Infinite Fate

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Infinite Fate Page 3

by Rachel Lenna

because things happened to them that were beyond their control. We all had our own story and we were all looking for something. Feeling like lost creatures who were all roaming the Earth aimlessly guided by something pulling us to the same spot for that one moment where we had to come together.

  I know something drove us all to be at the exact same spot at the exact same time. It wasn’t by chance it happened. It was like it was by necessity. Our higher power guiding us to take charge. My kind were getting unruly, there were many individuals who were doing silly crazy things and causing a scene that was frowned upon.

  Whispers were starting amongst humans and we were on the verge of being exposed. I can still hear the whispers and smell the fear as if it were happening right now – one of the down sides to having a photographic memory – you remember everything, in vivid detail.

  “Animals! Animals are killing off our men!”

  “There’s creatures… they bite your neck and drain you of blood”

  “They come out at night and hunt us down!”

  “Lock your doors! Put garlic up everywhere! Crosses too!”

  I sigh as the feelings of sympathy and regret for those poor measly humans resurfaces. That’s the problem with being an immortal vampire…

  Oh yeah did I forget to mention that? Sorry about that. I am in fact a vampire. Creature of the night. Human killer, part of the undead, blood drinker… you know all that and more…

  Well not really the human killer and I can walk out in sunlight like anyone else can, but vampire is true enough. Four hundred and sixty six years’ worth of vampire to be exact. I know right? It’s a lot of vampireness.

  And as a vamp you have a lot of memories that you don’t ever forget. Ever. You don’t even sleep so you can’t get away from them either. It takes a great deal of will power and dedication to supress the thoughts, memories and feelings but they don’t ever go away completely. Not until you are able to make some type of peace with them.

  For me, killing Zeke because he killed my three other brothers out of pure greed and selfishness has been my number one goal for six years. That won’t change until my goal is complete. It will be my peace, knowing I avenged my immortal brothers.

  Abraham, Brey, Censon Zeke and I all formed what is called “The Pures” about three hundred and fifty years ago. The rouge vampires around the world needed to be terminated so the humans would feel safe and become ignorant of us again. We vampires were becoming to reckless and turning anyone and everyone that suited us whenever we pleased without any regard to the consequences. Somehow the powers above decided that it needed to be stopped and that’s when we five were brought together.

  We knew once it all stopped the stories would die down eventually to become just legends and the humans would all continue living on in their frumpy dumpy lives being like little ants and sheep.

  We were merciless, killing any and all who did not know how to behave in the unspoken laws of being a vampire. We actually put written rules in place so there was never to be any more confusion and we restored order quickly and swiftly. We were invincible, like being together made us even stronger. It took a good solid year to eradicate all who were deemed bad seeds. But we did it.

  Now there are strict rules on wanting to turn a human. Every vampire that is created – or reborn as we ourselves say – gets turned into the ultimate predator. With that comes a great responsibility not to abuse it.

  All of us, every single one, are given two supernatural powers too. One that is bitten into us from our creator, and the other that was always in us as a human, but just never would eventuate into anything more while we were so fragile in mind and body.

  I got the gift of seeing Aura’s given to me by my creator. I don’t know who he was, he never even stayed around to help me like a creator is supposed to do to their reborn. Seeing auras means I can tell everything about a person even when they don’t say it. Their colours change and give away more than their mouths do. Through the years I have learnt to turn it on and off.

  But my own, very personal gift, the one that is the reason I haven’t created anyone myself, is because I can see the subjective future of almost every living creature on the planet. It is a powerful gift, capable of doing a lot of good or a lot of bad depending on how the bearer chooses to use it. Knowing this I vowed to never bite another.

  A power like mine in the possession of the wrong vampire could be disastrous and any human I bit would get it. We get given our creators own personal power. Not the one they were given by their creator. That means I would give the gift of seeing the future to any human I bite.

  My powers are not selective. I can see everyone’s future, read everyone’s mind – human and vampire. There was only ever been one exception. Abraham. He was what we call a shield. Given the gift of deflecting all other gifts. It is one of the most powerful out there.

  I tried to break it, believe me I tried. At first because I did not like the fact that I had found someone better than me and then it was because we knew we needed to know how strong it was. He always won. I was both elated and disappointed at that.

  “I will avenge you all.” I murmur looking up to the sky, feeling very sad and heavy now. “I will make it right, I won’t let him win I promise!”

  “You know talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity.” A young feminine voice says behind me mockingly.

  I spin around ready to scare her into silence for interrupting my moment when I get the shock of my life. A tall beautiful vision stands before me. She has long jet black hair set against a dark olive complexion and eyes as blue as the sky. She looks athletic but her curves are in all the right places and I almost drool.

  She is standing there looking from me to the floor and back again. Her aura is telling me she is nervous, but hopeful and her body language says she is scared but determined, what about I have no idea. I don’t even have a chance to look into her future as I am to distracted to think of it.

  “Isn’t it if you answer your own question that’s the first sign?” Comes out of my mouth before I can even think. What the hell? Where did that come from? I frown. I want to impress this girl. I don’t know why, I don’t know where the feeling has come from but I want to. Like really, really bad.

  She grins at me, relaxing a little and I feel like doing a happy dance. Gut instinct tells me that she doesn’t relax around strangers often, if anything it is very hard for her to do. “Possibly, but then I would have to admit a few things I am not ready for yet.” She replies boldly, hugging her books closer to her chest in an unconscious action. She doesn’t realise that she should be scared of me but her body does.

  Human’s natural instincts towards us are to be cautious. Their subconscious minds are letting them know that we are dangerous and could harm them in an instant. Of course since Brey, Censon, Abraham – Zeke too if I am to be completely honest, before he went feral – and I got all the rouges under control very rarely do we cause a blip on any human’s radar. They just naturally are intimidated by us.

  Because of this we have become crazy stories that the movies create and dramatize about. We have been made into evil vile monsters that suck the life out of humans and slaughter anything and everything we see with a pulse.

  This is not completely true. We are actually quite peaceful and don’t get burnt to a crisp by the sun either. That seems to be a really big thing the movies like to do. Blow us up in sunlight.

  We actually absorb the sun’s heat and feel lukewarm to a human’s touch. I don’t know why we heat up but we do. I suppose the plus is that it’s a good way to blend in and remain undetected.

  “You’re too beautiful to be crazy.” I say without thinking. Good brain to mouth filtering system Dominic! I grin at her stupidly, trying to brush it off when her aura turns bright pink and she hides behind her hair. I actually stop walking to admire just how adorable she is. For whatever reason this human has me gushing like it’s my first crush… I am a guy, a big, muscly, manly guy who feels like
he’s just fallen flat on his face and I want to give this girl the world because of it. What's going on up there dude?

  “Now now.” She says shaking her finger at me. “Flattery gets you nowhere.” Although her aura tells me a different story I let her play her game with me.

  “Shouldn’t it be flattery gets me everywhere?” I Cheshire cat grin at her. Dude what the hell are you doing? Since when do you have time for humans? I don’t. I chose to stay with my own kind, content on capturing and killing Zeke until Sam and Tyson convinced me to live a little. And to do that they told me I actually had to spend time with the living.

  I met Sam about fifty years after I became a Pure. He was a soldier in an army that was going to be slaughtered but fought on until, the very end. He gave up his own life to save a young woman and child from being hurt by a sick in the head soldier whose aura told me he was going to do horrible things to her and then the child.

  Knowing such nobility is rare so feeling it needed to be rewarded I looked ahead to Sam’s future. I wanted to see what would happen if I were to turn him. I have always believed that courage like that should not go unnoticed and once I knew that he would always be an awesome friend his fate was sealed.

  I asked him of course but he was so far gone he didn’t even understand what was going on. I made his

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