The Iran War

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The Iran War Page 34

by Jack Strain

  Flash alerts went out to all commands, and American air defenses went active throughout the Pacific Theater of Operations. The unpredictable North Korean leader had a nasty habit of firing increasingly provocative missile tests during sensitive moments, but no one expected him to do so while the world was in the middle of an ongoing global crisis. They were wrong.

  Ten tense minutes passed until U.S. tracking stations could confirm that the North Korean Bravo Mike Two and Three missiles were beginning their descent and going to land about one hundred miles from the massive American airbase at Anderson Field. It was the most provocative missile test ever attempted by the North Koreans as if to signal the Wolfe administration that U.S. military assets could also be struck at will if threatened.

  Meanwhile, SBIRS-GEO 1 was using both of its sensors to track the final missile as it reached midcourse boost phase about six hundred miles in the atmosphere. Bravo Mike Four was now confirmed as a Hwasong 15 ICBM known to have the range to hit any point within the continental United States. The reentry vehicle was now in its descent phase, and telemetry analysis confirmed an impact point in the middle of the Bering Sea. Fort Greeley ground-based midcourse defense systems or anti-ballistic interceptors had already determined that the missile did not threaten any part of the U.S. including Alaska and held off on launching but continued to track the incoming North Korean ICBM.

  As the NK reentry vehicle continued down its path towards the surface at an altitude of four thousand feet, a blinding flash of light exploded as the plutonium warhead created a 100 kiloton thermonuclear explosion that sent a massive, expanding fireball thousands of feet into the air. Millions of gallons of seawater were vaporized instantly, sending a huge cloud of steaming vapor thirty thousand feet into the air. The mushroom cloud could be seen from fifty miles away, and fishermen on three different vessels reported flash blindness from the explosion.

  All Senior Airman Davey Lopes could say as his monitor tracked the first atmospheric explosion since the Chinese tested one in 1980 was, “Those crazy bastards have actually gone ahead and done it.”

  Upon confirmation of the nuclear event, NORAD immediately increased American defense posture to a DEFCON-Two level, sending all American military commands to their highest alert level just below DEFCON-One which stipulates that a nuclear war is imminent. The entire American military and national security establishment would now be automatically mobilized to prepare for the danger of further nuclear escalation.

  Five minutes after the explosion, media outlets around the world received an official communiqué from the North Korean leader. “The Democratic Peoples of North Korea are elated to show the world and especially the vile Yankee dogs that we will not be cowed into submission by your empty threats. The North Korean people stand ready to rain nuclear fire on the American people and their Japanese lapdogs if their criminal leader Wolfe seeks to threaten the peace-loving people of North Korea. Under the Dear Leader’s awe-inspiring leadership and iron will, the proud people of North Korea have now set an example for the entire world to stand up to the murderous American cowboys and never back down.”

  Washington D.C. (2:55 a.m.)

  Moments after confirmation of the North Korean nuclear explosion, four Secret Service agents crashed into President Wolfe’s bedroom and immediately hit the lights and announced, “Mr. President, sir, we have a situation and need to get you to a secured location. Now, sir!”

  Shocked and dazed at being woken up so abruptly and still feeling the effects of half a bottle of scotch, Wolfe held his hand up to his eyes, struggling to gain focus, and said in an annoyed tone, “Now wait a goddamned minute, what the hell is going on?”

  The senior agent in the room, Henry Culp, added in a short, clipped tone, “Mr. President, we have been alerted by the Pentagon that we are now under a DEFCON-Two protocol. We need to immediately get you to the bunker until we hear further confirmation of the threat.”

  An agent was standing next to the bed holding his robe while another pulled back the covers to help the president to get moving. Another agent quickly gathered clothes and a few personal items, but Wolfe was not budging and asked again, “Are we under attack?”

  Agent Culp shook his head and said, “Mr. President, all we have been told is that there was a nuclear explosion in the middle of the North Pacific and that National Security Advisor Wright has called for an emergency NSC meeting to begin in thirty minutes. The meeting will be held in the bunker rather than the Situation Room for security purposes. Can we get moving, Mr. President?”

  Still feeling fuzzy, but clearly motivated to move, Wolfe came to his feet and held out his arms. His robe was quickly put on and he rapidly exited the room with the four agents leading the way.

  A tense forty minutes later most of the national security cabinet members and military representatives were either present in the room or being live-streamed on several prominent monitors in the room. Vice President Brentwood was notably not present as her Secret Service detail took her and her family to a secure location outside the Washington Metro area. But was able to attend via a secure digital link, and she looked deadly serious on the monitor screen.

  Steaming pots of coffee were laid out, and the White House staff swiftly prepared platters of fresh fruits and sweet pastries to help wake up the attendees. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Samuel Duncan began the briefing and spoke in a grave tone. “Mr. President, Madam Vice President, ladies and gentlemen, here is what we know. At 2:30 a.m. local time, we detected and tracked four ballistic missiles fired from three different locations in North Korea. The first missile was a medium range one and followed the track of numerous other tests. The next two were long-range missiles that landed - very provocatively - one hundred miles from Guam. The last missile was an ICBM that delivered an atmospheric nuclear explosion that our people tell me measured close to one hundred kilotons in the middle of the Bering Sea.”

  General Duncan paused and looked at the mix of faces reacting to his opening words. Most wore a look that was a mix of shock and anxiety, a few gave no reaction at all, but it was the president that drew his attention. He sat in his chair practically seething, so much so that Duncan felt distracted by the intensity of his emotions.

  Continuing, “At this time, every national asset we possess is now geared to identifying any further launchings. Japan and South Korea have been fully cooperating and sharing intel as it is processed. I have already been in contact with my counterpart in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, and they are in effect mobilizing their military as we speak. I have made it clear to refrain from any unilateral actions. Both Chinese and Russian military liaisons have been in contact, and they pledge to share information, but I would not count on anything useful.

  One other thing: we have already sent out a WC-135 plane, a nuclear sniffer, to gather as much intel from the atomic residue, but thankfully there are no reports of any casualties. We suspect that North Korean fishing trawlers who are known to fish in the area probably identified this little-traveled part of the North Pacific for their test.

  As a precaution, I have authorized a dozen Air National Guard fighter squadrons to be mobilized and we will maintain our air defense network on a DEFCON-Two status for the duration of the crisis. The Third Fleet is mobilizing another carrier group, but we may find ourselves short-handed with so many assets currently serving in other active theaters.

  As it stands right now, it is the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s assessment that this was a political act and not an imminent threat or the precursor to a future plan of attack. So, we recommend…”

  Wolfe positively exploded. “NOT A THREAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! These bastards set off a nuke, threaten the American people, and you calmly say it’s just a political act and not to worry? General Duncan, have you lost your damn mind?”

  Shocked at the outburst, General Duncan tried to answer. “Mr. President, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m trying…”

  The president brusquely cut him off ag
ain and said with an edge of disdain in his voice, “You may be willing to live with the threat of that pudgy little bastard holding his nukes over our heads, but I for one refuse to allow him to get away with it. How in the hell can the civilized world sit back and allow lunatics like him to have so much power at their fingertips? No, I won’t have it.”

  Secretary Mahler forcibly interjected, “Mr. President, General Duncan is certainly not suggesting that the North Koreans do not present a threat. However their current force posture does not indicate that we are looking at a possible preemptive launch on the United States or our allies. This is a good thing. We can take a step back, evaluate, and then determine what diplomatic and military options to explore. In fact, I think…”

  An incredulous Wolfe called out, “Diplomatic? Did I really just hear my Secretary of Defense ask me to think about diplomatic options? These fuckers set off a nuke! He is a clear and present danger to the well-being of this nation, and I want options to deal with him.”

  Clearly disturbed by the president’s reaction, Secretary of State Eliot Adelman cleared his throat and interrupted, “Mr. President, the leader of North Korea is a menace, there is no doubt about it, but to ignore diplomatic options would be the height of folly. Now is the time for diplomacy. The Chinese and the Russians have given him protection from the worst sanctions for years but will now have to see that only international cooperation can prevent this madman from starting a nuclear war. Our people at the State Department are already working on…”

  With a look of disgust on his face, the president shook his head emphatically and held up his hands and said, “Let me stop you right there, Elliot. Tell your people that I have this. You want some diplomacy? Well, let’s see if I can give it a whirl.”

  The President whipped out his iPhone, and his thumbs started working the screen feverishly while the rest of the room offered a mix of emotions. Finally looking up, Wolfe announced, “Okay folks let me read to you a fresh post from my official Twitter site.”

  He put on his glasses and read aloud, “It looks like “Little Missile Man” set off a nuke and thinks that he can threaten the American people and get away with it. Just like I told the world that I was declaring a true war on terror, I’m telling the world that you are either with us or against us yet again because “Little Missile Man” and his new toys have got to go and that’s a promise, not an empty threat. I would start digging your bunker deeper little man because you’re going to need it. One more thing: if any of Little Missile Man’s generals want to save us the trouble and shoot the pudgy bastard, we will pay you $25 million and you will have the complete support of the United States.”

  Audible gasps were heard in the room. Baxter Davis tried desperately to hide his true emotions while watching the others react. Secretary Mahler and the generals looked disgusted and mostly shook their heads, but it was Secretary Adelman who reacted most forcefully as he came to his feet and declared, “That was the single most irresponsible act of any president in modern history. How dare you, Mr. President, put the American people – hell, the world! - at risk by directly threatening the North Korean leader. What in God’s name is wrong with you? Seriously, have you lost your mind?”

  National Security Advisor Wright angrily cut in, “Elliot, enough of that talk. The President is within his rights to speak for the United States. Besides, we’re just trying to get his own people to shoot the bastard and force the goddamn Chinese to get off their asses and stop this lunatic.”

  President Wolfe shook his finger side to side and in a very chilling tone said, “Finn, this man needs to be stopped. We dealt with the murderous mullahs in Iran, now I want to deal with the last leg of the Axis of Evil. I always thought that was a stupid name, but if I can take credit for dealing with two-thirds of it, then it works for me.”

  It was his Chief of Staff who tentatively spoke next. Choosing his words carefully Davis said, “Mr. President, what exactly have you decided?”

  Wolfe very dramatically scanned the room until his eyes fell on Secretary Mahler and said, “Jimbo, I want a war plan to take out the North Korean nuclear threat once and for all. Start moving planes and ships to the Pacific, I want to show the world that the American military is ready for a fight. And if the Chiefs feel that conventional arms won’t be enough, then you are hereby authorized to include the preemptive use of nuclear weapons to accomplish this objective. In seventy-two hours, I want to put an end to this threat and protect the American people once and for all from this lunatic. I expect to review your recommendations by three o’clock today.”

  With that said, the president rose from his chair and started to exit the room when Secretary Adelson cried out with great dignity, “Mr. President, I must formally protest this course of action. What you propose could kill millions, perhaps tens of millions.”

  He looked around the room as if beseeching someone to back him and said, “Surely I can’t be the lone voice of sanity here.” He looked towards the monitor of the vice president and with a voice filled with near despair said, “Madam Vice President, you can’t allow this to happen. The President is unwell, please say something.”

  Open mouthed at this turn of events, Vice President Brentwood lightly shook her head, hesitating as if unsure of what exactly to say, but before she could reply Wolfe cut her off. “Don’t worry, Martha, I got this. Elliot, your protest is duly noted for the record, and now I want the record to reflect the following: Elliot, my old friend, you’re fired. If you can’t stand with me and your country when it’s needed most, then it’s time for you to go.”

  Then he turned towards the newly installed Director for Homeland Security, Travis LaHue, and said, “Travis, have your people escort the Secretary out of the building. I want him held for the next seventy-two hours or so. Someplace comfortable Travis, maybe Camp David. Sorry, Elliot, but you left me no other choice. We can’t have the NYT or the Post getting a heads up on our plans and putting the American people at risk. Okay, people, let’s get to it, you all have your marching orders. We reconvene at three today.”

  Chapter Forty Nine

  Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA

  The Raven Rock underground bunker complex was known as the backup Pentagon, site R, and “The Rock” depending on what unit was currently rotating through the Cold War era nuclear war fighting communication site. More than half a million cubic yards of hardened greenstone granite were blasted out in the 1950’s to create this nuclear bunker capable of holding three thousand in an emergency and was now part of the Pentagon’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). The vice president, her family, and several senior staffers were flown from the U.S. Naval Observatory when the Pentagon went to DEFCON-Two.

  Deeply shaken, Vice President Martha Brentwood sat transfixed as the monitor screen went black when the White House shut down communications. As was her custom in moments like this over the years, Martha closed her eyes and said the Lord’s prayer three times. Her Chief of Staff, Mary Jo Cassidy, bowed her head down and mouthed the words, but her head was racing a mile a minute. Did the president really just arrest the Secretary of State?

  Cassidy looked over at her longtime friend and could tell just how shaken she was because the vice president’s lips were still moving in prayer. The small-sized room was predictably dated and far less comfortable than the modern White House bunker. The fading beige colored walls felt like they were closing in until Cassidy couldn’t take it anymore and blurted out, “Martha, come on girl, enough prayers to the Almighty. The American people need you now, so let’s get to it.”

  The two women went all the way back to Braxton Bragg High School in Franklin, Tennessee and no one other than the vice president’s husband could talk so freely…maybe not even him. Mary Jo was two years younger and still head of the Martha Brentwood fan club. She served as secretary on the student council when Martha was president, became a fellow Alpha Pi sorority girl when she followed her to the University of Tennessee, and no one clapped or hooted louder when M
artha won the Miss Tennessee beauty pageant.

  Mary Jo ran Martha’s first political campaign to the Franklin school board, state legislature, Congress, and was now her chief of staff. No one believed in her more or knew her better; warts and all.

  When the vice president didn’t respond, an outwardly tense Mary Jo yelled out again, “Martha Brentwood, we have a crisis on our hands, and you have got to get your britches squared away. Now tell me to my face that the president doesn’t seem to be losing it.”

  Even after being woken in the middle of the night, Martha Brentwood made sure to get herself put together. Hair brushed out and falling just short of her shoulders, lipstick a muted flesh tone and a light coat of makeup neatly applied. Even with her bout of nerves, she still looked like that beauty queen that turned heads forty years ago.

  Letting out a long sigh that seemed to linger in the small conference room, she finally looked at her chief of staff and said, “No need to get snippy Mary Jo, I know how serious things are right now. Lord Almighty, we’re sitting inside some sixty-year-old bunker.”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  Brentwood’s eyes softened a bit and nodded as she replied, “I know what you mean Mary Jo, truly I do. I just can’t believe what I saw with my own eyes. I’m not the biggest fan of that man. You remember the way he talked down to us when we started getting national security briefings before we took office, like we were a couple of country bumpkins. But even still to arrest him just for voicing his opinion is…is…”

  Cassidy interjected, “Scary as hell is what it is, Martha, scary as hell. Who’s next?”


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