Cougar's Victory: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance)

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Cougar's Victory: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance) Page 7

by Moxie North

  Pulling back, he held her eyes when he said, “I really like that tattoo.”

  “I’m glad,” Effie whispered back.

  Dropping his head to hers, Dax sighed. “I really wanted to ask you to come home with me tonight, but I don’t want to rush you. Can I see you tomorrow?”

  Effie wasn’t sure if she should say she would be totally on board with the idea of spending the night with him. She was one hundred percent sure it would be a night to never forget. But a chance to replay and download her day with Cass might be a good idea too.

  “Tomorrow is good, but I get to take you somewhere,” she said, rubbing her forehead against his.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise, casual dress and you might want to bring earplugs,” she said smiling up at him.

  “Earplugs huh? Sounds like fun, and just so you know, I’ll follow you anywhere.” He gave her another quick kiss then opened her door.

  Dax drove her home and walked her to her door, never commenting on her shabby home or suspect neighborhood. He did plant a panty melting kiss on her before taking the keys and opening the door. Giving her one last peck he waited for her to close and lock the door, he had to force himself to turn and walk away from her, at least until tomorrow.

  As he walked down to the street Dax was regretting leaving her alone. Reaching his car he spotted a man across the street, leaning against a building, smoking a cigarette and looking generally shady. Taking a sniff, Dax marked his scent and made a note to ask Effie about the man tomorrow. Something about him made Dax’s cougar growl and hiss. He always listened to his cat.

  Chapter 16

  The next day, Dax made sure to get all of his business done early. Owning your own winery meant you worked pretty much seven days a week, but it was a labor of love. Before it was about making something for himself, now it was about making something for him and Effie.

  Calling home, Dax got Everett in the office.

  “Baby brother, how are things there?”

  “The usual, mom is on a tear about Kenzi’s baby coming. She’s sure it’s going to be a bear and doesn’t want people to buy it teddy bears as a gift because she said it would be tacky. I don’t get it, but whatever. Stryker is missing again, big shocker. He said something about driving to Oregon, but that may be his way of throwing us off his scent. Dad has been golfing every day so I’m sure he’s pretty happy,” Everett offered.

  “So basically, business as usual,” Dax laughed.

  “The Hayes’ family motto, never stray from the norm.”

  “Well, I got another email from the Kleins, they really would like your help out there. They’ve hired a top of the line security company to manage the casino and they just want you to go over it with a more shifter appropriate eye. More importantly they want their bases covered but their family privacy protected. They are a large pack and would appreciate your input.”

  Dax heard Everett moan and whimper.

  “Suck it up buttercup, it’s your fault you have such a big brain,” Dax said.

  “But mom’s just going to try and hook me up with someone. Now that you’re effectively out of her clutches, and Kenzi is married, she’s all over my business. Stryker is smart taking off,” Everett pouted.

  “Yes, but you can’t fault mom for wanting an alliance with one of the largest, and might I add wealthiest cougar packs in the country. The Kleins will be gracious hosts I’m sure and you’ll spend most of your time knee-deep in server rooms.”

  “Well that’s at least something. Fine! I’ll go, but it’s under duress,” Everett conceded.

  “Duly noted. Tell Dad I said hi and don’t tell mom I called at all,” Dax ordered.

  “Gotcha bro, later,” Everett said before hanging up.

  Good thing Dax loved his family, he thought.

  Checking the time he had just enough to rush home and change out of his work clothes into something casual before meeting Effie. Dax had no plans on telling her he had Margo go out and buy him ‘casual’ clothes. If it wasn’t slacks and dress shirts, Dax didn’t have it. His only other clothes were workout clothes he wore to the gym. Hopefully Margo wasn’t going to dress him like a retirement home reject.

  Walking out of his office, he saw Margo waiting with a bag in hand. He thanked her and headed to his car. Once he was home and showered, he found a pair of faded blue jeans, a black T-shirt and a pair of black casual loafers in the shopping bag. Dax breathed a sigh of relief. This he could handle.

  Tossing on the clothes, making sure to remove all the tags, he sped over to Effie’s. The creeper guy wasn’t on the street, but Dax could still smell him as he arrived. He’d obviously been there earlier. He wondered if he lived or worked around the area. There was still something about him, even just his scent got the hair up on his cat.

  Knocking on her door, Dax waited for Effie. When the door swung open, he took in his mate with a greedy eye. She was wearing black capri length, incredibly tight pants. They were black with red cherries all over them. The pants were topped off with a red wide stretchy belt that just made her curves look more exaggerated. She had a white button up shirt tied at her waist and a red bandana tied behind her head and knotted in the front. A curly mound of black hair was piled behind it. She looked freaking adorable.

  “You look adorable, how do you do that?” Dax growled, pulling her in for a kiss.

  Effie laughed as their mouths met. Kissing Dax like she hadn’t seen him in a month, she finally pulled back and said, “Years of practice, Mr. Hayes.”

  “Well you have perfected the art, sweetness,” he said giving her a squeeze.

  “Let me put on some lip-stain and then we can scoot,” she said, turning back into the apartment.

  As she turned to walk away, he spied a tiny cherry tattoo on the back of her neck. Interesting.

  Dax took a look around the room as he waited. It was sparse, but clean. Everything looked worn and dated. Dax didn’t like her living like this. He wanted her in a mansion, lying by a pool being waited on. He had a plan for her that did not include hand-me-downs and musty apartments. He knew this would happen because he usually got what he wanted.

  Effie came back out of the bathroom, her lips were stained a dark cherry color. She walked straight up to him and kissed him on the cheek, making a big smacking sound.

  Observing her work she smiled at him, “No mark, perfect.”

  “Well if you feel the need to mark me, you go right ahead. I’ll wear it proudly,” Dax offered and he was totally serious. He already felt like she was wearing his mark on her back with that tattoo. He hid a shiver, thinking about how his bite mark would look on her shoulder. Marking her for the world to see.

  “So cherries huh?”

  “It’s my signature,” she said, giving him a wink.

  Dax knew he had a lot to explain to her, he was formulating a plan on how to do that. First, he had to tell her they were mates, the two souls fated to be together. Second, that he was a shifter that mated for life. Third, that he wanted to bond with her which meant he’d have to bite her to introduce his DNA into her system so she could effectively change into a hybrid that could carry their children. And fourth and the most difficult, that she’d have to meet his mother and pass through her gauntlet of worthiness. Not that it mattered to Dax, he’d pick his mate over his family even if it killed him to do so.

  He thought about calling Chase Rochon and asking him how the heck he managed to convince his human mate that he wasn’t nuts. But he chickened out last night. He wasn’t ready to tell anyone that he’d found his mate. If he told one of the Rochons, his sister would know about two seconds after that, then his whole family. Best to keep it on the down low until he secured his mate.

  Seeing Effie standing with her purse reminded him they had a date. Gesturing towards the door, he let Effie walk in front, his hand at her low back guiding her. He really just needed to touch her. It kept him and his cat content. He wanted her laid out naked on his bed, but
this was baby steps. Plus he loved that she shivered the moment he touched her, even through her clothes.

  Chapter 17

  “Where to?” Dax asked as they walked down the stairs.

  “601 Industrial,” Effie replied casually as she got into the car.

  “Nice part of town, we going for a mugging?”

  “Don’t be snooty, you’ll have fun I promise,” Effie chided.

  Dax closed the door and strode to the driver’s side and got in. “I’ll have fun because I’m with you. Just want to make sure I don’t need to be packing heat for our date.”

  “Do you even own a gun?” Effie scoffed.

  “No, but I’m sure I could procure one if necessary,” Dax sniffed dramatically.

  Effie burst out laughing. She was sure Dax Hayes could handle himself in the less than desirable part of town. Him putting on airs was hysterical.

  “Think I’m funny do ya?”

  “Absolutely,” she agreed.

  They drove for a bit, when Dax remembered to ask her about the guy on the street.

  “Oh him,” Effie sighed.

  “Do you know him?” Dax asked worried.

  “Yup, unfortunately I use to date him. I dumped him to the curb and he was gone for a while. Now he’s taken up standing on my curb. I don’t really know what he wants and I don’t care. He’s ancient history. He’ll catch a clue sooner or later. He never stuck with anything before, I doubt he’ll put much effort into bugging me,” Effie confided.

  “Do you think he’s dangerous?” Dax asked, keeping his eyes on the road and his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel. The idea of that asshole touching his mate made his cat crazy. It’s not like he thought Effie had been living in a nunnery. But his cougar was loudly giving him his opinion on the idea of another man even sharing the same air as their mate. Dax totally agreed.

  “Well…” Effie hedged when she delayed answering his question.

  Pulling the car over to the side of the road, Dax slammed it into park and turned to face Effie. “Has he hurt you?” he asked angrily, his hands reaching up gently to her face. He didn’t want to scare her but he’s was enraged at the thought of her being touched.

  “Not really, I mean that’s why I broke up with him. He grabbed me one night, tried to choke me, but Cass got him off of me and I kicked him out. I hadn’t seen him again for over a month. I figured he was long gone,” she said quietly, dropping her eyes.

  She was ashamed to admit she was with such a loser, but she didn’t seem to want to hold back from telling him the truth. Some part of her knew it was better to have Dax looking out for her as long as Chris was lurking about.

  Dax’s eyes were focused on her neck. Thinking of that man putting his hands on his mate with the intent to hurt her, had his claws itching to spring out. He knew his cat was in his eyes and he was struggling to push him back. He didn’t want to frighten Effie.

  Taking long slow breaths, he filled his lungs with her scent and slowly calmed himself and his cat, down to a low simmer.

  Pushing Effie’s chin up so she was looking at him, he spoke very softly and slowly to her. “Effie, I don’t care who you used to date. I don’t care that he turned out to be a loser. That has nothing to do with who you are. I do care that, that man put his hands on you with the intent to hurt you. I do care that this man is still trying to be in your life. And I very much care that he is a danger to you. I want you to tell me everything about him and I want you to trust me to handle it. Okay?”

  Effie let out the breath she was holding. Yup, Dax was awesome.

  She told him how they met, how much of a loser he was and how much she put up with. She explained that one time was the only time he’d touched her in anger. And she told him where he worked and where he lived when he wasn’t mooching off of some poor girl. He had a small hunting cabin his parents left him when they died. It didn’t have running water or electricity so he never went there. He’d also crash at his buddy’s shop if he couldn’t find some easy mark to suck cable and a couch from.

  Dax listened, asked a few questions then when Effie finished talking he gave her a long slow kiss. “I’ve got this, sweetness.”

  “Okay,” she answered and was relieved to say it.

  Dax pulled back out onto the road and within minutes was at a large warehouse in a dreary part of town. The windows were boarded up, there were a few cars in the parking lot. There were no signs of life other than a mysteriously open steel door with an old tire propped against it.

  Chapter 18

  “Time for some fun!” Effie called out, glad that they were going to be thoroughly distracted from ugly topics in just a few moments. She bounded out of the car before Dax could reach her side.

  She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the open door. As he walked in Dax had to let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the interior. Effie was talking to a large man near the door and handing him money and for some reason gave him a fist bump also.

  Dax let his eyes scan the interior and saw bleachers set up around an oval wood track. Were they running tiny horses?

  Looking confused he gave Effie an eyebrow lift and then she explained.

  “Roller derby!” she screamed, throwing a hand up with devil horns.

  The large man at the door started laughing and offered a, “Hells yeah.”

  “I can honestly say I’ve never seen roller derby before. You’ll have to explain it to me,” Dax laughed. As Effie dragged him to their seats she explained the rules and how they had to eat popcorn and drink beer and yell for their team to win.

  Dax handled the beer and popcorn and found out they were rooting for the Apple Dumplings, the local team. The other team, The Screaming Mimi’s, were apparently the ‘bad guys’.

  As the match started, Dax watched amazed at how easily Effie fit in here. She knew most of the spectators and she was happy to introduce him to everyone. They drank beer, spilled popcorn, and Dax had a surprisingly good time.

  The Apple Dumplings had a resounding victory and he had to catch Effie more than once from falling off the bleachers when she was jumping up and down.

  “Did you like it? Wasn’t it awesome?” Effie said, her joy and enthusiasm was infectious.

  “That was time well spent,” Dax agreed. “Fun sport and just enough blood to keep it interesting.”

  “Yeah, these girls do not play around. Wanna go grab something to eat? I’m thinking tacos,” Effie said jumping down from the last row of bleachers.

  “Tacos it is, I’m guessing you know the hip happening place to get them, right? No fast food, greasy spoon type place?”

  “I know the only place to get tacos around here. Gas station parking lot, come on you’re buying!” Effie headed towards the door. She high-fived a few of the derby girls walking by. Dax stood back and appreciated the swaying curve of her ass in those tight pants. Giving his rapidly swelling cock an adjustment, he followed behind quickly to grab the door for his woman.

  Effie pointed him in the direction of the gas station after they got in the car. She was right, there was a taco truck serving up amazing steak tacos, covered in onions and cilantro. They ate them on a picnic table next to the truck. They laughed and talked, joking with each other about how many tacos the other was consuming. Dax’s count was at six, Effie managed only four.

  “I’m stuffed, what now?” Effie said leaning over the table, giving Dax her sleepy contented gaze.

  Dax could think of a lot of things he wanted to do. But not on a full stomach.

  “How about we head back to my house, I have a pool. We could go skinny dipping?” he half joked with her.

  “Hmm, where I’m from we call it chunky dunking. How about we swing back by my place, I grab a suit and then we go swimming. That should give us the recommended hour after eating before swimming safety requirement.”

  “Fine, but if my trunks fall off sometime during the swim, it will be totally accidental,” Dax said, smiling devilishly at her.

“Oh, I bet. You’re a smooth one,” Effie laughed. Damn she liked him. Two days and she was the smitten kitten. She really needed a BFF conference, but hadn’t had the time. Mentally, she penciled in a talk with Cass as soon as possible.

  Dax drove them back to her house. Luckily there was no sign of Chris and his scent had faded. That gave Dax’s cat some solace. Effie ran up and grabbed her suit and a change of clothes and then thinking twice, she grabbed her toiletry bag just to freshen up after the pool.

  Leaning against his car when she got back down stairs, Effie took her fill of Dax again. It was easy to appreciate such a strong confident man. He looked relaxed leaning against his sports car. Nobody would guess he’d spent the day in a dank warehouse watching girls beat each other up on roller skates and then he dined on Clark’s finest tacos in a gas station parking lot. For a rich guy, Dax was pretty down to earth.

  Dax settled her back into the car and sped off towards his house. Reaching the driveway, he pulled into the garage and turned off the engine.

  “Wow, nice house,” Effie said. The house wasn’t huge, but it was newer and clearly professionally maintained by the perfectly cut grass and precisely trimmed hedges.

  “It’s a rental. The house that came with the vineyard was the original owner’s farmhouse. Not that I couldn’t appreciate the charm, but I was a little concerned with falling through the floor or getting something toxic from the plumbing.”

  “Makes sense,” Effie offered, getting out of the car.

  “I think I might tear it down and build something I want. Not too big, not too small, but something that fits in with the brand of the company. Since the house will be visible from the winery I want it to eventually feel like Tuscany. Once we have a few years of successful bottling under our belts I want to rebuild the warehouse. Industrial blue metal isn’t the brand image I’m thinking of.”

  Effie could imagine what that property would look like. A beautiful owner’s villa looking over the property. A stucco building to house the state of the art processing facility. It would be amazing.


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