm herrrm,” Peaches nodded with his lips tooted up. “That’s exactly what Miss Thang just did.”

  Bunni stomped her feet and plopped back down on the sofa, pissed. “Soon as a nigga with a little bit a’ dough walk in the damn room some people start acting all shady and shit!”

  Mink laughed. “What? You think just ’cause a heffa is white and from the ’burbs she don’t have no chicken in her?” She waved her hand. “Girl, bye! That cluck-cluck just let loose a pussy fart under Viceroy’s nose and blew that sucka wide open. We’ve done that same shit to plenty of niggas,” she said as she chuckled at her home girl.

  “Yeah, that heffa is a bird all right,” Bunni said. “But she got one more time to flap her wings at me like that and I’ma have to crack her eggs and pluck her wide-ass straight bald!”

  Mink laughed again as she stood up and patted her toned tummy. “You do that, girl. But in the meantime I’m about to be on my surf and turf grind so I’ll be joining Viceroy for lunch too. Come on, Bunni. Your greedy butt know you don’t miss no meals and you sure as hell don’t let no crab legs pass you by, so let’s bounce.”

  “Yeah, you right,” Bunni said as she hopped up and imitated the way GiGi had sashayed her hips and rolled her booty when she followed behind Viceroy. “Mizz GiGi must don’t know! Her vanilla wafer ass betta not be playing no games with my damn reality show or I’ma have to bust her one!”

  There was lots of chatter around the dining room table as the staff carried in large roaster pans filled with steamed Alaskan king crab legs and platters stacked high with juicy, succulent cuts of grilled beef. GiGi made sure to push through the crowd and maneuver her way into a seat next to Viceroy, and Bunni was no more than an afterthought as she captivated his attention and talked to him nonstop. Just to keep it looking legit, every now and then GiGi would turn and glance over her shoulder and ask Bunni a question or two, and if Bunni got too long-winded with her answer she would cut her off real quick and jump right back in Viceroy’s face.

  The food was being served when Dane entered the dining room and gave his greetings to the family.

  “Hey Pops.” Dane came over and paid his respect to his father and shook his hand. “Sorry I’m late. You’ve got a good crowd. How’s everything going with the campaign?”

  “We’ll talk about that later,” Viceroy said. “This is GiGi Molinex.” He nodded, making the introduction. “She’s a television producer and she’s here to learn more about our family.”

  Dane took one look at the delicious red-headed bundle of curves perched on a chair next to his father and licked his lips. He had lassoed a couple of cowgirls who looked like her when he was in college, and the look in his eyes told her wouldn’t mind roping her up and taking her to his little fuck pad upstairs over the garage.

  “Pleased to meet you,
Dane,” GiGi gushed pure sugar as she shook his hand and noticed how fast his eyes dropped down to her bulging tits. She could tell he liked what he saw so she allowed their handshake to linger a little bit as she squeezed his fingers and gave him a seductive look. “I’ve been told that you’re Viceroy’s second son. I can see you’re just as handsome as your father, but tell me. Are you as charming and high-spirited as he is too?”

  GiGi made sure to put some extra heat on every word she spoke, and she smiled inside when she saw the burst of excitement light up Dane’s handsome brown eyes.

  “I do all right,” he said, damn near drooling as his eyeballs slid all over her. “In fact, I do just fine.”

  GiGi had no shame at all as she flirted with the rich young sucker right at his father’s table. And Dane didn’t either as he stood over her with his eyes digging into the split between her breasts as he caught her bait: hook, line, and sinker.

  Dane glanced around the table at the few empty seats left on the other side, and then he looked at Bunni like he wanted to boot her out of her chair and sit down beside GiGi. Instead, he walked away reluctantly and took a seat on the other side of the table.

  With the food served and small individual tins of hot drawn butter passed around, Viceroy said a quick prayer and everyone dug in.

  “So,” Bunni elbowed GiGi and asked. “What do you think about us so far, GiGi?” She was getting sick and tired of all the ass-kissing GiGi was doing with Viceroy, not to mention all the coded convo that was going on back and forth across the table between her and Dane.

  “You can go ’head and tell me. I’m strong and I promise I can take it. Do you think our family has what it takes to have a reality show or what?”

  “Well, Bunni,” GiGi drawled and shifted her booty around in her seat until she was halfway facing Bunni. She took one look at the deadpan set of Bunni’s face and she flashed her a fake smile that was supposed to come across as genuine. “I honestly can’t answer that yet. I mean, I’ve only been around you and your wonderful family a couple of times, and there are still so many things that I don’t know about you. It’s still far too early to tell, but I’ve been taking great notes and getting a lot of great vibes from everyone since I’ve been coming here, that’s for sure.”

  “Great vibes my huh!” Bunni sucked her teeth and mumbled. She wasn’t tryna hear none of that yuck-yuck mealy-mouthed shit! “It’s more like you been getting a lotta great looks—ouch!” she squealed as Mink pulled one of her moves and pinched the shit outta her under the table.

  “You’ve been getting a lot of great film,” Mink said, covering shit up real smoothly. “Your camera dude was way deep in the beeswax the other day, man! I caught dude all up in my panty drawer taking pictures!”

  GiGi waved her hand and pooed her. “That’s nothing,” she said with her voice dripping sweet tea and honey. “If you want to be successful on a reality show you’ve gotta be willing to show America your clean laundry and your dirty laundry too!”

  “Who the hell said I got any dirty—ow!” Mink snapped as Bunni pinched her on the tender skin on the back of her arm. Glaring at her rowdy, Mink dipped her fingers into her water glass and got a big chunk of ice and pressed it to her throbbing skin.

  “Oh, by the way, Mr. Dominion,” GiGi said loudly, stealing the attention back as she ignored both of them and leaned in close to Viceroy and flattered him with her pretty smile. “I’ve never had steak quite this delicious before! Is this imported beef? Does your cook use a secret seasoning or something?”

  “It’s a goddamn cow!” Bunni snapped. “One of them snotty-nosed things they got running around out there in the yard! Y’all crackers grow ’em out there in California too, don’tcha?”

  GiGi spun around in her seat until she was fully facing Bunni. The beaming smile never left her face, but her eyes were cooler than the other side of the pillow as she nodded her head and said brightly, “Yes! That’s it! That’s the kind of real talk it takes to get a reality show, Bunni! Don’t hold back. Americans want to be shaken out of their mundane normalcy. Our viewers want to engage with people who say exactly what’s on their minds. We need the rest of the family to behave just like you! Shocking! Startling! Salacious! Sensational! Scandalous!”

  “Stupid!” Mink leaned over to Bunni and whispered. “That trick means stupid, slow, simple, and silly as hell!”

  Somehow GiGi managed to schmooze herself up on a tour of Dane’s garage apartment, and all Bunni could do was walk around the den stomping her feet and mumbling under her breath with an attitude while she and Mink waited for them to come back.

  “That heffah ain’t right,” Bunni fumed. “She’s supposed to be focusing on me you and Peaches, but all she been doing is tossing that damn red ponytail up in Viceroy and Dane’s damn faces!”

  Mink shrugged. “That’s because them two got something in they drawers that me and you ain’t got in ours. I’m telling you, Bunni. You better not sleep on this one. Game is over here sniffing out game, baby. GiGi might look like a dumb valley chick but she’s a hustler, honey. She’s just as slick with her shit as the rest of us. If not more so.”

  When GiGi finally came back she and Dane were laughing and joking like they were old friends. Bunni’s eyes narrowed as she saw GiGi hit Dane with that killer smile of hers then slip him her number on the low. The chick was smooth, Bunni had to admit. Smoother than a baby’s ass!

  “Hey,” she interrupted the little flow they had going on. “What’s up, GiGi?” she asked as she barreled across the room and joined her and Dane in the parlor. “I know you not about to leave now, are you? I mean, tell me sumthin, damn! How was our meeting? Are we good? Is your boss gonna send us a full camera crew so we can get this show rolling or what?”

  Igging Bunni, Dane glanced at his wristwatch. “I gotta make a quick run so I’ll leave you two to talk,” he said, cheesing all up in GiGi’s grill. “I sure hope to see you again sometime soon, GiGi,” he said as he walked off. “You know where I stay now so don’t be a stranger.”

  That cheery-o smile she had been laying on Dane dropped completely off GiGi’s face as she turned to look at Bunni. “Thank you for inviting me into your home again, Bunni,” GiGi said, her words real flat like she didn’t need Bunni no more and was tired of fucking with her. “Y’all have been very interesting and like I said before, I’m going to run my assessment by my supervisors and see what they think your family can do for our ratings and stuff and whatever.”

  “So that’s it?” Bunni blurted. “You been here all day talkin’ folks to death and you still don’t know if we’ll get us a show or not? Well are you at least gonna let them know how much we got it going on and that we’re ready to blow up your open slot?”

  “As I told you,” she said slowly, like she was talking to a tree that just didn’t get it. “We still have a few other families to interview. We will get back to you as soon as we have an answer,” GiGi lied, “and if it all goes well I will personally give you the good news and broadcast your family to the world. Don’t worry, Bunni,” she said, a slight grin creeping over her face as her eyes slid across the room and roamed up the staircase where Dane had just disappeared. She had way more planned for this family than Larry or Stewie could ever imagine. Way more. In fact, she didn’t really give a damn about Larry or Stewie, or what kind of dirt they needed to derail Viceroy Dominion’s campaign. She had stumbled upon a prime opportunity and GiGi was about to look out for self. Damn right. She was gonna jump on one of those Dominion men and ride his wave all the way down to the bottom of the sea.

  Grinning big time, she pat Bunni on the hand and gushed. “Yes, please don’t worry, dear. I promise this isn’t the last you’re going to see of me.”

  Barron smelled her way before he saw her. Even above the mouthwatering odor of the delicious meal that was drifting in from the kitchen, he picked up on her scent. She was wearing the kind of perfume that black women never wore, and it slid up his nose and tickled his nuts before he even laid
his eyes on her.

  Damn! he screamed inside as he rounded the corner and saw the ass on the red-headed white chick who was standing in the den talking to Bunni. She had on a hot red form-fitting dress that hugged every last one of her curves, and Barron’s eyes went all up and down and underneath that shit as he approached them from behind.

  “What’s going on here?” he interrupted their conversation and asked with a charming smile. “I wouldn’t have missed the luncheon if I’d known we were having such beautiful company today.”

  Bunni smirked. “You don’t hafta know every doggone thing, Barron! This here is my little thingy-thang, okay?”

  She leaned in toward GiGi and said, “This is the real stuffy one I told you about. His name is Barron but they call him Bump. Is that hood enough for ya?”

  “Barron!” The sweet-smelling beauty held out her hand. “GiGi Molinex. I’ve heard so much about you. Pleased to finally meet you.”

  Barron gripped her hand and stared. Her green cat-eyes bounced off the hues in her slinky dress and he couldn’t help wondering if her down south hair was anywhere near as flaming hot as the hair on her head.

  “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Molinex—”

  “Call me GiGi.” She flashed him a bright, open smile and held on tightly to his hand. “I insist.”

  Barron grinned back at her. “Well then, pleased to meet you, GiGi. Welcome to our home,” he said. “I saw the television van outside in my parking spot,” he said, “but where are the cameras?”

  “I already told you this is my thingy-thang, Barron!” Bunni barked. “GiGi is a TV producer and she’s gonna put me in a reality show!”

  “I said I might put you in a reality show,” GiGi corrected with a pleasant smile. “Right now we’re still in the information-gathering stage. We have to find out as much as we can about your family so we can determine if this is a match for our viewership.”


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