Infinite Fate

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Infinite Fate Page 21

by Rachel Lenna


  “Savannah hush. Do not be childish.” Adam chides, cutting her off. “What was done is done. You must not let the bitterness eat you up otherwise you will never be able to complete your fate.”

  “I don’t care about my…”

  “Hush my dear. Words said of hate can never be taken back. Once said aloud they will always be branded into ones soul and that of the person they were said to too. You must always think before you speak and speak before you do. If you do that you will always do right.”

  When he's not pretending to be a cool hip teacher he is actually really whacko. I think noticing Savannah, Sam and Tyson all staring at him like he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic too. Thousand year old vampire – and an angel. Whatever that means. Gonna have to find that out later. He talks so weird when he’s not around humans.

  Savannah clamps her mouth shut as Adam stares in a Mexican stand-off with her. She seems to be getting agitated and restless and I am worried another reborn rage is coming.

  “Savannah.” I say taking a step forward. “You need to keep calm or you will rage again.”

  “How about you shove your foot up you’re a….”

  “Savannah no.” Adam commands taking control of the situation. She freezes mid insult giving him the biggest death stare ever. “Move the apple.” He orders saying nothing further about her tanty and merely pointing to the apple. “With your mind.” He adds when she takes a step towards it, hand outstretched again.

  “No.” She says stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest. “I want to go home. I want to wake up from this ridiculous dream and never frickin sleep again in my life. I want to get away from all you lo…”

  “Words said in hate and anger can never be undone. Think before you speak and speak before you do.” Adam cuts her off again. He seems to be controlling her emotions well because even though she looks ready to smack him in the head she listens. Again another internal battling raging through her.

  “You may go home after we test to see if your powers are working yet or not.” Adam says. “Clearly you are not as strong as I thought you to be. Maybe I was mistaken about you.” He gives he a look I know well. She eyes him back with the same look. Challenge accepted.

  “Not as strong as you thought me to be?” She screams in his face, the rage taking full hold now. “Oh my god dude.” She hisses, slamming her fist on the bench and putting it right through. She doesn’t even flinch as it cracks straight down the middle almost all the way to the end. “How is that not strong? If you want me to show you strong I will rip you a new as…”

  “Savannah what is said aloud can never be undone. Especially words of hate. You are reborn raging and you will be quiet.” Adam repeats so quietly, calmly, that I even get scared. She gold fish mouths in shock at him before her eyes narrow to slits and she lifts her nose and crosses her arms in a show of defiance – again.

  “Pfft.” She hisses training her gaze to the apple. “Do you think I care what you say? No! I don’t want to be this. I want to go home and see Sophie and go to school and be boring! I want to eat a burger and drink a chocolate milkshake and I don’t want to be a monster that drinks human blood!” As she rants she raises her hands in frustration. A gurgling bubbling sound comes up through the pipes.

  “What is that?” Sam asks getting nervous.

  “It sounds like boiling water.” Adam replies looking around too. He seems to be just as confused as we are and in a way that makes him more normal, like he doesn’t know what is going on for once in his life after all. If I thought my gifts were powerful, his are way better. I wonder… I think watching him. I wonder if the astral gift is what makes him talk that way. Maybe? Maybe there’s like an underlying power there that we don’t know about? I shake my head. Bubbles and steam start coming out of the sink hole.

  “Look at the pipes.” I say pointing, surprised.

  “What's happening?” Savannah demands, red eyes full of fury.

  “There is a noise coming out of the pipes.” Adam replies as I step forward. “I wonder…” He says but stops midsentence. He looks at Savannah thoughtfully.

  “Maybe we can flush it out?” I say about to turn the tap on.


  I am reborn raging again. I think watching the others watching the apparently gurgling pipe. God this sucks. I just want to be normal again. Adam seems to be able to calm me down and I seem to be gaining some control but I still feel like ripping all their heads off. No I can’t! Take a deep breath and woo-sa if you have to Savannah. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I picture calmness and me keeping it together.

  The last two days have been horrible and part of me just wants to run away for a while and have a moment. Have a moment to catch up and hope that I wake up and it really is all just a dream. I lower my hands to my sides, taking deep breaths in, concentrating on calming myself down. Woo-sa… woo-sa… woo-sa!

  “Dominic wait.” Tyson says, listening.

  “The gurgling is going away.” Adam says, stopping Dominic.

  “Yes it is.” He agrees letting go of the tap.

  Interesting. I think wondering. Adam said something about gifts and having two. One that is given and one that is mine alone. I know Zeke gave me the power to move stuff with my mind but I don’t know what my other gift is. I think about the tap and wonder how I am going to do it. My emotions are all over the place and I raise my hands to wipe my face.

  “It’s coming back.” Tyson looks surprised. He looks at me.

  “Savannah?” Dominic asks cautiously. “Are you doing it?”

  “I don’t know.” I answer honestly. Reborn rage gone. God they really do come and go really fast don’t they? I look at Adam as I lower my hands and again the bubbling gurgling disappears.

  “Adam?” I say looking at him. He nods at me so I look at the pipes and lift my hands again. The gurgling and bubbling comes back. “It is me?” I ask more than say.

  “Dominic turn the tap on.” Adam instructs, stepping back. “Only do it a little bit. I don’t want water everywhere.”

  “Water everywhere?” Tyson asks confused but I think Adam knows something that we don’t.

  “Savannah concentrate.” Adam orders, completely ignoring the rest of us. “Make the water jump from that side of the sink to the other side before it flows down.”

  “I don’t think I can do that.” I shake my head.

  “Don’t be a chicken.” He orders.

  “I’m not a chicken!” I gasp.

  “Make the water move then.”

  “I can’t…”


  “Fine!” I retort rolling up the sleeves on my jacket as if that is somehow going to help, I bounce on the balls of my feet and take a deep breath. “I can do this.” I say aloud. “Totally. Yep…. Easy peasy. Water move!” I command it. Concentrating on making the water change the directions over the wall between the two sinks.

  Nothing happens. Well that stinks.

  “Try again,” Adam commands. “Clear your mind of nothing but the water. Believe.”

  “Okay okay okay!” I cry a little frustrated. I growl out loud before I let out another calming breath. “Water move.” I say loud and clear this time, feeling a little silly to be honest.

  Nothing happens.

  “Concentrate.” Adam orders again. “Clear your mind Savannah, you’re still thinking about nonsense. You still think nothing will happen but it will. Think of only the water and the direction you want it to go.” He sounds so patient I almost feel guilty for being a miserable student right now. “I believe you can do it. You need to believe too. Believe Savannah. Believe the water is yours to control. Believe you can control it. That you will control it.”

  “Mine to control. I can control it. Right okay. The water is mine to control. I can so totally do this.” I pep myself up, zoning everything else out. I really try to clear my mind and focus on the water. “Water move.” I command with authority. For a moment nothing happens, but this
time, instead of giving up, I close my eyes and picture the water skipping over the side of the double sink and pouring into the hole there, really focusing on it. Imagining the water flowing freely but how it flows being completely in my control.

  A gasp makes me open my eyes. The next gasp is my own. The water is flowing sideways over the middle of the sink wall before curving back down to fall straight into the drain of the other basin. “Oh my god I did it!” I exclaim, my concentration slipping a little. The water relaxes and splashes everywhere.

  “Ah!” Dominic exclaims jumping out of the way. He looks awed. Tyson and Sam are standing in the corner quietly observing, they both look shocked too.

  “Savannah move the apple.” Adam commands. He seems to be the only one unfazed by my achievement. He is pointing to the apple I moved from the sink to the oven with my hand.

  “With my mind?” I ask dumbly and for the first time he looks at me with agitation.

  “Now.” He orders, ignoring my stupidity. Of course he meant with my mind. He’s only been telling me to do that for the last twenty minutes! Try to keep up dear!

  “Okay okay!” I jump to it and stand directly in front of the apple. I focus again like I did the water and concentrate. Closing my eyes, I picture it rising off the oven and moving over the top of the sink into the garbage bin.

  “Oh my god she did it!” I head Dominic gasp from somewhere behind me as a gentle thud echoes in my ears. I startle a little so tilt my head back and picture the apple coming

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