Cougar's Victory: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance)

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Cougar's Victory: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance) Page 13

by Moxie North

  “Well, that’s all settled then. I was going to stay in a hotel, but I couldn’t find anything suitable. I knew you already had a full house, so I thought I could steal Effie from you for the night and we’ll fly back to Seattle tonight. We will have a girl’s day tomorrow, then I’ll return her to you,” Lilibeth said, then stood like it was all arranged.

  A low growl rolled out of Dax, he didn’t like the idea of Effie being away from him.

  “Dax Montgomery Hayes, don’t you dare growl at me. Your cat knows better and so do you, Alpha or not.” His mom reprimanded him.

  “I don’t want her out of my sight, I need to be able to protect her.”

  “What do you think is going to happen in Seattle? I am a full grown woman and a cougar. I can handle myself and protect your mate.”

  Dax looked to Effie, and Effie was hoping he could read her signals that she did not want to do this. Her message was not received.

  “Well, I guess I can manage one night away from you. Plus some of your clothes got torn up at your apartment. We haven’t had a chance to replace them. This will be good, you and mom can get to know each other and you two can plan a pack party to introduce you to everyone.” Dax turned and smiled at his mom, he was clearly missing the signals between the women in his life. He was just so thrilled to be mated and wanted Effie folded into his family, that he didn’t see the potential pitfalls of this endeavor.

  Lilibeth smiled. “Wonderful, how about Effie runs to your house and picks up some things to carry her over tonight, then meets back here so we can head to the airport?”

  Effie realized she was going to have to suck it up and play nice with mommy-in-law for the sake of her relationship with Dax. She wasn’t the first person to wade through these waters, and she wouldn’t be the last. For her sweet man, she would go shopping with mommy.

  “I’ll be back soon,” she said to Dax.

  “Dax dear, why don’t you show me around your vineyard and tell me what you have planned for it?” his mother suggested as she stood. “Then you can also explain to me why my son has magically become a brunette, when I’m pretty sure every Hayes for a century has been blond.” She looked at him annoyed.

  Ignoring his mother’s last comment, Dax turned to Effie, “Will you be all right?”

  “Yes, I think I can drive to your house and back on my own,” she answered with a laugh.

  Giving Dax a kiss and smiling at his mother, who was looking like the cat that just ate the mouse, she headed back to the rental house.

  Chapter 32

  Grabbing an overnight bag, she shot off a text to Cassie to let her know she was on her own tonight and to play nice with Dax. Cass wrote back that she was going to torture her man with eighties teen angst movies. That should keep them both entertained, she thought.

  Driving back to the winery she gave herself a pep talk. She was a little excited by the idea of shopping, even if it was with Lilibeth Hayes. Her brief moment of shock when Dax handed her the credit card was replaced with the idea of getting some sexy new lingerie to surprise him with. She was already living with him. He’d said he wanted to marry her, though he hadn’t asked. It seemed to be a when not if. They already acted like an old married couple.

  So she was trying to find the bright side of this little adventure. She wasn’t going to mention to either of the Hayes, that she’d never ridden on an airplane. She figured that was something best kept to herself. Lilibeth Hayes clearly already considered her a country bumpkin, no use confirming it for her.

  Pulling into the winery, she walked in and found Margo behind the counter. Margo gave her a knowing look and gestured towards the warehouse.

  Effie walked back and found Dax and his mother standing next to an oak barrel sampling some of the winery’s chardonnay.

  Wading in she walked straight up to the pair, “Mrs. Hayes, what do you think of the wine?”

  Turning on her heels Lilibeth gave her the once over again. Effie had traded her shorts for a knee length full skirt in black, with a red sweater set. She figured it was conservative but still her. Clearly it was not what his mother would have preferred seeing her in.

  “It has potential, I must say. When Dax told me his plan to come to Washington and build his own winery, well I thought he was a little crazy. But this is not bad, in fact it’s quite good. I think with Dax managing and refining the fruit here he can make this a top notch winery. Do you know much about wine my dear?”

  “Only what Dax has taught me. He’s an excellent teacher,” Effie said with a little smirk.

  “I’m sure he is,” his mother replied coolly.

  “Well Dax, us girls need to head out. I’ll bring her back safe and sound, don’t you worry.”

  “I’m sure you will, mother,” he said, turning and wrapping Effie in his arms.

  “I’ll leave you two to say goodbye, I know how new mates are,” she said, wisely walking to the tasting room.

  Dax gave Effie a kiss like he was welcoming her back after days instead of an hour. “I missed you,” he said.

  “I was gone an hour, what are you going to do with me gone overnight?” she chided.

  “Well I’m going to worry, pace, probably stress eat. I might spend some time thinking about you and jerking off,” he said with a growl.

  “Dude, remember Cass will be home tonight. She has big movie plans for you tonight, so be nice. And keep what belongs to me in your pants. I love my friend, but she doesn’t get a free peep show while I’m gone.”

  “Anything for you, my love,” he said, giving her a deep wet kiss.

  “I better go,” she said into his mouth with a moan.

  “Thank you for doing this. I know my mother can be sort of…stiff. But she means well, I think,” he added.

  “Oh I’m sure,” Effie snorted.

  “Just remember, you are the mate of an Alpha. My mother may be a matriarch in our pack, but your voice still counts human or not.”

  “Thanks, Dax. Good to know you can’t leave me even if I tick off your mom,” she laughed.

  “Nope, it will just make Thanksgiving a little awkward. I’m pretty sure that’s what holidays are for anyway,” he teased.

  Groaning, Effie laid her head on his chest one last time and took a deep breath, soaking in his scent. She seemed to be more sensitive to it now, it calmed her like nothing else ever had. She felt Dax breathing her in as well.

  Looking up she gave him a small smile. Dax returned it and walked them out to the door where his mother was waiting by a limo.

  Lilibeth gave Dax a peck on the cheek and then motioned Effie into the car. She got in beside her as the door closed.


  Ok, that was a bit dramatic, Effie reflected. But as the car pulled away, Effie got a sinking feeling.

  Chapter 33

  “So, Effie, tell me about yourself,” Lilibeth started.

  Effie knew this was coming, she was a smart girl. She kinda hoped they would at least pretend for a few miles, try to make small talk. But nope, straight into it, fine she could do this. “I think you probably already know plenty about me, Mrs. Hayes.”

  “Call me Lilibeth, and yes, you’re right, I do. I know your mother is in prison, you grew up in foster care after she was incarcerated. You changed your name to Parks once you turned eighteen. You are only twenty-three years old and my son is twice your age. And you know nothing of the responsibility that comes with being a Hayes or what it takes to be the mate of an Alpha.”

  “Well, you can hardly blame me for Dax being over fifty,” Effie said, a little sarcastically.

  “True, but you need to understand, Dax has been raised in a world of privilege. Not just because he’s a shifter, but because he’s a Hayes. Our family may not be the richest or most influential in the shifter world, but we still are expected to set an example.

  For too many years shifters hid out of fear. They lived in poverty, surviving off the land, because they thought that was what was best for their animals. But reall
y they didn’t know how to adapt to a world that was changing quickly around them.

  I’m sure Dax has mentioned that I’ve been searching for his mate for the last thirty years. What he doesn’t know is I started looking right after he was born. I had hoped to make a strategic alliance. Pool shifter blood together to make stronger packs. Now my daughter is married to a bear, my grandson is a bear, and my first born son is mated to a girl barely out of her teens that probably has never left her home town.”

  Effie couldn’t deny any of that. She didn’t know about the shifter side of it. But she was young, she was a small town girl and she understood Dax’s mom wanting the best for him. She wished her mom had wanted that for her.

  “You know I didn’t have a choice. He’s my perfect, and he says I’m his. You may not like me, but you are going to have to figure out how to deal with me. If not for me, then for Dax.”

  “Yes, that sounds lovely dear. But the fates may know what’s best for the heart, but not for real world. How do you think it’s going to look when you show up to a Hayes family function, dressed in some hillbilly outfit and introduce yourself as Dax’s wife? You know Dax will never be able to see how you don’t fit in, but everyone else will.

  You will be what others judge him by, other family, friends, and business associates. Having a frivolous wife, often translates to people thinking you are frivolous in business. I’m sure your recent enjoyment of my son’s wealth has been quite the payday for you as well.”

  Effie was feeling like she’d been hit by a bus. She knew his mom wouldn’t like her because of her age and her background. Hell, she wouldn’t even argue that she had been enjoying the benefits of Dax’s money that he liked to throw around so casually. But to attack her as the potential downfall of the family empire? It was too much.

  “First, if Dax wanted me to change in any way, I would consider it. I love him and want what’s best for him. I don’t think Dax wants me to change. If you haven’t noticed, he’s not in California attending corporate functions and mingling with your rich friends. In fact, it seems to me he ran away from you, long before he found me,” Effie shot back. “I would also be with Dax whether or not he had money. He’s smart, charming, adores me, and makes me laugh. All things that he clearly learned from his father, not you!”

  “My son may have needed a break from his family and responsibilities, but he didn’t need to stoop to dating some backwater orphan. I’m not sure my son wouldn’t be better without you. A broken heart might heal. Better than a future derailed by someone who isn’t good enough for him!” Lilibeth’s voice rose beyond her previous cultured monotone.

  “He’s not dating me, Lilibeth, we’re mated and soon we’ll be married. I think you better think very hard about how much you want to be in his life and the lives of any future children we may have. Because I hate to break it to you, he’s already told me, he’d choose me.”

  Effie hit the button on the door to slide down the middle partition between them and the driver. “Pull over please,” she asked the man.

  They were on the edge of town and Effie was not in any mood to continue being in Lilibeth Hayes’ presence.

  As she got out, she considered a parting shot, but chose to take the high ground and simply closed the door, in the very shocked face of Dax’s mother. She clearly thought Effie was going to fold under a little bad mouthing. Hah, she didn’t know Effie and certainly couldn’t understand what Effie had dealt with growing up. Her mother would often take her venom out on her young daughter. She would degrade and mock her, blaming her for all of their troubles. Usually she did this high or drunk. Effie had built up a thick skin against it.

  The limo pulled away and Effie pulled out her cell phone. She texted Cassie asking her to pick her up at their old apartment. She was about four blocks away so she started walking. Her mind was a whirl. She should call Dax, but she wasn’t ready to answer how she’d gone from taking a trip with his mother for a little fun shopping to bitching her out and walking the streets of Clark.

  Nope, not ready for that conversation, she thought. After a few minutes she realized she was at her old place. Looking up at the dreary building she felt a little nostalgic. This was the first place she’d felt like she could be her own person. They had a life there. Maybe not a fancy one but still it was theirs.

  Spending time at Dax’s had been like a luxury vacation. No weird smells from the neighbors. Comfy beds, sheets that weren’t from a thrift shop. She was sure Dax thought he was living rough, but to them it was a palace.

  Standing on the curb she thought about going up, her landlord probably hadn’t secured her apartment yet. She looked over to the diner, she could wait in there. The food wasn’t bad enough to kill you, just make you sick and wish for death for around twenty-four hours.

  But before she could make a decision, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, then the world went black.

  Chapter 34

  Dax was sitting at his desk, he’d been busy since his mom and Effie departed. As he took a moment he thought back to before they’d left. He thought his mother was being very generous in offering to take Effie to Seattle. But what was that look Effie had been giving him? Was it excitement or something else? He wasn’t so sure now. Looking at his clock, he saw that they should be halfway to Seattle.

  His phone rang and he saw it was Cassie. Answering he threw out a, “Hello Cass, ready to torment me over pizza and chick flicks?”

  “Dax, is Effie with you?” Cassie asked, her voice tinged with worry.

  “No, she’s on her way to Seattle with my mother. I figured she’d have let you know on the way to the airport,” Dax said, wondering if Effie had forgotten to call her.

  “It seems plans changed, she messaged me and asked me to pick her up at our old apartment. When I got there she wasn’t there or the diner. I waited thinking she might have wandered off, but she’s not answering her phone and I’m getting worried,” Cass said, sounding scared.

  Dax felt his stomach drop, his cat set up a yowling in his head. Something wasn’t right. “Cass head back to my house, I’ll call you when I know something.”

  As soon as he hung up he tried Effie’s cell, it went straight to voicemail. He hit end, then called his mom, but he got voicemail and realized she would be in the air. He left her a message. “Mother I need you to call me the second you land. Is Effie with you? Her friend said she left you before the airport. Call me the second you land, I am very serious mother,” he threw in a tinge of his Alpha voice so she knew he was deadly serious.

  Dax needed to find her before his cat took over and he lost valuable time trying to regain control.

  Running out to his car, he sped off in the direction of town. Exceeding any and all posted speed limits, Dax made it to Effie’s old apartment in record time. As soon as he stepped out on the curb he could smell Effie. He could also smell her ex.

  “Fuck!” he roared out. How was he going to find her? Clearly her ex didn’t drag her down the street, that meant he had to have a car. He couldn’t do this alone. Pulling out his phone he called Cage Rochon.

  “Our cousin Cash is camping out near Mount St. Helens, he can get there a lot faster than we can,” Cage offered. “We’ll head out as soon as we can get our mates to our parents’ house,” he promised.

  “I’d appreciate any help I can get,” Dax said honestly. He hung up and called Cassie back. “Cass, tell me everything you can about Effie’s ex, Chris,” he ordered.

  “Shit, do you think that fucker has something to do with her being missing? Should we call the cops? I can call them now,” she said in a panic.

  Dax did not need the cops interfering at this point. “Cass I need you to trust me. I have this handled, I have people coming in to help me and we can do things the cops can’t.” He really hoped that she took him at his word.

  “That makes sense, rich people have all the connections,” she muttered. “Chris is usually crashing at some girl’s house, sometimes he sleeps in the sh
op he works at,” she offered. She was wracking her brain. “He could be in the local motel if he was willing to shell out the money.”

  “Okay, that’s a start at least,” he said. He couldn’t believe he’d let her out of his sight for a few hours and she was missing. She could be hurt, or worse. His heart was breaking at just the thought.

  “Oh Dax, Chris’s parents left him a cabin out by the state park. Out past the eighty-two, right off the river. There is a sign for worms or something at a gas station. It’s the next road on the right past that sign. He never goes there because it’s just a shack, but if he was trying to hide, that’s where I think he would head.”

  “That’s great Cassie, I’m going to go there now. I’ll bring her back, trust me.”

  Her voice catching, Cass sucked in a ragged breath, “Dax, she’s the only family I have. Don’t let that asshole hurt her. He’s stupid but he can get violent when pushed.”

  “I hear you, I’ll get our girl back in one piece, sweetie. I promise.”

  “Cassie, I’ll call soon,” Dax said, hanging up. He sent off a text to Cash’s number that Cage had forwarded giving him the garage and the local motel to check as soon as he got into town. Dax was heading to the cabin, his cat told him that was the place for him to be.

  Dax took off towards the highway, he left his window down, hoping to catch his mate’s scent. His eyes scanned the roadside hoping to pick up any hint of Effie. He got a text from Cash telling him there was no sign of Chris or Effie at the autobody shop and no one at the motel had seen either of them. Dax asked him to head his way, he’d only be twenty minutes behind him and he may need the back-up.

  Dax drove for almost forty-five minutes before he saw the road Cassie spoke of. Pulling off he sped down the dirt road until he could see a building in the distance.

  Deciding that caution was his best bet, he pulled over and got out. Stripping out of his clothes, he gave his cat control. His cougar was happy to be out, his claws stretched wide, he wanted to tear into someone to appease his anger.


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