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Altogether Page 17

by Brill Harper

  I stroke, long and deep, into her body. Her tits bounce wildly with my thrusts, and I push her legs back, her moans getting guttural. “Baby, you’re fuck-drunk, aren’t you?”

  “Our girlfriend likes being fucked hard, doesn’t she?” Fletch asks right before he grabs my head and starts kissing me. “Fill her,” Fletch demands against my mouth.

  As soon as my mouth parts and lets his tongue inside, I’m done. As our kiss deepens and intensifies, I start emptying my balls into Penelope, filling her with seed, my cock pulsing wildly.

  She goes crazy beneath me, and I pump as deep as I can and hold it there, shooting deep into her body and flooding her, my whole-body shuddering.

  We all sort of slide to the floor and enjoy the lights on the tree and our own quiet thoughts for a while. We totally pushed the boundaries of our relationship. And we aren’t done. There is more I want to experience. I want everything.

  “Tomorrow, we have to go back to the real world,” Fletch says on a heavy sigh. “Let’s promise that next year, we don’t. That by this time next year, this is the real world. We don’t split up for the holidays. We either all go together, or we stay here.”

  Penelope sits up. “I keep feeling like I need to pinch myself. A few months ago, I couldn’t imagine having one boyfriend, much less two. I don’t...I don’t know how to believe this is real.”

  “You’re the reason we’re here, babe,” I tell her, pulling her closer into me. “You had us both whipped that first day in your dorm room. So nerdy and pretty. Smart and sassy. We both felt it, the need to take care of you. Protect you. And then it just grew. It was like being around you made us better.” I catch sight of one of Fletch’s hairy legs and find myself surprised that it turns me on. I put my hand on it, squeeze the hard muscle that flexes under my palm. “And Fletch, you’ve always made me a better dude. I’d be lost without you.”

  Suddenly, my heart starts thumping a wild rhythm, and when I look into his eyes, I see so much there waiting for me if I’m brave enough to take it. A long, slow smile stretches across his mouth, and I realize I don’t even have to take it. It’s already mine. Everything I never thought I wanted is in this room. And it’s mine just because I’m me.

  I see his anaconda stirring. It’s hard to miss. “You ready for another round of Christmas cheer?”

  He palms that big dick in his hand, and my mouth actually starts to water. I guess when I go gay, I go all the way, huh? “Pen, show me how you deep throat this monster...we sort of forgot that last time.”

  Fletch lays back, and I kneel between his legs to wrap my hand around his big hardon. It's beautiful to look at...tall and veiny and so solid like the man it’s attached to. My man. I lick precum from the tip and pass him to Penelope. We work him together again until all his muscles are straining, and I’m getting him further back each time. This time, man. I wrap my lips over the head and slide down the shaft, my lips stretching tight. He’s hot and filling my mouth as I bob faster and stroke my hand down this shaft. When I swallow the tip, his hand clutches my head, and he groans long and low. I slurp off him and glance over at Penelope.

  “Fuck,” Fletcher says. “She’s writing in that damn journal.”

  She pushes those sexy glasses back onto her nose higher. “I’m usually too distracted to note your facial expressions when I’m down there.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Shane, get a dick in her pussy. She shouldn’t be thinking clearly enough to write this evening.”

  Sounds good to me. We lay her down and proceed to suck and lick every inch of her body. Her pussy is so sweet, and under the glow of the Christmas lights, I’ve never seen anything or anyone more beautiful. Fletch and I meet at the juncture of her thighs. “I want you to fuck me. When I’m inside her this time.”

  “Are you sure? We don’t have to—”

  “I’m sure.”

  He leaves the room and comes back with lube I didn’t know he had. I guess he’s been thinking about it for a while. I get on my hands and knees over Penelope, and she brings my head down to her tits as a pillow.

  Behind me, Fletch squeezes my ass cheeks. It’s shocking at first, but not nearly as shocking as when he teases my clenched asshole with his lubed fingers. “Remember how Penelope used to watch porn for research? I’ve been doing my own studying. I don’t want to hurt you, but Shane?”


  He kisses a line down my spine, making my legs quiver. “I’m going to make you mine tonight. You’re going to feel me for days.”

  Oh hell.

  He pushes one finger into me and I moan. I push back, bringing it deeper. Holy hell. I had no idea it would feel this good. I push up and guide my dick into Penelope. She’s so tight. Cold sweat breaks out on my forehead when I feel Fletcher’s hand part my ass cheeks with one hand and run his cockhead over my crack with the other.

  He spreads me wider and pushes the tip in.

  “Holy shit.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, keep going.”

  “I can’t wait to be inside you, Shane.” He lets me relax some before sliding more in, and after the third pause, he buries himself deep in my ass. I strain to let him in, but with a virgin ass, his dick feels huge. It stretches and makes me feel full, but it doesn’t really hurt. Well, yeah, it does. But in a totally worth it kind of way.

  Penelope moans. "Mmmm, that is so hot,'re taking it all."

  “Yeah he is,” Fletch says into my ear. “You feel so good, baby. Your ass feels so good around my cock.”

  I don’t answer, blinking back the stars as he gently rolls his hips, pumping into me really slow.

  "You okay? You want me to pull out?"

  “No. Please, don’t pull out.”

  I bury my face in Penelope’s neck as he methodically pushes into me with long satisfying thrusts. I’m sandwiched between his granite hard body and Penelope’s sweet, steamy cunt. Every thrust from Fletch pushes me deeper into our girlfriend. I love them both. I just let the growing lust take over and push everything else aside. I let all the heavy shit go...I can deal with it later. This is everything.

  My arms are already shaking, but there’s no way we won’t crush her if I don’t keep my form. Repeatedly, that big dick goes all the way out and all the way back feels wild...fucking incredible. His hot, muscled body presses into mine, and I love it... I love the sensation of him pulsing inside me.

  I find myself pushing back to meet his strokes...I want to get him deeper...I need him deeper. I’m the luckiest man in the world right now. My cock is enveloped in the sweet heat of the woman I love, and my prostate is getting a pounding massage by the man I love.

  I can tell he is getting close when his movements stiffen. He bites my shoulder, not even gently. “I’m going to fill your tight ass, baby.”

  “God, I fucking love gay sex,” I yell as he hits it just right and starts twitching that monster inside me. I tense up like the base of my spine just got electrocuted and spasm wildly, unloading so much of myself into Penelope we’re going to need to rent a carpet cleaner. I can’t stop thrusting wildly and maybe I’ll never stop coming. Maybe that’s fine. She doesn’t seem to mind as her tight channel is milking me hard, and I think she stopped breathing.

  Fletch makes the sound I’ve heard in the weight room a ton of times that never sounded sexy until now. And then, out of nowhere, his hand lands on my ass with a loud thwack. And then another. And finally a third. “Fuck, I’ve wanted to do that for so long. Damn, look at my handprint, right there on your ass.” And the he unloads inside me, the sweat of his body dripping onto my back and I feel like the luckiest son of a bitch with the sorest ass of all time.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Three months later

  Did you know spring makes you horny as fuck?

  It used to be that I was just always the same amount of horny, but I’ve noticed I’m getting into a primal groove this spring with the warming weather. Which is awesome except when it’s not. Li
ke, for instance, when you can’t stop stealing glances of your hot boyfriend in the locker room.

  We’ve kept things chill in public still. Honestly, I probably don’t care if the whole school thinks I’m gay, but I do worry about what the whole school will think of my girlfriend for being with both of us and Fletch for being bisexual too. He’s on the law school track, man. He’s going to want a job in the spotlight or maybe even politics still. And I don’t want to go to prison for attacking someone for slut shaming Penelope which seems to be what they do to girls a lot.

  I never paid that much attention to it before, but now I sense that most people have some kind of barometer for how much they think a girl can like sex before she registers in their Slut Zone. Dudes are the worst about it. They don’t want frigid girls, but they don’t want the chicks they bang to be dirtier than they are either. I’m the opposite. I’ve always liked the girls who get their freak on. Now that I’m in love, that hasn’t changed. I want her to be wild. I want Fletch to be wild. I want us to always be freaky—but I get that things will slow down some. Which is why I want us to be as freaky as we can get now.

  I’m sure I’ll get my wish later tonight. But right now, it’s spring, I’m horny, and Penelope is trying to reach a box of pasta on the grocery shelf that is way too high for her. Her shirt is riding up and her ass looks perfect in her jeans, and I can’t stop myself from sliding my arm around her waist and rubbing my already hard dick on her backside while I grab the pasta for her as I grind.

  She giggles. “Perv.”

  “You ever do it in the bathroom of a grocery store?”

  “Gross. No. And you know that since I’ve only ever done it with you in the room.”

  I nuzzle her sweet-smelling neck. “We need to find Fletch and get this trip done faster. I want to go home and put the salami away.”

  “You are twelve.” She turns in my arms and kisses me.

  “Oh my God. Are you kissing your best friend’s girlfriend?

  Shit. It’s Aylie, the coach’s daughter. And Coach standing there with her.

  Fletch rounds the corner with the bread and stops. “Hey, Coach. Aylie.”

  She points to me. “Your best friend was just macking on your girlfriend.”

  “Aylie,” her dad intones, “this is none of our business. Go get the things on your mom’s list.”

  “Dad! He deserves to know they are cheating on him.”

  “It’s not our business.”

  Fletch puts the bread in our cart and lets out a heavy sigh. He’s weighing the situation carefully, like he always does, but I see the determination in his eyes. I tell him with my eyes to shut it.

  Dude, let it go, I beg without talking.

  It’s time. We don’t need to live a lie, he answers.

  Let’s talk this through first.

  He shakes his head. “Coach,” he says aloud, “Shane and Penelope are not cheating on me. The three of us are involved in a relationship.”

  Coach is a solid dude. A man’s man. I’m not sure how this is going to go. He clears his throat. “What are you saying, son?”

  “We’re in love with each other. All three of us.” Holy shit. That was me. I said it.

  “Oh my God,” Aylie says, her jaw dropping open. “You’re gay?”

  “Aylie, let me handle this,” her dad tells her, and his voice is one you don’t mess with. When she’s gone, he folds his arms across his chest. Little bit seems intimidated, so I grab her hand. Coach clears his throat again. “Guys on the team know?”

  “No, sir,” Fletch answers. “It’s really no one’s business but our own.”

  “You got that right. But it’s going to get out now. My daughter is probably already texting anyone she thinks will care.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You best keep it together for the season. I don’t want any romance drama keeping us out of the playoffs. So, if you’re going to break up, do it after season is over.”


  “I mean it. I don’t give a shit what happens at your house, but you bring any crying to mine, we’ll have problems. You can do whatever you want after we win, but until then, you two better do everything you can to get along. Take care of your girl and keep the drama out of the locker room.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He rolls his eyes at us and moves along. My heart beats fast in a delayed adrenaline rush.

  “Did he just tell us we can’t break up?” I ask.

  “I think so,” Fletch answers.

  “Well, I guess you’re stuck with us for the season, little bit.”

  “Is he always so imposing?” she asks, taking my hoody out of the cart and putting it on like she’s cold. It’s adorably huge on her, but I like seeing her in my gear.

  “Yep,” Fletch says. “He’s right about Aylie. She’s still in high school, but she goes to a lot of parties on campus. You know it’s out now, right?”

  Penelope shrugs. “I know you guys are worried about me, but really, I’m sleeping with two totally hot jocks who love me. I don’t think I’m going to deal with more than jealousy.”

  “We are really doing this?” I ask, still astounded even after the last six months that it’s working so well. That they both still love me. That I am actually good at being in love.

  “You heard the man,” Fletch says and slaps my ass. “We’re together now whether we want to be or not. Your ass is mine through the season.”


  Of course, it’s not always easy.

  We took a bit of shunning from some of the guys on the team. Penelope doesn’t talk about it, but I know she hates going to parties now because when we walk in, it’s like a record scratches and the topic of conversation becomes our sex life.

  There are people who I thought would be cool and weren’t, and people who I thought would be douche canoes who didn’t give two shits about us. We didn’t make the playoffs, but I don’t really think anyone thought we would.

  I’m doing the summer semester of school, so I don’t have to go home. Fletch comes home to me on the weekends when he’s off from his summer job in his dad’s office, and Penelope comes home on her two days off from the Pizza Hut where she works. They don’t always overlap, so it’s been a few weeks since the three of us have been together.

  I’d like to say that I’m totally cool with everything but being alone so much and not being with both of them together in so long is starting to make me doubt more than I should. I’m supposed to be strong, right? Why am I acting like such a pansy-ass?

  I get a text from Pen: Do you ever go outside?


  I hear a tap on the kitchen window. Then another. It sounds like someone is throwing rocks at the glass. I open the back door to yell at some kids and find the loves of my life sitting on a blanket in the backyard. Fletch lets go of the pebbles he’s been tossing to get my attention.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I say, hoping they don’t hear how my voice choked up a little there at the end.

  “Okay, we’re not as good at planning these things as you are,” Pen says, “but I think we did a good job. Come sit.”

  I kiss them both and look at the spread. There is wine, cheese, and crackers. But I don’t even care. They’re both here. “I thought you had to work.”

  Fletch rummages around the basket. “Shit I forgot the knife. Dude, how do you always remember all the stuff for surprises? It took us a long time to manage this much. Oh, and we both arranged some time off so we could surprise you.”

  Pen crawls across the blanket and lays her head in my lap. “It’s been too long.”

  It has. Everything seems right again. We lounge on the blanket for a long time just hanging out. This is perfect. Everything I want. I mean, I want sex, too, in a little while. But this, the three of us, feels like all the pieces of me come back together again.

  I don’t know how something like this works in the forever world. It seems like we still have a lot of shit we’ll ne
ed to go through, but if we can always come back to this, this inedible cheese, bad wine, too many ants yet perfect picnic in the backyard, then life is just going to work out fine, isn’t it?



  Five years later

  “Are you ready?”

  I blow out a breath that’s been constricting my chest all night during our Christmas Eve festivities. Am I ready?

  Yes? No?

  I try to remember what life was like when I thought I would never understand relationships or people or sex. Now I don’t think it—I know it. People make absolutely no sense at all. We’re not a very logical species. We can’t seem to ask for what we need or say what we mean. We talk in circles. Relationships are unfathomable too. They are always changing, and if you don’t grow, if you’re too rigid, then the relationship breaks. It’s hard for me to always remember to allow growth and change. I prefer things like gravity and quadratic equations—things that have rules that don’t bend.

  And sex—well I know for sure I’ll never understand that. How each time it’s different. How different moods and tones and feelings change the intensity and duration of an orgasm. How sometimes it seems to take me an hour to get there and sometimes just a mouth on my boob sends me into orbit in thirty seconds.

  Shane opens the door to our bedroom and gestures us inside, “After you, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Smith,” Fletch answers.

  Yeah. We all changed our last name to Smith. We can’t get married legally, but we can all share a name. We chose Smith on a lark. Shane insists he wasn’t high when he suggested it. It’s solid and ordinary.

  We are solid and very unordinary.

  Case in point, we are wearing matching red thermal pajamas. We just took Christmas portraits of ourselves next to our tree. The cat appears in half of them because cats do what they want, even at Christmas, and she refused to pose.

  Tomorrow, we drive two hours to our hometown, well, the hometown of Fletcher and me. We will have dinner with both sets of our parents. I will spend too much time giggling with Jenna rather than acting like adults, and everyone will pretend it’s not so weird that we are a triad instead of a couple.


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