A Twist of Fate

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A Twist of Fate Page 35

by Donna Raider

  “No,” she choked out. She wanted to die. Life without Mika wasn’t worth living. Everyone left her room. She was alone finally. She just wanted to die in peace. She would not live without her wife. She didn’t care about the babies she was carrying. She didn’t care that others needed her. She didn’t care about anything. Without Mika, she had no reason to live. The biggest curse of all was that she was immortal. She would be forced to face an empty, dreadful life without Mika. She prayed to her God for death.

  Leah, I need you . Mika’s thoughts rang in her head.

  Was she still dreaming? Was this some heinous nightmare? Darling, I need your help . Again, Mika’s thoughts. I don’t mind dying, but I want to die in your arms.

  She was alive! Mika was alive!

  Leah stretched out limbs that had been in the fetal position far too long. She rolled to Mika’s side of the bed only to be greeted with cold, stark sheets.

  Leah, please !


  Leah was well versed in intimidation. She had used it all her life; sometimes for evil, sometimes for good. She knew the value of first impressions. She stood and walked to her full-length mirror. She looked pale and pitiful, a scrawny little thing where once an all-powerful queen had stood. Great hunks of hair were missing where she had torn out her raven locks. Deep, bloody scratches crisscrossed her face and breasts, where she had dragged her nails in agony. She had not been able to inflict enough physical pain on herself to stop the aching loneliness from the loss of her wife. Nothing she saw in the mirror would make a powerful impression on anyone.

  She showered and fixed her hair. She healed herself. She put on her makeup. She drew herself erect, to her full height, and liked what she saw in the mirror. Without any movement, she clothed herself in her most empowering wicked queen outfit. Gold armor covered her. Her glorious mane of black hair billowed around her. Her breastplate—barely covering her breasts—flowed into golden pants and boots. She didn’t bother with a jacket. She wanted freedom of movement.

  She walked out into the back yard of the mansion. Richie, Amber, Samson’s family and Nana ran behind her, concerned that she hadn’t been out of bed in weeks. She summoned a warhorse, white as pure driven snow. Mounting him, she pulled on the reins making the stallion dance on his hind legs. Fire flared from his nostrils and sparks flew from his hoofs wherever they touched the ground. She brandished a lance that was on fire. She was going to get her wife.

  “Mom,” Richie cried out, “where can we find you?”

  “Burning my way through hell,” she hissed.

  Mephistopheles wants to see the Wicked Queen, well, he is going to get more than he ever dreamed . Leah Cross intended to be his worst nightmare.

  I am coming, Mika , she answered her wife’s thoughts.

  She transported herself and her steed to the gates of hell where the twisted statues of Legion and Jezebel still stood guard. Without so much as the twitch of a facial muscle, she turned them to dust and grinned as the winds scattered their ashes and sent their souls to eternal damnation.

  She spurred her steed and charged into the fiery abyss. Souls screamed and begged for mercy all around her. Brimstone and hot molten lava boiled up to block her way. The stench of burning flesh and hair gagged her. The smell of sulfur burned her nostrils as she tore through hell in search of her wife.

  Without even a nod, the oceans from the planet Aquaraus emptied into the flaming home of Mephistopheles. Another thought and the entire underworld froze solid. Hell had frozen over.

  She drew her stallion up into a full stand on his hind legs and roared, “Bring me, my wife.” It wasn’t the voice of a dainty small-town mayor. It was the voice that fueled nightmares and brought horror stories to life. It caused the ice to crack and the very foundation of hell to shake. Steam shot from the crevices in the ice and lava stalactites crashed into frozen souls below them.

  “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my domain?” A tall, angular man appeared in front of her fire-breathing steed. In his own way, he was as beautiful as Mika. He had thick black hair, a handsome, swarthy face, a muscular body and wings as black as sin. At nine feet tall, he was eye level with her on the warhorse.

  “I am Leah Cross, wife of the Archangel Mika,” she roared. “You have her, and I want her.” Again, purgatory shook and steam shot up from new fissures, as her voice reverberated from the walls of the underworld.

  “I have no such soul,” the dark angel said quietly. “And before you speak again, please lower your voice. It is very annoying.”

  “Who are you? Some messenger of Mephistopheles,” she lowered her voice slightly. “Where is the coward? Send him to face me himself.”

  “Mephistopheles!” The dark angel raised his black brows.

  “Don’t pretend he isn’t here,” she roared again. “He took my wife.”

  “Mephistopheles,” the dark angel’s voice was low and soft, yet it bounced off every surface of hell, creating an echo that reverberated endlessly, filling the underworld with dread. “Come here.”

  “I am here, Master,” Mephistopheles stood before them, his head bowed, afraid to look either of them in the eye.

  “Is this the woman you wanted for your wife?”

  “Yes, Master,” Mephistopheles mumbled.

  The dark angel smiled, surveying Leah. “She is beautiful. She is a very powerful witch. Is she not?”

  “Yes, Master.

  “My wife,” Leah reared her steed again. “I want my wife!”

  “You didn’t tell me she had a wife,” the dark angel grinned maliciously at Mephistopheles.

  “A priest, Master. No one important,” Mephistopheles shrugged.

  “Do you have her?” The dark angel walked closer to Mephistopheles.

  “Yes, Master.” Mephistopheles almost whispered as if hoping his answer wouldn’t be heard.

  “You have had a soul, unknown to me, hidden in my domain? Produce her!” The dark angel growled at Mephistopheles.

  Suddenly Mika appeared on her knees between Leah and the dark angel. She was bound by something Leah couldn’t make out. It looked like strips of human skin. Mika’s hair was almost burned away, and she had deep, oozing gashes all over her body and once beautiful face. She had been subjected to constant flagellation with a cat-o-nine. A deep cut ran from her hairline, across her right eye, and down her cheek.

  Leah fought the urge to dismount and run to Mika but knew her advantage was in remaining astride the warhorse.

  Mika struggled to her feet. “Remove the link to the souls that bind my hands,” she said softly.

  The dark angel nodded, and the restraints fell away.

  Mika raised her eyes to lock with the dark angel’s. “So, we meet again, Lucifer.” Her eyes were black and hard as if she could see into the soul of the dark angel.

  Lucifer whirled on Mephistopheles. “Fool, what have you done?” He howled. “You have single-handedly brought about the destruction of hell. You have brought a pure soul into our domain.”

  Lucifer slowly turned to face Mika. “I had no knowledge of this,” he said honestly, slightly bowing his head in deference to Mika. “Tell me how I can make this right?”

  “I will leave Mephistopheles’ punishment to you,” Mika grinned malevolently. “You are much better at divining punishments that suit the crime than I. While my wife is extremely beautiful, the other reason he wanted her was to combine her power with his to rule the underworld. Mephistopheles is a far more serious threat to you than to my God.”

  Mika suddenly unfurled her wings and rose to her true height. The pure white light radiating from her was blinding. She was almost too beautiful to behold.

  “Mika” Mephistopheles gasped. “You are the Archangel Mika, but you are with an earthly woman.”

  “I never want him to look upon my wife again,” Mika glowered at Mephistopheles with complete contempt. “I would like to witness your solution to that right now,” she nodded to Lucifer.

  As Leah and Mika w
atched, Lucifer walked to Mephistopheles. Placing his hands on either side of the demon’s head, Lucifer leaned down and kissed Mephistopheles’ lips, then drove his thumbs into his eye sockets. Mephistopheles’ scream echoed throughout hell as he fell to his knees, blind for all eternity. The last thing he saw was burned into his brain, the pure, blinding beauty of Mika.

  “Again, my apologies,” Lucifer bowed his head slightly. “I hope that you will convince God that I am without blame in this matter.”

  Mika retracted her wings and easily mounted behind her wife on the warhorse.

  “My domain,” Lucifer swept his hand to indicate the devastation Leah had wrought. “It’s in a shamble.”

  “Never underestimate the power of a woman in love,” Leah growled as she transported herself and her wife to the yard behind the mansion.

  Leah stayed astride the warhorse, enjoying the exhilaration of her wife clutching her against her breasts. “I thought I had lost you,” she sobbed. Mika hugged her tighter.

  “Never,” she whispered into Leah’s ear.


  “Mom, Mika,” Richie ran into the back yard and watched in awe as his parents dismounted the warhorse and his mother waved it back where it belonged. “Are you alright?” He gasped as he got a good look at Mika.

  “No, we’re not,” Leah said softly. “I need to heal her. Please don’t let anyone disturb us.”

  Richie nodded as his mother transported her and her wife to their bedroom. She quickly disrobed them both, then kissed the priest’s wounds. She led Mika into the shower and washed away the filth that covered her. She dried her, then led Mika to their bed where she lay down beside her and took Mika in her arms.

  Mika could feel Leah’s warmth spread through her as her wounds healed and her hair returned to normal. Both were totally exhausted. They slept in each other’s arms for days. Waking only to declare their undying love and give thanks for being in each other’s arms again.

  Leah felt so small and frail in Mika’s arms.

  While she healed Mika, the angel returned the gift. Leah felt herself healing. She felt the babies thrive again, babies that would know both their mothers.


  On the seventh day, Mika awoke to the feel of Leah’s soft lips on hers. “How do you feel?” Leah whispered.

  “Like the luckiest woman in the world,” Mika smiled against her lips, before pressing them tighter against her own. “And, you?”

  “I feel wonderful,” Leah kissed her gently. “I am still wary, afraid this is a cruel dream, and I’m not really in your arms.”

  Mika tightened her arms around Leah. The feeling was glorious. Nothing in the world felt as good as holding her and kissing her. “This is what kept me alive in the underworld,” Mika said softly. “I had to find a way back to you.”

  “What took you so long?” Leah snuggled deeper into her.

  “I had been trying from the moment I was bound. Apparently, I couldn’t get past Mephistopheles’ firewall of souls.” Mika stroked her hair and down her back. “I just kept trying constantly. Calling for you over and over.”

  “Why didn’t you call on your God?” Leah asked.

  “He wouldn’t interfere. I had thrown myself into hell. I had honored a contract. I had to get myself out, but I wasn’t strong enough without you.” Mika closed her eyes glorying in the feel of Leah, stretched out on her body.

  “We really should let our children know we’re okay,” Leah kissed her again.

  “I’m not sure I can stop kissing you long enough to do anything else,” Mika smiled against her lips. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, darling,” Leah kissed her a deep, soul-searing kiss, that left her breathless.


  Richie accelerated as he and Amber sped toward the hospital. Mika had called him about ten minutes ago. The newest additions to the Cross family were about to make their debut. He so hoped one of them looked like his mother.

  The happenings of the past months raced through his mind. His parents had given him blow by blow details of their encounter with demons and devils and how Leah had saved the priest. Amber attentively listened as they described their experience. There was no mention of the Archangel Mika.

  Richie recalled the look on the faces of the entire Samson family when his mother had mounted the warhorse and ridden into hell. She was powerful. She was magnificent. She was the Wicked Queen, ready to take evil to a whole new level. “You know,” Samson had said to Delilah “she could have easily destroyed us at any point in time. I don’t believe you were ever truly in any danger from her.”

  “I never realized she was that powerful,” Delilah mumbled in awe.

  The entire town was relieved to be free of Legion and Jezebel, although they didn’t quite understand how that had happened. Their flesh and blood bodies had been found dead in Legion’s shop. They had both died of a heart attack. They found Nick in the bed and breakfast. He had died of alcohol poisoning.


  As Legion’s only direct heir, Richie had inherited all his possessions, including all the property he owned in their town. The pawnshop was boarded up, and Leah had placed a protection barrier around it to prevent anyone from entering.

  During the last months of her pregnancy, Leah had participated in groundbreaking ceremonies for the shipyard and the cannery. Everyone was amazed at how quickly the construction was happening. Richie knew they were getting help from the mayor. He briefly wondered how she had learned to read blueprints so precisely. She never ceased to amaze him.

  As they ran into the Medical Center, Richie was surprised that his mother’s screams weren’t filling the hospital. But then Mika was with her. She always seemed to calm Leah. The nurse directed them to the maternity waiting room. “The babies haven’t arrived yet,” she smiled. “I will call you as soon as you can see them.”

  Mika sat calmly by her wife’s bed, holding her hand. She leaned over and kissed her. “I love you so much, Leah,” she said softly.

  Leah squeezed her hand. “I…I can’t even find the words to describe how much I love you, darling.”

  A slight grimace visited her lovely face. “Time to get Strand,” Mika asked.

  Leah nodded.

  Strand and the nurses did their jobs, then placed in her arms two of the most beautiful babies Mika had ever seen. She stared at them for several minutes.

  “Are you going to share, Priest?” Leah teased.

  Mika walked slowly to Leah, never taking her eyes off the infants she held. Leah gasped as Mika lay them in her arms. They were tiny replicas of Leah. Their eyes were closed, but their thick shock of black hair curled around their beautiful faces. Their tiny mouths were perfectly shaped and searching for something to eat. Their long lashes moved and tiny eyelids opened to reveal the deepest, purest blue eyes Leah had ever seen, her wife’s eyes.

  Mika carefully pulled back her gown and helped her lead each baby to a breast. Mika had never seen Leah look so beautiful. Her heart felt as if it would burst. Mika knelt, placed a hand on each baby, and gave thanks to her Lord.

  After the babies went to sleep, Mika asked the nurse to bring in their son and Amber. Richie was ecstatic. A brother and a sister that looked just like his mom. He shook his head in awe as he gently picked up Rachel. He smiled as he thought of Sara and Adam playing with Rachel and Jacob.


  Mika leaned against the porch railing watching her children play in the back yard. Sara and Adam were teaching Rachel and Jacob how to play hide and go seek. The younger twins were just as beautiful as their older siblings. With Raven hair and Mika’s deep, blue eyes, they made Mika’s heart beat a little bit faster every time she looked at them.

  Leah joined her on the porch. “Everything is ready for Sara and Adam’s surprise birthday party,” she tiptoed to kiss her wife. Mika placed her hands around Leah’s slender waist and pulled her in closer for a serious kiss.

  “Is Richie here?” She asked. “Five years is a special birth

  “He and Amber just arrived. The children will be so happy to have their big brother home from college.” She laced her fingers through Mika’s. “And I will be so happy to begin our vacation tomorrow. I need some serious alone time with my wonderful wife.”

  “Umm,” Mika kissed her again. “Tomorrow can’t get here fast enough.”


  After the party was over and all the guest had departed, Richie and Mika rolled on the floor, playing with the children.

  “Horsey, Mommy,” Sara giggled. “Where’s Queen Mommy?”

  “Who’s horsey am I tonight?” Mika laughed.

  “Mine !” The thought ripped through Mika’s mind. She looked up to see her gorgeous wife standing at the top of the stairs giving her a dark, sultry look that turned her into jelly.

  “Queen Mommy, Queen Mommy,” all four youngsters cried in unison, as they spotted her at the top of the stairs. “Play with us.”

  Suddenly Adam pushed Jacob up onto Mika’s back, and Sara climbed on behind him. Richie laughed out loud as Adam helped Rachel crawl onto his back, then quickly joined her, wrapping protective arms around her.

  The faux horses were off in a flash, chasing each other as children’s squeals and laughter filled the mansion.

  Athaliah looked down on the scene below. The joy in her soul was inexplicable. She had held many titles during her lifetime: daughter, princess, queen, stepmother, Wicked Queen, mayor, mother, and Mika’s wife. The titles she treasured the most were Mika’s wife and Queen Mommy.

  The End (for now)

  Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it. You may follow me on my website www.donnaraider.com and on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/donna.raider.146




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