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Clash Page 1

by Charity Parkerson

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Hard Hit 12

  Charity Parkerson

  The scanning, uploading, and distributing of this book via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the copyright owner is illegal and punishable by law. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Brief passages may be quoted for review purposes if credit is given to the copyright holder. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Any resemblances to person(s) living or dead, is completely coincidental. All items contained within this novel are products of the author’s imagination.

  --Warning: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Copyright © 2017 Charity Parkerson

  Editor: Hercules Editing & Consultants

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-946099-25-9

  Created with Vellum



  Author Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Michael let Gavin keep him a secret once. Never again.

  In high school, Michael and Gavin were total opposites. Michael was scholarly while Gavin was the athlete. Gavin chased all the girls and tormented Michael for being gay. Michael endured Gavin’s public taunts with grace, because he knew the truth—he was the relationship Gavin really wanted. That is, until Gavin went too far and pushed Michael away for good.

  It’s been years since they’ve seen each other, but not much has changed. Gavin is still the athlete, playing for a minor-league hockey team. Michael still hates him. But fate loves a good laugh, and the pair end up stranded together during a flood. Things heat up fast, but can they survive more secrets or will Gavin finally destroy Michael for good?

  Author Note

  Hard Hit books 11 & 12, Guard and Clash, have timelines that run concurrently. While Mara had things going on in her life, Michael was suffering his own drama. This is his story.

  Chapter One

  A lifetime ago, when Michael first knew the bastard…

  The party raged on inside the den. As usual, Michael didn’t fit in. This was his brother’s crowd. Marshall was the popular twin. Michael was the average one. He got good grades but was mediocre at sports. It was odd sometimes having an identical twin who really wasn’t anything like him at all. Marshall was well-liked and everything he touched was golden. He was quarterback for the football team, played baseball and basketball. Michael had given up trying to measure up a long time ago. It didn’t help that he was the gay twin of the most popular guy in school. Yeah, that sucked.

  He could hear the crowd of loud teenagers, stamping from the den to the backyard and back again. Each time they passed his bedroom door, Michael tensed. It was one thing not to fit in at school. When it came home with him, it was worse. Michael focused on his video game, trying to tune out the noise. He should’ve known Marshall wouldn’t let him hide all night.

  His twin’s green eyes and dark hair popped inside the room, focusing on Michael. “Come join us. We’re about to hit the pool, and Chrissy just popped the lock on the liquor cabinet.”

  Marshall always tried to get Michael involved. The problem was Marshall was blind to how much his friends hated and bullied him. He was blind to a lot of things. “Nah. I’m good. Don’t get drunk and drown.”

  “Come on, Micha—”

  A large hand appeared through the crack in the door, smacking Marshall upside the head. “No homos allowed.”

  Marshall gave chase. “Fuck you, Gavin. Don’t disrespect my baby brother.”

  Michael tried working up a smile. Marshall always defended him while pulling out that two-minute age difference. The smile wouldn’t quite take because he could still hear the laughter in Marshall’s voice as he chased Gavin down the hall. An ache started in the center of his chest. Of course it had been Gavin. At seventeen, Gavin Weeks was already over six feet of perfection. His dark hair always fell in his eyes, doing nothing to hide his intense almost amber gaze. He was the guy everyone wanted to be or do. Michael was no exception, even though Gavin was a complete ass.

  Gavin: Everyone is out back at the pool. Meet me in the driveway.

  He was also the ass Michael couldn’t stay away from.

  After shoving his phone in his back pocket, Michael quietly slipped outside, leaving through the front door to avoid the crowd. He could hear the shouts, laughter, music, and splashing coming from the backyard as he searched the dark for Gavin. A gasp escaped him as a pair of strong arms encircled him from behind. Michael went hard as Gavin’s mouth opened over the side of his neck. Just like that, Michael was on fire. All the slurs against him in public slipped away when Gavin’s mouth was on his skin. He already knew those hateful words would come roaring back the moment he was alone. That was the roller coaster he was stuck riding.

  “Damn, I’ve been dreaming of you on your knees all night.”

  Oh, God. Gavin would make it worth his while. He always did. He’d been Marshall’s best friend for years and stayed at their home countless times. It had only been six months since Gavin cornered Michael one night and stolen a kiss. He’d been sneaking into Michael’s room ever since. They’d yet to have sex, but it wasn’t for lack of Gavin trying. The problem was—Michael was already half in love with Gavin. If Gavin made love to him, Michael would be lost. What then? They’d never be a couple. Those slurs and insults Gavin hid behind were already destroying Michael. As Gavin spun Michael in his arms and their mouths met, he felt whole. He didn’t understand how someone so wrong could feel so right while touching him.

  Laughter moved closer and Gavin shoved him away. Michael barely finished scrambling for footing before Marshall, David, and Zoey rounded the corner. Michael nearly groaned. David especially loved tormenting him. He’d been taught hatred at his father’s knee and loved telling Michael he was going to hell.

  “What do we have here?” David said, sounding overly loud and drunk. “Have you been hiding in the dark, making out with the homo?”

  “Don’t,” Marshall said, half-heartedly attempting to stop what Michael already knew would escalate into something awful.

  “Shut your fucking mouth,” Gavin growled, drawing all eyes his way. His hands were curled into fists and his face was set in a hard line. A bad feeling rose in Michael’s gut. Everything felt wrong.

  “Or what?” David said, taking a step in Gavin’s direction. “People might find out the truth?” David added, still taunting Gavin. “Are you worried Marshall might find out how hot you’ve been for his dick? Since you know you can’t have it, you turned to the lesser brother. At least you can get your dick sucked while staring down at identical eyes. Everyone already—”

  David’s head snapped back as Gavin’s fist connected with the center of his face. A crunching sound rent the air, and hot blood streaked out, splashing Michael’s arm. He couldn’t move or speak. Horror kept him in check. He couldn’t decide if it was David’s claims or Gavin’s violent reaction that sho
cked him more.

  Michael’s gaze shot to Marshall’s. His face was a dark mask, making Michael’s horror deepen. He believed David’s claims. Michael knew his twin too well. He could see it written in every line of his brother’s face. Without a word or waiting to see who won, Michael walked away. His Jeep was blocked in, but the vehicle was a place of solitude in a moment when he needed the world to be quiet. He jumped behind the wheel and shut himself inside. Michael couldn’t stop himself from staring at the driver’s side mirror, watching the action. David and Gavin rolled around on the ground. Marshall dragged out the hose and turned it on them. Michael couldn’t hear what was said, but he heard the laughter when it began. Gavin scrambled to his feet and slung his arm over Zoey’s shoulders, steering her away—like she was the prize for winning.

  Michael couldn’t breathe. David’s claims wouldn’t leave him. Was it true? Had Gavin turned to him because he couldn’t have Marshall? He didn’t know how long he sat there, letting the hurt and silence engulf him. Michael had done this to himself. He’d let Gavin keep him a secret.

  A movement at the corner of his vision caught his eye. Michael turned his head, catching sight of Gavin and Zoey sneaking into the bushes, feet from where Gavin had kissed him earlier. A kernel of hatred sprang to life in his heart. Michael couldn’t look away as Zoey kissed a path down Gavin’s body, going down onto her knees. Something inside him broke. Michael started the Jeep, needing to get out of there. He didn’t care if he had to hit another car to accomplish it. The instant Michael’s Jeep fired to life, Gavin’s head jerked up. His gaze fixed on the driver’s side window. Michael knew it was too dark for Gavin to see him, but he knew Gavin understood he was busted. He didn’t push Zoey away the way he had Michael. The kernel of hatred became an inferno of loathing. He would never, ever forgive Gavin for this.

  The passenger side door opened and Marshall slipped inside. He didn’t look Michael’s way. “Let’s go. Chris is moving his truck so you can get out.”

  Michael’s eyes burned. Sometimes, he forgot how amazing his brother could be. He wanted to thank his twin for going with him, but his throat wouldn’t work.

  Still, Marshall stared straight ahead, not looking Michael’s way. “I’ll never forgive that fucker for this,” Marshall said, sounding as furious as Michael felt.

  Michael couldn’t get his voice to work until they were halfway down the road, even then he only managed a whisper. He glanced Marshall’s way. “Thank you for coming with me.”

  Marshall finally looked his way. “You’ll always be my twin. Everyone else is replaceable.”

  He’d always wondered how much Marshall knew but kept quiet. Even knowing he wasn’t alone, Michael still couldn’t talk about it. Maybe if he kept his mouth shut, no one would ever know how big of an idiot he’d been, but he’d know. Michael would never forget.

  Chapter Two

  Present day, when the bastard returns to Michael’s life…

  The Steele household screamed old money. Luckily, Gavin was still in his element there. His father was third-generation professional athlete and his mom was a fourth-generation doctor. He’d always been a bit of a chameleon, fitting in wherever he went. Gavin played hockey for a minor league team and traveled all over the world. He’d been drunk in the seediest of bars and worn thirty-thousand-dollar suits in the grandest of clubs. Gavin had been and done everything in between, and none of it suited him. He’d given up caring a long time ago in favor of existing to the best of his abilities. Happiness was only a fairytale—a myth people spread, so they kept getting up every day.

  Kieran and Henley Steele made happiness look real, though. It was depressing. Gavin was kicking himself for having to disturb them today. He’d scheduled ice time with Henley at a local rink, but given the couple’s state of undress and the dark looks Kieran kept tossing his way, neither man had been prepared for Gavin to show up on time.

  “Sorry if I came too soon,” Gavin said for the third time. He just wanted to get out of there intact. Unfortunately, Henley still had to get his shoes on.

  A low knock landed on the door, saving Gavin from groveling. At least he wasn’t the only person bent on breaking up the pair today. He was ready for someone else to be the center of Kieran’s rage-filled attention.

  “Come,” Kieran barked, not bothering to hide his irritation. A man with dark hair dipped inside Kieran’s office, carrying a bottle of wine. Gavin’s heart stopped. He didn’t need a moment to adjust or rack his brain for where he’d seen the man before. Gavin would know him anywhere.

  “Am I disturbing you? Your maid said I’d find you in here.”

  Goddamn. Gavin’s stomach muscles tightened. That sexy voice—it had haunted his memories. His dreams. The man’s gorgeous green gaze slid his way.

  “Sorry again, Gavin,” Henley said behind Gavin.

  “No problem,” Gavin mumbled, hoping that was the right response, since he’d lost the ability to think straight the moment Michael Frost stepped into the room.

  “It’s not like me to be late.”

  Gavin didn’t respond to Henley’s claim. The ice in Michael’s gaze as he stared at Gavin held Gavin hostage.

  Kieran said something to Michael, even going as far as to snap his fingers to get Michael’s attention. Michael turned his face away, focusing on Kieran. Gavin wanted to cry out in denial at the loss. Words were exchanged. Gavin heard none of it. Sound was lost to him. All Gavin cared about was watching Michael’s lips move. It had been six long years since they’d held each other’s stare. Michael’s gaze moved back his way, as if he was as incapable of looking away from Gavin as Gavin was him. Michael said something else to Kieran and then headed for the door. He was leaving. Gavin couldn’t let him get away.

  He spoke over his shoulder to Henley as he chased after Michael. “I’ll wait outside for you, Hen, and let you say your goodbyes.” Luckily, Henley didn’t argue, because Gavin only had one thing on his mind—forcing Michael to acknowledge him.

  He waited until they were outside before calling out to stop Michael. “Michael, hold up. Are you going to run away without saying hi?”

  Michael slowed next to a red Mercedes. When he turned, there wasn’t an ounce of emotion on his gorgeous face. Those green eyes of his, fuck. It was like getting punched in the gut.

  “I’m not running away. I have a schedule to keep, but hi.”

  Gavin couldn’t fight the smile tugging at his lips. They hadn’t spoken in years. It seemed he hadn’t been missed. Michael wasn’t one to pretend. In fact, that was one of the reasons Gavin hadn’t been able to resist him. “How have you been?”

  Michael didn’t soften at all. “Good.”

  “What about your family?” Gavin pressed, refusing to give up.

  “If you’re fishing for information about Marshall, he’s fine. I’m sure he’d love to hear from you. If you don’t mind, I’m expected elsewhere.”

  Gavin’s smile fell. “We both know Marshall wouldn’t care to hear from me. Nor do I care to speak to him. I was merely making conversation with you.”

  “I thought we both knew I don’t care to hear from you either, yet here we are.”

  There it was—Michael’s hatred. Gavin shoved his hands in his pockets and fought the urge to squirm beneath Michael’s open loathing. “I was a scared teenager, Mikey,” Gavin said, intentionally using the pet name only he’d been allowed to use.

  A hint of something unnamed flashed in Michael’s eyes. His shoulders seemed to relax a hair, but none of the hardness left his voice. “Are you a scared adult?”

  Gavin held Michael’s gaze. “No.”

  “Then you should go see my brother,” Michael said, the first sliver of emotion peeking though. Gavin heard the slight crack in Michael’s words, as if the suggestion physically hurt.

  “Hey, Gavin. I’m going to wait in the car, okay?”

  Gavin glanced over his shoulder at Henley’s words. “It’s unlocked.” By the time he turned his attention back Michael’
s way, he’d slipped inside his car and was backing away. Gavin watched him leave. He didn’t chase after him this time, but he still made his confession as if Michael could hear him. “I don’t want Marshall. Never have.”

  They had mutual friends. Fuck his life. Michael hadn’t even seen it coming. It had been six glorious years since he’d set eyes on Gavin Weeks. Gavin fucking Weeks. Michael could barely think his name. The sick and twisted hatred dug its claws into Michael’s gut anew—like everything happened yesterday rather than years ago. His boss, Mara, sent him to deliver a bottle of wine to one of her friends before meeting her on set. That was it. It was that simple. Like that—fucking Gavin Weeks had been staring at him from across the room. He had the same almost-amber eyes. The same dark hair that couldn’t be tamed. He was wider—like his shoulders had filled out. To his shame, the muscles in Michael’s stomach had tightened with the same instant longing he’d always experienced when looking at Gavin. If it weren’t for Gavin, Michael wouldn’t have known it was possible to hate someone and still want to fuck them. He stared at his phone, sightless. All he saw or heard was the memory of Gavin. He’d let Gavin change him. Shape him into someone bitter and closed. It seemed he really never would forgive the man. He didn’t know how.

  Without realizing it, Michael found himself absorbed by the scene Mara worked on. She was such an amazing actress, sometimes he forgot where he was. Her words washed over him, sucking him in, and drawing his gaze toward one of the screens showing the scene. Mara stared at a spot where the camera could get a close-up and spoke as if her co-star stood there rather than a cold piece of equipment. “I still remember the day I realized we were really over. For the life of me, I can’t remember what you said or did, but I remember the way I felt the exact moment I realized you weren’t mine any longer—the quiet acceptance that overcame me. My heart numbed. Losing you wasn’t the saddest part of losing you. Losing me was the saddest part because I never recovered.”


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