Berlin 1961

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by Frederick Kempe

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  Zubok, Vladislav M., and Constantine Pleshakov. Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Khrushchev. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.


  Abel, Elie

  Acheson, Dean

  Berlin strategy

  Berlin strategy, Schlesinger’s alternative to

  contempt for Joseph Kennedy

  on Cuban invasion

  friendship with Adenauer

  influence over Kennedy

  on Kennedy’s leadership ability

  on military buildup and response in Germany

  on nuclear preparedness

  on Soviet policy

  suspicion of Khrushchev

  Adenauer, Konrad

  appearance in Berlin

  appeasement of Soviet Union

  on Cuban Missile Crisis

  distrust of Kennedy

  on East German refugees

  election victory

  with Johnson in Texas

  on Kennedy’s concessions to Khrushchev

  Kennedy’s contempt for

  on Nixon’s election defeat (1960)

  opposition to Kennedy–Khrushchev negotiations


  political standing

  prisoner-of-war negotiations with Khrushchev

  resignation from office and death

  reunification goal

  on Sino–Soviet alliance

  on U.S. Berlin policy

  as West German chancellor

  West German NATO membership

  Adzhubei, Alexei

  Albertz, Heinrich


  access rights in Berlin

  four-power agreements

  impact of Bay of Pigs failure on

  inaction on border closure

  indecision on Berlin issue

  troops in West Berlin

  See also de Gaulle, Charles; Macmillan, Harold; NATO

  Alphand, Hervé

  Alsop, Stewart

  Amrehn, Franz

  Anderson, George Whelan, Jr.

  Andropov, Yuri

  Aron, Raymond

  Baker, Russell

  Bay of Pigs invasion

  Acheson on

  demonstration of Kennedy’s weakness

  failure of mission

  impact on Allied confidence

  Kennedy’s acknowledgment of error

  Khrushchev on

  linking to Berlin issue

  miscalculations and oversights


  pretext of U.S. noninvolvement

  Beria, Lavrentiy


  four-power agreements

  Potsdam accord

  Soviet occupation

  Stalin’s blockade

  See also East Berlin; West Berlin

  Berlin Airlift

  Berlin Wall. See East German border closure

  Berliner Morgenpost


  Bissell, Richard

  Bohlen, Charles “Chip”

  on Khrushchev’s Berlin position

  on potential for nuclear war

  on Soviet–German prisoner-of-war exchange

  Soviet policy deliberations

  stance on Berlin issue

  Bolle, Eberhard

  Bolshakov, Georgi

  on Checkpoint Charlie tensions

  as Khrushchev–Kennedy intermediary

  on upcoming Vienna Summit

  border closure. See East German border closure

  Bowles, Chester

  Brandt, Friedrich

  Brandt, Willy

  at Adenauer’s eighty-fifth-birthday celebration

  election campaign

  letter to Kennedy on border closure

  meeting with Kennedy

  on Vienna Summit

  Brentano di Tremezzo, Heinrich von

  Britain. See Macmillan, Harold

  Bruce, David

  Brunzel, Klaus-Detlef

  Bundy, McGeorge

  Berlin deliberations

  on Clay’s appointment to Berlin

  on Cuban invasion

  on Cuban Missile Crisis

  on Johnson’s mission to Berlin

  on Kennedy–Khrushchev secret correspondence

  on Kennedy’s Berlin speech

  on Kissinger

  Soviet policy considerations

  war planning

  warning about start of nuclear holocaust

  Burke, Arleigh

  Campbell, David

  Castro, Fidel. See Cuba


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