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Claiming Love

Page 4

by Holly J Gill

I woke up with a fuzzy head, sure everyone in my life was fighting against me, my friends included.

  I had to get a hobby and stop obsessing over Ross. Not so long ago, I was telling Sophie to get a grip and go after Calvin, and now I was swallowing up my own stupid words.

  Up and ready to work, I stood at the patio door sipping a cup of tea, needing time to reflect and have a few seconds to myself.

  “Did you message him?” I heard the familiar voice from behind me.

  I spun to see Sophie and Kacey, who ran to the usual dressing up box.

  I said nothing.

  “You didn’t. Why? Honestly, Donna, you’re driving yourself crazy. You know, if you don’t act and he ends up with another woman,” she announced walking closer to me. “You’ll regret it. It’s like the twenty-first century, you have to call him Donna, I’m looking out for you.”

  “I know, but he might not appreciate me messaging him out the blue,” I added.

  “It’s confirmed Ross is at ours tonight and so are you,” Sophie told me, clearly not taking no for an answer.

  “So you said,” I replied, trying to act calm and unbothered.

  “Look I have to go…I’ll see you later when I pick Kacey up. And by the way, he asked Cal for your number.” Sophie shot out the house, leaving me speechless.

  When I’d collected my thoughts, I crouched down to Kacey, watching her get dressed up.

  “Kacey, stay little and don’t grow up. Really, becoming an adult is boring and complicated. Men are complicated. In fact, they drive us women nuts.”

  “Donna, are you ok?” I heard and stood to see another mother dropping her son off.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just offering Kacey some advice.” I smiled as she did back at me.

  Chapter Six


  “Hey, Cal… what’s with the impromptu gathering and short notice…” I asked, walking into Cal’s house. We shook hands firmly.

  “Oh, something we wanted to do. Hey mate, did you eventually go for that house ten minutes away from us?” Cal asked as we walked into the kitchen. All the couples, family and friends were gathered. I immediately noticed Donna standing in the back, and I was unable to stop staring at her. She hadn’t seen me, but hell, she looked beautiful in a black, off the shoulder dress that fitted at the waist before pooling over her glorious hips.

  “Yeah… erm, the sale is going through, I hope. Have I not told you?” I stuttered mesmerised by Donna.

  “Yeah, you have…” Cal started, but my attention was drawn elsewhere.

  She smiled at something Melissa said and stole my breath. I was on a mission, get her number from her, not Sophie, and finally ask her out.

  “You know nothing is stopping you from asking her out and bedding her, right?” Cal whispered in my ear, laughing.

  I shoved him and shook my head.

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked.

  He handed me a drink, and I made my way around the room saying hello to everyone, edging closer to Donna, who was lost in a conversation with Melissa. I was so close to smelling her, touching even.

  Melissa saw me arriving.

  “Hey Ross, how are you?” she, stepped forward to kiss me on the cheek.

  “I’m good and you?” I asked when she pulled away and smiled.

  “I’m good, very good.”

  “Hi,” I turned to Donna, eager to kiss her on the cheek, lips, pussy, boobs, wherever she wished at this point.

  “Hey,” she said sweetly. My pants were straining at this point, and I hoped no-one would notice. She looked hot in that dress. I had to do this, I had to do it now… “I –"

  “Can everyone please make their way into the sitting room,” Cal called out interrupting my words and thoughts.

  Gutted, my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. Donna and Melissa made their way inside as ordered. I couldn’t help but admire the way the dress she wore draped over her sexy arse.

  I saw fingers clicking in front of my face. I blinked to see Cal wearing a large grin.

  “Has someone distracted you?” he teased.

  “Give it up, Cal. We’re not eighteen,” I retorted.

  “No, but you’re acting like one! Just ask her out. Life is too short. You know she could meet someone tonight and fall hopelessly in love, and well you’d have lost your chance,” Cal continued to torment me.

  I moved to swipe him, only he ducked.

  “Hey. Don’t abuse me…I’m a dad to be, and cannot frigging wait.”

  We both smiled and went through to the sitting room where everyone was seated. I stood at the back. Donna sat at the front with Melissa, laughing and giggling, warming my heart. I longed to get over there and say something to her, only I wasn’t sure she would be interested.

  I held my drink in my hand and waited for whatever we were all called here for.

  “Right, ladies, gentleman, boys and girls,” Cal said, getting all our attention.

  He stood proudly, with his wife smiling beside him.

  “As you’re all aware, Sophie and I are expecting a new baby, and well we had a scan in the week. We’ve had quite a journey, and we wanted to have a little gather to make a big announcement, so everyone found out at the same time, and to make sure no-one got upset. Trust me, we know you all. We have we got a lot to celebrate; Alan and Yvonne’s wedding coming up, the pitter-patter of tiny feet and maybe even some fresh love blossoming…and,” Cal added. I knew exactly what the scheming toad was up to.

  I looked at Donna as she stared at Cal, delivering his speech. I couldn’t keep my beady eyes of her. I had to say something to her, I wasn’t allowed to leave this house without her number and knowing whether she would like to visit my bed.

  I was losing the plot, and all for the opposite sex, I never allowed this to happen to me before. I was the strong one. My balls were made of steel and allowing a woman, to take over my every thought wasn’t acceptable. I was weak, feeble and drowning in love, and if I didn’t do or say something soon, I’d end up a crumbling wreck.

  I noticed Cal put two pictures of what looked like an x-ray side to side. I stared as Cal continued to talk. Donna clasped her hands together, excited to see the pictures.

  “This picture is new baby Edwards one…and this one is new baby Edwards two.”

  “Oh my God you’re having twins,” Donna shouted and with that jumped to her feet to hug and kiss the couple.

  The room went crazy with everyone congratulating the couple, and I had to say, I was over the moon. The smile shone across Donna’s face leaving my heart skipping beats.

  I want to have a child with her, get married and move her into the house I’m buying.

  Cal made his way towards me as I smiled and grabbed him in a man hug, slapping him hard on the back.

  “You certainly have some strong boys down there,” I whispered in his ear.

  “I sure do.” He pulled away and looked at me. “Donna, go before I make another speech,” he teased.

  Donna walked past me like a breath of fresh air. I wanted to follow her but decided to wait until the room was almost empty. Guests were spread out chatting and having a good time, but my stomach was in knots.

  . Alan and Yvonne were talking to Sabastian in the living room. I smiled at the young man who looked so much like his dad.

  I went into the kitchen. I couldn’t see Donna anywhere. I moved through the house while Calvin spread out food on the kitchen island.

  Melissa was scrolling through her phone in the second sitting room where Kacey was playing.

  She lifted her head and smiled at me.

  I glanced around, not seeing Donna anywhere.

  “She’s gone to the ladies,” Melissa yelled.

  I stared at her wide-eyed, not expecting her to say that.

  “Oh, right?” How the hell did she know? “So…erm, how is the family?” I asked determined the change the subject.

  “All good. The kids are driving me bonkers, and hubby is always working late, but other tha
n that I am good and what about you Ross, anything new and exciting happening in your life?” she asked, mischief written all over her face.

  “Oh, well, just the usual working, I’ve bought a house…”

  “You bought a house,” I heard the sexy voice of Donna. “That is awesome.”

  I turned to see her smiling, leaving me speechless, my mouth went dry, and my knees weakened.

  “Yeah, not far from here,” I managed to say.

  “Oh, cool. Congrats, I know you’ve worked hard for it,” she answered. I was lost on the word ‘hard’, was she kidding me? My dick was throbbing. “It’s fantastic news about Calvin and Sophie, don’t you think?”

  “Wonderful. Yeah. Perfect actually!” My voice was raising an octave, and she looked at me oddly.

  “How was your Grandma?” she asked.

  “She’s ok, thank you for asking. She sprained her ankle and has a few bruises, but she’s all good and still has a mouth on her,” I said, glad to be on safe grounds again.

  “Oh,” she asked, confused, her eyes burning through to me, leaving me floored.

  “She lectured me, she always does,” I joked. “How are you?”

  “Good, actually when I arrived home after you’d got your call about your Grandma I found out my Gran had fallen too. She broke her wrist over a weeks ago,” she informed me.

  “Are you serious?” I was shocked that she’d experienced exactly the same thing but to hear of it a week later.

  “Yeah. My family are a bit complicated. I wasn’t surprised I heard about it that late,” she said. A few children ran around us. I wanted to keep the conversation going but didn’t want to pry too much.

  “That is bad, I am so sorry. I don’t understand why they couldn’t inform you. I mean, it is a matter of urgency.”

  “Because that is my family. Although, I went around to see my Gran with some flowers and to apologise that I’d come so late. She wasn’t surprised either. She knows what they are like.” I added.

  “I am sorry.” And I truly was. Someone like Donna didn’t deserve to be treated so callously. I know I would never do that because my family had taught me better. It saddened me to see the sad look in her eyes, which she tried so hard to be flippant about.

  “Ross, can we have you for a photo with Calvin?” I heard his mother, Anne shout.

  “Sorry, would you mind?” I asked.

  “Go for it.”

  “Can we pick this up again, soon?”

  She nodded and made her way over to Melissa.

  I rubbed a hand over my face, annoyed. I had to leave her side again. This was beginning to get annoying in more ways than one.

  Chapter Seven


  We were so close. I was standing with him chatting about the last thing I wanted to talk about. I was so close to telling him…I wasn’t sure exactly what.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder, waking me from my thoughts.

  “Well?” Sophie asked.

  I tilted my head to the side and frowned. “You have got to be kidding me. You’re acting so…so…un-Donna like.”

  “Hey, we talked and then he got called away to do a picture,” I argued.

  “Really, this is proving harder by the second,” Sophie said as Melissa joined us.

  “I need to get some air,” I smiled bleakly at them, and made my way out of the house and into the rear garden.

  I found Kacey kicking a ball around and decided to go and join her, anything to occupy my mind and get me away from my annoying friends.

  Kacey kicked the ball to me, and Sabastian joined us.

  I was suddenly grabbed from behind by my waist and almost went arse onto the floor but was stopped by a rock hard body.

  “I’m so sorry,” I heard a male voice, Ross.

  I turned my head to the left to see Ross, far too close, in fact, close enough to kiss. His firm hands held me tightly, preventing me from falling. I stood quickly. Our stare was intense. I fought for my breath.

  “I meant for that to be smoother.” He laughed.

  “Would you?” we both said in sync.

  “Sorry,” I giggled.

  “No, I’m sorry, ladies first, please,” he smiled.

  “Would you like my number?”

  “I’d love your number,” he replied, surprising me.

  “Really, you would?”

  “Yeah…why, wouldn’t I?”

  “Well you know…I’m not exactly Miss Glamour Model,” I said trying to steady myself.

  “You’re perfect,” he said, flattering me. “Would you like mine?”

  I gulped. Should I be honest? “I have it!” His eyes widened. “Sophie gave it to me the other night,” I said shyly.

  “Good, then you can message me your number, then we have each other’s,” he laughed.

  I went inside the house to retrieve my bag and got my phone. I turned to go back, only Ross had already followed me in. I could not keep the smile off my face. I found his number and sent a message. His phone beeped seconds later.

  I watched as he typed and then my phone binged.

  Hey sexy!

  I giggled, actually giggled reading the message several times, trying my hardest not to overreact at those words. Those simple words meant everything to me. I lifted my head to look at him unable to believe this man called me, yes me, Donna, ‘sexy’. Was he mad?

  Our eyes met, his glowed, as my heart pounded in excitement. He moved in a breath closer to me, leaned in, and kissed me on the cheek. I inhaled his spicy cologne, the touch of his lips on my skin set my entire body ablaze. I was so turned on by just one touch, imagine what would happen when he had my whole body.

  I stood still, not daring to move. Not daring to allow this moment to pass by. I wanted to soak in every second with this man, the very man who drove me insane the first time we met, who I found attractive the second, and now. Now I was enthralled. I looked into his eyes.

  Fireworks exploded in my tummy. I was afraid my mind and body would give in and beg for anything he could give me. I don’t mind where, when or how. All I wanted was for him to take me and destroy me for any other man.

  Hang on he’s a lawyer, he’s smart, and looks just thrown into the cocktail of pleasure. He isn’t the kind to, well, give in to temptation so easily.

  His lips lingered for a few seconds, giving me a chance to drown, to sink, to crave that little longer.

  My eyes opened slowly to check; he was still there, and this wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me. Ross was very much there and very much pressing those luscious lips to my cheek.

  He pulled away, ruining the moment. I opened my eyes as he gazed at me and smiled, leaving weightless.

  He stepped back.

  “I’ll be in touch,” he added softly, almost a whisper.

  Ross walked away, leaving a large hole in my heart. I watched as he moved away until he turned back, looking over his shoulder and winked at me. I thought I would melt into a pool beneath me.

  I said my goodbyes to everyone, making a date with Melissa to go shopping.

  My thoughts stayed on Ross and that kiss and wink he gave me. He was playing it cool, slowing the pace instead of jumping right in there in front of everyone. I had to confess, right now, I didn’t care if we had, as Sophie, and now Melissa had been hounding me to tell him how I felt.

  I drove down the pretty driveway with Cherry Blossom trees and smiled, thinking of Sophie and Calvin. It was their flower, a symbol of their past, present and future.

  I turned onto the lane and gently drove down and slowed to a stop when I saw Ross’s Range Rover parked on the grass verge. I pulled up beside him. My car was low down, and his was a skyscraper. I lowered the window and yelled.

  “Are you ok?” I moved the top half of my body to the passenger side of the car.

  His car door opened and I got an eyeful of his sassy arse.

  “I’m fine. I was debating to messaging you again?” he confessed.


>   “I wondered if you were free for the rest of the evening, so we could go for a drink and some food. You can say no if you can’t. I’m free, and well…seems a shame to allow this time to go to waste moping about in my house,” he told me.

  “Well, I’m free and would likely be doing the same thing when I got home. So yeah, I’d love to have a drink with you.”

  “Brilliant, follow me,” he grinned cheerfully, and if I was not mistaken, my answer added a bounce to his step.

  Chapter Eight


  That was crazy! That was brilliant! I’d never been this spontaneous, but I was totally up for anything. I was already well aware Donna felt slightly intimidated by me. I hoped this showed her another side to me. I guessed I was over-confident at times, work focused and behaved like a smartass, but there was so much more to me. If someone was wrong and I knew it, I would fight and not back down until they gave in, that I got from my Grandma.

  I was strong-willed and not easily defeated. I was privileged enough to be well educated. I decided I wanted to be a lawyer from a young age. The law fascinated me and still does to this day. I loved the challenge it gave me, how I stood proud in court. My confidence separating me from everyone else.

  Yeah, sometimes I didn’t know how to lose that persona until someone close would remind me, ‘oi, you’re not in the office now’ generally it was my Grandma. She was right, I could act arrogant at times.

  I was going to let that wall down with Donna and step into a tiny different world. There was no questions she would slap me if I was out of line, which was a good thing for me, she was exactly what I needed.

  I pulled up outside a pub, one me and Cal had visited a few months ago, closer to Harrogate where Donna lived.

  I shut my car off as she pulled up beside me and my heart skipped a beat. I had a chance. A chance to prove I am not all arrogance and bravado, but…I could act normal, whatever that was.

  I got out of my Rover and walked around to open the door for her. When she stepped out, I kissed her on the cheek again. I longed to have my lips sealed to hers, but it was early days, I didn’t want to push too soon, in case she was not ready for that.


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