A Twist of Fate

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A Twist of Fate Page 21

by Donna Raider

  “It’s just great to know that our reproduction capabilities have been the subject of public conversations,” Leah scowled. “Did it ever occur to anyone that we were just enjoying getting to know each other before starting our family?”

  “You know Emily,” Ruth hung her head. “I’m pretty sure she hoped you couldn’t have a baby. She knows how much you love children. Every chance she gets; she makes crass remarks about everything you two do. She is always trying to find ways to diminish the relationship between you and Mika.”

  “I can only imagine,” the mayor growled.

  The truth was Leah didn’t care. Her life was so happy and complete; no one could destroy her happiness.

  Mika and Richie left Leah to place their order while they checked out the new songs Naomi had put on the Jukebox. There was the Choir Boys’ latest album and Christmas music for the season. Mika was surprised to see, All, I want for Christmas is You, by Michael Bublé. She dropped coins into the old jukebox and walked to her wife. She took Leah’s hand and led her to the small, dimly lit dance floor. Holding her close, Mika lost herself in Leah’s softness. The scent of Leah’s hair and perfume caressed her senses as she drank in the feel and smell of her. There were no words to describe what she was feeling.

  Leah slipped her hand from Mika’s and entwined her fingers behind her neck, pulling herself as close to Mika as possible and looking into her eyes as they danced. Leah knew Mika shared her feelings. The song stopped, and they stood for several minutes, lost in each other’s arms.

  Mika led her back to their table. She wasn’t sure an eternity was long enough to spend with the raven-haired beauty.


  Sunday seemed to take a month to arrive. All the Crosses were anxious and excited about their announcement. Word had gotten out that the priest was going to make an important announcement, so everyone in town had attended the service.

  Mika’s sermon was about commitment. She talked about how import it was to commit one’s life to God and keep that commitment. She spoke of personal commitment, how it was important that others could count on you. She spoke last about the commitment of marriage and how important it was, to be honest and trusting with one another, to be proud of one another. She talked about the importance of working together to resolve issues in life and knowing that one could depend on one’s partner.

  After she had finished her sermon, she asked her son and wife to join her in front of the congregation.

  “Our family has been incredibly blessed,” the priest said. “The three of us are fortunate to have a loving and respectful relationship in our home. I didn’t think God could possibly bless us any more than he already has.

  Our biggest surprise came last Sunday when we discovered that Richie is going to be a big brother.” An excited murmur ran through the congregation. “It seems God has doubly blessed us as we are expecting twins.”

  Richie’s smile lit up the hall. Leah was glowing, and the priest’s joy was written all over her face. Everyone in the congregation applauded and made comments like, “Amen or God bless you all. Of course, Levi had to shout, “Way to go Priest.”

  The sheriff jumped from her seat and ran for the door, throwing up in the isle as she went. Leah flicked her wrist and the mess instantly disappeared.

  “Let’s bow our heads in prayer,” the priest sighed.

  After the prayer the Cross family stood at the front of the church, thanking parishioners for attending. Many hugs and handshakes were exchanged as Mika stood with her left arm around her wife who had her left arm around their son.


  At the diner, Ruth could hardly contain herself as she beamed at the family. “So, Richie, you’re going to be a big brother?” She grinned at the boy. “When is that going to happen?”

  “July,” Richie almost squealed. “Just before I turn sixteen, so they will get to know me before I go away to college. Just think, Rubes, this time next year we will be buying Christmas presents for them.”

  Leah smiled. Obviously, her son had been giving a lot of thought to the babies and the impact they would have on their lives. He would be a wonderful big brother.

  After lunch, the priest asked Richie to see his mother home. “I have to take care of some church business,” she informed her wife and son.

  “How long will you be?” Leah asked, already missing her.

  “Not long, honey,” Mika squeezed her hand. “I’ll call you when I head home.”


  It was a beautiful winter day. It was cloudy, and the temperature was just below freezing. There was no wind or rain, and a thick blanket of snow covered the countryside from the previous day’s storm.

  An hour passed, and as promised, Mika called her wife’s cellphone. “Look outside the front door,” she said. “I have a surprise for you.”

  Leah walked to the front door and peeked out. A smile lit her lovely face as she saw her wife stepping down from a sleigh. The sleigh was all white and drawn by three matching, white draft horses much like the ones she had used, as queen, to pull her white coach. The sleigh was built for two with a top and sides designed to stave off cold, rain and snow.

  Mika ran up to the door, and Leah welcomed her into her arms. “Darling, this is just unbelievable. You are just wonderful,” Leah tiptoed to kiss her. “This,” she gestured toward the sleigh and horses, “is beautiful.”

  “Almost fit for a gorgeous queen? Get your coat,” Mika laughed, “Let’s terrorize the countryside.”


  Leah held Mika’s offered hand as she stepped up into the sleigh. Mika sat down beside her then pulled a warm blanket over their legs and lap. Mika clicked to the horses and moved the reins signaling they were ready to go.

  The sleigh glided effortlessly over the snow as the horses pranced to the sound of the bells on their harnesses. Leah was surprised to find the temperature inside the sleigh was very pleasant. It was just cool enough to make her snuggle up to her wife, but not cold enough to be at all uncomfortable. She suspected Mika had something to do with the perfect temperature.

  They laughed when snow rabbits scampered in all directions as their sleigh sailed through the white powder. Mika had recorded all Leah’s favorite Christmas songs, and they were playing in the background on her iPod. They laughed and sang along with their favorites: Winter Wonder Land, Jingle Bells and their own sexy version of Baby, Its Cold Outside .”

  “How about some hot chocolate at the diner,” Mika suggested after much kissing and cuddling.

  “Now who’s the tease?” Leah tilted her head so Mika could easily kiss her lips. “Have you ever made love in a sleigh?” She asked, her brown eyes quickly moving to black as desire filled them.

  “Remember if I haven’t done it with you, darling,” Mika kissed her full, red lips, “I haven’t done it.” She reiterated.

  “I promised Richie he could take the sleigh out for a spin when we finished with it,” Mika grinned as she maneuvered the horses into the trees, hiding them from any curious eyes.

  Leah had already unfastened Mika’s slacks and pulled her blouse out of her pants. She ran her soft hands under Mika’s blouse, up her stomach, to her breasts, and around her sides. Mika pulled the blanket tighter around them as Leah pushed her slacks to the sleigh floor to join her own. Leah slid her own sweater up above her bra then moved to straddle Mika and pulling her face between her breasts.

  Leah realized Mika’s hands were busy controlling the reins of the horses. “This is almost as good as having you tied up,” she smiled her most evil queen smile and began to torture Mika.

  “This isn’t exactly how I had pictured this,” Mika gasped as Leah’s warm breath teased her ear.

  “Umm, what did you have in mind,” Leah purred.

  “I did envision my hands being much more involved.” Mika whimpered as Leah kissed her way to the blonde’s breasts. “Something that had you begging, not me.”

  Leah’s laughter delighted Mika and made her want to get her hands
on her even more. Mika moved all the reins to one hand. The horses nervously moved the sleigh slightly.

  “Mika Cross, if you let these horses run away with me half naked, you will get to sleep in the guest room for a month,” Leah threatened between kisses.

  Mika sharply inhaled as Leah settled onto her.

  “Your mouth still works, you know,” Leah kissed her slowly, drawing Mika’s lower lip between her teeth and caressing it with her tongue.

  Mika moaned loudly, thankful that no one was around to hear her cry out Leah’s name begging her not to stop. Mika kissed down her neck, to her erect nipples. “Could you just unfasten…?”

  Mika held her breath as Leah unhooked her bra and let it dangle to the side. Mika immediately captured a breast in her mouth, sucking and teasing with her tongue.

  “I have to have this, Mika,” Leah cried out. “I have to have it from you.”

  Mika’s excitement was transferring to the horses causing them to whinny and shuffle their hoofs. She gently tightened the reins to let them know they were expected to stand still as she and her wife cried out each other’s names from the mountaintop in the clean pureness of their snow-white world.

  “Wow!” Mika closed her eyes trying to stop her world from spinning. “Just wow! Words can’t describe how you make me feel.”

  “I believe I have some idea, darling,” Leah rearranged her clothes and pulled Mika’s slacks up to fasten them for her. “I rather like having you at my mercy.”

  “I believe I have always been at your mercy, my queen.” Mika said honestly.

  Mika turned the sleigh around and emerged from the tree line. They realized they were on the mountain, looking down on their little Christmas card town. It was a breathtaking site. The cloudy day had caused the automatic lights to come on. Everything looked like a beautiful, perfect painting. Mika looked at the woman next to her. She was an exquisite work of art. She, too, was breathtaking. Mika easily understood how her beauty could have bewitched rulers of other realms and enslaved men and women to do her bidding.

  “What,” Leah asked as she caught Mika staring at her.

  “You are truly the most beautiful being I’ve ever gazed upon,” she said softly.

  Mika headed their sleigh toward town, wishing she hadn’t told Richie she would meet him at the diner. She would rather take Leah home and be at her mercy there.

  Richie ran out of the diner as Mika expertly pulled the sleigh and horses to the curb. “WOW! Mika, this is awesome. Where did you get such a beautiful rig?” Richie held the horses as Mika helped Leah down from the sleigh.

  “The stables got it for me,” the priest grinned at her son. “Your mom and I have had a wonderful time enjoying the beauty of the countryside. The horses are very well trained, but you must keep both hands on the reins. They love this weather and tend to run. When you are finished, take them to the stables. Your mom’s car is there. Carefully drive it back here.”

  Leah opened her mouth to protest, but she knew the priest was slowly getting her used to their son driving alone.

  All the diners in the restaurant came out to see the horses and sleigh. “Can you give us rides, Richie?” Some of the children pleaded.

  “I can tomorrow,” the boy smiled. “Right now, I have to pick up a friend. Tomorrow for sure. I will be here after lunch.”

  “Be careful, sweetheart,” Leah kissed her son quickly and stepped back from the sleigh.

  “A friend?” The mayor raised a quizzical eyebrow at her wife. “What friend?”

  “Grace or Mary,” Mika shrugged.

  Although they had just made love, Leah could hardly keep her hands off her wife. Apparently, the sleigh vis-à-vis had only whetted her appetite. Instead of sitting across from Mika as she usually did, Leah sat beside her so she could put her hand on Mika’s thigh.

  They giggled and talked softly, their heads together, their hands touching, and their bodies pressed as close to one another as respectable in public.

  Ruth brought their chocolate. “That was very impressive, Mika. I don’t believe anyone in this town has ever taken their loved one for a ride in a sleigh. Did I hear Christmas music playing?” Ruth sat down across from them. Really! Even in a sleigh , she thought. Her nose allowed them to keep no secrets.

  “Yes, she made a recording of all my favorite holiday songs,” Leah sweetly smiled as she sent a familiar tingle through Mika. “I do believe you are very romantic, darling.”

  Smiling like a fool, Mika leaned her head against Leah’s. Mika knew she had pleased her. Magic Leah was already playing with her. That meant tonight was her night with her.

  “Did you say that rig is available from the stables?” Ruth inquired.

  Mika nodded, as she warily watched the sheriff walk toward their table. She hoped Emily wasn’t going to tick off Magic Leah.

  “I…uh…wanted to congratulate you on your good news,” the sheriff grimaced. “Twins, huh?”

  Leah smiled graciously, “Thank you, Sheriff.”

  Emily studied the mayor, raking her eyes over Leah’s body. “Yeah, that ought to pretty much wreck your perfect body.”

  “Ouch,” the priest howled as her wife shot a fierce bolt of magic through her leg. Mika clasped Leah’s wrist and held her hand in place on her leg hoping to keep Leah’s magic directed toward her and away from Emily. Thank God, there is still feeling in my leg, she thought.

  “I seriously doubt that,” Mika frowned. Leah was sitting between Mika and the standing sheriff.

  “Is that all you want,” Leah snarled at the sheriff. “If so, please leave.”

  “You know that is not all I want,” the sheriff bent down eye-to-eye with the mayor.

  “That is all you are ever going to get,” Leah spit out the words as if they didn’t belong in her mouth.

  “Please leave, Sheriff,” Mika frowned. “You have no reason to insult my wife. You are destroying an otherwise pleasant day.”

  “Well, then my job here is done,” Emily snorted and swaggered to the counter.

  “I better take her order,” Ruth grimaced as she rose from their table. She couldn’t help a devilish smirk, “Really Leah, in the sleigh.”

  Darkness had just enveloped the town when Richie walked in with Amber. “Is it okay if Amber joins us for dinner?” he asked casually.

  “Of course,” Leah smiled. “Polite company is always welcome at our table.”

  Richie wasn’t sure what the last comment was about but knew better than to question his mother.

  “How was the sleigh ride,” Leah smiled at her son.

  “It was awesome,” Richie grinned from ear to ear. “I took Amber up to the tall mountain. Actually, we just followed the tracks you guys left. I think we must have missed a part of your trail, though because it only took us an hour and your guys were gone three hours.”

  “Oh,” his mother’s eyes opened wider. “Mika was taking her time. Uh…you know, driving slowly.”

  Mika squeezed her wife’s hand to stop her from talking before she embarrassed them.”


  Richie carefully drove home and headed upstairs to finish his homework. Mika was in her study working on their personal finances. Leah was in her study addressing Christmas cards. She had three types of cards, all foil and very beautiful. They sent out cards to all of Mika’s parishioners and cards to her political associates, all hand signed. The most joyous Christmas cards went to their close friends with a personal note written inside each one.

  Mika closed her computer. It had been far too long since she had kissed her wife. “What are you doing?” She asked as she entered Leah’s study. Of course, she knew the answer. Like a small child, she just wanted Leah’s attention.

  Leah looked up at her and tilted her head to the side, “I’m writing a book called, How to Train Your Angel ,” she smirked.

  “Well you are the world authority on the subject,” Mika grinned as she leaned down to kiss her inviting lips.

  Mika looked at the differ
ent stacks of Christmas cards. “I can’t help you with your book,” she laughed, “but I’m very good at addressing Christmas cards.”

  “That would be nice,” Leah smiled. “The quicker I finish, the quicker we can go to bed.”

  “Give me a pen,” Mika’s voice dropped, “I am so on this.”


  Leah was leaning back on Mika’s legs as she leaned against the headboard. “Today was wonderful,” she smiled coyly. “What made you get a sleigh?”

  “Christmas songs, you know ‘sleigh bells ring,’ Winter Wonder Land ,” Mika beamed. “Honestly, I never dreamed I would get such an exhilarating thank you from my wife. I just wanted to ride in a sleigh with you snuggled up tight against me.”

  “I loved it. Obviously, I thought it was very romantic and thoughtful. It looks like you started something that will bring the stables a lot of business,” Leah noted.

  “I hope so,” Mika kissed her, luxuriating in the feel of her lips. In her three thousand years on earth, she had kissed many women, but no one kissed liked Leah. There was a lot to be said for women with full, sensuous lips. “I love you, so,” Mika’s breath caught as Leah caressed her lips with her own. Mika knew she was obsessed with Leah and her lips.


  Christmas was always a happy holiday for them. The twenty-fourth was spent almost entirely at the church. The church served a big dinner before Mass on Christmas Eve. The entire town turned out for it, and everyone enjoyed the camaraderie and good will of the season. Mika and Leah made certain there was a gift under the town tree for every citizen. The Christmas Mass was beautiful with exceptional music.


  The New Year’s Eve party was at the Town Hall meeting room, where everyone danced and imbibed until the stroke of midnight.

  The priest and mayor had their special way of welcoming the New Year. After midnight, when Magic Leah joined the celebration, was their favorite time. Mika often feared Leah would kill her from lack of oxygen but thrilled at the exhilaration of air rushing back into her lungs after Leah took away her breath.


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