Hedonism Box Set (BBW Menage Swinger Romance): All Five Cuddly Swinger Episodes In One Volume! (Cuddly Swingers Book 6)

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Hedonism Box Set (BBW Menage Swinger Romance): All Five Cuddly Swinger Episodes In One Volume! (Cuddly Swingers Book 6) Page 6

by Mia Moore

  I began to resent the look in Rob’s eyes staring unabashedly at my chest while Kate stood next to him. Even Keith’s proud smile annoyed me. They didn’t get it, how their open admiration of my body was making her feel. I felt a connection with Kate that I’d never felt with any other woman—even Marcie and Jessica my best friends.

  I stepped forward to put my arm around her and kissed her lips softly. My other hand cupped her breast and slid under the tight fabric containing it. Her nipple was hard between my fingers. Her lips left mine and I heard a sharp intake of breath as I teased her nipple.

  My lips trailed across her face till I reached the folds of her ear. “Your breasts are beautiful, just like the rest of you, Kate.” I felt her hand rolling the ample flesh of my breast in her hand—her response to me.

  “I’ll see you later.” I whispered.

  “Holy God, that’s hot.” Rob’s voice was a hiss between his lips.

  Avoiding his comment, I stepped back from her and took Keith’s hand once more. “Have fun today, Kate.” Her eyes revealed that she felt it too--the sisterhood we shared.

  Chapter 13

  “You kissed her and held her breast. What was that all about, Lori? I never thought I’d ever see the day when you’d do that with a woman, and in public!” Keith couldn’t take his eyes off me as we continued on to the beach. It’s a good thing it wasn’t far because he might have tripped over something.

  “I can’t explain it. It was a moment and just seemed like the right thing to do.” I’d never done anything like this before. It wasn’t so much sexual as just a human connection. I’d touched her breast and the kiss was nice. My eyebrows were furrowed as I walked through the sand. How could I explain it to Keith when I couldn’t figure it out myself?

  “I got a kick in the stomach when you did that. From my dick! It got hard so fast, that was what it was like.” His eyes were like marbles in his face, as he stumbled along beside me.

  I couldn’t help grinning at the expression on his face. “That’s nice for you but that’s not why I did it.” I turned what I heard Abby calling our names.

  Her blonde hair fanned her face in the soft breeze coming off the ocean. Standing bare breasted, with slim arms and full hips above strong tanned legs, she was beautiful. Although Glen stood next to her, with his muscular abs, thighs and wide shoulders, it was Abby I couldn’t stop looking at. I don’t know why, but my eyes blurred and stung as my chin quivered, seeing her.

  By the time I reached her, the tears flowed freely. Her arms went around me and she stroked my hair. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”

  “Lori, why are you crying?” It was Keith’s voice. I felt his hand on my back.

  “I don’t know.”I whimpered, amidst the snot and tears. Abby’s hand stroking my hair and her murmurs of ‘there, there’ were the only thing I wanted right then.

  “Keith, why don’t you and Glen go out snorkeling?” I could feel her hand dismiss them.

  She held my shoulders and pulled her body away from me. “What’s wrong Lori? Did someone do or say something that hurt you?” Her blue eyes were also welling with tears looking at me.

  My legs turned to limp noodles and I collapsed into the coarse sand. She thrust a tissue into my hand and sat beside me. God, I was a mess blowing and honking my nose in front of this beautiful woman.

  “No, nothing anyone said. No, that’s not right; it’s said and inferred all the time. And I’m fucking sick of it.” I bunched the wet tissue in my hands, looking down at it as my lips began to quiver once more.

  She tucked the wet hair that clung to my cheek behind my ear. “What Lori?”

  “The body thing. I’m chubby, I know that. I dreaded coming down here, scared to death there’d be all these hard bodies and beauty queens. But it’s not like that. Or at least I thought it wasn’t up until a little while ago.” I sniffed and took a deep breath.

  “What happened? You’re beautiful. How could anyone not see that?” Her hand caressed my back.

  “No. It wasn’t me. It was Kate. She’s big like me and has a gorgeous face. But she’s kind of flat-chested. When I showed up, with these,” My hands went under my breasts and I grasped them.” her husband and even Keith were all focused on them. I knew what she was feeling and the whole fucking unfairness hit me. So, she’s not…or more to the point, WE’RE not, society’s model of beauty. Sorry, I’m not anorexic, I eat.” I bit my lip to keep the tears at bay.

  “You’re right. It isn’t fair…or healthy, for that matter. It’s just stupid.” A trace of frustration and wistfulness had entered her soft voice.

  “Every time I go into a drug store, or pick up a woman’s magazine, it’s like a slap in the face. There’s always pictures of gorgeous, skinny women… ads for stuff to lose weight, hair products you’ve just GOT to have and cosmetics for wrinkles! They make money making us want to BE like the models, setting standards so high that most women can never achieve them. And then what? We feel like shit, like losers…like Kate and me.” This time, I couldn’t stop the flood of tears.

  Abby placed her arm over my shoulder and drew me close to her. “First of all, you’re not a loser. You’re just one more woman in the spectrum. I’m not model perfect and I’m getting old. You’re right. The bar is always rising and we’ll never get there. You know what I say to that?”

  “Fuck it?” I managed a small smile at her.

  “Something like that, I guess. Bien dans sa peau.” Her blue eyes shone in her face.

  “Okay I’ll bite. What’s that mean? I took Spanish in school, not French.”

  “Be comfortable in your skin. Confident even. Fuck the commercial standards of beauty and the horse they rode in on.”She turned her head and her eyes scanned the beach as if looking for someone. “See that couple over there?” She bobbed her head to the left.

  “The bald guy and the red haired woman?”

  “Yeah. See his big belly sticking out? He looks like he could be eight months pregnant and guess what? He doesn’t give it a thought. I bet his wife worries more about her laugh lines than he worries about his gut.” Her mouth pulled up at the side in a frown.

  “Know what else? They were at the hot tub last night with another couple. We watched the four of them get in and switch partners. The woman he was with could have been a playboy bunny and he didn’t seem too concerned about his weight when she was giving him head.” Abby chuckled.

  My mouth dropped open at her flippant tone talking about the hot tub action like it was a game of basketball. She was right of course about men never giving this a thought.

  “Hey, you two. Everything okay now?” Glen and Keith had emerged from the sea and now stood next to us, framed and glowing in the rays of the sun.

  “Yeah, kind of. You know how it is Glen, we’ve talked about it. The whole women versus men and the body image thing. Men don’t give it a thought and women are obsessed. Not that you two have anything to worry about.” Abby said.

  Glen slipped down onto the sand to sit next to her, while Keith’s head was tilted, question marks in his eyes looking at me. After the scene with Rob and Kate, he must have thought I was crazy to be worrying about my size.

  “Hey, that’s not really true and you know it. Maybe we don’t focus on our bodies like women, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have things that we’re sensitive about.” Glen looked in front of him, shaking the water from his snorkel.

  “Like what?” I was dying to know what someone like him or Keith for that matter would worry about. They seemed so confident.

  “It’s that whole macho thing. Being strong and brave, taking care of your woman, worrying that she’ll be attracted to someone else. What do you say Keith? Give me some help here.”

  My gaze shifted to Keith, whose hands were on his head, trying to squeegee the droplets of water out. His eyebrows pulled together above his red rimmed eyes. “Yeah maybe. I have to admit, I felt a little threatened by Rob yesterday at the pool bar and then again last night at the club.”
He sat down in front of me.

  “What? Because he came on to me? I thought that kind of turned you on a bit.” Boy, I was getting some mixed messages from my husband.

  “It turns me on when guys check Abby out…” Glen’s voice was low.

  “It does, but if some guy touched you, I’m not sure I wouldn’t feel threatened, like Glen says.” His eyes bored into mine.

  He HAD said that he only wanted to be with me, despite the open invitation Kate had given him last night. And this was why. He was threatened by Rob’s attention to me. This was the first time he’d ever revealed this and considering that something like this would never have been on the radar at home—that made sense.

  “I can totally identify with that, Keith. I used to feel the same way about Abby.” Glen put his arm around Abby’s shoulder and drew her close to his body.

  I bit my lip for a second but couldn’t help myself. I was dying of curiosity and they probably wouldn’t mind my asking. “So you guys are swingers? You have sex with other people? Don’t you ever get jealous? How’d you get into that?”

  “Whoa. One question at a time, Lori. Yeah, we’re in the Lifestyle. That’s the proper term or living sexy is also used. How we got into this well…it’s a long story. You could write a book about it.” Glen and Abby shared a laugh.

  “Okay, let me see if I’ve got this right? There’s another couple here who’ve made it pretty clear they’d like to have sex with you guys, right?” Abby leaned forward looking from Keith to me.

  “Yeah.” Keith and I spoke in unison, anxious to hear what she had to say.

  “And you’ve never done this before or even thought about it?”

  Again, we shook our heads.

  “Talked about it after the club?”

  “Not really.” I spoke before Keith had a chance to.

  “This is not something you do then. Back OFF.”

  Chapter 14

  The sun was a glowing orange ball resting on the line of the horizon, radiating waves of pink across the sky. Keith and I sat in white lounge chairs we’d pulled into the surf, dangling our feet in the warm water, sipping cold beer. I was becoming used to bare breasts, although my nipples are starting to burn. We’d spent most of the day with Abby and Glen and this was our first time alone.

  “Were you surprised when they told us they were swingers? They talk about it so casually.” I looked across at the strong profile of his handsome face, the breeze ruffling his dark hair.

  “I’d known they were, but yeah, the casualness of it was shocking at first. And then their advice for us—to back away, not that we were going to go down that path anyway.” He took a large swallow from the glass of beer.

  “Yeah, I know. And you still feel that way right? I mean, if we go to the hot tub, which I DO want to experience, it’s just us, together.” After what Abby had said about what happened the other night, there was no way I was going to miss that. And she had made the point that lots of couples didn’t do anything when they were there. They just wanted to experience the open sexuality.

  “She also said the uterus rules in this area, and a couple shouldn’t do anything unless they agreed up on it first.” He turned to look at me and then his gaze rose to look above and behind me.

  I turned to see Rob and Kate ambling along the shoreline holding hands. I squinted, looking at her. Was she also going topless? She was wearing a pale pink bikini bottom and nothing else. Her nipples were a soft pink also, so it wasn’t evident at first glance that she was bare.

  I turned back to Keith but he was still watching them approach, a small smile on his lips. “Looks like Kate’s trying to keep up with you.”

  I reached the water with my hand and flicked some at him. “You like that don’t you?”

  “Hi Lori, Keith. Mind if we join you?” Rob was already heading to the area of the beach to get a couple vacant chairs.

  “Sure. How was your day, Kate?” Keith stood up and offered his chair to her with a wave of his hand.

  She took one step and stopped when she looked at me, lowering her dark sunglasses to the bridge of her pert little nose. “Oh my God, Lori. Your boobs are really pink and the nipples are almost red. You’re going to be hurting later. Here’s some heavy duty sunscreen. You’d better slather it on.”

  Rob arrived, dragging chairs just as I was squeezing lotion into my palm. “Need some help with that Lori? I’d be happy to lend a hand.” He grinned at me, standing close so that my eyes were level with his crotch. I think he was getting hard, looking at my breasts.

  I glanced at Keith, saw the set of his jaw, and my heart was in my mouth, but Kate saved the day.

  “Wait your turn. If anyone’s going to help Lori, it’s gonna’ be me, Rob.” She turned her grin on me now. “Do you need some help?”

  Whether it was the beer or the atmosphere, before I knew it, ‘yes’ popped out of my mouth.

  Kate stood up and knelt in the warm water, taking my hand in hers to remove the thick creamy sunscreen. She rubbed the lotion onto her hands and leaned forward. I could hear water splash as Keith stepped to the side to watch her. Oh my God, I held my breath and my heart pounded in my chest--a woman was about to feel me up.

  “Oooo, they’re so hot from the sun, so luscious” Her hands gently touched the sides of my breasts while I looked at her face. “How does that feel? I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No. your hands are gentle. It feels good actually.” My voice was barely above a whisper. I was actually enjoying her touch, her soft hands, so different from a man’s.

  “Your nipples need quite a bit. The sun did some damage today.” She squeezed more sunscreen onto her fingertips and touched them gingerly. “That’s cool isn’t it? Your nipples are all pebbly and hard now.”

  Watching her face drinking in my breasts, while her fingers danced on my nipples caused a flutter in my stomach. Knowing the guys were watching us like hawks, getting turned on, made me wet. This was deliciously bad.

  Kate glanced up into my eyes and winked. “I think I got burned today too. Will you put some on me?”

  She sat up straight, pulling her shoulders back and looked at Keith. I picked up the sunscreen and stopped. Did she mean me or Keith? He stepped closer to us and her hand rose, brushing across his thigh.

  “I meant Lori, you naughty man. Look, but don’t touch.” She turned back to me, her green eyes twinkling, sharing a moment. She’d done this before and knew the effect it had on men…and women.

  I’d touched her breast earlier that day and hadn’t considered it sexual. Now, sitting so close to her, about to massage lotion onto her, I gulped. And the strange thing was, I wanted to touch her breasts again, to explore the soft skin and button-like nipples.

  I squeezed the cream into my palms and reached for her breasts, touching the apple sized mounds as gently as she had touched mine. When my fingers brushed over the hard, pink nipples she moaned. My hands were filled with her creamy flesh and my thumbs teased her nipples as I gazed, mesmerized by her breasts, filled with a sense of wonderment at my own reaction. I wanted to turn her on the way she’d done to me.

  “Oh yessss. Just like that.” She bent towards me and kissed my cheek, her hands once more on my breasts, rolling them in her palms. It was deliciously decadent to be touching another woman and being touched, right out in public, knowing we were driving our guys crazy.

  How much farther would Kate take this? I felt her hand leave my breast and slide over my stomach to the top of my mons. My legs were parted but not spread wide.

  She edged closer and whispered in my ear. “Can I touch you there?” Her fingers slowly lowered and stopped.

  My heart was beating hard and I could feel a thrill in my clit at her question. My gaze turned to Keith who was watching this with eyes, I had seen many times when he made love to me. His bathing suit was tented, his thick cock straining the fabric.

  In answer to her question, I opened my legs wider and tilted my pubic bone up, spreading myself for her.
My pussy lips were actually throbbing and my clit ached for her fingers. I arched backward, supporting my upper body with my hands on the chair behind me.

  Her fingers teased along the thin strip of fabric covering me, up and down then circling over my clit. There was a tug and her fingers touched my skin, dipping into the folds of my womanhood. When her finger slid over my hard bud, I gasped. She teased it circling around it and dragging her finger ever so slowly along the underside to the sensitive tip.

  “Yessss. Keep doing that.” My head tilted to the side while my lips parted, breathing faster. She knew exactly how to touch me and I wanted more, giving in to the atmosphere of Hedonism.

  Her fingers slid to my slippery opening and back to the firm nub, where she continued teasing me, slowly and then quicker and firmly. My hips rocked into her hand, pressing for more as she played with me.

  Oh God it was good, her soft touch. I looked at Keith, whose hand was pressed against his hard cloth covered cock. I turned to see Rob. He wasn’t as shy, with his hard cock in his hand slowly stroking it. Fuck, it was intoxicating, laying back as Kate played with me, watching thick man-meat and it couldn’t happen anywhere else but here on this beach, at this erotic resort.

  Kate drove the fingers of her hand into me as I watched the gorgeous shaft Rob was holding. She fucked me with her fingers as I alternated looking at cock—Keith’s huge bulge and Rob’s thick shaft. I bit my lip as her fingers once more rubbed fast on my clit. I didn’t trust myself to not say what I really wanted—a hot cock filling me and it didn’t matter which one. I was past the point of caring, lost in lust.


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