Obsessed (9781617732393)

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Obsessed (9781617732393) Page 21

by Gibson, Jo

  “Oh, yes you did.” Linda smiled as she patted Carla on the back. “Michael really appreciated the way you stood by him, when all the rest of us started to fall for Judy’s lies. You were the only one who really believed that he was innocent.”

  “Andy believed in him, too.”

  “That’s true.” Linda nodded. “But it would look a little strange if Michael wrote a song for Andy.”

  Carla was grinning as Linda went out on stage to join Michael. They were doing a duet. She was still smiling happily as she brought up the lights and focused the spot on the two of them. Michael had written a song for her. And he seemed to like her a lot. But she warned herself not to get too excited about Michael’s apparent interest in her. She was just his friend, nothing more. Michael Warden had no idea that she wished she could be much more than his friend.

  “Great job, Carla!” Mr. Calloway was smiling as he came up to her at intermission. “Have you seen Michael? He’s got a visitor.”

  “He just went to the dressing room, Mr. Calloway. Do you want me to get him?”

  “I’ll go.” Mr. Calloway smiled at her. “You stay here and get your light cues ready for the second half.”

  Carla took a few moments to study her cue sheet. Phil’s magic act was going to be complicated tonight, because he had a new trick. He was going to saw Gina Carlson in half, and Carla needed two spotlights, one on the saw, and the other on Gina’s face. Of course Phil wasn’t actually going to cut Gina in half. The whole illusion was done with mirrors. That meant Carla had to be very careful not to let the spots glint off the mirrors and expose the trick.

  “Have you got it all figured out?” Phil rushed up, looking anxious.

  “No problem.” Carla nodded. “Just do the sawing part right, Phil. I like Gina.”

  Phil grinned. “Me, too. Don’t worry, Carla. Everything went just fine in rehearsal.”

  As Phil rushed off to prepare his props, Carla glanced out at the audience. She smiled as she saw Michael heading down the steps. She still couldn’t believe he’d written a song just for her. Was it possible he was beginning to think of her the way she thought of him?

  Carla’s heart raced as she considered that delightful prospect. But her smile changed quickly to a frown as she saw where Michael was headed. He was rushing straight toward table number four where a very familiar-looking girl was sitting. The girl rose to her feet as Michael approached. And she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.

  “Oh, no!” Carla winced as she recognized the girl. It was Liz Applegate, Michael’s former girlfriend. And the hug she was giving Michael wasn’t the hug of a former girlfriend. To make matters worse, Michael was grinning and hugging her back!

  Carla sighed. So much for her rosy dreams of romance. Michael had mentioned that he was going to a party tonight, at the home of an old college friend. Now Carla knew who the old college friend was. It was Liz Applegate, the girl who had dumped Michael a couple of months ago.

  Michael bent down to kiss Liz, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. It was clear that Liz wanted Michael, and Michael wasn’t exactly resisting. Carla sighed as she read the writing on the wall. Michael and Liz would get back together, and she’d be left out in the cold!

  “Hey, Carla.” Andy stuck his head behind the screen and gave her the high sign. “What did you think of Michael’s new song?”

  “I thought it was wonderful. It’s the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.” Carla’s voice was very soft.

  “Were you surprised?”

  “And how!” Carla adjusted the spot, and then she turned to face Andy. “At first, I thought it was a song for Judy. I had no idea that Michael had written it for me until he told the audience.”

  “I know. I told Michael you’d be surprised. You should have gone out on the stage, Carla. Michael wanted you to.”

  “But . . . I just couldn’t!” Carla was glad it was dark behind the screen so Andy couldn’t see the blush that rose to her cheeks. “I’ve never been on the stage before, and I would have been terribly embarrassed. Look at me, Andy. I’m not pretty, or talented, or anything like that. The audience would have laughed at me.”

  Andy walked closer, and spoke very softly so no one else could hear him. “You’re selling yourself short, Carla. You just have a low self-image, that’s all. If you fixed yourself up a little, you’d be a knockout.”

  “Me?” Carla was so shocked, she almost missed the next light cue. “Don’t be ridiculous, Andy.”

  “Michael told me he thinks you’re pretty. And I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if he asked you out. As a matter of fact, I’ll bet you five bucks he does.”

  “Don’t be silly.” Carla shook her head. “Michael’s not interested in me. Didn’t you notice who’s in the audience tonight?”

  Andy looked puzzled. “Who?”

  “Liz Applegate. Michael asked her to come. And I happen to know that he’s going to a party at her house, after the show.”

  “Michael’s back with his ex-girlfriend?” Andy raised his eyebrows.

  “It looks that way. They were pretty tight, during intermission.”

  Andy frowned slightly. “Maybe they’re just friends?”

  “Oh, sure.” Carla gave a bitter, little laugh. “Dream on, Andy. Liz is coming on to Michael. Believe me, I know.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  Carla gave a little laugh. “Of course not. It just makes me mad, that’s all. Liz made herself scarce all the while Michael was at Brookhaven. Nurse Danver told me she never came out to visit. She didn’t even call, or send a card.”

  “So why is she back with him now?”

  “I think she’s bored. Remember that guy she dropped Michael for?”

  Andy nodded. “Sure. He’s rich and he’s got a Ferrari. Michael told me all about him. Did they break up?”

  “No, but he’s gone for the summer, touring Europe or something like that. And now Liz is making a big play for Michael. Michael’s going to end up getting dumped by her again. I just know it.”

  Andy didn’t look convinced. “Michael’s smart enough to see right through her. He knows you were the only girl who was really loyal to him, and I still think he’s going to ask you out. Does our bet stand?”

  “You’re on.” Carla reached out to shake Andy’s hand. “But keep your wallet handy. I’m not entirely happy about saying this, but this is going to be the easiest five bucks I ever made.”


  Liz Applegate plopped down on a chaise lounge and eyed the patio with disgust. There were empty glasses on every table and the leftovers from the Mexican bean dip looked gross. Someone had spilled a bowl of chips on the flagstone path that led through the rose garden, and the trash can was overflowing with paper plates and empty beer cans.

  Normally, the mess wouldn’t have bothered Liz at all. She simply would have ignored it, and jotted a note for the maid to clean it up in the morning. But Liz was in a very bad mood, and it was all Michael’s fault.

  She’d spent a lot of time preparing for tonight. Since her parents were gone, vacationing in Italy, she’d dismissed the staff before the party had started. Then she’d put new satin sheets on her waterbed, and programmed the CD player for her favorite type of romantic music. She’d even turned on the Jacuzzi. It was ready and waiting for two. And a bottle of champagne was chilling in a silver ice bucket, hidden away in the cabana. Liz had planned for a wonderfully romantic evening, after the party was over. And now the party was over, but there was one critical element missing. Michael.

  Liz sighed as she remembered the last time she’d slept with Michael. Of course “slept” wasn’t really the correct word. They’d been awake all night, kissing and cuddling.

  That night had started with a party, too. And Michael had stayed after all the rest of her guests had left. She’d been counting on a re-play tonight, but Michael had volunteered to drive Bill home. Michael had grabbed Bill’s truck keys when Bill had popped the tab on his fourth beer, and he�
��d declared himself Bill’s designated driver.

  Liz hadn’t really cared if Bill drove himself into a ditch or not, but she had pretended to be just as concerned as Michael. She’d even hugged Michael and told him how wonderful he was for being such a good friend to Bill. She’d smiled as she’d agreed that Bill could leave his truck in her driveway for the night and come to pick it up in the morning, when he was sober. But all the while, Liz had been seething inside. She’d barely managed to control her anger as Michael had herded Bill into his car and driven off. Damn Bill for ruining her plans! She’d never invite him to another party! And damn Michael for volunteering to drive him home! Now she was stuck here, surrounded by the clutter of a successful party, completely alone.

  Her stomach was growling, and Liz opened a fresh bag of chips. She hadn’t eaten anything during the party. She’d been too excited, waiting for the time when everyone would leave and she’d be alone with Michael. And then, when Michael had told her that he was going to drive Bill home, she’d been too mad to be hungry. Liz was sure that Michael would be back. She just resented having to wait. Of course she hadn’t told him that. She’d just smiled and promised she’d leave the gates open for him.

  One glance at the clock over the wall by the bar, and Liz jumped up. Twenty minutes had passed since Michael had left. He was probably dropping off Bill right now, and it would take him at least another twenty minutes to drive back to her. There was no way she wanted him to find her moping around, waiting for him like some lovesick teenager. She’d get into her very best bathing suit and swim some laps in the pool.

  Her white satin bikini was hanging right where she’d left it, on the hook inside the cabana. Liz peeled off her clothes and slipped into it, studying her reflection in the mirror. She knew she looked sensational in the white bikini. She’d been working on her tan all summer. Michael’s eyes would pop right out of his head when he saw her wearing it.

  Liz retrieved the champagne bucket and carried it out to a table. Then she walked to the pool, feeling better already, and dipped her toe in the water. The pool was warm, exactly the way she liked it, and she slid into the water without a ripple. The stars were bright overhead, and the palm trees waved gently in the warm night breeze. It was the perfect night for romance, and she was ready.

  The water caressed her like an old friend as she glided the length of the pool. No sense working up a sweat. She was only killing time until she heard Michael’s car pull into the driveway. He’d be back. She was sure of it. He wouldn’t be able to resist the chance to repeat their last night together.

  After three laps, Liz was tired. It had been a long day. She pulled herself out of the water and sat on the lip of the pool, enjoying the gentle breeze. The scent of night-blooming jasmine was a heady perfume, and she was glad her mother had taken an interest in gardening, and planted a border around the patio. Coupled with the lovely aroma of the roses that were blooming in the garden, it was almost an aphrodisiac.

  Only five minutes had passed, and Liz was bored. She hated to wait. Waiting made her nervous. She found a clean wine glass and opened the bottle of champagne she’d saved for Michael. One glass should do the trick. It would relax her, and the time would pass more quickly. Of course she knew that it was dangerous to swim when she’d been drinking, but she didn’t have to get back in the pool until she heard Michael open the gate.

  The bottle was almost empty when Liz heard footsteps crunch on the gravel in the driveway. She set her glass on the nearest table, and got back into the water again. She wouldn’t admit that she’d been drinking alone. Michael wouldn’t approve of that. He was very old-fashioned in a lot of ways, and that was one reason why she’d dumped him.

  Liz turned on her back in the warm water, and did a lazy backstroke. Michael might have reservations about spending the night with her, but those reservations would be quickly erased when he saw how sexy she looked in her bikini.

  As she waited for Michael to join her, Liz began to smile. Michael might get even more turned on if he found her swimming without her top. He’d get so excited, he’d probably shed his clothes and jump right in to join her.

  Liz unhooked her bikini top and tossed it out of the pool. It landed on one of her mother’s hybrid tea roses, and Liz giggled. Her mother would have a coronary if she saw the bikini top draped over her prize rose bush. But her mother wasn’t here, and there was no one to object.

  A smile spread across Liz’s face as she thought about Michael’s reaction. She knew she looked sexy. She had a gorgeous tan all over, thanks to her mother’s tanning bed. Why wear any suit at all?

  It took only a second to slide out of her bikini bottom and toss it away. Liz gave a sexy giggle as she felt the water caress her bare skin. This was fun. No wonder everyone was always talking about skinny-dipping!

  Liz treaded water for a moment, and listened. Had she imagined those footsteps on the gravel? No. There they were again, approaching the gate. Michael would be here any moment.

  She gave a little shiver of anticipation and smiled again. She’d turned off the rest of the lights so the patio was in darkness. The only illumination came from the underwater pool lights. When Michael came around the corner and stepped onto the patio, his eyes would be drawn directly to her.

  Liz debated for a second, and then she started swimming laps again. She didn’t want Michael to think she’d arranged this whole scene, just for him. It was better to let him stumble upon her by accident. She’d say she hadn’t heard him, and she’d pretend to be a little startled. Then she’d tell him that she swam like this often. That should be enough to get him to come over every night. Her parents would be gone for another ten days, and they could have a blast.

  As she swam, Liz listened. Quiet footsteps crossed the patio, nearing the deep end of the pool. She turned her face away to hide a smile as she realized that Michael was planning to surprise her. When she finished her lap, at the deep end of the pool, he’d reach out for her. The thought of being in Michael’s arms again made her heart race and her breathing quicken.

  Liz took her time as she approached the shallow end of the pool. She’d give Michael plenty to look at when she swam her return lap. She’d do a backstroke so he could see her breasts, and then she’d switch to a side stroke with a scissors kick. That was bound to drive him wild.

  Knowing that Michael was watching made Liz feel incredibly sexy. It was almost like doing a striptease. She arched her back, and floated for a moment, enjoying the night air as it caressed her body. Then she lifted one, perfectly tanned leg and trailed her fingers down her thigh.

  When she was halfway across the pool, Liz turned to peer at the deep shadows by the diving board. She could almost make out Michael’s shape in the darkness. She smiled and licked her lips. The night was so still, she could hear him breathing. He was turned on, she was sure of it. And by the time she reached the end of the pool, he’d be climbing the walls.

  Only a few feet to go. Liz slowed, and treaded water, rising up from the pool like a modern-day Venus. She was almost close enough for Michael to touch her now. Almost . . . but not quite. Liz turned languidly on her back and gazed up at the twinkling stars above, floating very slowly toward the end of the pool.

  There was a brief moment of suspense. And then she felt his strong hands grab her shoulders. She gave a playful little shriek, pretending fright. The neighbors were gone on vacation and she could make as much noise as she wanted.

  And then Michael’s hands pushed her down, hard. Liz sputtered and tried to protest as her head went under the water. This wasn’t fair! And it certainly wasn’t sexy! She’d been to the beauty salon this afternoon and now her new perm was ruined!

  She tried to reach up to pry his hands loose, but her fingers encountered something strange. Michael was wearing gardening gloves. Why in the world was he wearing gloves? And why wasn’t he lifting her out of the water to kiss her? If this was a playful game in the water, it had gone much too far!

  The beginnings o
f fear made Liz kick out even harder. She tried to dig her fingernails into the heavy canvas gloves, but his grip was too strong to pry loose. If she didn’t do something fast, Michael was going to drown her!

  Liz thrashed and struggled under the water as precious seconds ticked by. Her lungs were screaming for air, and she could feel her strength ebbing. Her frantic struggles became weaker and weaker, and then, finally, her muscles failed her completely.

  Her consciousness began to dim and her eyes fluttered open to stare up through the water that separated her from the life-giving air. Michael’s face was a wavy, pale oval above the surface of the water, too far away to see clearly. But she could see the object he held half-submerged, only inches from her chest. It was an arrow!

  Liz’s last conscious thought, before the eternal blackness closed in, was clear and concise. The police had made a terrible mistake. Judy Lampert hadn’t killed all those girls at Covers. Michael was the real Cupid Killer!


  Carla parked her car in the Covers lot, and got out with a sigh. The bank had been crowded and she’d spent over forty minutes waiting in line to do a routine transaction. She tucked the soft leather briefcase she used for banking business under her arm, and headed for the kitchen door. No sense walking all the way around to the front. It was after four, and Andy and his staff would be here, preparing the food for tonight’s show.

  Two weeks had passed since Liz Applegate’s horrible murder, and the police weren’t even close to solving the crime. Of course there were rumors, especially since Liz had been found with an arrow thrust into her chest. It was the same kind of arrow that had been used in the Cupid murders, the murders the police had considered solved when they’d read Judy’s confession in her suicide note.

  As Carla approached the open kitchen door, she heard voices inside. Berto was there, and he sounded very upset.


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