Brutal Bytes
By Roger Hastings
ISBN: 978-1-937831-61-5
A Pink Flamingo Publications Ebook Publication
All rights reserved
Copyright ©2004 Roger Hastings
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
without prior written permission from the publisher.
For information contact:
Pink Flamingo Publications
P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083
Cover Art copyright © William Langeveld
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Chapter One
Night Falls In Eden
I’m getting rather worried about what’s happening to us. There’s 1,062 men, and 1,883 women—most of them irresistibly pretty, young college girls—working here in this fenced-in 800 acres of buildings, meadows and tropical forest; we’re all getting abnormally horny.
Oh, nothing really dangerous or bad about it, I suppose—unless you’re easily embarrassed. It’s just that I’ve noticed how fascinated we seem to be about—about sex. Especially when men and women are standing or sitting close together. It’s just not one particular female that arouses me. Although Vicky and I have fucked together for five months now, and she is fantastic in bed. I seem to lust for every girl who walks past me. Since I am young, athletically muscled, and, according to Vicki, rather handsome and sexy, all the other girls seem to agree. Also, because I’m at the top of the corporate pyramid, the directing manager of this place, I suppose it would be easy for me to fuck any girl I want.
But it’s getting worse—or better, depending on how you view enjoying sex with multiple partners. I have this urge to seduce every female who cums—er—comes into my office. At least while I’m sitting behind it, they can’t see the throbbing bulge in my pants.
It’s not just the men, either. I’ve seen the girls gaze at the men’s crotches when they think we aren’t looking. Their faces flush deep pink and their hands touch their feminine bodies and slide down to the gentle swell of their lower bellies. Their fingers move with a slow, rhythmic stroking motion. I’m worried this could interfere with our facility’s secret scientific work.
I finally had a private conversation with Vince Durant, our company doctor.
“I’ve noticed it, too,” he replied. “I even find myself enjoying naughty thoughts about my young staff nurses.” He glanced up and down the corridor to see if anyone could hear what he was telling me. “I went back to the central care ward one evening to get some papers I forgot, and noticed one of the patient’s room doors open a crack. When I snuck over and peeked in, I almost gave myself away. Pamela, the head nurse, was standing beside the man’s bed, with her hands under the sheet. My god, she was panting with lust and masturbating him!”
“I suppose he wasn’t protesting?” I couldn’t help grinning.
“I doubt he could, even if he wanted to. She had secured him with wrist and ankle restraints. The lucky guy was totally immobilized and defenseless, so he didn’t need to feel guilty.”
My expression sobered. “What’s happening to us, doc?”
“I have a theory. We’re working here in this isolated science research facility in the heart of this god-forsaken jungle. There’s a lot of exotic vegetation out there on the other side of our perimeter security wall. It keeps out trespassers, spies and natives, but it doesn’t stop the air. I believe there are some plants growing up against the outside of the wall that have spores or pollen blowing into our compound, and we’re breathing it into our bodies every day. We’re being infected by a natural, biological aphrodisiac drug, very potent, and there’s nothing we can do to prevent it.”
“It’s too late. My studies indicate there’s been a permanent, irreversible alteration of the hormones in our brains and genitals. We’re nature’s guinea pigs. She’s made all of us constantly horny for the rest of our lives, and it’s going to gain more and more power over us until we men are all cursed—or blessed—with permanent erections. If I can’t find an antidote soon, within a year all of us, men and women, will become naked animals obsessed with fucking every minute of the day and night.”
“But this area was surveyed and tested before construction was started. They declared it safe from biohazards.”
“Oh, good god, Steve, get real! There are probably a hundred thousand species of plants and insects out there that we don’t even know exist.”
“Are we in danger, then?”
“Of getting sick or dying, no.” It was Vince’s turn to grin. “Of being raped by our female colleagues, yes.”
“Do you suggest any medication we should be taking?”
Vince gestured to the young curvaceous nurse at the far end of the hospital corridor. “Yep—Viagra!”
The dream vision faded as my naked body suddenly jerked upright in bed.
“What’s wrong, Steve?” Vicky wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. Her emerald-green eyes glowed in the pale light.
I wiped my hands across my face, trying to purge the dismay. “I had the dream again.” I looked at her naked body in the pale beam of moonlight streaming through the bars of our cage. The steel ring on her wide leather collar locked around her neck swayed and glittered in the moonlight. Her wrist cuffs, like the ones on her ankles, rubbed against me as she moved. I’m sure her silky skin felt my collar and cuffs, too.
“It must be a really sexy dream to make your cock stiff and erect as that.” She caressed my manhood and balls with her delicate fingers. “Let me see what I can do with it.” She smiled and gently pushed me back down on our bed.
“Big Dick is watching us, Vicky.” I hated how he enjoys tormenting our defenseless bodies with his violent, perverted sex games, then forcing us to fuck so he can watch us.
“Don’t think about that maniac computer and his dreadful robots, darling. Let’s just enjoy each other’s bodies and forget our captivity for an hour.” She slid down the bed and began kissing my cock. “Please, at least let me try to arouse you again.”
I reached down and stroked my hands over her lush, glossy mane of russet-red hair. “You do please me, Vicky.” I would have gone crazy by now if I didn’t have her to help me endure Big Dick’s sexual torments; the way he forces us into a frenzy of fucking for his amusement, then orders his fiendish robot apprentices to torture us.
“Hm-m-m-m.” Vicky sucked my cock into her warm, moist mouth as her velvety tongue caressed its sensitive tip. I closed my eyes and remembered how life was for us before Big Dick’s illicit programming turned him into a depraved sex maniac, and he turned us into a group of terrified, naked captives.
Vicky and I still have the violent dreams, even a year after it began. I wake up sweating and groaning, or she wakes me with her screams, thrashing and struggling to escape her nightmare. Then we realize the nightmare is real, that we cannot escape from what our captor does to all of us, all day, all night, with our defenseless flesh. Vicky and I desperately cling to each other, pressing our naked, trembling bodies together, being careful not to hurt the livid bruises and crimson welts, the marks we’ve had to bear during the horror of our imprisonment.
Only now, after enduring a year of our captivity am I able to write about our experiences. Not that I expect anyone to believe it is real. The secret is too well kept. Everyone who knows about this place was either brought here or has disappeared without a trace. No one outside will ever know or guess our facility exists, what it has become, and the unthinkable horror we woke to one summer morning.
Security—always security. No one knows, no one is warned of the danger, so it’s certain to happen again
in other facilities like ours. It could even happen to you. More unsuspecting men and women will be trapped and forced to entertain the insatiable mastermind—controlling, directing, compelling our submission with deadly force to a berserk program of pain and pleasure, every waking moment of our lives. Maybe you will be the next one stalked, caught, and smuggled in here to suffer our fate. Maybe you will learn to accept, like we must, the humiliation of being stripped naked, chained like a wild animal, and subjected to this depraved kind of sexual slavery.
Only now can I admit that most of us did learn to find some dark, unforeseen pleasure in this captivity—the women eventually, but the men more easily. I won’t try to justify how we gradually changed mentally into lusting primal brutes, quickly losing our will to resist. I only want to record the facts—what we unexpectedly became during this year—what we began to enjoy doing to each other—how much we enjoyed others doing it to us.
I suspect some emotion-changing substance is being put in our food. After a week, we stopped resisting. After a month, both men and women began looking forward to sharing our experiences. We might as well find some comfort with our episodes together. We really didn’t have any choice. We had to obey to prevent our companions from suffering a worse fate than what we did to each other. If we didn’t perform to our inhuman jailer’s satisfaction, our punishment was swift and indescribably brutal. Our captor demanded perfection, but we are fallible humans. We all had our turns enduring that cruel punishment again and again. It didn’t make us perfect, but it forcefully motivated our next performance.
I was the administrator of a large, sprawling corporate compound situated in a remote South American location. Built by a few of our multi-billionaire scientists for secret research, our facility’s security is formidable and uncompromising. No one and nothing gets in or out without the consent of Barrier Network Defense, a mega-computer-controlled security system commonly referred to by the initials BND. Since the computer had voice synthesizers and video eyes everywhere, we began to unconsciously think of it as ‘he’, and consider him a personality. We shortened his initials to ‘BD” and called him ‘BeeDee’. It wasn’t long before one of our randy young men took the ‘BD’, and because the computer is in the form of a huge erect cylinder, named it ‘Big Dick’. We all laughed and adopted the name. It seemed just innocent humor at first, until one day...the name became all too real and threatening.
Big Dick is a totally autonomous, incredibly complex mega-computer. Its control center is not easily accessible to humans. Big Dick was designed and programmed to defend its lair, and is installed deep underground to prevent tampering. It responds with deadly force to any attempt at intrusion. It is a self-proclaimed perfect, infallible creation, and totally dedicated to its programming—but not to people; a recipe for disaster. We never guessed that Big Dick would drastically change the rules of how we humans live and interact with each other.
Our electrical power and heat is supplied in abundance by an automated nuclear reactor buried deep underground below Big Dick. Its location was chosen for safety to prevent any leakage harming humans, and to guarantee a perpetual power source to keep Big Dick functioning in spite of any attempt at sabotage or a natural disaster.
Our secret research institution’s eight hundred acres is completely surrounded and enclosed inside a twenty-foot high barrier. It’s made of two-inch diameter stainless steel bars woven into a mesh so tight that not even a finger can be pushed through. The fence is electrified and armed with automatic laser weapons to keep every human inside, and every creature, including all insects, out. A secondary, taller wire fence ten feet farther out is deliberately covered with vines and undergrowth to camouflage our existence. Big Dick can even electronically mask the facility from aircraft and satellite surveillance. We are effectively cut off from the rest of the world. We wanted it that way for security, and now we are paying a horrifying price for our foolish arrogance.
Outside the fence is a rain forest jungle stretching for more than fifty miles in every direction. It’s filled with sinkholes, swamps, poisonous insects, venomous snakes, and carnivorous predators. No one can, or would ever want to, come visiting. There are no gates, no roads, and no paths to civilization. The only way in, or out, is by one of the computer piloted, weekly supply helicopters.
Several low, windowless concrete buildings, spaced far apart, are arranged in a complex design inside the compound. Underneath them are five underground floors. At the lowest floor, all the buildings are interconnected with a maze of long, dark, bleak and zigzagging emergency tunnels designed by Big Dick and built by his robots. They are continuously patrolled by security and maintenance robots. Some tunnels have never been entered or explored by humans. We don’t have any idea what the robots are building at the end of those dark, eerie tunnels. We are suspicious that Big Dick is constructing secret tunnels and large chamber areas underground for some monstrous plan only he knows about. Concrete, steel rebar, and hundreds of sealed wooden crates containing who knows what. Since the computerized supply helicopters land only at night in a remote part of our compound, and the security robots won’t let any human near them, we can only see through our binoculars that the supplies are lowered into a large entrance hole to the new construction. When we try to gain entrance through the tunnels, Big Dick refuses to let us inside to see what’s happening.
To the north, beyond a vast meadow, is a one hundred acre, densely wooded park laced with narrow footpaths, a small lake and many rolling, grassy meadows for picnics and sports. Two Olympic-sized swimming pools, an exercise yard, and domed sports arena complete our amenities. Due to the security required, there is no television and no radios anywhere. All communication through the Internet is controlled and censored by our security mega-computer, Big Dick.
The facility is staffed with young and middle-aged scientists; 1,062 male, 1,883 female. Almost all the women are young, twenty-one to twenty-seven years old, newly graduated from college, with healthy, tempting bodies and faces pretty enough to keep a red-blooded man (like me) hopping into cold showers so we can concentrate on our work. There are also cute, eighteen-year-old college freshman girls, interns serving as temporary assistants to our staff.
Our chief medical officer is sixty-seven years old, and a few of our male scientists are also older, nearing retirement. Even they will commonly leer at a girl’s undulating butt when she walks past.
On one fateful day, a special group of additional 500 freshmen coeds arrived to begin a three-month work-study apprenticeship. They were about eighteen and away from home for the first time, eager to succeed in their careers. They, too, were quite pretty, and most of the men spent their coffee breaks secretly discussing lewd fantasies about what they wanted to do with them.
No sane person would ever imagine, even in their wildest, dark and dreadful dreams, the horrifying fate that was about to doom us and these lovely young women to shame and anguish. In the space of just one night, all the human beings inside this facility were imprisoned and forced into a degrading slavery to the most brutal instincts of nature’s scheme.
And, as usual, it was the same legendary mistake that Dr. Frankenstein made; we created a monster, Big Dick, and then lost control of him. Human smug overconfidence and oblivious miscalculation plunged our isolated community into a violent, bestial nightmare. Here is our story, more than three thousand naked human bodies forced to be the helpless playthings of a depraved intelligence. I make no apologies.
And here is my story. I swear, I’m telling you the truth—all of the truth! You be the judge, but disbelieve at your own peril! Here is how it all began...
Dory strode into my office, with slightly more sway in her well-rounded hips than necessary for locomotion. “Good morning, Mr. Trent. I have those research results you requested.” She brushed her hand through her long auburn hair and bent far forward over my desk to lay the folders in front of me. The two top buttons of her yellow silk blouse were undone; exposing a lot of her
round, plump breasts to my gaze. She noticed my expression and the corners of her crimson lips bent slightly upward. Her forefinger tapped the report folders. “I hoped you would want to get a really close look at these.” But her blue eyes gazed directly into mine, and I knew she wasn’t talking about the reports. Her perfume did to me just what she wanted it too—stuff my imagination into her panties.
Does she wear silk undies? Pink or white? Trimmed with Lace or plain? Matching bra—no, I don’t think she is even wearing a bra.
She must be psychic, because she turned sideways and sat on the edge of my desk, presenting her moderately chubby thigh in front of me. Her short, pale blue skirt stretched tight against her leg, showing the obvious outline of lacy panties through the thin, straining fabric. My hands were trembling with the effort to resist ripping off her clothes and fucking her right on top of my desk.
Damn, I’m supposed to control myself. More than 1,883 beautiful girls here at the research facility, and every one of them knows I’m a healthy, red-blooded bachelor. If I didn’t have the responsibility as the directing manager I might take a few to bed...hell, all of them, and not necessarily one at a time!
I picked up the reports and cleared my throat. “Ahem—thank you, Dory—er—Miss La Roux.” I didn’t dare look up at her again, she probably would have ripped open her blouse and smothered me with her abundant twin beauties.
I did glance up as she turned away, just in time to see the pout on her cupid’s bow mouth.
When she reached the doorway, she turned, giving me the most sensual, inviting smile. “If there’s anything else you want—anything you want me to make available for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. I don’t mind staying after hours and spending the evening with you.” Her lips continued moving with silent words—“All night long!”
“Thank you, Miss La Roux. If I—um—need anything, I’ll call you.”