Wolf's Fall

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Wolf's Fall Page 14

by J. D. Tyler

  “Nick’s in surgery,” Tarron said. “But he’s with Viktor, so he’s in good hands.”

  Her knees went weak and her brother steadied her. “Why? Tell me what’s wrong with him!”

  “There was a basilisk loose in Dallas and we went with his team to help. He was distracting it so Kalen could spell it to sleep when the creature knocked him down and got his leg in its jaws.”

  Staring at her brother, she tried to process all of that. “He was bitten? By a basilisk?”

  “Yes. The venom was nasty, but Viktor swears he’ll be all right.”

  Calla felt faint. “Take me to Nick.”

  All the way to the infirmary, she fought panic. How the hell had a basilisk gotten loose in a crowded city? That shouldn’t have been possible.

  And now her mate was paying the price for simply doing his job.


  “First of all, he’s going to be okay,” Viktor told Calla the instant she hurried into the lobby of the infirmary.

  Most of Nick’s men were there, hovering. For their benefit he added, “Both Nick and Ryon will be fine. Basilisk venom is nasty business and can be fatal, but they were both lucky. Either the creature’s venom wasn’t as strong as older ones, or she was only acting in self-defense, not trying to kill them.”

  “She?” John said in surprise.

  “Yes. I had a look at her before she was taken to your compound, and the basilisk is definitely female. And in human form, a small, scared one at that.”

  “Huh.” Aric snorted. “She seemed pretty fucking big on the street.”

  “How did she end up where she did?” Calla asked.

  “We don’t know,” John answered. “But I’m going to question her while Nick is recovering.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Micah put in. The others wanted to go, too, but John limited the group to three—himself, Micah, and Aric—so as not to scare the shifter even more.

  Personally, right now Calla couldn’t care less whether the creature was frightened. What happened might or might not be the basilisk’s fault, but still, she’d put Calla’s mate in the infirmary. That would be tough to forgive.

  Calla moved up to Viktor and got in his face. “This is all very interesting but I want to see Nick.”

  “The nurses are getting him settled, Princess,” he said gently. “Give them a few minutes and one of them will come and get you.”

  “His injuries?”

  “His right leg was bitten and the muscle torn, which I repaired in surgery. In a day or two, when he’s stronger and able to shift, that will finish his healing. The venom, as I said, was painful but not lethal in this case. I anticipate no complications from his ordeal.”

  “Thank you.” Sagging in relief, she was hardly aware of Tarron assisting her into a seat. She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn’t realize he’d spoken to her at first. “I’m sorry?”

  “I said, Nick told me that you two mated. I suppose congratulations are in order.”

  She couldn’t blame him for phrasing it as a question. Things hadn’t gotten off to a smooth start for her and Nick. As protective as her brother was, she wasn’t about to tell him that she hadn’t been able to claim her mate in return. He might finish the job the snake had started.

  “We have some challenges to work through.” That was an understatement. “But things will be all right, eventually.”

  “I know,” he said with a smile, squeezing her hand. “But I’m here for you, whatever you need. Nick, too.”

  “Thank you.”

  One of the nurses appeared as promised, and took Calla to Nick’s room. He was awake when she went in, but groggy.

  “Hey,” she said, sitting down to take his hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I got hit by a bus. How’s Ryon?”

  “Viktor said he’d be fine, so don’t worry. Just get well.” She brushed a lock of black hair off his forehead.

  “Plan to.” He yawned. “Where’s the basilisk? Did they take him to Sanctuary?”

  “Her, and yes, they did.”

  He blinked. “The creature is female?”

  “Apparently so. Plus small and frightened, according to Viktor.”

  “God,” he breathed. “Has she talked?”

  “I don’t think so, but John and a couple of others are going to question her.”

  He frowned. “You know, I was half expecting an ambush. I could have sworn she was a lure.”

  “Maybe that’s what you were supposed to think. Then when you’re wrong, you’ll relax your guard next time you go out on a call and they’ll hit you when you don’t expect it.”

  “Smart woman. We’ll just be extra careful, then.” His eyes drooped and he tried to stay awake. “About earlier, leaving the way I did . . . I’m sorry.”

  “Hush. Get better and we’ll deal with the rest as it comes.”

  Her heart ached as she watched him succumb to sleep. He had so much responsibility on his shoulders, had been hurt more than once protecting his team, and yet he was worried about her feelings.

  She sat with him for a while, until hunger forced her to seek something from the kitchen. Reluctantly, she left Nick’s side, knowing solid food would only temporarily stave off the need for blood. There wasn’t anything else she could do, though. Her stomach would reject any other blood—she knew that by the ominous sickness that roiled just thinking of drinking from anyone but her mate.

  The cook made her a roast beef sandwich, rare. Calla devoured it and felt queasy afterward, but at least it stayed down. She thought she had things under control, and then her brother chose to make an appearance, sitting down beside her and giving her a piercing look.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, trying a smile. It didn’t quite convince him as he eyed her in suspicion.

  “You have dark circles under your eyes and you don’t look well. Not what I’d expect when I see my happily mated sister. Or is the mating happy?”

  “My mate was just injured, in case you forgot, and that doesn’t thrill me. Besides that, we’re still working things out. Of course things aren’t perfect yet.”

  “In what way?”

  “That’s really none of your business.”

  “Since when?” He leaned forward, his worry apparent. “We’ve always been honest with each other and I can sense you’re not being straight with me. What’s going on?”

  Shaking her head, she pressed her lips together. Telling him the whole truth felt like she’d be betraying her mate, even if that wasn’t really the case.

  “Sis, your lips are slightly blue,” he continued in a low, ominous tone. “In fact, you look like you haven’t had blood lately. Why don’t I see if Nick’s feeling better so you can feed?”

  “No.” Her voice was quiet and miserable. “I can’t do that to him.”

  Her brother was clearly confused. “Why not? He’s your Bondmate now, right? I mean, who the hell else are you going to feed from?”

  “I’m his Bondmate, yes.” She took a deep breath. “But he’s not mine, officially. Not yet.”

  He scowled. “What the fuck does that even mean? You’re either Bonded or you’re not!”

  “Nick claimed me, but I haven’t claimed him yet,” she hissed, frustration and sorrow warring with each other. “I can’t, until he’s free of his demons and can allow me to claim him freely, and share my joy.”

  “Share your joy?” he repeated, voice rising even though she tried to shush him. “Does he realize that by being claimed you can no longer feed from anyone else, vampire or human? That you’ll fucking starve if he doesn’t allow you to claim him?”

  “No, and you’re not going to tell him,” she ordered furiously. “So help me, I won’t speak to you again if you do!”

  “Why the hell not?” he yelled. “This is your life we’re talking about!”

  “I won’t have my mate coerced into Bonding!” Bolting to her feet, she slammed a palm on the table, making the dishes j
ump. A couple of other coven members who’d been dining on the other side of the room quickly cleared out. “You will not interfere in this. Do you understand me?”

  “Calla.” He was gutted; she could tell.

  “I’m sorry. I know you’re trying to help, but I need you to stay out of my mating. He’ll come around under his own steam, or not at all.”

  “But if he doesn’t, you could— No, you will die.”

  “It won’t come to that.” She hoped. Tarron appeared so lost, she relented some and went around the table. Putting her arms around his neck, she gave him a hug and was immediately enveloped in his embrace.

  “I love you, sis,” he said hoarsely. “Don’t let this go too long. You and Adrian are my only family, and you’re everything to me.”

  She kissed his cheek, love swelling in her heart. “I won’t. And I love you, too.”

  A twinge of hunger gnawed her belly as she made her way back to the infirmary.

  * * *

  Nick awoke the next morning, restless and irritated with the constant pain in his injured leg. To hell with this.

  Seeing that he was alone for the moment, he made quick work of yanking out his IV line and ripping off every one of those damned itchy little stick-on circles connected to the heart monitor. Then he shucked his ugly gown and let his wolf free.

  The shift was fast, due to centuries of practice. His wolf circled around on the bed, then flopped down with a sigh of contentment. Just when he got settled, a nurse rushed in, followed by Dr. Archer.

  “You could’ve waited instead of scaring my nurse,” the doc scolded. Then he smiled. “But I’m glad to see you’re on the mend. I’ll check on you in an hour or so; then most likely you’ll be ready to go.”

  The doctor left. Nick dozed for a bit, letting his shifter’s system heal the rest of his injury. He didn’t sleep very well, though, because he kept jerking awake and wondering where Calla had gone. Was she upset with him for leaving the way he did before they were called to Dallas? She didn’t seem as though she was when he last saw her, but his heart still ached at the thought.

  The door opened and his mate pushed into the room. He raised his head and caught the full force of her smile, and the sight of her went straight to his soul. His wolf let out a happy chuff as she sat beside him and began to scratch his ears.

  “Viktor told me you were sort of naughty,” she said.

  Not as naughty as I’d like to be, he thought.

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “You really spoke in my head! I almost thought I’d imagined that before, when I heard you tell me you had to go out on a call.”

  Nope. All shifters can communicate with their mates once they’ve Bonded. It’s a nice perk.

  “But I’m not a shifter. Will I be able to talk back to you?” She looked intrigued, and somewhat worried she wouldn’t be able to.

  I don’t know, he admitted. I’ve never known a mated shifter-and-vampire couple. Try.

  Furrowing her brow, she concentrated on what he guessed was sending a message. When he didn’t receive one, he shook his head.

  It might develop later on your end, after you claim me.

  Her tired eyes widened slightly. “Oh, Nick, are you ready for me to claim you? I’m not pressuring you. It’s just that I want you so much. It’ll be so wonderful, honey; you’ll see—”

  I want it, too. I do. Soon. I promise it won’t be much longer.

  Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. Suddenly, he realized she didn’t appear well. Are you okay?

  “I’m fine,” she said, giving him a half smile. “And I see you’re feeling better.”

  Changing the subject?

  “Stating a fact. Viktor should be here to let you go soon.”

  His reply was interrupted by a knock. Tarron, Ian, Teague, and John walked into the room without waiting for the go-ahead, and their expressions told Nick something had developed. He let the change flow over him and reverted to human form, then pulled the sheet over his lap to save Calla any embarrassment. If it had just been the men, nobody would’ve cared that he was naked.

  Tarron got right to the point. “Teague found something.” He nodded to the hacker, who took up the explanation.

  “I’ve identified two large groups who are communicating via e-mail with the one we believe is their leader—the hunters and rogue vampires. But in the last few weeks another e-mailer has joined the discussion, and you’ll never guess where those messages originated.”

  Nick waited a couple of beats as what they were getting at became clear. “From either my compound, or here at the stronghold?” That anyone among his team or support staff would betray them was inconceivable.

  “Here,” Tarron said, every line in his body radiating with fury. “Someone among my coven, or your team, is talking with those bastards. Possibly feeding them information.”

  Nick shook his head and snapped, “Not one of mine. I can personally vouch for every single one of my Pack members. Each one of them would take a bullet for any of us.”

  “Don’t you think I feel the same way about my men?” Tarron shot back. “No one takes on a man thinking the worst of his intentions. But clearly, one of us has misplaced our trust.”

  “Okay, gentlemen,” John interrupted. His voice was quiet and even, injecting calm into the situation to prevent it from escalating into an argument. “We’re not going to get anywhere by discussing anything but hard facts. We have a culprit and we need to find out who it is so we can follow him to the source. He has fucked up and we’re going to take advantage of the fact that he probably doesn’t realize it yet.”

  The other men blinked at him, obviously not used to the man previously known only as “Hammer” being more vocal and taking charge. When he chose to, John was and always had been a man to make other people sit up and take notice. Nick was glad to see him growing within the team.

  “You’re right,” Tarron agreed, backing down some. “The facts will bear out the truth, and we’ll know what direction to take. Teague, where in the stronghold did the suspect use the computer? Or is it possible to tell?”

  “That we do know. I’ve traced those e-mails to a computer in the main library. The problem is, those computers are used by dozens of coven members and their children every day and they aren’t that closely monitored. There are also no surveillance cameras in the library, because quite frankly we’ve never had cause to install any.”

  Tarron nodded. “That will be remedied with a few hidden cameras that are trained on the bank of computers, at least until he’s caught.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Teague said.

  “Good. In the meantime, Nick, tell your most trusted Pack members to keep a sharp eye on any strange comings and goings among anyone in the stronghold, man or woman. Or any behavior that seems suspicious. I’ll do the same.”

  Nick didn’t bother to reiterate that he trusted all of his team implicitly. He was also ninety-nine percent sure he would know, via his gift, whether one of his men had turned. He didn’t have the ability to see everything, but this much he felt confident about.

  “I’ll tell them,” he said. Then he waved a hand at the door. “As soon as I get some clothes I’ll meet with my team.”

  The men left the room, John volunteering to send someone with fresh clothes for Nick, then get the team together in the prince’s conference room. Calla studied him with worry, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before she voiced it. He was right.

  “I think it’s too soon for you to jump right back in to work.”

  “Honey, I’m healed. That being the case, there isn’t any way I’m going to sit on my ass while everyone else takes care of our current problem.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t make me feel any better.”

  His lips turned up at her adorable pout, and he smiled. “That pretty face could get me into a lot of trouble if I let it. But I’m not going to give in,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood. It worked, better than he expected.

Winding her arms around his neck, she took his mouth softly at first, moving against him. She smelled so good, felt so fantastic, his body responded with fervor, tenting the sheets over his lap. The kiss deepened and they explored, dueling tongues, and his blood fired up.

  She pulled back with a sensual, satisfied smile. “What was it you weren’t going to do?”

  “I forgot.”

  “Jesus,” Micah said as he came into the room, holding a bundle of clothes. “Man, you need the doc to come back and take a look at that?”

  Calla giggled at Nick’s annoyance. Then Nick really looked at Micah—the younger man’s hands were shaking as he handed Nick the clothing, and his eyes were bloodshot, the pupils blown. A familiar buzz settled over Nick’s brain, and the vision caught him swiftly.

  Micah and an attractive dark-haired woman faced off in an unfamiliar bedroom. “What the fuck is this, Micah?” she shouted, shaking a small bottle in her fist. The contents rattled ominously between the couple. “You told me you’d stopped using! You lied to me, to your team!”

  “Jacee, please—”

  “Please, what? Give you another chance, and another, while I wait for the day one of your brothers comes to tell me you’re dead of an overdose? Or were gutted by the enemy because you were stoned during a fight?”

  “No,” he denied, voice tight. “That won’t happen.”

  “You need to go.” Looking defeated, she turned her back on him. “Now.”

  “Baby, please. Don’t throw me away. I’ll get help. I’ll quit. Anything—”

  “Now, Micah.”

  She meant it. Micah had no right to stay, no grounds to defend himself. Taking a breath, he said, “I love you. That won’t change, ever. I’m always here if you need me, or change your mind.”

  Numbly, he walked past her and out the bedroom door. Kept going, all the way outside to his motorcycle, where he sat and stared at her house for long moments. A tear trailed down his face and he wiped it away with his sleeve. Trying to keep it together.


  Cranking the bike, Micah sped away from the house. From the loss tearing out his insides. He ran from his ruined life, the destruction of his hopes and dreams. With the Pack, with his mate.


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