Hedonism Box Set (BBW Menage Swinger Romance): All Five Cuddly Swinger Episodes In One Volume! (Cuddly Swingers Book 6)

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Hedonism Box Set (BBW Menage Swinger Romance): All Five Cuddly Swinger Episodes In One Volume! (Cuddly Swingers Book 6) Page 2

by Mia Moore

  Marcie was about ten pounds lighter than me and about two inches taller. She was always asked to dance more than Jessica or I ever were but she didn’t lord it over us the ways some girls would have. Instead, when it was just us, she’d tell me how pretty I was compared to her, with my golden hair and deep blue eyes. That part was true but she left out the fact that my jean size was three times bigger than hers.

  That night, I sat at a table close to the dance floor and bar waiting for them. There was a decent looking guy sitting at the bar and from the shape he was in, he’d been there a long while before I arrived. He turned and stared at me, nursing his drink, while I kept glancing at the door watching for my friends. He was starting to give me the creeps with the small smile on his lips, and his gray eyes never leaving my face.

  “What’s yer’ name? Can I buy you a drink?” He looked at me like I was his next meal, one slim hip on the barstool, the other leg stretched out beside him. Tight jeans, cowboy boots and a white cotton shirt open more than a few buttons to reveal a dark tuft of chest hair.

  “No thanks. I’m fine.” I peered over my shoulder to let him know I was expecting someone. He wouldn’t know if it was a girl friend or boyfriend and maybe he’d take the hint.

  He set the drink on the bar and ambled to my table, standing way too close. “I would’a thought you’d jump at the chance to have a drink with me. You’ve got pretty lips.”

  “Look man, I’m expecting some friends. Sorry, but I’m not interested.” I knew what he’d meant. Because I was fat, I’d be desperate to get a guy and do whatever to get him. Since high school I’d had to deal with that kind of shit. I wasn’t any Jennifer Lopez but I thought I could get higher on the food chain than this pig. I turned my head once more to scan the entranceway.

  “YOU’RE turning ME down?” His words were slurred and he snorted. “You fucking tub of lard. Fuck—“

  “C’mon, Buddy…Don’t be like that, man.”

  My head and the drunk’s swiveled to see a tall, muscular guy magically appear. I’d seen this guy talking to the bar staff before and recognized him as the bouncer.

  “No problem. She too fucking fat—“ The drunk was jerked to the side, his white shirt bunched in the bouncer’s massive fist.

  “That’s it! You’re cut off and outta’ here.” The bouncer’s other hand was gripping the drunk’s arm and pulled him along after him. I watched him man handle the drunk all the way to the door, before glancing at the other people in the bar.

  My face was on fire when I turned back to my drink. Even the cute DJ was looking at me. I took my cell phone from my purse to call Marcie, to let her know, I was leaving. There was no way after that scene, feeling like a ridiculous centre shot that I was staying! Maybe if I was thin and used to this kind of thing it would have been different. I could almost feel the snickers of the people in the bar.

  “Are you okay? I’m sorry you had to put up with that.” The bouncer was once more at my table. He was one of the guys that was untouchable for me—way out of my league, with the classically handsome face and muscular lean body.

  My face must have been as red as a tomato when I finally found my tongue. “I’m okay. He wasn’t the first jerk to ever do that.” I smiled and scooped up my purse, about to make a bee-line to the door. Gorgeous guys like the one standing next to me never had to deal with being a laughing stock. It would be outside their universe.

  “He was an asshole. So drunk he couldn’t see straight.” His dark eyes were staring into mine and there was a furrow, a worry furrow?, between his eyebrows. His lips weren’t smiling. He looked like he felt sorry for me. This made it worse.

  “Really. I’m fine. You must have work to do. Thanks anyway.” I sat still, not wanting to rise and possibly move the table with my stomach. Not in front of this guy. Why didn’t he just leave?

  “I’m Keith. Sure you’re okay?” His head tilted to the side and now his lips pulled to the side in a small smile.

  My knees went weak, noticing the dimple in his cheek and the fine laugh lines at the corner of his eyes. The sleeves of his denim shirt were rolled up to his elbow, revealing strong forearms with a sheen of fine dark hair. I met his look but was oh so aware of the tight fit of his jeans and the bulge at the crotch. Who was I kidding? He was just being nice, only eye candy for someone like me.

  “So you finally got up the nerve to talk to her, Keith.” A thin waitress with short, curly hair and smiling dark eyes stopped at the table and grinned at him.

  What was going on? I saw him glance away. My God, was he blushing? No, it had to be my imagination. There must be some sort of private joke between them and I was probably the butt of the joke, with a rather big butt.

  “Darlene! Stop.” He scowled at her.

  “I’m not stopping. For weeks you’ve been watching her come in here, mooning around with your tongue tied in a knot.” Darlene looked at me. “What’s your name honey? Let him at least buy you a drink.”

  “Darlene!” He turned to leave.

  “Darlene, what’s going on? Is this some sort of practical joke?” I could feel tears start to well in my eyes. The drunk wasn’t bad enough, now they’re making fun of me?

  Keith swiveled to look at me with wide eyes. “No! No joke. How could you think that?”

  Darlene stepped closer to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. “I think I see what’s going on. Keith, turn around and tell me what Lori’s wearing.”

  My eyes went to hers and then watched him turn around. But not before I saw the eye roll and yes, he was blushing.

  “She’s wearing a baby blue top with lace on the neckline and two gold bracelets on her wrist. Blue jeans with a low heeled sandal.” His voice could just barely be heard above the music.

  “Of course he’d—“

  “What was she wearing last Friday night?” Darlene tapped my shoulder to hush me.

  “She had on a dress. It was black with a handkerchief hem line and dark boots with a three inch heel. Her hair was pulled up and she wore a wide, gold band necklace.”

  My eyes felt like they’d pop out of my head as I watched him turn around. I could hardly remember what I’d worn last week but I knew he was right.

  “Hey Lori! Sorry we’re late.” Marcie’s dark, curly head appeared next to Darlene’s.

  I turned and watched her glance at Darlene and Keith. Her eyebrows were pulled together, looking at me.

  “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Marcie eased past Keith and took a seat across from me.

  “We better get back to work, Keith and let the ladies enjoy themselves.” Darlene put her hand on Keith’s arm tugging him away.

  “What was THAT all about? He’s pretty hot.” Jessica slid by me, taking a seat close to the wall. She strained upward in her seat to watch Keith walk away.

  A grin lit up my face and I leaned over the table. “You’re not going to believe it.”

  Chapter 4

  “I’m jealous that you’re getting away from this cold, shitty weather, but…” Marcia pulled her mouth to the side and looked down at worn, wooden table.

  Not much had changed over the years at our watering hole, still a favored haunt in our weekly girl’s night out.

  I knew what she was thinking, the beaches and bathing suits.

  “Fuck that! You’ve got it, flaunt it sister.” Jessica shot a look at Marcia and raised her glass of beer in a toast, grinning at me.

  I managed a small smile but my gut was in a knot, more in line with Marcia’s thoughts. Only SHE knew what it was like growing up in a small town, always the last to be picked in any team sport and the first for crafts, where size and speed didn’t matter. As for high school and dating, the only guys who’d been interested were…let’s just say, rejects like me.

  I’d met Jessica my final year of school and was drawn immediately to her take no prisoners kind of attitude. She was carrying an extra fifty pounds on her medium height body but instead of wearing clothes to hide that fac
t, like Marcia and me, she squeezed herself into tight pants and tops—especially low cut tops. She made no bones about the fact that she was curvy, sexy and a bit of a slut. The skinny cheerleader types were afraid of her because you never knew what would come out of her mouth.

  Marcia looked up at me and rolled her eyes. “Lori’s not you, Jess. I checked out Hedonism’s website. There are a lot of skinny people on the beach there…”

  “So maybe it’s time they showed real people on their website! The BBW’s, bald guys, middle aged and old people. Bet they’d have more people visit if they did.” Jess’s chin was thrust out looking from Marcia to me.

  “Look you might be right Jess, but I’d rather not be the BBW poster child if it’s all the same to you.” I looked around, spotted Darlene and lifted my glass for another round. “Why, of all places, or things on a bucket list, did Hedonism have to be on Keith’s?”

  “That’s a good question. Why Hedonism? With the nudism and free sexuality, I’ve wondered that. I mean, you two are pretty conventional, home in the burbs, two point two kids, he’s got a good job. Is he a closet nudist or something? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” Jess leaned back to allow a second beer to be set in front of her, dark eyes squinting at me.

  I waited for Darlene to leave before I answered. “No! He’s not some kind of nudist or pervert. It’s just an exotic place that he saw on some website and it caught his attention. He thinks it’s like the Garden of Eden or something. A paradise, where you can be free to do whatever you want, a Disneyland for grown-ups is how he described it.” Despite the set look on my face, defending my husband, my stomach fell to the floor. A paradise for him, but hell for me.

  “Umm, what are you gonna do when there’s all these half naked people around you? From what I’ve read, a lot of swingers go there. What if he’s hit on? I mean, both of you are hit on?” Marcia tried to back pedal but it was too late. Blush and stammer as much as she liked; she’d hit the nail on the head for me.

  Even Jess was silent for a few moments before recovering. “Well, it wouldn’t be on my bucket list that’s for sure. Let’s see, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson or Robert Downey Jr., which one of those guys would I lock between these thighs? Hell, maybe all three! At the same time!” Her outrageous red lips spread in a wide smile, while she fluffed her dark curls, preening. “Oh Mama!”

  “They’d never know what hit them!” Marcia turned to face me in the dimly lit bar. “Honestly Lori, if Rick almost died of a blood clot in his lung and asked me to go to Hedonism, there’d be no way. I’d put the pillow over his face and finish him in the hospital bed and live off the insurance--”

  “Excuse me, WE’D live off the insurance. You’d never have the strength without my help.” Jess drained her glass of beer and slammed it on the table.

  Marcia pulled her lips together and held up a hand in front of Jess. “What I’m trying to say is, you must really love Keith to do this.”She waved her hand, pointing her finger at me. “And. You’ve got more guts than I have. But then again, you’re prettier. Must have inherited more of your mother’s side.”

  “I don’t know about that, the guts or prettiness but I DO know, we’d better get going soon. It’s almost eleven and I don’t want to abuse the girl’s night out thing. Just one more beer for you and a coke for me.” Marcia would be fine with that. She had a husband and a three year old at home. I looked at Jess who was staring over my shoulder smiling, probably making eyes at some guy who just walked in.

  “You two old married women go ahead. I think I’m going to hang around for a while and see what happens. The place is just starting to rock at eleven, not time for pumpkins and carriages.” She continued looking past me, still with a smile plastered on her pixie-like face.

  Chapter 5

  A car pulled out of a parking spot just outside the women’s wear store. Great. I’d been putting off shopping for the trip and now was D day. Through pursed lips, I let out a deep sigh. The things you do for love.

  I got out of the car and went in. Would I buy sun-dresses, shorts and tops first? Work my way up to the ordeal of bathing suits? Sounded like a good plan. I walked to the dress section, specifically the plus size.

  “Can I help you find something?”

  I jumped and my head swiveled. The sales lady looked like only rabbit food ever passed her lips, wearing a body hugging dress. It was on the tip of my tongue to answer, ‘yeah, a new body?’ Oh hell, maybe with her help I could get this over faster.

  “I’m looking for clothes for a southern vacation, resort wear.” I turned back to the rack and pulled out a yellow, empire waist, dress.

  “That’s nice, but I think with your complexion and hair, that red, black or white would be more flattering.” She turned and fingers flew through the rack like a dealer in Las Vegas. With a smile on her pink lips, she glanced quickly at me.

  “We’ve got some print dresses that are very flattering because of the lined patterns around the waist and hips. Here, let me show you.” She pulled out a couple of dresses that I would normally take a pass on. They were form fitting, as opposed to the tents I liked. My face must have showed skepticism.

  “Honestly, these look great when you put them on. Let’s pick out some dresses and you try them.” In a flash, she had a dozen dresses in her hand and was leading the way to the change room.

  I followed her like a Saint Bernard follows a perky little Chihuahua. She had no idea, the ordeal this was for me. She slipped the hangers on the rod mounted in the change room and brushed by me, leaving. When the door shut, I removed my winter coat, boots and sweater. I hated the florescent lighting, exposing every stretch mark and atom of fat rolling over the waist band of my jeans. Whoever came up with the bright, (a pun, I chuckled nervously), idea of putting those kind of lights in a women’s dressing room should be shot.

  I slipped my jeans off and set them on the shelf, purposely not looking into the mirrors on two sides of the small room. Okay, I decided to try the form fitting dresses on, just to get them out of the way. Tugging at the waist to get it past my generous boobs, I felt like a sausage and probably looked like one too. When it was on, I looked into the mirror. My mouth dropped open.

  Was that me? I actually looked like I had a waist line! Yeah, my hips were still big, but this time, it was just womanly, curvy. With the geometric pattern of black lines pointing in at the waist and out at the bust, it was an optical illusion. I turned to the side. Even then, my stomach didn’t look like it extended beyond the bust.

  “How are you making out in there, Hun?” The sales lady was just outside the door.

  “Great! It looks good.” I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

  “Ohhh, that’s nice. The color and cut suit you.” She was grinning ear to ear. Even though she could have said ‘told you so’; she didn’t.

  “I’ll take it! Maybe two more in different colors if you have them. You were so right about it being flattering. It’s flabo-flauge at its best.” My reflection in the mirror at the far end of the hallway was wearing a wide smile.

  “Flattering, not flabo-flauge.” A line formed between her dark eyebrows and her mouth turned down at the corners.

  “Trust me honey; it’s flabo-flauge, and just what I need for this trip to Jamaica. I will LIVE in this dress.” I grinned at her, about to go back into the change room and hand her the tent dresses.

  “Wait. What about Queen Latifa, Adele, Kelly Clarkson, to name a few? The only difference between them and you is that they’re famous. They don’t camouflage. They flaunt it.” She looked at me like I had two heads.

  “I don’t say this to be mean, but what would you know about women my size? Look at you. You’re the epitome of what fashion magazines flash around. Thin, with just the right curves.” It was easy to tout Queen Latifa or Kelly Clarkson, but try living it.

  “My best friend is a big woman and yes, she’s beautiful too. So I know a bit about this. I also see lots of big women come in here
to shop and believe me; your attitude is pretty common. No one is happy with their body, even me. I’m wearing a padded push up bra and special panties to make me look like I have a butt. I don’t have curves. I’m like a stick of gum.” She turned around and squeezed the lower side of her ass cheeks, quite pronounced in the pencil skirt.

  “Okay. I got it. I’d still rather have your problem than mine. You can dress a fat body up to look good, but when the clothes come off…” This time I turned and went back into the change room. I could be at the gym 24/7 and still never be that skinny.

  “I’m Lacey, by the way. How big is your budget for shopping for this trip? If you’ll let me, I’ll help you be the sexiest woman there. Would you like that?” Her voice was lower and softer when she spoke.

  I looked at my image wearing the dress, she’d recommended. She’d been right about it. I looked good and sexy. Kelly Clarkson had nothing on me in this dress. I opened the door again and looked at her.

  “I’m Lori. Work your magic Lacey. Get me a wardrobe. My husband’s doing well and has given me carte blanche on the credit card. If you can make me look good in a bathing suit, I’m buying you lunch.”



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