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A Twist of Fate

Page 5

by Donna Raider

  “Then prepare to meet your God, dog, for today she will be ours.”

  “I don’t think so,” Mika grinned as she froze the men in their place.

  Taking her wife’s arm, Mika transported them to the penthouse. Just as they left, she saw Leah flick her wrist, but nothing happened to the men. As they disappeared, Mika nodded, and the men began moving.

  “What was that all about,” Leah looked at Mika with a confused expression.

  “This city is filled with good and evil,” Mika shrugged. “We just met some of the evilest. They have no regard for women or the rights of others.”

  She nodded. “I fought that constantly in my realm.”

  Mika looked into her eyes. “What did you do to them?”

  Leah gave her a wide-eyed innocent look as if she didn’t understand what she was asking. “You did something to the four men,” Mika pushed for an answer.

  “Let’s just say that right about now; they are discovering that they have traded their penis for a vagina.” The mayor grinned evilly. “See how they like spending the rest of their miserable lives as one of their buddies abused wives.”

  “Wow,” Mika laughed, “You do know how to dispense justice.”

  Leah’s phone dinged receipt of a text message. It was from the phone number she had not answered all weekend.

  “Must speak with you. It is urgent. Marcus.”

  “Oh,” she sighed with annoyance when she read the message. “It is from Mr. Devon. I do not want to deal with him.”

  “Why don’t you change, and I will call Marcus,” Mika picked up her phone. “I will put it on speakerphone so you can listen.

  “Hello, Leah.” Marcus’s smooth voice filled the room.

  “Sorry, old boy,” Mika answered. “This is Priest Mika Cross. The mayor asked me to call you. She is indisposed right now.”

  “Yes, well, you will do,” the agent said sullenly. “Are you aware of a YouTube video of you and the mayor at a karaoke event last night?”

  “Yes,” Mika laughed. “Our son called us first thing this morning.”

  “Our son?” Marcus’ question hung in the air like poisonous gas

  “Yes, Richie.” The priest explained. “He is our son.”

  “As in you and the mayor,” Marcus could barely speak.

  “Yes. My wife and I have a thirteen-year-old son named Richie. The leader of the Choir Boys band.” Mika spoke as if explaining a difficult problem to a small child.

  “You’re married to the mayor?” Marcus could hardly breathe.

  “Yes. Leah Cross is my wife,” Mika said sternly.

  “Excuse me,” Marcus cleared his throat. “May I call you back in a few minutes?”

  “Let me call you Monday,” Mika said. “We’re just leaving for dinner.”

  “Of course, you are,” Marcus said miserably. “Just call me at your convenience.”

  “That was strange,” Leah walked out of the bathroom putting on her earrings.

  “You are so sexy when you do that,” Mika said hoarsely.

  “Do what, darling?” she smiled.

  “The way you tilt your head slightly to one side as you put on your earring.”

  “You know I let you get a good night’s sleep last night,” Leah smiled her predator smile. “I believe we are all rested.”

  “Magic tricks tonight?” Mika laughed.

  “Count on it,” Leah threw back over her shoulder as she left the room.


  “I thought we would see the musical Wicked , then have supper here,” Mika told her as they walked toward the car.

  Leah smiled approvingly. Although she could easily spend the rest of her life in bed with her wife, she liked that Mika enjoyed taking her out and sharing new experiences with her. None of her past lovers had ever taken her anywhere except the bedroom.


  “That was wonderful,” Leah joyously smiled as they left the Gershwin Theater. “Obviously, I am a true fan of back stories.”

  Mika laughed. “I think your current story is pretty awesome, too. You are awesome. You have overcome so much to become the woman you are now.”

  “I do believe I have had a little help from the love of my life,” she hugged Mika’s arm between her breast. In the shadows, they returned to their penthouse.

  Both were silent as they made their way to the terrace where supper waited for them.

  Leah put her arms around Mika’s neck and pressed the full length of her body against the blonde. “I am so glad you found me,” she murmured against Mika’s lips before slipping her tongue between her teeth and kissing her, mercilessly crushing soft lips.

  Mika kissed her way down Leah’s neck, to the pulse point on her throat, then to the cleavage that had been driving her crazy all night. She inhaled the intoxicating scent of Leah and closed her eyes as her tongue danced as closely to Leah’s breasts as possible. “I have wanted to do this all night.” Mika’s voice was low and dark with desire.

  Mika’s hands slid down Leah’s back to her hips and pulled her tighter against her. Still pressing Leah tightly against her with one hand, she slowly used the other hand to unzip her dress.

  “On your knees is nice,” Leah whispered, helping Mika decide whether to drop the dress to the floor or pull it up over her head.

  Mika slid her dress off her shoulders and slowly slid it down her body, kissing each inch of flesh exposed, as the dress slowly made its way to the floor. Mika was on her knees.

  She slid off Leah’s shoes then began working her pantyhose down her slender legs. Mika sat back on her heels and looked up at her perfect face, asking permission. Mika felt like a meager offering at the feet of a goddess who had allowed her to become her wife.

  Leah dropped to her knees and embraced Mika. “In the bed,” she said in that deep sultry voice that Mika always obeyed instantly.


  Hours later, Leah lay beside Mika, propped up on her elbow, committing the lines of her perfect face to memory. “That was amazing,” Leah whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming Mika’s name. She leaned down and kissed her, striving to communicate her appreciation of Mika as a lover.

  Mika closed her eyes, totally submerged in the sensuous creature that was her wife. Her body still trembled with the tidal waves of passion that had endlessly washed over them.

  Leah laid her head on Mika’s breast, listening to her heartbeat. It was still pounding as rapidly and loudly as her own. “I wish we could stay like this,” she murmured. “Just you and me.”

  “I know,” Mika said softly. “Have you ever considered appointing a deputy mayor? You know I have Priest Gloria Thomas. She loves to take over when I’m gone, and I have shifted more and more of the actual duties to her. If you had a deputy mayor, we could take several four-day weekends a year with no problem.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea. Kathryn has just finished her law degree. She would make an excellent deputy mayor.” Leah began planning the transition.

  Mika kissed Leah’s hair and slowly traced circles on her bare back. “I love the feel of your skin,” she said appreciatively. “So soft, so luxurious, so smooth. You are perfect, my love.”

  The crimson hue of the rising sun touched their windows, reminding them they had to go home. “I sent home everything but an outfit for each of us,” Leah smiled, then waved her hand and dressed them.

  “You love putting my collar on upside down, don’t you?” Mika laughed, reaching for her, but she stepped away.

  “No, no,” Leah chided her. We are about to appear in the rectory, and we don’t need to look like we’ve slept in our clothes.”

  Mika looked at Leah dressed in her Sunday best. She was the epitome of the wife of a woman of God. She was her every dream come true. Mika hoped she was Leah’s.

  CHAPTER 3 - Stalling the Storm

  The couple walked out of the priest’s office, smiling, greeting the parishioners as they entered the church. Richie ran to hug them and tell them how great it was to se
e them then took his place in the choir loft. They took their seats in the front row as the organ music filled the church.

  Richie had no idea what Priest Gloria Thomas was saying. He was too busy watching his mother and Mika. He was so proud of them. It was obvious they adored each other. Just the way they looked at each other made Richie happy. He had never seen his mother as radiant. Her beautiful smile seemed to light up the old cathedral. She deserved the happiness she had found with the priest.

  His thoughts flashed to Emily and Nick. So completely, opposite his mother and Mika. Nick had been very unreliable. Richie had no idea where he was. One day Nick was drunk in the alley behind Legion’s Pawn Shop and the next day he was gone. Rumor was Legion had sent him to rehab, but that was months ago.

  Emily! He couldn’t believe he had chosen Emily over his mother. He didn’t know what he thought she would be like, but Emily certainly wasn’t what he wanted. She was unreliable and moody, blaming Leah for all her problems.

  The best thing that had come out of Emily’s appearance in their town was finding his grandparents, Delilah and Samson. They were good to him and loved him.

  His brunette mother caught his eye, and a brilliant smile curved her lips as she winked at him. For an instant shame permeated his being. He still couldn’t believe how awful he had been to her. He had hurt her so much and through it all, she never stopped loving him. She and Mika had created a home filled with love and respect. He always felt safe and secure with them. He thanked the Lord that his home was with them. He shuddered to think how chaotic his life would be if he only had Emily.

  He searched the congregation and smiled at his grandparents. Of course, Emily rarely attended church, so he didn’t expect to see her in the audience.

  Richie heard Priest Gloria begin the Benediction and could hardly wait to feel his mother’s arms around him. As soon as the amen was uttered, he ran to hug her properly and let her know how much he loved her.

  Mika watched as her wife embraced their son. At five- foot-three, Richie was almost as tall as his mother. Leah’s look of pure joy at her son’s public display of affection warmed the priest’s heart. She knew Leah had suffered when Richie chose Emily after she appeared in town. It hadn’t taken the boy long to realize he had made a mistake. Richie was an outstanding young man. Mika considered herself lucky to have Richie in her life and loved him as if he were her own.

  Mika moved away from her wife and son to congratulate Gloria Thomas on an outstanding sermon. As she followed her wife and son from the church, she was surprised to see Richie search out Amber and politely offer her his arm. Leah’s eyes locked with her wife’s and a perfectly arched eyebrow shot up.

  Everyone seemed to flow from the church to the diner. Ruth and Naomi loved it when the Crosses dined at their establishment. It guaranteed a full house and cash register.

  Ruth had gotten all the Elvis records she could acquire and put them on the jukebox. “Making us a fortune,” she grinned, “everyone loves his music.”

  “I asked Amber to join us for lunch,” Richie announced as he slid in beside the blonde beauty.

  “That is lovely, dear,” his mother smiled a sincere smile as Mika sat down beside her. She subtly moved closer to the priest, so their thighs were touching. She let her hand rest on Mika’s thigh.

  Ruth joyously greeted them, “Finally, our power couple has come home. I can’t wait to hear about New York. We will let you have lunch first, but then you are fair game,” she grinned.

  They placed their orders and began to answer their son’s questions.

  “Your Mom negotiated a great contract for you,” Mika bragged on her wife. “We will perform two shows at Radio City Music Hall, Friday and Saturday, the weekend before Christmas as part of their Christmas Spectacular.”

  “You do have to do some talk shows and TV interviews to help them sell out the Hall,” Leah added. “Richie, they offered recording and movie contracts, but I refused to sign them. After you finish high school and college, there will be plenty of time for you to be a rock star.” She didn’t tell him the offer was only extended if Mika was the lead singer.

  “But Mom,” Richie whined, “a rock star.”

  Mika could tell the boy was about to argue with his mother.

  Amber placed her hand on top of Richie’s, “I am certain Richie wants more out of life than the crazed existence of a rock star,” she smiled at the boy sitting beside her. “He tells me he wants to be a doctor. That is impressive.”

  Richie blushed slightly, “Yes, that is what I truly want to do. I want to make a difference in whatever world I am in.”

  “You’re smart enough to do that,” Amber said quietly.

  Leah nodded her agreement and mouthed a silent, “Thank you,” to Amber.


  Ruth cleared their table and said, “Okay, it is show and tell time. Let’s move this crowd to the Town Hall Meeting Room.”

  Everyone inside the diner and a crowd milling around outside followed the mayor to Town Hall and filled the meeting room. Several town members lined the walls wanting to hear about their mayor’s escapades in New York.

  The sheriff shoved her way to the stage as Leah stepped up to the podium.

  “As you all know, The Choir Boys won the Maine’s Got Talent Contest a few weeks ago. Loud applause filled the meeting room. The contract I signed, on behalf of the city, calls for at least one additional performance by the winners of the contest.” Leah paused to make certain the crowd was following her. “Everything seemed to get out of hand after the video of their performance went viral on YouTube. Talent agents came out of the woodwork seeking to sign the band to be recording contracts. Before going to New York, I visited with the parents of the boys in the band, and the consensus was that we wanted our sons to complete high school and college before even considering a recording career.”

  “I didn’t have any input into the decision,” the sheriff yelled. “I understand there is a lot of money at stake here.”

  Silence fell over the audience as the mayor turned dark, angry eyes toward the sheriff. “I am Richie’s legal guardian,” Leah growled. “You have no say in the matter.”

  Emily’s mouth silently worked as she sought words to contradict the mayor. She finally sat down silently.

  “I’m sure you all remember the danger our boys were in after their performance in Augusta,” the mayor continued, regally drawing herself up to her full height. “If we hadn’t taken action our children would have been mauled by that mob.”

  A rumbling ran through the crowd as they agreed with their mayor.

  “We had a choice of performing one show in Dallas at a 20,000-seat venue or two shows in New York in a 6,000- seat venue.” Leah’s voice was calm and smooth as honey as she informed her constituents of the final decision. Mika marveled at how she always managed to control her audience with the inflections in her incredibly sultry voice. She was one of the most charismatic speakers she had ever heard.

  “The promoters and organizers will get the proceeds from the Friday night show and the profits from the Saturday night show will be divided equally among the boys in the band. Any income generated by the boys will be placed in trust accounts that will be administrated by their parents until they graduate from college.

  A murmur of approval spread through the crowd as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Is Mika going to sing with the band?” Samson asked. “I would be surprised if they didn’t insist on her being part of the package.”

  “She has to,” Asher screamed from the crowd. “I can’t do it. Just can’t do it.”

  “Mika has agreed to perform with the boys, the mayor grimaced.

  “Does she get a share of the money?” Emily called out.

  “No, Mika has declined any monetary compensation for the performance. Her main concern is for our boys’ safety.” Leah frowned, annoyed by the stupidity of the question.

  “What about security?” Delilah called out. “Is o
ur sheriff going to be in charge of security?” Delilah desperately wanted the town to know how important her daughter was.

  “The sheriff and I will coordinate security for the band,” the mayor said. Emily began running scenarios in her head of how she could be alone with Leah.

  “We just want you to know that we loved the video of you and Mika singing at the supper club,” Ruth howled. “It has gone over a billion hits. Both of our videos hold the record for most hits in the history of YouTube.”

  A shout of approval went up from the crowd as the mayor blushed slightly. “Does anyone else have any more questions?” Leah surveyed the crowd.

  “I have one for the sheriff,” Naomi stood up. “As everyone knows the storm front that stalled over Washington began to move this way this morning. It appears it will reach here sometime in the next forty-eight hours. What is being done to prepare for it? It completely shut down Washington.”

  Once again, the sheriff was speechless as all eyes turned to her for answers.

  “The sheriff and I will be discussing strategy on how to handle any emergencies that might arise,” the mayor soothed the crowd. “We have standard operating procedures in place for just such emergencies. I’m sure Sheriff Carver has already initiated many of those, as they are normal procedures.”

  Richie knew that Emily’s only preparation for the storm had been to stock up on vodka and beer. He silently applauded his mother for giving the appearance that the sheriff might be somewhat competent.

  “If anyone else has questions, I will be in my office in the morning. Mika, may I speak with you for a moment?” The mayor smiled and closed the meeting.

  Mika stepped up onto the stage and walked to her wife. “What’s wrong?” She asked her.

  “Did you stall the storm over Washington?” Leah tilted her head to look up at her.

  “I want to kiss you so badly,” Mika whispered. “Yes, I did. I wanted our stay in New York to be as wonderful as it was.”

  Leah nodded her head. “We need to discuss this when we get home. Right now, I need to go to my office and pick up the paperwork Odette says I have stacked up there. Just in case the storm hits sooner than expected.”


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